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原创 序列化object成xml并且去掉命名空间

var nsSerializer = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); nsSerializer.Add("", ""); OtherClass test = new OtherClass() { TestData = new TestDataClass() { FundName = "11111", fundname

2012-12-12 16:59:53 391

原创 test


2012-09-24 11:39:22 257

原创 读书 第三天

昨天很忙没有时间记录。今天很忙没有时间看书。 这两天看了这些内容:结束了Chapter 4. Layout and Positioning 心得: 1) 属性绑定      绑定的格式如下:     ElementName Attribute="{Binding Path=SimpleProperty, Mode=OneTime} />2)Margi

2010-04-22 13:37:00 212

原创 读书 第二天

今天比较忙,没有多少时间看书。只是看了Part II: XAML ConceptsChapter 3. The Basics of XAML3.1——3.4章节 心得: 1) Xaml需要注意编写的格式,特意提出Xaml文件中的 换行符和空格符 并不会生成到最后的编译文件中。不会影响执行文件

2010-04-20 17:17:00 259

原创 读书 第一天

今天开始>虽然以前浏览过一遍,不过没有多少映象。新的项目需要这方面的东西,也正好可以好好学习一下。 今天的计划是 Part I: Introducing XAML争取能够把这一部分过一遍。 心得: 1. 这本书是完成在vs2008发布之前,介绍了使用vs2005插件的使用2. 介绍了常用的一些Xaml元素3. 介绍了项

2010-04-19 13:59:00 191

原创 读书日志

2010.4.19  XAML in a NutshellPattern-Oriented Software Architecture (Vol.1)

2010-04-16 16:49:00 246

Adorner sample

Adorner 例子


WPF training

WPF trainingWPF



The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft's continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.


3D Game Development with Microsoft Silverlight 3

A practcal guide to creatng real-tme responsive online 3D games in Silverlight 3 using C#, XBAP WPF, XAML, Balder, and Farseer Physics Engine


《 DirectX 9 3D 游戏设计入门》

学习向量以及它们的 3D 计算机图形程序 学习矩阵以及学会使用它们来变换 3D 图形 学习怎样模拟面和线以及它们的 3D 图形程序 熟悉用于 3D 数学运算的 D3DX 库中包含的类和程序的子集


架构之美(英文版) Beautiful Architecture, 1st Edition

What are the ingredients of robust, elegant, flexible, and maintainable software architecture? Beautiful Architecture answers this question through a collection of intriguing essays from more than a dozen of today's leading software designers and architects. In each essay, contributors present a notable software architecture, and analyze what makes it innovative and ideal for its purpose. Some of the engineers in this book reveal how they developed a specific project, including decisions they faced and tradeoffs they made. Others take a step back to investigate how certain architectural aspects have influenced computing as a whole.


软件工程思想 (林锐)

在60年代计算机发展初期,程序设计是少数聪明人干的事。他们的智力与技能超群,编写的程序既能控制弱智的计算机,又能让别人看不懂、不会用。那个时期编程就跟捏泥巴一样随心所欲,于是他们很过分地把程序的集合称为软件,以便自己开心或伤心时再把程序捏个面目全非。人们就在这种美滋滋的感觉下热情地编程,结果产生了一堆问题:程序质量低下,错误频出,进度延误,费用剧增……。这些问题导致了“软件危机”。 在1968年,一群程序员、计算机科学家与工业界人士聚集一起共商对策。通过借鉴传统工业的成功做法,他们主张通过工程化的方法开发软件来解决软件危机,并冠以“软件工程”这一术语。三十年余年来,尽管软件的一些毛病如人类的感冒一样无法根治,但软件的发展速度超过了任何传统工业,期间并未出现真真的软件危机。这的确是前人的先见之明。如今软件工程成了一门学科。 软件工程主要讲述软件开发的道理,基本上是软件实践者的成功经验和失败教训的总结。软件工程的观念、方法、策略和规范都是朴实无华的,平凡之人皆可领会,关键在于运用。我们不可以把软件工程方法看成是诸葛亮的锦囊妙计─—在出了问题后才打开看看,而应该事先掌握,预料将要出现的问题,控制每个实践环节,并防患于未然。研究软件工程永远做不到理论家那么潇洒:定理证明了,就完事。 我在读大学的十年里有八年从事软件开发,尽管编写了几十万行C++/C程序,也经历了若干次小不点儿大的成功和失败,可老感觉只学了些皮毛,心里慌兮兮的。在博士研究生毕业前的半年里,我告戒自己不应该再稀里糊涂地在程序堆里滚爬下去了,于是就面壁反省,做了一阵子木讷的和尚。在“打坐”时,每有心得体会便记录下来,不知不觉凑成了八章经,我就给此经书起名为《软件工程思想》。 经典的软件工程书籍厚得象砖头,或让人望而却步,或让人看了心事重重。请宽恕我的幼稚,我试图用三个问题:是什么、为什么、怎么办,来解释软件工程的道理。所以本书薄得象饺子皮─—用来包“思想”这种有味道的“馅”。


Pro WCF(教程)

This part of the book introduces web service standards and fundamental components of Service-Oriented Architecture. We will also discuss how these principles are illustrated in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Once you have an understanding of some of these concepts, including the business and technological factors, you can appreciate the simplicity and flexibility of WCF. The first chapter will cover the services standards. Then we will introduce WCF in Chapter 2. This is followed by a discussion of the WCF programming model in Chapter 3.



Requirements development is hard! Requirements analysts often are not adequately trained or experienced, so they do the best they can without necessarily knowing how to write high-quality requirements. Analysts struggle with questions such as "Where do I start?," "How do I know when I'm done?," "How detailed should my requirements be?," "Have I missed any requirements?," and "Have I overlooked any critical information in the requirements I've written?" Unfortunately, there's no formulaic approach to the communication-intensive challenge of understanding and specifying requirements. Stephen Withall's Software Requirement Patterns can help any analyst write better requirements. These patterns provide a way to embody comprehensive and structured knowledge about different types of requirements. Requirements development is a journey of exploration, not just a simple collection or transcription process. The patterns Steve presents can help analysts ask the right questions to properly understand and specify requirements of many types in an appropriate level of detail. From the perspective of "know your audience," the patterns include guidance to assist the developers and testers who must take the requirements to the next development stages. People learn from examples, and they work more efficiently with the help of templates rather than blank pages. To this end, Steve's requirement patterns provide both templates and examples.



Software patterns have significantly changed the way we design…’ is how POSA5 starts out—its preface, its self-explanation, maybe its justification. But design: what happens when we design? Is design about problems or about beauty? Does resolving forces while solving a problem force beauty into the design? Or can beauty and ideal prob- lem solving emerge only after a (pattern) language has been tooled over the raw material? Someone once told me that any establishment where the entrance is obvious is not worth visiting.



The topic chosen for this POSA volume is key for the success of almost every software system: resource management. This may appear obvious, but only a decade ago many developers thought resource management was of concern only in the embedded systems domain. In the desktop and enterprise spheres only a few developers paid attention to the topic. Why care about resources like memory, for example—if you run out of it, you can simply upgrade your machine. I must admit that in the earlier days of my career I had a similar perspective: resources were just ‘there’ and unlimited. How wrong I was! Fortunately I shot myself in the foot and quickly learned my lesson.



Middleware is the set of services, protocols, and support utilities providing the 'plumbing' that makes modern distributed systems and applications possible—the infrastructure that underlies web services, distributed objects, collaborative applications, e-commerce systems, and other important platforms. Not long ago, the term middleware was rarely heard, and middleware developers were rarer still. But over the past decade, the term, the research and practice, and its impact have become ubiquitous. Yet, until now, there has not been a book describing how to construct networked and concurrent object-oriented (OO) middleware, so its design has remained something of a black art. This book demystifies middleware construction, replacing the need to have an expert looking over your shoulder with well- reasoned, empirically-guided accounts of common design problems, forces, successful solutions, and consequences.


Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (Vol.1)

This is a book about patterns for resource management in software systems. The patterns provide solutions for problems that are typically encountered by software architects and developers when trying to provide an effective and efficient means of managing resources in a software system. Efficient management of resources is critical in the execution of any kind of software. From embedded software in a mobile device to software in a large enterprise server, it is important that resources, such as memory, threading, files, or network connections, are managed efficiently to allow the systems to function properly and effectively.


Effective STL

STL,50个提高使用标准库的方法 STL,50个提高使用标准库的方法



asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件asp .net 控件



比较适合 面向对象 的 设计人员 透过其中的实例 感受模式的魅力


AI for Game Developers

人工智能在游戏开发中的使用。 Written for the novice AI programmer, AI for Game Developers introduces you to techniques such as finite state machines, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and many others, in straightforward, easy-to-understand language, supported with code samples throughout the entire book (written in C/C++). From basic techniques such as chasing and evading, pattern movement, and flocking to genetic algorithms, the book presents a mix of deterministic (traditional) and non-deterministic (newer) AI techniques aimed squarely at beginners AI developers.



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