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原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161028|Translator.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Translation;use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\NamespacedItemResolver; use Symfony\Component\Tra

2016-08-31 09:08:15 276

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161027|FileLoader.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Translation;use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;class FileLoader implements LoaderInterface {// FileLoader implements Loader Interface /** * The filesystem instance.

2016-08-31 09:07:39 241

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161026|TranslationServiceProvider.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Translation;use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; // namesapce class TranslationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {// son and father /** * Indicates if loadin

2016-08-30 09:11:04 312

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161026|TranslationServiceProvider.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Translation;use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; // namesapce class TranslationServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {// son and father /** * Indicates if loadin

2016-08-30 09:09:27 409

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161025|LoaderInterface.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Translation;interface LoaderInterface {// a trait like loader /** * Load the messages for the given locale. * * @param string $locale * @param strin

2016-08-30 09:08:47 360

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161024|ArrayLoader.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Translation; // set namespace class ArrayLoader implements LoaderInterface {// a arrayloader to implements loader Interface /** * All of the translation messages.

2016-08-30 09:08:10 308

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161023|Reponse.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Http;use Exception; use ArrayObject; use JsonSerializable; use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable; use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable; use Symfony\Component\HttpFo

2016-08-30 09:07:10 473

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161022|Request.php-3

//2016-08-26 /** * Check that the given file is a valid file instance. * * @param mixed $file * @return bool */ protected function isValidFile($file) { re

2016-08-29 09:22:02 472

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161021|Request.php-2

/** * Determine if the current request URL and query string matches a pattern. * * @param mixed string * @return bool */ public function fullUrlIs() {// check string

2016-08-26 09:04:21 302

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161020|Request.php-1

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Http;use Closure; use ArrayAccess; use SplFileInfo; use RuntimeException; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable; use

2016-08-25 09:11:06 275

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161019|RedirectResponse.php-2

/** * Add multiple cookies to the response. * * @param array $cookies * @return $this */ public function withCookies(array $cookies) { foreach ($cookies as $c

2016-08-24 09:10:28 331

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161018|RedirectResponse.php-1

namespace Illuminate\Http;use BadMethodCallException; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag; use Illuminate\Support\ViewErrorBag; use Illuminate\Session\Store as SessionStore; u

2016-08-23 09:10:32 541

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161017|UploadedFile.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Http;use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile as SymfonyUploadedFile; // more name space and trait class UploadedFile ex

2016-08-19 09:13:59 821

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161017|ResponseTrait.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Http;trait ResponseTrait {// a real trait be set /** * Get the status code for the response. * * @return int */ public function status() {

2016-08-19 09:13:09 354

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161016|JsonResponse.php

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Http;use JsonSerializable; use InvalidArgumentException; use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable; use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable; use Symfony\Component\HttpFound

2016-08-19 09:12:26 744

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161015|HttpResponseWxception.php-15

<?phpnamespace Illuminate\Http\Exception;use RuntimeException; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;class HttpResponseException extends RuntimeException { /** * The underlying respons

2016-08-18 09:05:44 221

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161014|Validator.php-14

//2016-08-16 /** * Parse a parameter list. * * @param string $rule * @param string $parameter * @return array */ protected function parseParameters($rule, $par

2016-08-17 08:54:40 393

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161013|Validator.php-13

/** * Get the displayable name of the attribute. * * @param string $attribute * @return string */ protected function getAttribute($attribute) {// Get the displayable

2016-08-16 09:02:34 258

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161012|Validator.php-12

/** * Get the inline message for a rule if it exists. * * @param string $attribute * @param string $lowerRule * @param array $source * @return string|null */

2016-08-15 09:04:12 4128

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161011|Validator.php-11

/** * Given two date/time strings, check that one is after the other. * * @param string $format * @param string $before * @param string $after * @return bool */

2016-08-12 09:09:51 248

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161010|Validator.php-10

/** * Validate the guessed extension of a file upload is in a set of file extensions. * * @param string $attribute * @param mixed $value * @param array $parameters

2016-08-11 09:05:14 228

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161009|Validator.php-9

/** * Get the excluded ID column and value for the unique rule. * * @param array $parameters * @return array */ protected function getUniqueIds($parameters) {

2016-08-10 09:25:59 382

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161008|Validator.php-8

/** * Validate an attribute is contained within a list of values. * * @param string $attribute * @param mixed $value * @param array $parameters * @return bool

2016-08-09 09:14:37 208

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161007|Validator.php-7

/** * Validate that an attribute is an array. * * @param string $attribute * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ protected function validateArray($attribute, $v

2016-08-08 09:04:58 196

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161006|Validator.php-6

/** * Validate that an attribute is different from another attribute. * * @param string $attribute * @param mixed $value * @param array $parameters * @return bool

2016-08-05 09:23:28 211

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161005|Validator.php-5

/** * Validate that an attribute exists when any other attribute exists. * * @param string $attribute * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $parameters * @return bo

2016-08-04 09:03:54 222

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161004|Validator.php-4

/** * Determine if it's a necessary presence validation. * * This is to avoid possible database type comparison errors. * * @param string $rule * @param string $attrib

2016-08-03 09:09:35 264

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161003|Validator.php-3

/** * Validate a given attribute against a rule. * * @param string $attribute * @param string $rule * @return void */ protected function validate($attribute, $rule

2016-08-02 09:03:00 357

原创 [李景山php]每天laravel-20161002|Validator.php-2

/** * After an after validation callback. * * @param callable|string $callback * @return $this */ public function after($callback) { $this->after[] = function

2016-08-01 09:05:57 420

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