
 * Title:        CloudSim Toolkit
 * Description:  CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Clouds
 * Licence:      GPL -
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010, The University of Melbourne, Australia

package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.predicates.Predicate;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.predicates.PredicateAny;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.predicates.PredicateNone;

 * This class extends the CloudSimCore to enable network simulation in CloudSim.
 * Also, it disables all the network models from CloudSim, to provide a simpler
 * simulation of networking. In the network model used by CloudSim, a topology
 * file written in BRITE format is used to describe the network. Later, nodes in
 * such file are mapped to CloudSim entities. Delay calculated from the BRITE
 * model are added to the messages send through CloudSim. Messages using the old
 * model are converted to the apropriate methods with the correct parameters.
 * @author		Rodrigo N. Calheiros
 * @author		Anton Beloglazov
 * @since		CloudSim Toolkit 1.0
public class CloudSim {

	private static final String CLOUDSIM_VERSION_STRING = "2.0";

	/** The id of CIS entity. */
	private static int cisId = -1;

	/** The id of CloudSimShutdown entity. */
	private static int shutdownId = -1;

	/** The CIS object. */
	private static CloudInformationService cis = null;

	/** The Constant NOT_FOUND. */
	private static final int NOT_FOUND = -1;

	/** The trace flag. */
	private static boolean traceFlag = false;

	/** The calendar. */
	private static Calendar calendar = null;

	 * Initialises all the common attributes.
	 * @param _calendar the _calendar
	 * @param _traceFlag the _trace flag
	 * @param numUser number of users
	 * @throws Exception This happens when creating this entity before initialising
	 * CloudSim package or this entity name is <tt>null</tt> or empty
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	private static void initCommonVariable(Calendar _calendar, boolean _traceFlag, int numUser) throws Exception {
		// NOTE: the order for the below 3 lines are important
		traceFlag = _traceFlag;

		// Set the current Wall clock time as the starting time of
		// simulation
		if (_calendar == null) {
			calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		} else {
			calendar = _calendar;

		// creates a CloudSimShutdown object
		CloudSimShutdown shutdown = new CloudSimShutdown("CloudSimShutdown", numUser);
		shutdownId = shutdown.getId();

	 * Initialises CloudSim parameters. This method should be called before
	 * creating any entities.
	 * <p>
	 * Inside this method, it will create the following CloudSim entities:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>CloudInformationService.
	 * <li>CloudSimShutdown
	 * </ul>
	 * <p>
	 * @param numUser the number of User Entities created. This parameters indicates
	 * that {@link gridsim.CloudSimShutdown} first waits for all user
	 * entities's END_OF_SIMULATION signal before issuing terminate
	 * signal to other entities
	 * @param cal starting time for this simulation. If it is <tt>null</tt>,
	 * then the time will be taken from
	 * <tt>Calendar.getInstance()</tt>
	 * @param traceFlag <tt>true</tt> if CloudSim trace need to be written
	 * @see gridsim.CloudSimShutdown
	 * @see CloudInformationService.CloudInformationService
	 * @pre numUser >= 0
	 * @post $none
	public static void init(int numUser, Calendar cal, boolean traceFlag) {
		try {
			initCommonVariable(cal, traceFlag, numUser);

			// create a GIS object
			cis = new CloudInformationService("CloudInformationService");

			// set all the above entity IDs
			cisId = cis.getId();
		} catch (IllegalArgumentException s) {
			Log.printLine("CloudSim.init(): Unwanted errors happen");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Log.printLine("CloudSim.init(): Unwanted errors happen");

	 * Starts the execution of CloudSim simulation. It waits for complete
	 * execution of all entities, i.e. until all entities threads reach
	 * non-RUNNABLE state or there are no more events in the future event queue.
	 * <p>
	 * <b>Note</b>: This method should be called after all the entities have
	 * been setup and added.
	 * @return the double
	 * @throws NullPointerException This happens when creating this entity before initialising
	 * CloudSim package or this entity name is <tt>null</tt> or
	 * empty.
	 * @see gridsim.CloudSim#init(int, Calendar, boolean)
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	public static double startSimulation() throws NullPointerException {
		Log.printLine("Starting CloudSim version " + CLOUDSIM_VERSION_STRING);
		try {
			double clock = run();

			// reset all static variables
			cisId = -1;
			shutdownId = -1;
			cis = null;
			calendar = null;
			traceFlag = false;

			return clock;
		} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
			throw new NullPointerException("CloudSim.startCloudSimulation() :"
					+ " Error - you haven't initialized CloudSim.");

	 * Stops Cloud Simulation (based on {@link Simulation#runStop()}). This
	 * should be only called if any of the user defined entities
	 * <b>explicitly</b> want to terminate simulation during execution.
	 * @throws NullPointerException This happens when creating this entity before initialising
	 * CloudSim package or this entity name is <tt>null</tt> or empty
	 * @see gridsim.CloudSim#init(int, Calendar, boolean)
	 * @see Simulation#runStop()
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	public static void stopSimulation() throws NullPointerException {
		try {
		} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
			throw new NullPointerException("CloudSim.stopCloudSimulation() : "
					+ "Error - can't stop Cloud Simulation.");

	 * Gets a new copy of initial simulation Calendar.
	 * @return a new copy of Calendar object or  if CloudSim hasn't
	 * been initialized
	 * @see gridsim.CloudSim#init(int, Calendar, boolean, String[], String[],
	 * String)
	 * @see gridsim.CloudSim#init(int, Calendar, boolean)
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	public static Calendar getSimulationCalendar() {
		// make a new copy
		Calendar clone = calendar;
		if (calendar != null) {
			clone = (Calendar) calendar.clone();

		return clone;

	 * Gets the entity ID of <tt>CloudInformationService</tt>.
	 * @return the Entity ID or  if it is not found
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $result >= -1
	public static int getCloudInfoServiceEntityId() {
		return cisId;

	 * Sends a request to Cloud Information Service (GIS) entity to get the list
	 * of all Cloud hostList.
	 * @return A List containing CloudResource ID (as an Integer object)
	 * or  if a CIS entity hasn't been created before
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	public static List<Integer> getCloudResourceList() {
		if (cis == null) {
			return null;

		return cis.getList();

	// ======== SIMULATION METHODS ===============//

	// Private data members
	/** The entities. */
	private static List<SimEntity> entities;

	/** The future event queue. */
	private static FutureQueue future;

	/** The deferred event queue. */
	private static DeferredQueue deferred;

	/** The simulation clock. */
	private static double clock;

	/** Flag for checking if the simulation is running. */
	private static boolean running;

	 * (non-javadoc)
	/** The entities by name. */
	private static Map<String, SimEntity> entitiesByName;

	// The predicates used in entity wait methods
	/** The wait predicates. */
	private static Map<Integer, Predicate> waitPredicates;

	/** The paused. */
	private static boolean paused = false;

	/** The pause at. */
	private static long pauseAt = -1;

	/** The abrupt terminate. */
	private static boolean abruptTerminate = false;

	 * Initialise the simulation for stand alone simulations. This function
	 * should be called at the start of the simulation.
	protected static void initialize() {
		entities = new ArrayList<SimEntity>();
		entitiesByName = new LinkedHashMap<String, SimEntity>();
		future = new FutureQueue();
		deferred = new DeferredQueue();
		waitPredicates = new HashMap<Integer, Predicate>();
		clock = 0;
		running = false;

	// The two standard predicates

	/** A standard predicate that matches any event. */
	public final static PredicateAny SIM_ANY = new PredicateAny();

	/** A standard predicate that does not match any events. */
	public final static PredicateNone SIM_NONE = new PredicateNone();

	// Public access methods

	 * Get the current simulation time.
	 * @return the simulation time
	public static double clock() {
		return clock;

	 * Get the current number of entities in the simulation.
	 * @return The number of entities
	public static int getNumEntities() {
		return entities.size();

	 * Get the entity with a given id.
	 * @param id the entity's unique id number
	 * @return The entity, or  if it could not be found
	public static SimEntity getEntity(int id) {
		return entities.get(id);

	 * Get the entity with a given name.
	 * @param name The entity's name
	 * @return The entity
	public static SimEntity getEntity(String name) {
		return entitiesByName.get(name);

	 * Get the id of an entity with a given name.
	 * @param name The entity's name
	 * @return The entity's unique id number
	public static int getEntityId(String name) {
		SimEntity obj = entitiesByName.get(name);
		if (obj == null) {
			return NOT_FOUND;
		} else {
			return obj.getId();

	 * Gets name of the entity given its entity ID.
	 * @param entityID the entity ID
	 * @return the Entity name or  if this object does not have one
	 * @pre entityID > 0
	 * @post $none
	public static String getEntityName(int entityID) {
		try {
			return getEntity(entityID).getName();
		} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
			return null;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;

	 * Gets name of the entity given its entity ID.
	 * @param entityID the entity ID
	 * @return the Entity name or  if this object does not have one
	 * @pre entityID > 0
	 * @post $none
	public static String getEntityName(Integer entityID) {
		if (entityID != null) {
			return getEntityName(entityID.intValue());
		return null;

	 * Returns a list of entities created for the simulation.
	 * @return the entity iterator
	public static List<SimEntity> getEntityList() {
		// create a new list to prevent the user from changing
		// the list of entities used by Simulation
		List<SimEntity> list = new LinkedList<SimEntity>();
		return list;

	// Public update methods

	 * Add a new entity to the simulation. This is present for compatibility
	 * with existing simulations since entities are automatically added to the
	 * simulation upon instantiation.
	 * @param e The new entity
	public static void addEntity(SimEntity e) {
		SimEvent evt;
		if (running) {
			// Post an event to make this entity
			evt = new SimEvent(SimEvent.CREATE, clock, 1, 0, 0, e);
		if (e.getId() == -1) { // Only add once!
			int id = entities.size();
			entitiesByName.put(e.getName(), e);

	 * Internal method used to add a new entity to the simulation when the
	 * simulation is running. It should <b>not</b> be called from user
	 * simulations.
	 * @param e The new entity
	protected static void addEntityDynamically(SimEntity e) {
		if (e == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Adding null entity.");
		} else {
			printMessage("Adding: " + e.getName());

	 * Internal method used to run one tick of the simulation. This method
	 * should <b>not</b> be called in simulations.
	 * @return true, if successful
	 * otherwise
	public static boolean runClockTick() {
		SimEntity ent;
		boolean queue_empty;
		int entities_size = entities.size();

		for (int i = 0; i < entities_size; i++) {
			ent = entities.get(i);
			if (ent.getState() == SimEntity.RUNNABLE) {;

		// If there are more future events then deal with them
		if (future.size() > 0) {
			List<SimEvent> toRemove = new ArrayList<SimEvent>();
			Iterator<SimEvent> it = future.iterator();
			queue_empty = false;
			SimEvent first =;

			it = future.iterator();

			// Check if next events are at same time...
			boolean trymore = it.hasNext();
			while (trymore) {
				SimEvent next =;
				if (next.eventTime() == first.eventTime()) {
					trymore = it.hasNext();
				} else {
					trymore = false;


		} else {
			queue_empty = true;
			running = false;
			printMessage("Simulation: No more future events");

		return queue_empty;

	 * Internal method used to stop the simulation. This method should
	 * <b>not</b> be used directly.
	public static void runStop() {
		printMessage("Simulation completed.");

	 * Used to hold an entity for some time.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param delay the delay
	public static void hold(int src, long delay) {
		SimEvent e = new SimEvent(SimEvent.HOLD_DONE, clock + delay, src);

	 * Used to pause an entity for some time.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param delay the delay
	public static void pause(int src, double delay) {
		SimEvent e = new SimEvent(SimEvent.HOLD_DONE, clock + delay, src);

	 * Used to send an event from one entity to another.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param dest the dest
	 * @param delay the delay
	 * @param tag the tag
	 * @param data the data
	public static void send(int src, int dest, double delay, int tag, Object data) {
		if (delay < 0) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Send delay can't be negative.");

		SimEvent e = new SimEvent(SimEvent.SEND, clock + delay, src, dest, tag, data);
	 * Used to send an event from one entity to another, with priority in the queue.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param dest the dest
	 * @param delay the delay
	 * @param tag the tag
	 * @param data the data
	public static void sendFirst(int src, int dest, double delay, int tag, Object data) {
		if (delay < 0) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Send delay can't be negative.");

		SimEvent e = new SimEvent(SimEvent.SEND, clock + delay, src, dest, tag, data);

	 * Sets an entity's state to be waiting. The predicate used to wait for an event
	 * is now passed to Sim_system. Only events that satisfy the predicate will be
	 * passed to the entity. This is done to avoid unnecessary context switches.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param p the p
	public static void wait(int src, Predicate p) {
		if (p != SIM_ANY) {
			// If a predicate has been used store it in order to check it
			waitPredicates.put(src, p);

	 * Checks if events for a specific entity are present in the deferred event queue.
	 * @param d the d
	 * @param p the p
	 * @return the int
	public static int waiting(int d, Predicate p) {
		int count = 0;
		SimEvent event;
		Iterator<SimEvent> iterator = deferred.iterator();
		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
			event =;
			if ((event.getDestination() == d) && (p.match(event))) {
		return count;

	 * Selects an event matching a predicate.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param p the p
	 * @return the sim event
	public static SimEvent select(int src, Predicate p) {
		SimEvent ev = null;
		Iterator<SimEvent> iterator = deferred.iterator();
		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
			ev =;
			if (ev.getDestination() == src && p.match(ev)) {
		return ev;

	 * Removes an event from the event queue.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param p the p
	 * @return the sim event
	public static SimEvent cancel(int src, Predicate p) {
		SimEvent ev = null;
		Iterator<SimEvent> iter = future.iterator();
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
			ev =;
			if (ev.getSource() == src && p.match(ev)) {

		return ev;

	 * Removes all events that match a given predicate from the future event queue
	 * returns true if at least one event has been cancelled; false otherwise.
	 * @param src the src
	 * @param p the p
	 * @return true, if successful
	public static boolean cancelAll(int src, Predicate p) {
		SimEvent ev = null;
		int previousSize = future.size();
		Iterator<SimEvent> iter = future.iterator();
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
			ev =;
			if (ev.getSource() == src && p.match(ev)) {
		return previousSize < future.size();

	// Private internal methods

	 * Processes an event.
	 * @param e the e
	private static void processEvent(SimEvent e) {
		int dest, src;
		SimEntity dest_ent;
		// Update the system's clock
		if (e.eventTime() < clock) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Past event detected.");
		clock = e.eventTime();

		// Ok now process it
		switch (e.getType()) {
			case SimEvent.ENULL:
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event has a null type.");

			case SimEvent.CREATE:
				SimEntity newe = (SimEntity) e.getData();

			case SimEvent.SEND:
				// Check for matching wait
				dest = e.getDestination();
				if (dest < 0) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"Attempt to send to a null entity detected.");
				} else {
					int tag = e.getTag();
					dest_ent = entities.get(dest);
					if (dest_ent.getState() == SimEntity.WAITING) {
						Integer destObj = Integer.valueOf(dest);
						Predicate p = waitPredicates.get(destObj);
						if ((p == null) || (tag == 9999) || (p.match(e))) {
							dest_ent.setEventBuffer((SimEvent) e.clone());
						} else {
					} else {

			case SimEvent.HOLD_DONE:
				src = e.getSource();
				if (src < 0) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null entity holding.");
				} else {


	 * Internal method used to start the simulation. This method should
	 * <b>not</b> be used by user simulations.
	public static void runStart() {
		running = true;
		// Start all the entities
		for (SimEntity ent : entities) {

		printMessage("Entities started.");

	 * Check if the simulation is still running. This method should be used by
	 * entities to check if they should continue executing.
	 * @return  if the simulation is still running,
	 *  otherwise
	public static boolean running() {
		return running;

	 * This method is called if one wants to pause the simulation.
	 * @return true, if successful
	 * otherwise.
	public static boolean pauseSimulation() {
		paused = true;
		return paused;

	 * This method is called if one wants to pause the simulation at a given
	 * time.
	 * @param time the time at which the simulation has to be paused
	 * @return true, if successful
	 * otherwise.
	public static boolean pauseSimulation(long time) {
		if (time <= clock) {
			return false;
		} else {
			pauseAt = time;
		return true;

	 * This method is called if one wants to resume the simulation that has
	 * previously been paused.
	 * @return if the simulation has been restarted or or
	 *  otherwise.
	public static boolean resumeSimulation() {
		paused = false;

		if (pauseAt <= clock) {
			pauseAt = -1;

		return !paused;

	 * Start the simulation running. This should be called after all the
	 * entities have been setup and added, and their ports linked.
	 * @return the double last clock value
	public static double run() {
		if (!running) {
		while (true) {
			if (runClockTick() || abruptTerminate) {

			if (pauseAt != -1 && ((future.size() > 0 && clock <= pauseAt && pauseAt <= future.iterator().next().eventTime()) || future.size() == 0 && pauseAt <= clock)) {
				clock = pauseAt;

			while (paused) {
				try {
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {

		double clock = clock();


		return clock;

	 * Internal method that allows the entities to terminate. This method should
	 * <b>not</b> be used in user simulations.
	public static void finishSimulation() {
		// Allow all entities to exit their body method
		if (!abruptTerminate) {
			for (SimEntity ent : entities) {
				if (ent.getState() != SimEntity.FINISHED) {;

		for (SimEntity ent : entities) {

		// reset all static variables
		// Private data members
		entities = null;
		entitiesByName = null;
		future = null;
		deferred = null;
		clock = 0L;
		running = false;

		waitPredicates = null;
		paused = false;
		pauseAt = -1;
		abruptTerminate = false;

	 * Abruptally terminate.
	public static void abruptallyTerminate() {
		abruptTerminate = true;

	 * Prints a message about the progress of the simulation.
	 * @param message the message
	private static void printMessage(String message) {

	 * Checks if is paused.
	 * @return true, if is paused
	public static boolean isPaused() {
		return paused;


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