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翻译 保存到数据库

Saving Data in SQL DatabasesPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toDefine a Schema and ContractCreate a Database Using a SQL HelperPut Information into a DatabaseRead Informat

2016-02-20 12:08:47 271

翻译 保存文件

Saving FilesPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toChoose Internal or External StorageObtain Permissions for External StorageSave a File on Internal StorageSave a File on Ex

2016-02-20 12:07:43 220

翻译 保存键值对

Saving Key-Value SetsPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toGet a Handle to a SharedPreferencesWrite to Shared PreferencesRead from Shared PreferencesYou should also rea

2016-02-20 12:07:09 489

翻译 保存数据

Saving DataGet startedDependencies and prerequisitesAndroid 1.6 (API Level 4) or higherFamiliarity with Map key-value collectionsFamiliarity with the Java file I/O APIFamiliari

2016-02-20 12:06:32 199

翻译 Fragment之间的交互

Communicating with Other FragmentsPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toDefine an InterfaceImplement the InterfaceDeliver a Message to a FragmentYou should also readFragm

2016-02-20 12:04:05 243

翻译 构建一个灵活的用户界面

Building a Flexible UIPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toAdd a Fragment to an Activity at RuntimeReplace One Fragment with AnotherYou should also readFragmentsSuppor

2016-02-20 12:02:57 233

翻译 创建一个Fragment

Creating a FragmentPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toCreate a Fragment ClassAdd a Fragment to an Activity using XMLYou should also readFragmentsTry it outDOWN

2016-02-20 12:01:17 257

翻译 用Fragment构建一个动态UI

Building a Dynamic UI with FragmentsGet startedDependencies and prerequisitesBasic knowledge of the Activity lifecycle (see Managing the Activity Lifecycle)Experience buildin

2016-02-20 12:00:14 160

翻译 重新创建一个Activity

Recreating an ActivityPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toSave Your Activity StateRestore Your Activity StateYou should also readSupporting Different ScreensHandlin

2016-02-20 11:58:09 206

翻译 停止和重启一个Activity

Stopping and Restarting an ActivityPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toStop Your ActivityStart/Restart Your ActivityYou should also readActivitiesTry it outDOWNLO

2016-02-20 11:57:09 290

翻译 暂停和恢复一个Activity

Pausing and Resuming an ActivityPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toPause Your ActivityResume Your ActivityYou should also readActivitiesTry it outDOWNLOAD THE DE

2016-02-20 11:55:30 226

翻译 启动一个Activity

Starting an ActivityPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toUnderstand the Lifecycle CallbacksSpecify Your App's Launcher ActivityCreate a New InstanceDestroy the ActivityY

2016-02-20 11:54:44 383

翻译 管理Activity的生命周期

Managing the Activity LifecycleGet startedDependencies and prerequisitesHow to create an Android project (see Creating an Android Project)You should also readActiviti

2016-02-20 11:35:47 201

翻译 支持不同的平台版本

Supporting Different Platform VersionsPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toSpecify Minimum and Target API LevelsCheck System Version at RuntimeUse Platform Styles and Them

2016-02-20 11:29:19 170

翻译 支持不同的屏幕

Supporting Different ScreensPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toCreate Different LayoutsCreate Different BitmapsYou should also readDesigning for Multiple ScreensPr

2016-02-20 11:28:06 156

翻译 支持不同的语言

Supporting Different LanguagesPreviousNextThis class teaches you toCreate Locale Directories and String FilesUse the String ResourcesYou should also readLocalization Ch

2016-02-20 11:27:32 196

翻译 支持不同的设备

Supporting Different DevicesGet startedDependencies and prerequisitesAndroid 1.6 or higherYou should also readApplication ResourcesDesigning for Multiple ScreensA

2016-02-20 11:26:30 205

翻译 再启动一个Activity

Starting Another ActivityPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toRespond to the Send ButtonBuild an IntentCreate the Second ActivityReceive the IntentDisplay the MessageYou

2016-02-20 11:20:28 301

翻译 构建一个简单的用户界面

Building a Simple User InterfacePreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toCreate a Linear LayoutAdd a Text FieldAdd String ResourcesAdd a ButtonMake the Input Box Fill in the Scree

2016-02-20 11:18:05 317

翻译 运行App

Running Your AppPreviousNextThis lesson teaches you toRun on a Real DeviceRun on the EmulatorYou should also readUsing Hardware DevicesManaging AVDs with AVD ManagerManag

2016-02-20 11:16:42 630

翻译 创建安卓应用

使用Android Studio创建应用在 Android Studio 里面, 创建一个新的工程:如果没有打开的工程, 请在 Welcome 界面, 点击 New Project.如果已经有打开的项目, 在 File 菜单, 选择 New Project. 填写屏幕上的字段, 点击 Next.如果你填写相同的内容是很容易跟上这些课程的。Application

2016-02-19 15:40:10 350



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