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原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 inputs.py

# input_fn 的生成函数所在地# model_lib.py中调用了下列函数# create_train_input_fn# create_eval_input_fn# create_predict_input_fn"""Model input function for tf-learn object detection model."""from __future__ im..

2018-08-16 22:48:02 828 1

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 builders/graph_rewriter_builder.py

protos/graph_rewriter.protosyntax = "proto2";package object_detection.protos;// Message to configure graph rewriter for the tf graph.message GraphRewriter { optional Quantization quantization...

2018-08-16 22:47:38 810

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/learning_schedules.py

# 学习率策略# 在 builders/optimizer_builder.py 中使用"""Library of common learning rate schedules."""import numpy as npimport tensorflow as tf# 指数衰减 tf.train.exponential_decaydef exponential_decay_wit..

2018-08-16 22:47:03 1190 1

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 builders/optimizer_builder.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 builders/optimizer_builder.py# 有关优化器(optimizer)的辅助函数# model_lib.py 中使用build 函数,根据config创建一个optimizer"""Functions to build DetectionModel training optimizers....

2018-08-15 15:54:35 859

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 builders/model_builder.py

# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# Y...

2018-08-15 15:44:47 2224 1

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 core/standard_fields.py

# 记录了检测的常用名?"""Contains classes specifying naming conventions used for object detection.Specifies: InputDataFields: standard fields used by reader/preprocessor/batcher. DetectionResultFields:...

2018-08-15 15:43:52 468

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/visualization_utils.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/visualization_utils.py# 一系列可视化的函数# model_lib.py 中使用了 draw_side_by_side_evaluation_image()函数"""A set of functions that are used for visualization.The...

2018-08-15 15:43:17 2383

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/variables_helper.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/variables_helper.py

2018-08-15 15:42:37 497

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/shape_util.py

# 操作tensor形状的辅助函数# model_lib.py 中仅使用 combined_static_and_dynamic_shape 获取tensor_shape"""Utils used to manipulate tensor shapes."""import tensorflow as tf# 有4个函数 get_batch_s

2018-08-15 15:42:11 448

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/label_map_util.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/label_map_util.pyprotos/string_int_label_map.proto syntax = "proto2";package object_detection.protos;message StringIntLabelMapItem { // String nam...

2018-08-15 15:41:44 4764 3

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/config_util.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 utils/config_util.py# 读取(和更新)配置文件"""Functions for reading and updating configuration files."""import osimport tensorflow as tffrom google.protobuf impor..

2018-08-15 15:40:43 2502

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 model_lib.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 model_lib.pyr"""Constructs model, inputs, and training environment."""from __future__ import absolute_importfrom __future__ import divi

2018-08-15 15:39:14 2542

原创 Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码分析之 model_main.py

Tensorflow Object Detection API 源码解析之 model_main.py# Train和Eval的主函数"""Binary to run train and evaluation on object detection model."""from __future__ import absolute_import

2018-08-15 15:36:06 6335 12

原创 DeepLab 源码分析之 core/feature_extractor.py

我们分析core文件夹下的 preprocess_utils.py 文件这个文件主要包含数据预处理的各项函数import tensorflow as tf函数 flip_dim 用于图像翻转 dim=1 水平翻转def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of t...

2018-05-10 19:29:13 1130

原创 DeepLab 源码分析之 core/preprocess_utils.py

我们分析core文件夹下的 preprocess_utils.py 文件这个文件主要包含数据预处理的各项函数import tensorflow as tf函数 flip_dim 用于图像翻转 dim=1 水平翻转def flip_dim(tensor_list, prob=0.5, dim=1): """Randomly flips a dimension of the...

2018-05-10 19:28:45 805 1

原创 DeepLab 源码分析之 input_preprocess.py

这次我们分析 input_preprocess.py 主要是预处理数据用于DeepLab训练或验证使用了 core/preprocess_utils.py 的大量函数首先 import 必要的库import tensorflow as tffrom deeplab.core import feature_extractorfrom deeplab.core import prep...

2018-05-10 17:22:29 1121

原创 DeepLab 源码分析之 deeplab_demo.ipynb

我们首先从 deeplab_demo.ipynb 开始分析首先 import 必要的库from io import BytesIO import tarfile # 处理tar压缩包import tempfile # 用于创建临时文件from six.moves import urllib # 下载from matplotlib import gridspec #...

2018-05-10 16:56:05 3524 8



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