面向对象软件构造(第2版)-第5章 接近对象技术 (上)

Extendibility, reusability and reliability, our principal goals, require a set of conditions defined in the preceding chapters. To achieve these conditions, we need a systematic method for decomposing systems into modules.



This chapter presents the basic elements of such a method, based on a simple but far-reaching idea: build every module on the basis of some object type. It explains the idea, develops the rationale for it, and explores some of the immediate consequences.

本章介绍有关这种方法的基本元素,这基于一个简单而深远的思想: 以一些对象类型为基础建立每个模块.本章解释了这个思想,逐步展开其原理,并研究了当前的一些结论.


A word of warning. Given today’s apparent prominence of object technology, some readers might think that the battle has been won and that no further rationale is necessary. This would be a mistake: we need to understand the basis for the method, if only to avoid common misuses and pitfalls. It is in fact frequent to see the word “object-oriented” (like “structured” in an earlier era) used as mere veneer over the most conventional techniques. Only by carefully building the case for object technology can we learn to detect improper uses of the buzzword, and stay away from common mistakes reviewed later in this chapter.

注意.今天的对象技术已经有着显然的地位,一些读者可能认为已经是赢得了竞争, 进一步的理论已经没有必要了.这是一个错误:我们需要理解方法的基本原理只是为了要避免常见的误用和陷阱.事实上频繁地看到面向对象的(object-oriented)这个词(就如早期的"结构化(structured)")仅仅被用于装饰最传统的技术.只有通过使用对象技术仔细地构建案例,我们才能学会发现这些术语的不当使用,并且能够避免常见的错误,这在这章稍后讨论.



5.1 计算的要素


The crucial question in our search for proper software architectures is modularization: what criteria should we use to find the modules of our software?

在我们研究恰当的软件结构中,决定性的问题是模块化: 我们应该使用什么样的标准得到我们的软件模块?


To obtain the proper answer we must first examine the contending candidates.



The basic triangle



Three forces are at play when we use software to perform some computations:




















To execute a software system is to use certain processors to apply certain actions to certain objects.



The processors are the computation devices, physical or virtual, that execute instructions. A processor can be an actual processing unit (the CPU of a computer), a process on a conventional operating system, or a “thread” if the OS is multi-threaded.



The actions are the operations making up the computation. The exact form of the actions that we consider will depend on the level of granularity of our analysis: at the hardware level, actions are machine language operations; at the level of the hardware-software machine, they are instructions of the programming language; at the level of a software system, we can treat each major step of a complex algorithm as a single action.



The objects are the data structures to which the actions apply. Some of these objects, the data structures built by a computation for its own purposes, are internal and exist only while the computation proceeds; others (contained in the files, databases and other persistent repositories) are external and may outlive individual computations.



Processors will become important when we discuss concurrent forms of computation, in which several sub-computations can proceed in parallel; then we will need to consider two or more processors, physical or virtual. But that is the topic of a later chapter; for the moment we can limit our attention to non-concurrent, or sequential computations, relying on a single processor which will remain implicit.

当我们讨论计算过程的并行(concurrent)形式的时候,处理器会变得很重要,一些子计算过程能在其中平行处理;接下来我们将会考虑二个或更多的,物理的或虚拟的处理器.但那是后续章节的主题;此时,要把我们的注意力集中在非并行(non-concurrent),循序计算(sequential computations),它运行在一个保持固定的单一处理器.


This leaves us with actions and objects. The duality between actions and objects — what a system does vs. what it does it to — is a pervasive theme in software engineering.



A note of terminology. Synonyms are available to denote each of the two aspects: the word data will be used here as a synonym for objects; for action the discussion will often follow common practice and talk about the functions of a system.

术语注解.同义字可用来表示二个不同角度的任何一方: 单词data这里会用作objects的同义字;对于action讨论通常按照惯例,同时谈论系统的functions.


The term “function” is not without disadvantages, since software discussions also use it in at least two other meanings: the mathematical sense, and the programming sense of subprogram returning a result. But we can use it without ambiguity in the phrase the functions of a system, which is what we need here.

由于软件讨论过程中使用至少其它的个含,术语function有这样的问题: 数学的意义,带有返回值的子程序的编程意义.但是,这里我们所需要用到的一个短语,一个系统的函数(the functions of a system),却没有什么歧义.


The reason for using this word rather than “action” is the mere grammatical convenience of having an associated adjective, used in the phrase functional decomposition. “Action” has no comparable derivation. Another term whose meaning is equivalent to that of “action” for the purpose of this discussion is operation.

使用这个单词而不用动作的理由仅仅是语法上的便利,它有一个关联的形容词用在短语函数分解(functional decomposition).动作没有相关的词源.在这个讨论中,另外一个意义和动作相同之术语是运算(operation).


Any discussion of software issues must account for both the object and function aspects; so must the design of any software system. But there is one question for which we must choose — the question of this chapter: what is the appropriate criterion for finding the modules of a system? Here we must decide whether modules will be built as units of functional decomposition, or around major types of objects.

软件议题的任何讨论必须对对象及函数两方面进行阐述;任何软件系统的设计也一样. 但是这里有一个我们一定要作出选择的问题,也是本章的问题:什么是决定一个系统模块的适当准则?在这里我们必须决定是否模块作为函数分解的单元而被构建,还是围绕主要的对象类型被构建.


From the answer will follow the difference between the object-oriented approach and other methods. Traditional approaches build each module around some unit of functional decomposition — a certain piece of the action. The object-oriented method, instead, builds each module around some type of objects.



This book, predictably, develops the latter approach. But we should not just embrace O-O decomposition because the title of the book so implies, or because it is the “in” thing to do. The next few sections will carefully examine the arguments that justify using object types as the basis for modularization — starting with an exploration of the merits and limitations of traditional, non-O-O methods. Then we will try to get a clearer understanding of what the word “object” really means for software development, although the full answer, requiring a little theoretical detour, will only emerge in the next chapter.



We will also have to wait until the next chapter for the final settlement of the formidable and ancient fight that provides the theme for the rest of the present discussion: the War of the Objects and the Functions. As we prepare ourselves for a campaign of slander against the functions as a basis for system decomposition, and of corresponding praise for the objects, we must not forget the observation made above: in the end, our solution to the software structuring problem must provide space for both functions and objects — although not necessarily on an equal basis. To discover this new world order, we will need to define the respective roles of its first-class and second-class citizens.

我们也将不得不等待,直到下一章中那强大的和古老的争斗的最终结束:对象和函数之间的战争,这也是当前讨论中其它部分的主题.当我们为自己准备一个对抗的借口来反对以函数作为系统分解的基础,并且对应地赞美对象的时候,我们不能忘记上述的结果: 最终, 我们对软件结构问题的解决方案必须对函数和对象两者都要提供空间-虽然不必相等.为了获得这个新世界的次序,我们将分别定义一等和二等公民的不同角色.



5.2 函数分解


We should first examine the merits and limitations of the traditional approach: using functions as a basis for the architecture of software systems. This will not only lead us to appreciate why we need something else — object technology — but also help us avoid, when we do move into the object world, certain methodological pitfalls such as premature operation ordering, which have been known to fool even experienced O-O developers.






A key element in answering the question “should we structure systems around functions or around data?” is the problem of extendibility, and more precisely the goal called continuity in our earlier discussions. As you will recall, a design method satisfies this criterion if it yields stable architectures, keeping the amount of design change commensurate with the size of the specification change.

"我们应该是围绕函数还是围绕数据来构成系统?",回答这个提问的一个关键元素是扩充性的问题, 在我们先前的讨论中更明确的目标应该是连续性.正如你所知,如果一个设计方法产生稳定的结构并且保持规格变化的大小等同于设计变化的数量,那么它就满足这一个准则.


Continuity is a crucial concern if we consider the real lifecycle of software systems, including not just the production of an acceptable initial version, but a system’s long-term evolution. Most systems undergo numerous changes after their first delivery. Any model of software development that only considers the period leading to that delivery and ignores the subsequent era of change and revision is as remote from real life as those novels which end when the hero marries the heroine — the time which, as everyone knows, marks the beginning of the really interesting part.




To evaluate the quality of an architecture (and of the method that produced it), we should not just consider how easy it was to obtain this architecture initially: it is just as important to ascertain how well the architecture will weather change.



The traditional answer to the question of modularization has been top-down functional decomposition, briefly introduced in an earlier chapter. How well does top-down design respond to the requirements of modularity?



Top-down development



There was a most ingenious architect who had contrived a new method for building houses, by beginning at the roof, and working downwards to the foundation, which he justified to me by the like practice of those two prudent insects, the bee and the spider.

Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels, Part III, A

Voyage to Laputa, etc., Chapter 5.



Jonathan Swift: 格列佛游记, Part III, A

Voyage to Laputa, etc., Chapter 5.


The top-down approach builds a system by stepwise refinement, starting with a definition of its abstract function. You start the process by expressing a topmost statement of this function, such as


“Translate a C program to machine code”



“Process a user command”

and continue with a sequence of refinement steps. Each step must decrease the level of abstraction of the elements obtained; it decomposes every operation into a combination of one or more simpler operations. For example, the next step in the first example (the C compiler) could produce the decomposition


“Read program and produce sequence of tokens”

“Parse sequence of tokens into abstract syntax tree”

“Decorate tree with semantic information”

“Generate code from decorated tree”

or, using an alternative structure (and making the simplifying assumption that a C program is a sequence of function definitions):



“Initialize data structures”


“All function definitions processed”


“Read in next function definition”

“Generate partial code”


“Fill in cross references”

由上而下的方法通过逐步求精法(stepwise refinement)构建一个系统,起始于一个抽象函数的定义.通过表达这个函数的一个最顶层的陈述开始这个过程:


“Translate a C program to machine code”



“Process a user command”

下面是一个连续的细化步骤.每一个步骤必须降低所得元素的抽象层次;把每一个运算分解成一个或多个更简化的运算组合.例如,在第一个例子中(C 编译器)的下一步能产生如下分解


“Read program and produce sequence of tokens”

“Parse sequence of tokens into abstract syntax tree”

“Decorate tree with semantic information”

“Generate code from decorated tree”




“Initialize data structures”


“All function definitions processed”


“Read in next function definition”

“Generate partial code”


“Fill in cross references”


In either case, the developer must at each step examine the remaining incompletely expanded elements (such as “Read program ¼and “All function definitions processed”) and expand them, using the same refinement process, until everything is at a level of abstraction low enough to allow direct implementation.

在任一情况,开发者必须在每个步骤中检查所得到的并没完全扩展的(“Read program ¼“All function definitions processed”),同时使用相同的细化过程展它,直到每个元素抽象层次上足够到能允许其直接实现.


We may picture the process of top-down refinement as the development of a tree. Nodes represent elements of the decomposition; branches show the relation “B is part of the refinement of A”.




The top-down approach has a number of advantages. It is a logical, well-organized thought discipline; it can be taught effectively; it encourages orderly development of systems; it helps the designer find a way through the apparent complexity that systems often present at the initial stages of their design.



The top-down approach can indeed be useful for developing individual algorithms. But it also suffers from limitations that make it questionable as a tool for the design of entire systems:



• The very idea of characterizing a system by just one function is subject to doubt.



By using as a basis for modular decomposition the properties that tend to change the most, the method fails to account for the evolutionary nature of software systems.



Not just one function



In the evolution of a system, what may originally have been perceived as the system’s main function may become less important over time.



Consider a typical payroll system. When stating his initial requirement, the customer may have envisioned just what the name suggests: a system to produce paychecks from the appropriate data. His view of the system, implicit or explicit, may have been a more ambitious version of this:



The system takes some inputs (such as record of hours worked and employee information) and produces some outputs (paychecks and so on). This is a simple enough functional specification, in the strict sense of the word functional: it defines the program as a mechanism to perform one function — pay the employees. The top-down functional method is meant precisely for such well-defined problems, where the task is to perform a single function — the “top” of the system to be built.

系统使用一些输入(如按小时的工作记录和职员信息)并产生一些输出(工资单等等). 在单词functional的严格的含义中,这是一个简单充分的函数规格: 它以一种细述程序的方法来完成一个支付员工薪水的函数.对这种定义明确的问题而言,由上而下的函数分解方法意味着精确性,这里的任务是要完成一个单一的函数―构建系统的顶端.


Assume, however, that the development of our payroll program is a success: the program does the requisite job. Most likely, the development will not stop there. Good systems have the detestable habit of giving their users plenty of ideas about all the other things they could do. As the system’s developer, you may initially have been told that all you had to do was to generate paychecks and a few auxiliary outputs. But now the requests for extensions start landing on your desk: Could the program gather some statistics on the side? I did tell you that next quarter we are going to start paying some employees monthly and others biweekly, did I not? And, by the way, I need a summary every month for management, and one every quarter for the shareholders. The accountants want their own output for tax preparation purposes. Also, you are keeping all this salary information, right? It would be really nifty to let Personnel access it interactively. I cannot imagine why that would be a difficult functionality to add.

然而,假定我们薪资程序的开发是成功的: 程序各尽其职.但最有可能的是开发并没有就此结束.优秀的系统带给用户可恶的习惯,又让他们产生了许多额外工作的想法.身为系统的开发者,您最初可能已经被告之您必须做的全部工作就是要生成工资单和一些附加的输出.但是现在在您的书桌上开始摆放着扩充的需求了:程序可以采集另外的一些统计数据吗?我得告诉您下个季度我们开始支付一些职员月薪而其他的是双周薪,可以吗?并且,顺便提一下,我需要为管理层提供月报表,并为股东提供季报.为纳税准备的会计需要他们自己的输出格式.您也能保存全部的薪水信息,对吗? 让员工交互地使用软件将会是真正的好主意,我不能够想象为什么那个功能加上去会很困难.


This phenomenon of having to add unanticipated functions to successful systems occurs in all application areas. A nuclear code that initially just applied some algorithm to produce tables of numbers from batch input will be extended to handle graphical input and output or to maintain a database of previous results. A compiler that just translated valid source into object code will after a while double up as a syntax verifier, a static analyzer, a pretty-printer, even a programming environment.



This change process is often incremental. The new requirements evolve from the initial ones in a continuous way. The new system is still, in many respects, “the same system” as the old one: still a payroll system, a nuclear code, a compiler. But the original “main function”, which may have seemed so important at first, often becomes just one of many functions; sometimes, it just vanishes, having outlived its usefulness.



If analysis and design have used a decomposition method based on the function, the system structure will follow from the designers’ original understanding of the system’s main function. As the system evolves, the designers may feel sorry (or its maintainers, if different people, may feel angry) about that original assessment. Each addition of a new function, however incremental it seems to the customer, risks invalidating the entire structure.



It is crucial to find, as a criterion for decomposition, properties less volatile than the system’s main function.



Finding the top



Top-down methods assume that every system is characterized, at the most abstract level, by its main function. Although it is indeed easy to specify textbook examples of algorithmic problems — the Tower of Hanoi, the Eight Queens and the like — through their functional “tops”, a more useful description of practical software systems considers each of them as offering a number of services. Defining such a system by a single function is usually possible, but yields a rather artificial view.



Take an operating system. It is best understood as a system that provides certain services: allocating CPU time, managing memory, handling input and output devices, decoding and carrying out users’ commands. The modules of a well-structured OS will tend to organize themselves around these groups of functions. But this is not the architecture that you will get from top-down functional decomposition; the method forces you, as the designer, to answer the artificial question “what is the topmost function?”, and then to use the successive refinements of the answer as a basis for the structure. If hard pressed you could probably come up with an initial answer of the form

“Process all user requests”

which you could then refine into something like




halted or crashed


“Read in a user’s request and put it into input queue”

“Get a request r from input queue”

“Process r

“Put result into output queue”

“Get a result o from output queue”

“Output o to its recipient”


就拿一个操作系统来说.最能想到的是系统提供的下列服务:分派处理器时间,管理内存,操作输入和输出设备,解码和执行用户的指令.一个具有优良结构的操作系统的模块将会倾向于在这些功能群体的周围组织它们自己.但是,您并不能从由上而下的函数分解中获得这样的架构;作为设计者,此方法强迫您回答虚伪的问题最顶端的函数是什么?,然后将答案连续细化作为一种结构的基础.如果在巨大的压力下,您可能会提出“Process all user requests”形式的一个起始回答,接着您能细化成下列这样:




halted or crashed


“Read in a user’s request and put it into input queue”

“Get a request r from input queue”

“Process r

“Put result into output queue”

“Get a result o from output queue”

“Output o to its recipient”



Refinements can go on. From such premises, however, it is unlikely that anyone can ever develop a reasonably structured operating system.



Even systems which may at first seem to belong to the “one input, one abstract function, one output” category reveal, on closer examination, a more diverse picture. Consider the earlier example of a compiler. Reduced to its bare essentials, or to the view of older textbooks, a compiler is the implementation of one input-to-output function: transforming source text in some programming language into machine code for a certain platform. But that is not a sufficient view of a modern compiler. Among its many services, a compiler will perform error detection, program formatting, some configuration management, logging, report generation.

更甚至,在进一步的检验中,起先看上去属于一个输入,一个抽象函数,一个输出 之类的系统,却显示了一个完全不同的景象.考虑先前的编译器例子.拨开外表看本质,或究其根源,一个编译器是一个输入到输出功能的实现: 把一些程序语言的源代码转换成某个平台的机器码.但在现代的编译器观点中这并不充份.在众多的服务之中,一个编译器要完成错误诊测,程序格式化,一些配置管理,记录日志,生成报表.


Another example is a typesetting program, taking input in some text processing format — TEX, Microsoft Word, FrameMaker ¼ — and generating output in HTML, Postscript or Adobe Acrobat format. Again we may view it at first as just an input-to-output filter. But most likely it will perform a number of other services as well, so it seems more interesting, when we are trying to characterize the system in the most general way, to consider the various types of data it manipulates: documents, chapters, sections, paragraphs, lines, words, characters, fonts, running heads, titles, figures and others.

另外的一个例子是个排版程序,输入一些文字处理格式-TEX,Microsoft Word, FrameMaker同时产生HTML,Postscript或Adobe Acrobat格式的输出.开始我们可以再次把它看成是一个输入输出过滤器.但是很有可能它也完成了众多的其它服务, 因此,当我们试图用通常的方法来刻画系统特点的时候,会考虑它操纵的各种不同的数据类型:文件,章节,段落,小节,一行,单词,字符,字体,页头,标题,插图和其它,这看上去更加有趣.


The seemingly obvious starting point of top-down design — the view that each new development fulfills a request for a specific function — is subject to doubt:


Real systems have no top.






Functions and evolution



Not only is the main function often not the best criterion to characterize a system initially: it may also, as the system evolves, be among the first properties to change, forcing the top-down designer into frequent redesign and defeating our attempts to satisfy the continuity requirement.



Consider the example of a program that has two versions, a “batch” one which handles every session as a single big run over the problem, and an interactive one in which a session is a sequence of transactions, with a much finer grain of user-system communication. This is typical of large scientific programs, which often have a “let it run a big chunk of computation for the whole night” version and a “let me try out a few things and see the results at once then continue with something else” version.



The top-down refinement of the batch version might begin as



[B0] -- Top-level abstraction

“Solve a complete instance of the problem”

[B1] -- First refinement

“Read input values”

“Compute results”

“Output results”


and so on. The top-down development of the interactive version, for its part, could proceed in the following style:



“Process one transaction”


if  “New information provided by the user” then

“Input information”

“Store it”

elseif  “Request for information previously given” then

“Retrieve requested information”

“Output it”

elseif  “Request for result” then

if “Necessary information available” then

“Retrieve requested result”

“Output it”


“Ask for confirmation of the request”

if Yes then

“Obtain required information”

“Compute requested result”

“Output result”






Started this way, the development will yield an entirely different result. The top-down approach fails to account for the property that the final programs are but two different versions of the same software system — whether they are developed concurrently or one has evolved from the other.



This example brings to light two of the most unpleasant consequences of the top-down approach: its focus on the external interface (implying here an early choice between batch and interactive) and its premature binding of temporal relations (the order in which actions will be executed).



Interfaces and software design



System architecture should be based on substance, not form. But top-down development tends to use the most superficial aspect of the system — its external interface — as a basis for its structure.



The focus on external interfaces is inevitable in a method that asks “What will the system do for the end user?” as the key question: the answer will tend to emphasize the most external aspects.

在一个把系统将会为最终用户做什么?作为关键问题的方法中,焦点集中在外部接口上是不可避免的: 答案倾向于强调最外部的方面.


The user interface is only one of the components of a system. Often, it is also among the most volatile, if only because of the difficulty of getting it right the first time; initial versions may be of the mark, requiring experimentation and user feedback to obtain a satisfactory solution. A healthy design method will try to separate the interface from the rest of the system, using more stable properties as the basis for system structuring.

用户接口只是系统的组件之一.如果只因为开始时理解有困难,那么它也常常是最不稳定的因素之一;初始版本可能是样品,需要实验和用户反馈以获得满意的解决方案. 一个健壮的设计方法会设法把接口与系统的其余部分分开,使用更加稳定的属性作为系统结构的基础.


It is in fact often possible to build the interface separately from the rest of the system, using one of the many tools available nowadays to produce elegant and user-friendly interfaces, often based on object-oriented techniques. The user interface then becomes almost irrelevant to the overall system design.



Premature ordering



The preceding examples illustrate another drawback of top-down functional decomposition: premature emphasis on temporal constraints. Each refinement expands a piece of the abstract structure into a more detailed control architecture, specifying the order in which various functions (various pieces of the action) will be executed. Such ordering constraints become essential properties of the system architecture; but they too are subject to change.

先前的例子说明了由上而下的函数分解中的另外一个缺点:过早的强调了时间约束. 每个细化从一小块抽象结构扩展到一个较为详细的控制结构,同时指定了各种不同的函数(各种不同的动作)将会执行的顺序.这样的次序约束形成了系统架构的基本属性;但是它们也受制于变化.


Recall the two alternative candidate structures for the first refinement of a compiler:




“Read program and produce sequence of tokens”

“Parse sequence of tokens into abstract syntax tree”

“Decorate tree with semantic information”

“Generate code from decorated tree”



“Initialize data structures”


“All function definitions processed”


“Read in next function definition”

“Generate partial code”


“Fill in cross references”


As in the preceding example we start with two completely different architectures. Each is defined by a control structure (a sequence of instructions in the first case, a loop followed by an instruction in the second), implying strict ordering constraints between the elements of the structure. But freezing such ordering relations at the earliest stages of design is not reasonable. Issues such as the number of passes in a compiler and the sequencing of various activities (lexical analysis, parsing, semantic processing, optimization) have many possible solutions, which the designers must devise by considering space-time tradeoffs and other criteria which they do not necessarily master at the beginning of a project. They can perform fruitful design and implementation work on the components long before freezing their temporal ordering, and will want to retain this sequencing freedom for as long as possible. Top-down functional design does not provide such flexibility: you must specify the order of executing operations before you have had a chance to understand properly what these operations will do.

在刚才的例子中我们以二个完全地不同的架构开始.每个都被控制结构(在第一种情况中是一个顺序的指令,第二种情况中是一个循环指令)所定义,在结构元素之间包含着严格的次序约束.但在早期的设计阶段就固定这样的次序关系是不太合理的. 诸如一个编译器的路径数目和各种不同动作(词汇分析,解析,语义处理,最佳化)的顺序性,这样的议题有着许多可能的解决方案,设计者必须通过考虑时间空间的折衷和其它的标准来设计这些方案,在项目的早期阶段不必掌握这些折衷和标准.在冻结它们的时序(temporal ordering)之前,设计者能够在组件的基础上完成卓有成效的设计和实现工作,并将会尽可能长的保持这个次序自由.由上而下的函数设计不能提供如此的灵活性:在你有机会正确理解这些运算动作之前,你必须指定执行运算的顺序.


Some design methods that attempt to correct some of the deficiencies of functional top-down design also suffer from this premature binding of temporal relationships. This is the case, among others, with the dataflow-directed method known as structured analysis and with Merise (a method popular in some European countries).



Object-oriented development, for its part, stays away from premature ordering. The designer studies the various operations applicable to a certain kind of data, and specifies the effect of each, but defers for as long as possible specifying the operations’ order of execution. This may be called the shopping list approach: list needed operations — all the operations that you may need; ignore their ordering constraints until as late as possible in the software construction process. The result is much more extendible architectures.

在这些当中,面向对象的开发避免了早期顺序.设计者考虑各种不同的运算应用在一个特定的数据类型上,并详细说明每一种运算的效果,但是尽可能迟的描述运算的执行顺序.这可以称之为购物清单(shopping list)方式: 列出了你可能需要所有运算;在软件构造过程中,尽可能迟的考虑其次序约束.这样的结果将是个更易于扩充的架构.


Ordering and O-O development



The observations on the risks of premature ordering deserve a little more amplification because even object-oriented designers are not immune. The shopping list approach is one of the least understood parts of the method and it is not infrequent to see O-O projects fall into the old trap, with damaging effects on quality. This can result in particular from misuse of the use case idea, which we will encounter in the study of O-O methodology.

即使面向对象的设计者也不是不受影响的,所以在早期次序的风险方面的调查有着一点点的夸大.购物清单方式是方法中最难理解的部份之一,而且它常常使OO项目陷入原来问题的沼泽之中,同时破坏了在品质上所作的努力.特别的,从用例(use case)的概念上误用就能看到这种现象,我们将会在OO方法学的研究中遇到用例.


The problem is that the order of operations may seem so obvious a property of a system that it will weasel itself into the earliest stages of its design, with dire consequences if it later turns out to be not so final after all. The alternative technique (under the “shopping list” approach), perhaps less natural at first but much more flexible, uses logical rather than temporal constraints. It relies on the assertion concept developed later in this book; we can get the basic idea now through a simple non-software example.



Consider the problem of buying a house, reduced (as a gross first approximation) to three operations: finding a house that suits you; getting a loan; signing the contract. With a method focusing on ordering we will describe the design as a simple sequence of steps:












In the shopping list approach of O-O development we will initially refuse to attach too much importance to this ordering property. But of course constraints exist between the operations: you cannot sign a contract unless (let us just avoid saying until for the time being!) you have a desired house and a loan. We can express these constraints in logical rather than temporal form:

在OO开发的购物清单方式中,我们最初会拒绝在次序属性上附加太多的重要东西. 当然在操作中约束依然存在: 你不能够签署一份契约除非(unless,让我们暂时避免说until!)你有一个渴望得到的房子和一份贷款.我们能表达这些约束在逻辑上的而非时间上的形式:










property_found and loan_approved


The notation will only be introduced formally in chapter 11, but it should be clear enough here: require states a precondition, a logical property that an operation requires for its execution; and ensure states a postcondition, a logical property that will follow from an operation’s execution. We have expressed that each of the first two operations achieves a certain property, and that the last operation requires both of these properties.

这些符号将会在第11章中被正式地介绍,但是这里表达应该足够清楚了: require声明一个前置条件,一个运算为自己的执行所需要的逻辑属性; ensure声明了一个后置条件,一个将从运算执行中所得出的逻辑属性.我们已经描绘了这些运算,头两个运算中的每一个都完成一个特定的属性,最后一个运算需要这两个属性.


Why is the logical form of stating the constraints, H'1, better than the temporal form, H1? The answer is clear: H'1 expresses the minimum requirements, avoiding the overspecification of H1. And indeed H1 is too strong, as it rules out the scheme in which you get the loan first and then worry about the property — not at all absurd for a particular buyer whose main problem is financing. Another buyer might prefer the reverse order; we should support both schemes as long as they observe the logical constraint.

为什么约束声明的逻辑形式H'1,胜于时间形式H1?答案很清楚: H'1表达了最小量的需求,避免了H1的过度规格.并且,H1的确过于强大,因为它脱离了计划,既您先获得了贷款然后再关心房子-对于一个主要问题是融资的特别买主一点也不荒谬.另外的一个买主可能更喜欢倒序;只要他们遵从逻辑的约束,我们就应该支持这两种方案.


Now imagine that we turn this example into a realistic model of the process with the many tasks involved — title search, termite inspection, pre-qualifying for the loan, finding a real estate agent, selling your previous house if applicable, inviting your friends to the house-warming party¼ It may be possible to express the ordering constraints, but the result will be complicated and probably fragile (you may have to reconsider everything if you later include another task). The logical constraint approach scales up much more smoothly; each operation simply states what it needs and what it guarantees, all in terms of abstract properties.



These observations are particularly important for the would-be object designer, who may still be influenced by functional ideas, and might be tempted to rely on early identification of system usage scenarios (“use cases”) as a basis for analysis. This is incompatible with object-oriented principles, and often leads to top-down functional decomposition of the purest form — even when the team members are convinced that they are using an object-oriented method.



We will examine, in our study of O-O methodological principles, what role can be found for use cases in object-oriented software construction.






After this short advance incursion into the fringes of object territory, let us resume our analysis of the top-down method, considering it this time in relation to one of our principal goals, reusability.



Working top-down means that you develop software elements in response to particular subspecifications encountered in the tree-like development of a system. At a given point of the development, corresponding to the refinement of a certain node, you will detect the need for a specific function — such as analyzing an input command line — and write down its specification, which you or someone else will then implement.





The figure, which shows part of a top-down refinement tree, illustrates this property: C2 is written to satisfy some sub-requirement of C; but the characteristics of C2 are entirely determined by its immediate context — the needs of C. For example, C could be a module in charge of analyzing some user input, and C2 could be the module in charge of analyzing one line (part of a longer input).

这个图形,显示了一个由上而下的细化树的一部份,它阐明了这个属性: 编写C2用来满足C的一些子需求;但是C2的特征完全取决于临近的环境-C的需求.例如,C可能是一个负责分析一些用户输入的模块,那么C2可能是负责分析其中一行(长输入的一部份)的模块.


This approach is good at ensuring that the design will meet the initial specification, but it does not promote reusability. Modules are developed in response to specific subproblems, and tend to be no more general than implied by their immediate context. Here if C is meant for input texts of a specific kind, it is unlikely that C2, which analyzes one line of those texts, will be applicable to any other kind of input.



One can in principle include the concern for extendibility and generality in a top-down design process, and encourage developers to write modules that transcend the immediate needs which led to their development. But nothing in the method encourages generalization, and in practice it tends to produce modules with narrow specifications.



The very notion of top-down design suggests the reverse of reusability. Designing for reusability means building components that are as general as possible, then combining them into systems. This is a bottom-up process, at the opposite of the top-down idea of starting with the definition of “the problem” and deriving a solution through successive refinements.



This discussion makes top-down design appear as a byproduct of what we can call the project culture in software engineering: the view that the unit of discourse is the individual project, independently of earlier and later projects. The reality is less simple: project n in a company is usually a variation on project n – 1, and a preview of project n + 1. By focusing on just one project, top-down design ignores this property of practical software construction.

这个讨论使得由上而下的设计看起来就像是在软件工程中称为项目文化(project culture)的一个副产品: 认为会话单元是单独的项目,独立于之前和之后的项目.事实却不那么简单: 一家公司的项目n通常是在项目n–1上的一种变化,并且是项目n+1的一个预演.由于只着眼于一个项目上,由上而下的设计忽略了实际软件构造中的这个属性.


Production and description



One of the reasons for the original attraction of top-down ideas is that a top-down style may be convenient to explain a design once it is in place. But what is good to document an existing design is not necessarily the best way to produce designs. This point was eloquently argued by Michael Jackson in System Development:

由上而下的思想最初吸引人的理由之一是,在适当的情况下,由上而下的风格可以方便地说明一个设计.但是用之描述一个已存在的方法,并不证明也能用之产生设计.这点被Michael Jackson系统开发中强有力地指出了:


Top-down is a reasonable way of describing things which are already fully understood... But top-down is not a reasonable way of developing, designing, or discovering anything. There is a close parallel with mathematics. A mathematical textbook describes a branch of mathematics in a logical order: each theorem stated and proved is used in the proofs of subsequent theorems. But the theorems were not developed or discovered in this way, or in this order...

由上而下是描述一个已经是完全了解的事物的合理方法 但是它并不是开发,设计,或研究一切事务之合理方法.在数学上有一个相似的说法.一本数学的教科书以一个逻辑的顺序描述一个数学分支: 每个被证明过的定理可被用于证明后来的定理.但是定理并不是以这样的方式或顺序被证明和发现的


When the developer of a system, or of a program, already has a clear idea of the completed result in his mind, he can use top-down to describe on paper what is in his head. This is why people can believe that they are performing top-down design or development, and doing so successfully: they confuse the method of description with the method of development... When the top-down phase begins, the problem is already solved, and only details remain to be solved.

一个系统的或程序的开发者,当在他的头脑中对完整的结果已经有一个清楚的认识时,他能使用由上而下的方式书面地描述出他的思维.这正是人们为什么能相信他们一直在进行由上而下的设计或开发,而且做如此的成功: 他们把描述的方法和开发的方法弄混了当由上而下的阶段开始的时候,问题其实已经被解决了,只剩下了细节.


Top-down design: an assessment



This discussion of top-down functional design shows the method to be poorly adapted to the development of significant systems. It remains a useful paradigm for small programs and individual algorithms; it is certainly a helpful technique to describe well-understood algorithms, especially in programming courses. But it does not scale up to large practical software. By developing a system top-down you trade short-term convenience for long-term inflexibility; you unduly privilege one function over the others; you may be led to devoting your attention to interface characteristics at the expense of more fundamental properties; you lose sight of the data aspect; and you risk sacrificing reusability.



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