[嵌入式开发模块]C语言ANSI标准库time.h实现 CodeWarrior必备!









另外,默认是用在中国的,所以不支持夏令时等功能。而且要注意的是,由于time_t是32位的,由于时间格式限制,这个模块只支持1970年到大约2100年, 在windows上由于time_t是32位有符号的,所以只到2038年那样,而CodeWarrior上是无符号的,所以能到2100多十几年那样,但是由于代码中没有考虑2100年的闰年处理,所以其实到2100年3月那样就会出问题。不过。。管他的呢。那时候我们在不在都还是个问题。。

源代码中由于很多地方是复制后进行修改的,还比较凌乱,大家就不要看源码,直接调接口就好了 0.0


  MyOS_SR sr;
  sr = MyOS_disableInterrupts();




*                                 TIME MODULE FOR CODEWARRIOR
* File : TimeExt.h
* By   : Lin Shijun(https://blog.csdn.net/lin_strong)
* Date:  2019/09/26
* version: V1.0
* NOTE(s):a. This module implements the time.h, which is not provided by codewarrior IDE.
*         b. It's adapted from the library of VS2012, but modified a lot.
*         c. the time_t in VS2012 is int32_t, but in CW, is uint32_t, so we can provide
*            support for a longer time till about 2100, which in VS2012 is about 2038.
*         d. Though, uint32_t can support serveral years after 2100, but the implementation
*            here treat 2100 as leap year, so, don't use this library after 2100.02.28, 
*            or you can fix this yourself.
*         e. Now, we assume you will call TimeExt_clocktick() in interrupt per millisecond.
*         f. Now, we don't supoprt DST(Daylight saving time) for this module is implemented
*            for China.
#ifndef _TIME_EXT_H
#define _TIME_EXT_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

*                                     INCLUDES

#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>

*                                     CONSTANT

#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000

*                                 PUBLIC INTERFACES

//if a given year is a leap year.
#define IS_LEAP_YEAR(y)  ((((y) % 4 == 0) && ((y) % 100 != 0)) || ((y) % 400 == 0))

int TimeExt_asctime(char * buf, const struct tm *time_rec);
int TimeExt_ctime(char * buf, const time_t *time_val);
clock_t TimeExt_clock(void);
time_t TimeExt_difftime(time_t t1, time_t t2);
void TimeExt_gmtime(struct tm * ret, const time_t *time_val);
void TimeExt_localtime(struct tm * ret,const time_t *time_val);
time_t TimeExt_mktime(struct tm *time_rec);
time_t TimeExt_mkgmtime(struct tm *time_rec);
//size_t TimeExt_strftime(char *s, size_t n, const char *format, const struct tm *time_rec);
time_t TimeExt_time (time_t *time_val);

*                                INTERNAL INTERFACES

void TimeExt_setgmtime(const time_t *time_val, uint32_t us);
// internal call by system in interrupt to notify a clock tick
void TimeExt_clocktick(void);
// gmttime + getTimezoneOffset() = localtime
int32_t getTimezoneOffset(void);

extern const int16_t TimeExt_lpdays[];
extern const int16_t TimeExt_days[];
#ifdef __cplusplus



*                                 TIME MODULE FOR CODEWARRIOR
* File : TimeExt.c
* By   : Lin Shijun(https://blog.csdn.net/lin_strong)
* Date:  2019/09/26
* version: V1.0
* NOTE(s):

*                                     INCLUDES
#include "timeExt.h"
#include "MyOS.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#if(CLOCKS_PER_SEC != 1000)
#error "this implementation assume the clock tick per ms"

*                                     CONSTANTS

#define _MIN_SEC           60L
#define _HOUR_SEC          (60  * _MIN_SEC)
#define _DAY_SEC           (24  * _HOUR_SEC)    /* secs in a day */
#define _YEAR_SEC          (365 * _DAY_SEC)     /* secs in a year */
#define _FOUR_YEAR_SEC     (1461 * _DAY_SEC)    /* secs in a 4 year interval */
#define _BASE_YEAR         70                   /* 1970 is the base year */
#define _BASE_DOW          4                    /* 01-01-70 was a Thursday */
#define _LEAP_YEAR_ADJUST  17                   /* Leap years 1900 - 1970 */

const int16_t TimeExt_lpdays[] = {-1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365};
const int16_t TimeExt_days[] = {-1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364};
static const char _dnames[] = {"Sun\0Mon\0Tue\0Wed\0Thu\0Fri\0Sat"};
static const char _mnames[] = {"Jan\0Feb\0Mar\0Apr\0May\0Jun\0Jul\0Aug\0Sep\0Oct\0Nov\0Dec"};

*                              LOCAL FUNCTIONS DECLARATION

 * ChkAdd evaluates to TRUE if dest = src1 + src2 has overflowed
//#define ChkAdd(dest, src1, src2)   ( ((src1 >= 0L) && (src2 >= 0L) \
//    && (dest < 0L)) || ((src1 < 0L) && (src2 < 0L) && (dest >= 0L)) )

// return TRUE if dest = src1 + src2 has overflowed. dest, src1 & src2 are all unsigned type
#define ChkAdd(dest, src1, src2)   ((dest) < (src1) && (dest) < (src2))

// return TRUE if if dest = src1 * src2 has overflowed
#define ChkMul(dest, src1, src2)   ((src1)? ((dest)/(src1) != (src2)) : 0 )

static time_t _make_time(struct tm *time_rec, int ultflag);

*                                   CONFIGURATION
00)UTC-12:00 Baker Island, Howland Island (both uninhabited)
01) UTC-11:00 American Samoa, Samoa
02) UTC-10:00 (Summer)French Polynesia (most), United States (Aleutian Islands, Hawaii)
03) UTC-09:30 Marquesas Islands
04) UTC-09:00 Gambier Islands;(Summer)United States (most of Alaska)
05) UTC-08:00 (Summer)Canada (most of British Columbia), Mexico (Baja California)
06) UTC-08:00 United States (California, most of Nevada, most of Oregon, Washington (state))
07) UTC-07:00 Mexico (Sonora), United States (Arizona); (Summer)Canada (Alberta)
08) UTC-07:00 Mexico (Chihuahua), United States (Colorado)
09) UTC-06:00 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador (Galapagos Islands), Guatemala, Honduras
10) UTC-06:00 Mexico (most), Nicaragua;(Summer)Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan), United States (Illinois, most of Texas)
11) UTC-05:00 Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador (continental), Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Peru
12) UTC-05:00 (Summer)Canada (most of Ontario, most of Quebec)
13) UTC-05:00 United States (most of Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, most of Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Washington D.C.)
14) UTC-04:30 Venezuela
15) UTC-04:00 Bolivia, Brazil (Amazonas), Chile (continental), Dominican Republic, Canada (Nova Scotia), Paraguay,
16) UTC-04:00 Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago
17) UTC-03:30 Canada (Newfoundland)
18) UTC-03:00 Argentina; (Summer) Brazil (Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo), most of Greenland, Uruguay
19) UTC-02:00 Brazil (Fernando de Noronha), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
20) UTC-01:00 Portugal (Azores), Cape Verde
21) UTC&#177;00:00 Cote d'Ivoire, Faroe Islands, Ghana, Iceland, Senegal; (Summer) Ireland, Portugal (continental and Madeira)
22) UTC&#177;00:00 Spain (Canary Islands), Morocco, United Kingdom
23) UTC+01:00 Angola, Cameroon, Nigeria, Tunisia; (Summer)Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
24) UTC+01:00 Spain (continental), Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kinshasa, Kosovo,
25) UTC+01:00 Macedonia, France (metropolitan), the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland
26) UTC+02:00 Libya, Egypt, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, (Summer)Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia,
27) UTC+02:00 Finland, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Moldova, Palestine, Romania, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine
28) UTC+03:00 Belarus, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Madagascar, Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast), Saudi Arabia,
29) UTC+03:00 South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen
30) UTC+03:30 (Summer)Iran
31) UTC+04:00 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mauritius, Oman, Russia (European), Seychelles, United Arab Emirates
32) UTC+04:30 Afghanistan
33) UTC+05:00 Kazakhstan (West), Maldives, Pakistan, Uzbekistan
34) UTC+05:30 India, Sri Lanka
35) UTC+05:45 Nepal
36) UTC+06:00 Kazakhstan (most), Bangladesh, Russia (Ural: Sverdlovsk Oblast, Chelyabinsk Oblast)
37) UTC+06:30 Cocos Islands, Myanmar
38) UTC+07:00 Jakarta, Russia (Novosibirsk Oblast), Thailand, Vietnam
39) UTC+08:00 China, Hong Kong, Russia (Krasnoyarsk Krai), Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, most of Mongolia, Western Australia
40) UTC+09:00 Korea, East Timor, Russia (Irkutsk Oblast), Japan
41) UTC+09:30 Australia (Northern Territory);(Summer)Australia (South Australia))
42) UTC+10:00 Russia (Zabaykalsky Krai); (Summer)Australia (New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria)
43) UTC+10:30 Lord Howe Island
44) UTC+11:00 New Caledonia, Russia (Primorsky Krai), Solomon Islands
45) UTC+11:30 Norfolk Island
46) UTC+12:00 Fiji, Russia (Kamchatka Krai);(Summer)New Zealand
47) UTC+12:45 (Summer)New Zealand
48) UTC+13:00 Tonga
49) UTC+14:00 Kiribati (Line Islands)

// timezone china
static const uint8_t time_zone = 39;

*                                     LOCAL VARIABLES
static clock_t _ticks;
static time_t _seconds;
static uint32_t _useconds = 0;

*                              PUBLIC INTERFACES IMPLEMENTATION
int TimeExt_asctime(char * buf, const struct tm *time_rec){
  if(buf == NULL || time_rec == NULL )
    return -1;
  if(time_rec->tm_year < 0 ||
     time_rec->tm_mon  < 0 || time_rec->tm_mon  > 11 ||
     time_rec->tm_hour < 0 || time_rec->tm_hour > 23 ||
     time_rec->tm_min  < 0 || time_rec->tm_min  > 59 ||
     time_rec->tm_sec  < 0 || time_rec->tm_sec  > 59 ||
     time_rec->tm_wday < 0 || time_rec->tm_wday > 6)
    return -1;
  if(time_rec->tm_mday < 1 || 
    // Day is not in valid range for the month
    ( ( TimeExt_days[ time_rec->tm_mon + 1 ] - TimeExt_days[ time_rec->tm_mon ] ) < time_rec->tm_mday ) ||
    // Special case for Feb in a leap year
    (  IS_LEAP_YEAR( time_rec->tm_year + 1900) 
    && ( time_rec->tm_mon == 1 ) 
    && ( time_rec->tm_mday > 29 )))
    return -1;
  return snprintf(buf, 26, "%s %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d\n",_dnames + time_rec->tm_wday * 4,
     _mnames + time_rec->tm_mon * 4, time_rec->tm_mday, time_rec->tm_hour, time_rec->tm_min, time_rec->tm_sec,
     time_rec->tm_year + 1900);

int TimeExt_ctime(char * buf, const time_t *time_val){
  struct tm tmp;
  TimeExt_localtime(&tmp, time_val);
  return TimeExt_asctime(buf, &tmp);

clock_t TimeExt_clock(void){
  clock_t ret;
  MyOS_SR sr;
  sr = MyOS_disableInterrupts();
  ret = _ticks;
  return ret;

time_t TimeExt_difftime(time_t t1, time_t t2){
  return t1 - t2;

void TimeExt_gmtime(struct tm * ret, const time_t *time_val){
  time_t caltim;/* = *time_val; */  /* calendar time to convert */
  int islpyr = 0;                   /* is-current-year-a-leap-year flag */
  int tmptim;
  const int16_t *mdays;                       /* pointer to days or lpdays */
  if(ret == NULL || time_val == NULL)
  (void)memset(ret, 0xff, sizeof( struct tm ) );

  caltim = *time_val;
  // Determine years since 1970. note that 2000 IS a leap year but 2100 is not 
  // so ,this function has bug after 2100
  // TODO: fix this
  tmptim = (int)(caltim / _FOUR_YEAR_SEC);
  caltim -= ((time_t)tmptim * _FOUR_YEAR_SEC);

   * Determine which year of the interval
  tmptim = (tmptim * 4) + 70;         /* 1970, 1974, 1978,...,etc. */

  if ( caltim >= _YEAR_SEC ) {

      tmptim++;                       /* 1971, 1975, 1979,...,etc. */
      caltim -= _YEAR_SEC;

      if ( caltim >= _YEAR_SEC ) {

          tmptim++;                   /* 1972, 1976, 1980,...,etc. */
          caltim -= _YEAR_SEC;

           * Note, it takes 366 days-worth of seconds to get past a leap
           * year.
          if ( caltim >= (_YEAR_SEC + _DAY_SEC) ) {

                  tmptim++;           /* 1973, 1977, 1981,...,etc. */
                  caltim -= (_YEAR_SEC + _DAY_SEC);
          else {
                   * In a leap year after all, set the flag.
   * tmptim now holds the value for tm_year. caltim now holds the
   * number of elapsed seconds since the beginning of that year.
  ret->tm_year = tmptim;

   * Determine days since January 1 (0 - 365). This is the tm_yday value.
   * Leave caltim with number of elapsed seconds in that day.
  ret->tm_yday = (int)(caltim / _DAY_SEC);
  caltim -= (time_t)(ret->tm_yday) * _DAY_SEC;

   * Determine months since January (0 - 11) and day of month (1 - 31)
  if ( islpyr )
      mdays = TimeExt_lpdays;
      mdays = TimeExt_days;

  for ( tmptim = 1 ; mdays[tmptim] < ret->tm_yday ; tmptim++ ) ;

  ret->tm_mon = --tmptim;

  ret->tm_mday = ret->tm_yday - mdays[tmptim];
   * Determine days since Sunday (0 - 6)
  ret->tm_wday = ((*time_val / _DAY_SEC) + _BASE_DOW) % 7;

   *  Determine hours since midnight (0 - 23), minutes after the hour
   *  (0 - 59), and seconds after the minute (0 - 59).
  ret->tm_hour = (int)(caltim / 3600);
  caltim -= (time_t)ret->tm_hour * 3600L;

  ret->tm_min = (int)(caltim / 60);
  ret->tm_sec = (int)(caltim - (ret->tm_min) * 60);

  ret->tm_isdst = 0;

void TimeExt_localtime(struct tm * ret,const time_t *time_val){
  time_t ltime = *time_val + getTimezoneOffset();
  TimeExt_gmtime(ret, &ltime);

time_t TimeExt_mktime(struct tm *time_rec){
  return(_make_time(time_rec, 1));

time_t TimeExt_mkgmtime(struct tm *time_rec){
  return(_make_time(time_rec, 0));

// 暂时不实现它
//size_t strftime(char *s, size_t n, const char *format, const struct tm *time_rec);

time_t TimeExt_time (time_t *time_val){
  time_t ret;
  MyOS_SR sr;
  sr = MyOS_disableInterrupts();
  ret = _seconds;
    *time_val = ret;
  return ret;

void TimeExt_clocktick(void){
// 预计会在中断中执行,所以不需要调用系统的禁止中断
  _useconds += 1000;        // 因为现在默认1毫秒(1000微秒)tick一下
  if(_useconds >= 1000000){
    _useconds %= 1000;

void TimeExt_setgmtime(const time_t *time_val, uint32_t us){
  MyOS_SR sr;
  sr = MyOS_disableInterrupts();
  _seconds = *time_val;
  _useconds = us;


int32_t getTimezoneOffset(void){
  switch (time_zone){
  case 0:
    return -12 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 1:
    return -11 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 2:
    return -10 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 3:
    return -(9 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 4:
    return -9 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 5:
  case 6:
    return -8 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 7:
  case 8:
    return -7 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 9:
  case 10:
    return -6 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 11:
  case 12:
  case 13:
    return -5 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 14:
    return -(4 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 15:
  case 16:
    return -4 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 17:
    return -(3 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 18:
    return -3 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 19:
    return -2 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 20:
    return -1 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 21:
  case 22:
    return 0;
  case 23:
  case 24:
  case 25:
    return 1 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 26:
  case 27:
    return 2 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 28:
  case 29:
    return 3 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 30:
    return (3 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 31:
    return 4 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 32:
    return (4 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 33:
    return 5 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 34:
    return (5 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 35:
    return (5 * _HOUR_SEC + 45 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 36:
    return 6 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 37:
    return (6 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 38:
    return 7 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 39:
    return 8 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 40:
    return 9 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 41:
    return (9 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 42:
    return 10 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 43:
    return (10 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 44:
    return 11 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 45:
    return (11 * _HOUR_SEC + 30 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 46:
    return 12 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 47:
    return (12 * _HOUR_SEC + 45 * _MIN_SEC);
  case 48:
    return 13 * _HOUR_SEC;
  case 49:
    return 14 * _HOUR_SEC;

*static time_t _make_time(time_rec, ultflag) -
*       Converts a struct tm value to a time_t value, then updates the struct
*       tm value. Either local time or UTC is supported, based on ultflag.
*       This is the routine that actually does the work for both _mktime32() and
*       _mkgmtime32().
*       struct tm *time_rec - pointer to a tm time structure to convert and
*                             normalize
*       int ultflag         - use local time flag. the tb structure is assumed
*                             to represent a local date/time if ultflag > 0.
*                             otherwise, UTC is assumed.
*       If successful, _make_time returns the specified calender time encoded as
*       a time_t value. Otherwise, (time_t)(-1) is returned to
*       indicate an error.
*       None.
*Note :
*       Don't support DST in this version. and not strict param check.

static time_t _make_time(struct tm *time_rec, int ultflag){
  time_t tmptm1, tmptm2, tmptm3;
  struct tm tbtemp;
  if(time_rec == NULL)
    return (time_t)-1; 

   * First, make sure tm_year is reasonably close to being in range.
  //if ( ((tmptm1 = time_rec->tm_year) < _BASE_YEAR - 1) || (tmptm1 > _MAX_YEAR + 1) )
  if ( ((tmptm1 = time_rec->tm_year) < _BASE_YEAR - 1))
      return (time_t)-1;

   * Adjust month value so it is in the range 0 - 11.  This is because
   * we don't know how many days are in months 12, 13, 14, etc.

  if ( (time_rec->tm_mon < 0) || (time_rec->tm_mon > 11) ) {

       * no danger of overflow because the range check above.
      tmptm1 += (time_rec->tm_mon / 12);

      if ( (time_rec->tm_mon %= 12) < 0 ) {
        time_rec->tm_mon += 12;

       * Make sure year count is still in range.
      //if ( (tmptm1 < _BASE_YEAR - 1) || (tmptm1 > _MAX_YEAR + 1) )
    //return (time_t)-1;

  /***** HERE: tmptm1 holds number of elapsed years *****/

   * Calculate days elapsed minus one, in the given year, to the given
   * month. Check for leap year and adjust if necessary.
  tmptm2 = TimeExt_days[time_rec->tm_mon];
  if ( !(tmptm1 & 3) && (time_rec->tm_mon > 1) )

   * Calculate elapsed days since base date (midnight, 1/1/70, UTC)
   * 365 days for each elapsed year since 1970, plus one more day for
   * each elapsed leap year. no danger of overflow because of the range
   * check (above) on tmptm1.
  tmptm3 = (tmptm1 - _BASE_YEAR) * 365L + ((tmptm1 - 1L) >> 2)

   * elapsed days to current month (still no possible overflow)
  tmptm3 += tmptm2;

   * elapsed days to current date. overflow is now possible.
  tmptm1 = tmptm3 + (tmptm2 = (time_t)(time_rec->tm_mday));
  //if ( ChkAdd(tmptm1, tmptm3, tmptm2) )
  //    return (time_t)-1;

  /***** HERE: tmptm1 holds number of elapsed days *****/

   * Calculate elapsed hours since base date
  tmptm2 = tmptm1 * 24L;
  if ( ChkMul(tmptm2, tmptm1, 24L) )
      return (time_t)-1;

  tmptm1 = tmptm2 + (tmptm3 = (time_t)time_rec->tm_hour);
  if ( ChkAdd(tmptm1, tmptm2, tmptm3) )
      return (time_t)-1;

  /***** HERE: tmptm1 holds number of elapsed hours *****/

   * Calculate elapsed minutes since base date

  tmptm2 = tmptm1 * 60L;
  if ( ChkMul(tmptm2, tmptm1, 60L) )
      return (time_t)-1;

  tmptm1 = tmptm2 + (tmptm3 = (time_t)time_rec->tm_min);
  if ( ChkAdd(tmptm1, tmptm2, tmptm3) )
      return (time_t)-1;

  /***** HERE: tmptm1 holds number of elapsed minutes *****/

   * Calculate elapsed seconds since base date

  tmptm2 = tmptm1 * 60L;
  if ( ChkMul(tmptm2, tmptm1, 60L) )
      return (time_t)-1;

  tmptm1 = tmptm2 + (tmptm3 = (time_t)time_rec->tm_sec);
  if ( ChkAdd(tmptm1, tmptm2, tmptm3) )
      return (time_t)-1;

  /***** HERE: tmptm1 holds number of elapsed seconds *****/

  if  ( ultflag ) {

       * Adjust for timezone. No need to check for overflow since
       * localtime() will check its arg value



      tmptm1 -= getTimezoneOffset();

       * Convert this second count back into a time block structure.
       * If localtime returns NULL, return an error.
      //if ( _localtime32_s(&tbtemp, &tmptm1) != 0 )
       // return (time_t)-1;
      TimeExt_localtime(&tbtemp, &tmptm1);

       * Now must compensate for DST. The ANSI rules are to use the
       * passed-in tm_isdst flag if it is non-negative. Otherwise,
       * compute if DST applies. Recall that tbtemp has the time without
       * DST compensation, but has set tm_isdst correctly.
      //if ( (time_rec->tm_isdst > 0) || ((time_rec->tm_isdst < 0) &&
      //  (tbtemp.tm_isdst > 0)) ) {
    //tmptm1 += dstbias;
    //if ( _localtime32_s(&tbtemp, &tmptm1) != 0 )
    //    return (time_t)-1;
    //  }

  }else {
    //if ( _gmtime32_s(&tbtemp, &tmptm1) != 0 )
    //return (time_t)-1;
    TimeExt_gmtime(&tbtemp, &tmptm1);

  /***** HERE: tmptm1 holds number of elapsed seconds, adjusted *****/
  /*****       for local time if requested          *****/

  *time_rec = tbtemp;
  return tmptm1;


PUBLIC INTERFACES部分就不说了,就按标准库的用法来用就好。





void TimeExt_setgmtime(const time_t *time_val, uint32_t us);


XXXX == -1
XXXX == (time_t)(-1)


2019/10/18 V1.0





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


