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About This Book Learn how to propagate DOM changes across the website without writing extensive jQuery callbacks code.Learn how to achieve reactivity and easily compose views with Vue.js and understand what it does behind the scenes.Explore the core features of Vue.js with small examples, learn how to build dynamic content into preexisting web applications, and build Vue.js applications from scratch. Who This Book Is For This book is perfect for novice web developer seeking to learn new technologies or frameworks and also for webdev gurus eager to enrich their experience. Whatever your level of expertise, this book is a great introduction to the wonderful world of reactive web apps. What You Will Learn Build a fully functioning reactive web application in Vue.js from scratch.The importance of the MVVM architecture and how Vue.js compares with other frameworks such as Angular.js and React.js.How to bring reactivity to an existing static application using Vue.js.How to use plugins to enrich your applications.How to develop customized plugins to meet your needs.How to use Vuex to manage global application’s state. In Detail Vue.js is one of the latest new frameworks to have piqued the interest of web developers due to its reactivity, reusable components, and ease of use. This book shows developers how to leverage its features to build high-performing, reactive web interfaces with Vue.js. From the initial structuring to full deployment, this book provides step-by-step guidance to developing an interactive web interface from scratch with Vue.js. You will start by building a simple application in Vue.js which will let you observe its features in action. Delving into more complex concepts, you will learn about reactive data binding, reusable components, plugins, filters, and state management with Vuex. This book will also teach you how to bring reactivity to an existing static application using Vue.js. By the time you finish this book you will have built, tested, and deployed a complete reactive application in Vue.js from scratch. Style and approach This book is a thorough, step-by-step guide showing readers how to build complete web apps with Vue.js. While teaching its intricacies, this book shows how to implement the MVVM architecture in the real world and build high-performing web interfaces.


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Collection Functions (Arrays or Objects) _.each(list, iterator, [context]) Alias: forEach Iterates over a list of elements, yielding each in turn to an iterator function. The iterator is bound to the _.map(list, iterator, [context]) Alias: collect Produces a new array of values by mapping each value in list through a transformation function ( _.reduce(list, iterator, memo, [context]) Aliases: inject, foldl Also known as inject and foldl, reduce boils down a list of values into a single value. _.reduceRight(list, iterator, memo, [context]) Alias: foldr The right-associative version of reduce. Delegates to the JavaScript 1.8 version of _.find(list, iterator, [context]) Alias: detect Looks through each value in the list, returning the first one that passes a truth test (iterator). The function returns as _.filter(list, iterator, [context]) Alias: select Looks through each value in the list, returning an array of all the values that pass a truth test ( _.where(list, properties) Looks through each value in the list, returning an array of all the values that contain all of the key-value pairs listed in _.findWhere(list, properties) Looks through the list and returns the first value that matches all of the key-value pairs listed in properties. _.reject(list, iterator, [context]) Returns the values in list without the elements that the truth test (iterator) passes. The opposite of filter. _.every(list, iterator, [context]) Alias: all Returns true if all of the values in the list pass the iterator truth test. Delegates to the native method _.some(list, [iterator], [context]) Alias: any Returns true if any of the values in the list pass the iterator truth test. Short-circuits and stops traversing the list _.contains(list, value) Alias: include Returns true if the value is present in the list. Uses indexOf internally, if list is an Array. _.invoke(list, methodName, [*arguments]) Calls the method named by methodName on each value in the list. Any extra arguments passed to _.pluck(list, propertyName) A convenient version of what is perhaps the most common use-case for map: extracting a list of property values. _.max(list, [iterator], [context]) Returns the maximum value in list. If iterator is passed, it will be used on each value to generate the criterion by which the _.min(list, [iterator], [context]) Returns the minimum value in list. If iterator is passed, it will be used on each value to generate the criterion by which the _.sortBy(list, iterator, [context]) Returns a sorted copy of list, ranked in ascending order by the results of running each value through iterator _.groupBy(list, iterator, [context]) Splits a collection into sets, grouped by the result of running each value through iterator. If iterator is a string instead of _.countBy(list, iterator, [context]) Sorts a list into groups and returns a count for the number of objects in each group. Similar to groupBy _.shuffle(list) Returns a shuffled copy of the list, using a version of the Fisher-Yates shuffle. _.toArray(list) Converts the list (anything that can be iterated over), into a real Array. Useful for transmuting the arguments object. _.size(list) Return the number of values in the list.


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第1章 D3简介 1 1.1 D3是什么 1 1.1.1 D3简史 2 1.1.2 D3的优势 2 1.1.3 D3的适用范围 3 1.2 数据可视化是什么 3 1.2.1 目的 4 1.2.2 构成要素 4 1.2.3 相关概念 6 1.3 图表种类 6 1.4 学习方法 11 第2章 Web前端开发基础 13 2.1 浏览器和服务器 14 2.1.1 浏览器 14 2.1.2 服务器 15 2.2 HTML&CSS; 16 2.2.1 HTML元素 17 2.2.2 CSS选择器 20 2.2.3 综合运用 23 2.3 JavaScript 25 2.3.1 在HTML中使用JavaScript 26 2.3.2 语法 26 2.3.3 变量 27 2.3.4 数据类型 28 2.3.5 操作符 30 2.3.6 语句 32 2.3.7 函数 34 2.3.8 对象 34 2.3.9 数组 35 2.4 DOM 36 2.4.1 结构 37 2.4.2 访问和修改HTML元素 37 2.4.3 添加和删除节点 38 2.4.4 事件 39 2.5 SVG 40 2.5.1 位图和矢量图 40 2.5.2 图形元素 41 2.5.3 文字 46 2.5.4 样式 47 2.5.5 标记 48 2.5.6 滤镜 50 2.5.7 渐变 51 第3章 安装和使用 53 3.1 安装 53 3.1.1 下载文件 54 3.1.2 网络引用 54 3.2 搭建服务器 54 3.3 HELLO, WORLD 57 3.4 绘制矢量图 58 3.5 调试 59 第4章 选择集与数据 61 4.1 选择元素 61 4.2 选择集 63 4.2.1 查看状态 63 4.2.2 设定和获取属性 63 4.3 添加、插入和删除 66 4.4 数据绑定 67 4.4.1 datum()的工作过程 68 4.4.2 data()的工作过程 71 4.4.3 绑定的顺序 74 4.5 选择集的处理 76 4.5.1 enter的处理方法 76 4.5.2 exit的处理方法 77 4.5.3 处理模板 78 4.5.4 过滤器 79 4.5.5 选择集的顺序 79 4.5.6 each()的应用 80 4.5.7 call()的应用 80 4.6 数组的处理 81 4.6.1 排序 81 4.6.2 求值 82 4.6.3 操作数组 86 4.6.4 映射(Map) 89 4.6.5 集合(Set) 91 4.6.6 嵌套结构(Nest) 92 4.7 柱形图的制作 96 4.7.1 矩形和文字 97 4.7.2 更新数据 101 第5章 比例尺和坐标轴 105 5.1 定量比例尺 105 5.1.1 线性比例尺 106 5.1.2 指数和对数比例尺 109 5.1.3 量子和分位比例尺 110 5.1.4 阈值比例尺 112 5.2 序数比例尺 113 5.3 坐标轴 118 5.3.1 绘制方法 119 5.3.2 刻度 121 5.3.3 各比例尺的坐标轴 122 5.4 柱形图的坐标轴 123 5.5 散点图的制作 125 第6章 绘制 128 6.1 颜色 128 6.1.1 RGB 129 6.1.2 HSL 130 6.1.3 插值 131 6.2 线段生成器 132 6.3 区域生成器 136 6.4 弧生成器 137 6.5 符号生成器 140 6.6 弦生成器 142 6.7 对角线生成器 144 6.8 折线图的制作 145 第7章 动画 151 7.1 过渡效果 151 7.1.1 过渡的启动 152 7.1.2 过渡的属性 155 7.1.3 子元素 158 7.1.4 each()和call() 160 7.1.5 过渡样式 162 7.2 定时器 163 7.2.1 setInterval和setTimeout 163 7.2.2 d3.timer 164 7.3 应用过渡的场合 165 7.4 简单的动画制作 171 7.4.1 时钟 171 7.4.2 小球运动 172 第8章 交互 174 8.1 交互式入门 174 8.1.1 鼠标 176 8.1.2 键盘 178 8.1.3 触屏 180 8.2 事件 182 8.3 行为 183 8.3.1 拖曳 184 8.3.2 缩放 186 第9章 导入和导出 191 9.1 文件导入 191 9.1.1 JSON 192 9.1.2 CSV 194 9.1.3 XML 198 9.1.4 TEXT 199 9.2 文件导出 200 9.2.1 导出为SVG文件 200 9.2.2 编辑矢量图 203 第10章 布局 206 10.1 布局是什么 206 10.2 饼状图 207 10.3 力导向图 213 10.4 弦图 221 10.5 树状图 228 10.6 集群图 234 10.7 捆图 238 10.8 打包图 245 10.9 直方图 248 10.10 分区图 255 10.11 堆栈图 261 10.12 矩阵树图 268 第11章 地图 274 11.1 地图的数据 274 11.1.1 获取数据 275 11.1.2 简化数据 278 11.1.3 GeoJSON 280 11.1.4 TopoJSON 284 11.2 中国地图 285 11.2.1 基于GeoJSON 285 11.2.2 基于TopoJSON 289 11.3 地理路径 297 11.3.1 地理路径生成器 297 11.3.2 形状生成器 301 11.4 投影 306 11.5 球面数学 315 第12章 友好的交互 317 12.1 提示框 317 12.1.1 饼状图的提示框 318 12.1.2 提示框的样式 321 12.2 坐标系中的焦点 323 12.2.1 折线图的焦点 323 12.2.2 为折线图添加提示框 329 12.3 元素组合 334 12.3.1 饼状图的拖曳 335 12.3.2 移入和移出 336 12.3.3 合并 345 12.4 区域选择 347 12.4.1 在SVG画板里选择一块区域 348 12.4.2 散点图的区域选择 350 12.5 开关 353 12.5.1 思维导图的构造思路 353 12.5.2 思维导图的制作 356 第13章 地图进阶 363 13.1 值域的颜色 363 13.2 标注 368 13.2.1 标注地点 368 13.2.2 夜光图 370 13.3 标线 373 13.3.1 带有箭头的标线 373 13.3.2 球状地图的标线 377 13.4 拖动和缩放 378 13.4.1 平面地图 378 13.4.2 球面地图 381 13.5 力导向地图 383 13.5.1 Voronoi图和Delaunay三角剖分 383 13.5.2 力导向的中国地图 387 附录A 彩色插图 393 附录B 参考文献 410





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