
1.简要说明:虚拟接口,接收来自Registration实体的事件信息(A virtual interface that receives events from an Registration object.)
(Derived classes can be registered as RegistrationHandlers with an Registration object. Incoming results for operations initiated through the Registration object are forwarded to this handler.)
  enum RegistrationResult
    RegistrationSuccess = 0,          /**申请帐户,账户删除,密码修改成功< The last operation (account registration, account
                                                 * deletion or password change) was successful. */
    RegistrationNotAcceptable,       /**< 406: 没有提供所有必须的信息Not all necessary information provided */
    RegistrationConflict,                 /**< 409: 用户名已经存在Username alreday exists. */
    RegistrationNotAuthorized,       /**< 删除用户:没有授权的实体等待授权时间过长Account removal: Unregistered entity waits too long
                                                 * before authentication or performs tasks other than
                                                 * authentication after registration.<br>
                                                 * 密码修改:服务器认为通道的安全程度不足以保证密码的修改
                                                 * Password change: The server or service  does not consider
                                                 * the channel safe enough to enable a password change. */
    RegistrationBadRequest,            /**帐户移除:
                                                 *< Account removal: The &lt;remove/&gt; element was not
                                                 * the only child element of the &lt;query/&gt; element.
                                                 * Should not happen when only gloox functions are being
                                                 * used.<br>
                                                 * Password change: The password change request does not
                                                 * contain complete information (both &lt;username/&gt; and
                                                 * &lt;password/&gt; are required). */
    RegistrationForbidden,             /**< Account removal: The sender does not have sufficient
                                                 * permissions to cancel the registration. */
    RegistrationRequired,               /**< Account removal: The entity sending the remove
                                                 * request was not previously registered. */
    RegistrationUnexpectedRequest,     /**< Account removal: The host is an instant messaging
                                                      * server and the IQ get does not contain a 'from'
                                                       * address because the entity is not registered with
                                                       * the server.<br>
                                                       * Password change: The host is an instant messaging
                                                       * server and the IQ set does not contain a 'from'
                                                       * address because the entity is not registered with
                                                       * the server. */
    RegistrationNotAllowed,                 /**< Password change: The server or service does not allow
                                                       * password changes. */
    RegistrationUnknownError             /**< An unknown error condition occured. */
class GLOOX_API RegistrationHandler
           virtual ~RegistrationHandler() {}
       *重新实现这个函数去接收Registration::fetchRegistrationFields() 返回的结果
       * Reimplement this function to receive results of the
       * @ref Registration::fetchRegistrationFields() function.
       * @param from 服务器
       * @param from The server or service the registration fields came from.
       * @param fields  注册字段或运算结果(服务器要求的注册字段的或运算结果)
       * @param fields The OR'ed fields the server requires. From @ref Registration::fieldEnum.
       * @param instructions 服务器发送的附加信息
       * @param instructions Any additional information the server sends along.
       virtual void handleRegistrationFields( const JID& from, int fields,
                                             std::string instructions ) = 0;
       * 调用 handleAlreadyRegistered 这个函数可以让我们知道Registration::createAccount()被已经认证的流上被调用
       * This function is called if @ref Registration::createAccount() was called on an authenticated
       * stream and the server lets us know about this.
       virtual void handleAlreadyRegistered( const JID& from ) = 0;
       * This funtion is called to notify about the result of an operation.
       * @param from The server or service the result came from.
       * @param regResult The result of the last operation.
       virtual void handleRegistrationResult( const JID& from, RegistrationResult regResult ) = 0;
       * 这个函数会被调用如果服务器提供的数据表格连同传统的注册字段
       * This function is called additionally to @ref handleRegistrationFields() if the server
       * supplied a data form together with legacy registration fields.
       * @param from The server or service the data form came from.
       * @param form The DataForm containing registration information.
       virtual void handleDataForm( const JID& from, const DataForm& form ) = 0;
       * This function is called if the server does not offer in-band registration
       * but wants to refer the user to an external URL.
       * @param from The server or service the referal came from.
       * @param oob The OOB object describing the external URL.
      virtual void handleOOB( const JID& from, const OOB& oob ) = 0;
1.简要说明:一个虚拟接口,可以重新实现用来接收IQ节,继承该接口的类可以被Client 类注册为IqHandlers ,当返回一个IQ包的时候handleIq() 会 被调用。(A virtual interface which can be reimplemented to receive IQ stanzas. Derived classes can be registered as IqHandlers with the Client.Upon an incoming IQ packet @ref handleIq() will be called.)
class GLOOX_API IqHandler
           virtual ~IqHandler() {}
       * Reimplement this function if you want to be notified about incoming IQs.
       * @param iq The complete IQ stanza.
       * @return Indicates whether a request of type 'get' or 'set' has been handled. This includes
       * the obligatory 'result' answer. If you return @b false, a 'error' will be sent.
       * @since 1.0
       virtual bool handleIq( const IQ& iq ) = 0;
       * 处理一些特殊的IQ节(要在 ClientBase::trackID()注册)
       * Reimplement this function if you want to be notified about
       * incoming IQs with a specific value of the  id attribute. You
       * have to enable tracking of those IDs using Client::trackID().
       * This is usually useful for IDs that generate a positive reply, i.e.
       *  iq type='result'  id='reg'; where a namespace filter wouldn't
       * work.
       * @param iq The complete IQ stanza.
       * @param context A value to restore context, stored with ClientBase::trackID().
       * @note Only IQ stanzas of type 'result' or 'error' can arrive here.
       * @since 1.0
      virtual void handleIqID( const IQ& iq, int context ) = 0;
 class GLOOX_API Registration : public IqHandler
           class Query : public StanzaExtension
           * Creates a new object that can be used to carry out a registration.
           * @param form A DataForm containing the registration terms.
          Query( DataForm* form );
           * Creates a new object that can be used to carry out a registration.
           * @param del Whether or not to remove the account.
          Query( bool del = false );
           * Creates a new object that can be used to carry out a registration.
           * @param fields Bit-wise ORed fieldEnum values describing the valid (i.e., set)
           * fields in the @b values parameter.
           * @param values Contains the registration fields.
          Query( int fields, const RegistrationFields& values );
           * Creates a new object from the given Tag.
           * @param tag The Tag to parse.
          Query( const Tag* tag );
           * Virtual Destructor.
          virtual ~Query();
           * Returns the contained registration form, if any.
           * @return The registration form. May be 0.
          const DataForm* form() const { return m_form; }
           * Returns the registration instructions, if given
           * @return The registration instructions.
          const std::string& instructions() const { return m_instructions; }
           * Returns the registration fields, if set.
           * @return The registration fields.
          int fields() const { return m_fields; }
          const RegistrationFields& values() const { return m_values; }
           * Indicates whether the account is already registered.
           * @return @b True if the &lt;registered&gt; element is present, @b false otherwise.
          bool registered() const { return m_reg; }
           * Indicates whether the account shall be removed.
           * @return @b True if the &lt;remove&gt; element is present, @b false otherwise.
          bool remove() const { return m_del; }
           * Returns an optional OOB object.
           * @return A pointer to an OOB object, if present, 0 otherwise.
          const OOB* oob() const { return m_oob; }
          // reimplemented from StanzaExtension
          virtual const std::string& filterString() const;
          // reimplemented from StanzaExtension
          virtual StanzaExtension* newInstance( const Tag* tag ) const
            return new Query( tag );
          // reimplemented from StanzaExtension
          virtual Tag* tag() const;
          // reimplemented from StanzaExtension
          virtual StanzaExtension* clone() const
            Query* q = new Query();
            q->m_form = m_form ? new DataForm( *m_form ) : 0;
            q->m_fields = m_fields;
            q->m_values = m_values;
            q->m_instructions = m_instructions;
            q->m_oob = new OOB( *m_oob );
            q->m_del = m_del;
            q->m_reg = m_reg;
            return q;
          DataForm* m_form;
          int m_fields;
          RegistrationFields m_values;
          std::string m_instructions;
          OOB* m_oob;
          bool m_del;
          bool m_reg;
       * Constructor.
       * @param parent 用于建立连接的ClientBase实体指针
       * @param parent The ClientBase which is used for establishing a connection.
       * @param to The server or service to authenticate with. If empty the currently connected
       * server will be used.
      Registration( ClientBase* parent, const JID& to );
       * Constructor. Registration will be attempted with the ClientBase's connected host.
       * @param parent The ClientBase which is used for establishing a connection.
      Registration( ClientBase* parent );
       * Virtual destructor.
      virtual ~Registration();
       * 用这个函数去应答服务器所要求的注册字段
       * 被注册了RegistrationHandler 的对象(可以通过将RegistrationHandler 设置为该对象的一个成员变量注registerRegistrationHandler)   
       * 通过用 RegistrationHandler::handleRegistrationFields()应答异步返回的注册字段。
       * Use this function to request the registration fields the server requires.
       * The required fields are returned asynchronously to the object registered as
       * @ref RegistrationHandler by calling @ref RegistrationHandler::handleRegistrationFields().
      void fetchRegistrationFields();
       * Attempts to register an account with the given credentials. Only the fields OR'ed in
       * @c fields will be sent. This can only be called with an unauthenticated parent (@ref Client).
       * @note It is recommended to use @ref fetchRegistrationFields to find out which fields the
       * server requires.
       * @param fields The fields to use to generate the registration request. OR'ed
       * @ref fieldEnum values.
       * @param values The struct contains the values which shall be used for the registration.
       * @return Returns @b true if the registration request was sent successfully, @b false
       * otherwise. In that case either there's no connected ClientBase available, or
       * prepping of the username failed (i.e. the username is not valid for use in XMPP).
      bool createAccount( int fields, const RegistrationFields& values );
       * Attempts to register an account with the given credentials. This can only be called with an
       * unauthenticated parent (@ref Client).
       * @note According to XEP-0077, if the server sends both old-style fields and data form,
       * implementations SHOULD prefer data forms.
       * @param form The DataForm containing the registration credentials.
      void createAccount( DataForm* form );
       * Tells the server to remove the currently authenticated account from the server.
      void removeAccount();
       * Tells the server to change the password for the current account.
       * @param username The username to change the password for. You might want to use
       * Client::username() to get the current prepped username.
       * @param password The new password.
      void changePassword( const std::string& username, const std::string& password );
       * 给这个Registration实体注册一个RegistrationHandler,这个对象只能有一个handler
       * Registers the given @c rh as RegistrationHandler. Only one handler is possible at a time.
       * @param rh The RegistrationHandler to register.
      void registerRegistrationHandler( RegistrationHandler* rh );
       * Un-registers the current RegistrationHandler.
      void removeRegistrationHandler();
      // reimplemented from IqHandler.
      virtual bool handleIq( const IQ& iq ) { (void)iq; return false; }
      // reimplemented from IqHandler.
      virtual void handleIqID( const IQ& iq, int context );
      enum IdType
      Registration operator=( const Registration& );
      void init();
      ClientBase* m_parent;
      const JID m_to;
      RegistrationHandler* m_registrationHandler;
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