Oracle Golden Gate 系列二 -- GG 的系统需求

一. Memory requirements

The amount ofmemory that is required for Oracle GoldenGate depends on the number of concurrentprocesses that will be running. At minimum on thesource system, there is a primary Extract process that captures sourcedata and a secondary Extract data-pump process that transfers data across thenetwork. At minimum on the target system is at leastone Replicat process that applies the replicated data to the target database.In some cases, these processes might all operate on the same system, dependingon the required configuration.

--并发进程的数据量决定GG内存的大小,在source system端,最少需要一个Extract 进程和一个data-pump进程,在target system 端, 至少需要一个replicat 进程。


(1)The OracleGoldenGate GGSCI command interface fully supports up to 300 concurrent Extractand Replicat processes per instance of Oracle GoldenGate. An instance of OracleGoldenGate equates to one Manager process, which is the main controller process.

-- 在每个GG instance 上,GGSCI 命令结构最多支持300个Extract和 replicat 并发进程,每个GG instance 需要一个Manager 进程。

(2)Each Extractand Replicat process needs approximately 25-55 MB of memory, or more dependingon the size of the transactions and the number of concurrent transactions.

--每个Extract 和 Replicat 进程大概需要25-55M的内存,根据的要根据事务的数量和事务的并发量决定。


The actual amount of physical memory that is used by any Oracle GoldenGate process is controlledby the operating system, not the Oracle GoldenGate program. The Oracle GoldenGatecache manager takes advantage of the memory management functions of the operatingsystem to ensure that Oracle GoldenGate processes work in a sustained and efficientmanner.

       --GG 实际使用的物理内存量是由操作系统控制的,GG的cache manager 利用操作系统的memory managementfunctions 来保证GG 以持续和有效的方式来运行。


Within its cache, it makes use of modernvirtual memory techniques by:

--GG 的cachemanager 利用virtual memory 技术:

(1)Allocatingand managing active buffers efficiently.

(2)Recycling oldbuffers instead of paging to disk, when possible.

(3)Pagingless-used information to disk, when necessary.


The cachemanager keeps an Oracle GoldenGate process working within the soft limit of itsglobal cache size, only allocating virtual memory (not physical memory) on demand.System calls to increase the cache size are made only as a last resort and,when used, are always followed by the release of virtual memory back to thesystem.

       --Cache manager 保持GG 进程在global cache 的大小内工作,在需要时仅分配virtualmemory,操作完会,会释放virtual memory。 只有在不得已的情况下,才会增加cache size。


The system musthave sufficient swap space for each Oracle GoldenGate Extract and Replicat processthat will be running.

--系统必须要有足够的swap space 来支撑GG Extract 和Replicat 进程的运行。


To determine the required swap space:

--通过一下的方法来确定需要swap space 的大小:

(1) Start up oneExtract or Replicat.

(2) Run GGSCI.

(3) View thereport file and find the line PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min).

(4) Round up thevalue to the next full gigabyte if needed. For example, round up 1.76GB to 2GB.

(5) Multiplythat value by the number of Extract and Replicat processes that will be running.The result is the maximum amount of swap space that could be required. To determinethe number of processes you will need, consult the configuration chapters in theOracle GoldenGate Windows and UNIX Administrator’s Guide.



二.Disk requirements

Assign the following free disk space:

(1) 50-150 MB,depending on the database and platform. This includes space for the compresseddownload file and space for the uncompressed files. You can delete the downloadfile after the installation is complete.

--GG 软件需要的空间大小

(2)40 MB for theworking directories and binaries for each instance of Oracle GoldenGate thatyou are installing on the system. For example, to install two builds of Oracle GoldenGateinto two separate directories, allocate 80 MB of space.

--每个GG instance 的working directories 和binaries 是40M。

(3)To installOracle GoldenGate into a cluster environment, install the Oracle GoldenGatebinaries and files on a shared file system that is available to all cluster nodes.

--如果是集群环境上部署GG,GG binaries 和 files 需要放在共享文件系统上。

(4)An additional1 GB of disk space on any system that hosts Oracle GoldenGate trails, which arefiles that contain the working data. You may need more or less than this amount,because the space that is consumed by the trails depends on the volume of datathat will be processed. Start with 1 GB and adjust as needed. See also the followingguidelines.

--至少1G的空间来存放trails 文件


三.Storagefor Oracle GoldenGate trails

To prevent trailactivity from interfering with business applications, assign a separate disk orfile system to contain the trail files. These files are created duringprocessing to store all of the data that is captured by Oracle GoldenGate. The default size is 10 megabytes, but can be changed duringthe configuration process. Trail files accumulate but can be purged accordingto rules set with the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter.

--为了避免trail 被其他的应用干扰,最好分配独立的disk 或者 filesystem 来存放trail 文件。 Trail file 里保存的是GG capture 的data。 Trail file 默认大小是10M,该大小可以进行配置,trail files 是类型型的,其保留策略可以通过PURGEOLDEXTRACTS 参数控制。


Trail files canreside on drives that are local to the Oracle GoldenGate installation, or they canreside on NAS or SAN devices. You will specify the location of the trails whenyou configure Oracle GoldenGate.

--trail files 可以保留在本地磁盘或者NAS/SAN 设备上,具体在安装GG时可以配置。


For trails that are stored at the source location, there should be enough space to handle data accumulation should thenetwork connection fail. In a typical configuration, a secondary Extractprocess (known as a data pump) sends data from a local trail over the network,and it will fail when the network does.

However, theprimary Extract that reads the transaction logs and writes to the local trailwill continue to do so. This Extract should not be stopped during a failure;otherwise, transaction data might be missed if the transaction logs recycle orget removed from the system before the data is completely captured. There mustbe enough disk space to hold the data accumulation.

--在一个典型的GG 配置,source 会有Extract 和data-pump进程,如果trails 存储在source 本地,当网络出现故障,data-pump 进程会失败,但extract 进程还会继续工作,这样trails 文件会越来越大, 必须要有足够的空间来存放trails。


For trails atthe target location, provide enough disk space to handle data accumulation accordingto the purge rules set with the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter. Even with PURGEOLDEXTRACTSin use, data will always accumulate on the target because it is transferredacross the network faster than it can be applied to the target database.

       --如果trails 放在target 端,那么需要根据PURGEOLDEXTRACTS参数来决定所需要的磁盘空间。


To estimate requiredtrail space:

--估算trailspace 方法:

1. Estimate thelongest time that the network could be unavailable. Plan to store enough datato withstand the longest possible outage, because otherwise you will need to resynchronizethe source and target data if the outage outlasts disk capacity.


2. Estimate howmuch transaction log volume your business applications generate in one hour.


3. Use thefollowing formula to calculate the required disk space.

trail disk space=[logvolume in one hour] x [number of hours downtime] x 0.4


This equationuses a multiplier of 40 percent because only about 40 percent of the data in atransaction log is needed by Oracle GoldenGate.

--注意这里乘以了40%,因为GG 只需要大概40%的事务log。



This formula isa conservative estimate, and you should run tests once you have configuredOracle GoldenGate to determine exactly how much space you need.



四.Temporarydisk requirements

By default,Oracle GoldenGate maintains data that it swaps to disk in the dirtmp subdirectoryof the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. The cache manager assumes thatall of the free space on the file system is available. You can assign adirectory by using the CACHEDIRECTORY option of the CACHEMGR parameter.

--默认情况下,GG 的maintains data 会放在GG 安装目录的dirtmp子目录下,可以使用CACHEMGR的CACHEDIRECTORY来进行修改。


五.OracleRAC requirements

To installOracle GoldenGate in an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) environment, installOracle GoldenGate on the shared drive(s) that are accessed by the RAC nodes.This allows you to start the Oracle GoldenGate processes from any of the nodes.If the node where the processes are running fails, you can start them onanother node without modifying parameter files, because the processingcheckpoints are preserved in the installation directory.

--对于RAC 集群,GG 需要安装在共享设备里,这样可以从任何一个节点启动,而且当在一个节点上运行失败时,可以从其他的节点启动,并不需要修改配置。


六. Network

1. Configure the system to use TCP/IPservices, including DNS.

2. Configure the network with the hostnames or IP addresses of all systems that will be hosting Oracle GoldenGateprocesses and to which Oracle GoldenGate will be connecting. Host names areeasier to use.

3. Oracle GoldenGate requires the followingunreserved and unrestricted TCP/IP ports:

(1) One port forcommunication between the Manager process and other Oracle GoldenGateprocesses.

(2)A range ofports for local Oracle GoldenGate communications: can be the default rangestarting at port 7840 or a customized range of up to 256 other ports.

--GG 的端口,默认从7840开始

4. Keep a record of the ports that youassigned to Oracle GoldenGate. You will specify them with parameters whenconfiguring the Manager process.

5. Configure your firewalls to acceptconnections through the Oracle GoldenGate ports.


七. Operating system privileges

1. To install onWindows, the person who installs Oracle GoldenGate must log in as Administrator.

2. To install onUNIX, the person who installs Oracle GoldenGate must have read and writeprivileges on the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory.

3. The OracleGoldenGate Extract, Replicat, and Manager processes must operate as an operatingsystem user that has privileges to read, write, and delete files and subdirectoriesin the Oracle GoldenGate directory. In addition, the Manager process requiresprivileges to control the other Oracle GoldenGate processes.

4. The Extractprocess must operate as an operating system user that has read access to thetransaction log files, both online and archived. On UNIX systems, that usermust be a member of the group that owns the Oracle instance. If you install theManager process as a Windows service during the installation steps in thisdocumentation, you must install as Administrator for the correct permissions tobe assigned. If you cannot install Manager as a service, assign read access tothe Extract process manually, and then always run Manager and Extract asAdministrator.

5. Dedicate theExtract, Replicat, and Manager operating system users to Oracle GoldenGate.Sensitive information might be available to anyone who runs an Oracle GoldenGateprocess, depending on how database authentication is configured.


八.Itanium requirements

To installOracle GoldenGate on a Microsoft Itanium system, the vcredist_IA64.exe runtime librarypackage must be installed. You can download this package from the Microsoft website.This package includes VisualStudio DLLs necessary for Oracle GoldenGate to operateon the Itanium platform. If these libraries are not installed, OracleGoldenGate generates the following error.

“The application failed to initializeproperly (0xc0150002). Click on Ok to terminate the application.

--在安腾的windows的系统上运行GG,必须要先安装vcredist_IA64.exe包。如果没有安装,会报错。 不过Oracle 12c 已经不在支持Itanium CPU,所以这块了解一下就ok了。


九.Other programs

1. Beforeinstalling Oracle GoldenGate on a Windows system, install and configure the MicrosoftVisual C ++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package. Make certain it is the SP1 versionof this package, and make certain to get the correct bit version for yourserver. This package installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries. For moreinformation, and to download this package, go to

--在Windows 上安装GG,需要先安装MicrosoftVisual C ++ 2005 SP1包。


2. Oracle GoldenGate fully supports virtual machine environmentscreated with any virtualization software on any platform. When installingOracle GoldenGate into a virtual machine environment, select a build thatmatches the database and the operating system of the virtual machine, not thehost system. For example, on a Windows system with a RHAS 4.0 virtual machinerunning Oracle11g, you would install the RHAS 4.0 build for Oracle 11g, just asyou would on an actual Linux machine.

--GG 支持虚拟机环境。


十. Database configuration

1. To run OracleGoldenGate for multiple Oracle instances on a Windows system, you must installan instance of Oracle GoldenGate for each one

2. On 64-bit SunSolaris, HP Tru64 (OSF/1), and LINUX machines with 32-bit Oracle databases,Oracle GoldenGate requires LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the 32-bit Oracle libraries.You will be instructed to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the installation instructions inthis manual.

--在Linux 32bit等系统上运行GG,需要指定LD_LIBRARY_PATH,其要包含32bit的oraclelibraries。

3. If thedatabase is Oracle 10g or later and configured to use a Bequeath connection,the sqlnet.ora file must contain the bequeath_detach=true setting.

--如果是Oracle 10g以后的版本,必须要在sqlnet.ora 中设置bequeath_detach=true,以使用Bequeath connection

4. To supportthe default RMAN log retention feature on Oracle RAC, you must download andinstall the database patch that is provided in BUGFIX 11879974 before you add theExtract groups.

5. Additionaldatabase configuration requirements are explained elsewhere in this manual.


十一. Database client

The full Oracle client must be used with Oracle GoldenGate so that the Oracle GoldenGate programshave access to the Oracle XDK libraries. Do not use Oracle Instant Client,which lacks those libraries. You can download the full client from the Oraclewebsite.


十二. Database user for Oracle GoldenGateprocesses

1. Create adatabase user that is dedicated to Oracle GoldenGate. It can be the same user forall of the Oracle GoldenGate processes that must connect to a database:

(1) Extract (source database)

(2) Replicat (target database)

(3) Manager (source database, if usingDDL support)

(4) DEFGEN (source or target database)


2 To preservethe security of your data, and to monitor Oracle GoldenGate processing accurately,do not permit other users, applications, or processes to log on as, or operate as,the Oracle GoldenGate database user.

  Keep a record of the database users. They must be specified in the Oracle GoldenGate parameterfiles with the USERID parameter. Use the USERID parameter for the database user,and use the TRANLOGOPTIONS parameter with the ASMUSER and ASMPASSWORD optionsfor the ASM user.


十三. Database privileges

Certainprivileges are required for a regular Oracle instance, plus additionalprivileges for an ASM instance and additional privileges for Oracle EnterpriseEdition 10.2 or later.


1.     Regular Oracle database instance

To assign the correct privileges to theOracle GoldenGate database user, see Table 1.





2.Oracle ASM instance

If Oracle 10g AutomaticStorage Management (ASM) is in use, Oracle GoldenGate requires a user for theExtract process to access the ASM instance. Oracle GoldenGate does not supportusing operating-system authentication for the ASM user. You can use SYS user orany user with SYSDBA privileges in the ASM instance. See Table 2.

--如果使用ASM,GG 需要能够访问ASM instance。



3.  Oracle Enterprise Edition 10.2 or later instance

In OracleEnterprise Edition 10.2 or later, the additional privileges in Table 3 arerequired for the Extract database user. In these Enterprise Edition versions,Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) works with Extract to retain the archive logsthat Extract needs for recovery. The special privileges are required forinteraction with an underlying Oracle Streams Capture and with RMAN.


 Author: Dave







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