Implementation Patterns (Addison-Wesley Signature) (Paperback), Nov.2007.eBook-BBL

 TITLE : Implementation Patterns (Addison-Wesley Signature) (Paperback) AUTHOR : by Kent Beck (Author) PUBLISHER : Addison-Wesley Professional publisher ISBN : 0321413091 EDITION : 1st PUB DATE : November 02, 2007 LANGUAGE : English RLS DATE : 02/09/2008 MAKER : BBL SUPPLIER : BBL PACKAGER : BBL FORMAT : PDF SIZE : 01 x 1.44 MB [ R e l e a s e N o t e s ] "Kent is a master at creating code that communicates well, is easy to understand, and is a pleasure to read. Every chapter of this book contains excellent explanations and insights into the smaller but important decisions we continuously have to make when creating quality code and classes." -Erich Gamma, IBM Distinguished Engineer "Many teams have a master developer who makes a rapid stream of good decisions all day long. Their code is easy to understand, quick to modify, and feels safe and comfortable to work with. If you ask how they thought to write something the way they did, they always have a good reason. This book will help you become the master developer on your team. The breadth and depth of topics will engage veteran programmers, who will pick up new tricks and improve on old habits, while the clarity makes it accessible to even novice developers. " -Russ Rufer, Silicon Valley Patterns Group "Many people don't realize how readable code can be and how valuable that readability is. Kent has taught me so much, I'm glad this book gives everyone the chance to learn from him." -Martin Fowler, chief scientist, ThoughtWorks "Code should be worth reading, not just by the compiler, but by humans. Kent Beck distilled his experience into a cohesive collection of implementation patterns. These nuggets of advice will make your code truly worth reading." -Gregor Hohpe, author of Enterprise Integration Patterns "In this book Kent Beck shows how writing clear and readable code follows from the application of simple principles. Implementation Patterns will help developers write intention revealing code that is both easy to understand and flexible towards future extensions. A must read for developers who are serious about their code." -Sven Gorts "Implementation Patterns bridges the gap between design and coding. Beck introduces a new way of thinking about programming by basing his discussion on values and principles." -Diomidis Spinellis, author of Code Reading and Code Quality Software Expert Kent Beck Presents a Catalog of Patterns Infinitely Useful for Everyday Programming Great code doesn't just function: it clearly and consistently communicates your intentions, allowing other programmers to understand your code, rely on it, and modify it with confidence. But great code doesn't just happen. It is the outcome of hundreds of small but critical decisions programmers make every single day. Now, legendary software innovator Kent Beck-known worldwide for creating Extreme Programming and pioneering software patterns and test-driven development-focuses on these critical decisions, unearthing powerful "implementation patterns" for writing programs that are simpler, clearer, better organized, and more cost effective. Beck collects 77 patterns for handling everyday programming tasks and writing more readable code. This new collection of patterns addresses many aspects of development, including class, state, behavior, method, collections, frameworks, and more. He uses diagrams, stories, examples, and essays to engage the reader as he illuminates the patterns. You'll find proven solutions for handling everything from naming variables to checking exceptions. This book covers: - The value of communicating through code and the philosophy behind patterns - How and when to create classes, and how classes encode logic - Best practices for storing and retrieving state - Behavior: patterns for representing logic, including alternative paths - Writing, naming, and decomposing methods - Choosing and using collections - Implementation pattern variations for use in building frameworks Implementation Patterns will help programmers at all experience levels, especially those who have benefited from software patterns or agile methods. It will also be an indispensable resource for development teams seeking to work together more efficiently and build more maintainable software. No other programming book will touch your day-to-day work more often. URL: Download: Mirror Download:
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“Many teams have a master developer who makes a rapid stream of good decisions all day long. Their code is easy to understand, quick to modify, and feels safe and comfortable to work with. If you ask how they thought to write something the way they did, they always have a good reason. This book will help you become the master developer on your team. The breadth and depth of topics will engage veteran programmers, who will pick up new tricks and improve on old habits, while the clarity makes it accessible to even novice developers.”, by Russ Rufer, Silicon Valley Patterns Group, “Many people don't realize how readable code can be and how valuable that readability is. Kent has taught me so much, I'm glad this book gives everyone the chance to learn from him.”, by Martin Fowler, chief scientist, ThoughtWorks, “Code should be worth reading, not just by the compiler, but by humans. Kent Beck distilled his experience into a cohesive collection of implementation patterns. These nuggets of advice will make your code truly worth reading.”, by Gregor Hohpe, author of Enterprise Integration Patterns, “In this book Kent Beck shows how writing clear and readable code follows from the application of simple principles. Implementation Patterns will help developers write intention revealing code that is both easy to understand and flexible towards future extensions. A must read for developers who are serious about their code.”, by Sven Gorts, “Implementation Patterns bridges the gap between design and coding. Beck introduces a new way of thinking about programming by basing his discussion on values and principles.”, by Diomidis Spinellis, author of Code Reading and Code Quality, Software Expert Kent Beck Presents a Catalog of Patterns Infinitely Useful for Everyday Programming, Great code doesn't just function: it clearly and consistently communicates your intentions, allowing other programmers to understand your code, rely on it, and modify it with confidence. But great code doesn't just happen. It is the outcome of hundreds of small but critical decisions programmers make every single day. Now, legendary software innovator Kent Beck—known worldwide for creating Extreme Programming and pioneering software patterns and test-driven development–focuses on these critical decisions, unearthing powerful “implementation patterns” for writing programs that are simpler, clearer, better organized, and more cost effective., Beck collects 77 patterns for handling everyday programming tasks and writing more readable code. This new collection of patterns addresses many aspects of development, including class, state, behavior, method, collections, frameworks, and more. He uses diagrams, stories, examples, and essays to engage the reader as he illuminates the patterns. You'll find proven solutions for handling everything from naming variables to checking exceptions., This book covers:, The value of communicating through code and the philosophy behind patterns, How and when to create classes, and how classes encode logic, Best practices for storing and retrieving state, Behavior: patterns for representing logic, including alternative paths, Writing, naming, and decomposing methods, Choosing and using collections, Implementation pattern variations for use in building frameworks, Implementation Patterns will help programmers at all experience levels, especially those who have benefited from software patterns or agile methods. It will also be an indispensable resource for development teams seeking to work together more efficiently and build more maintainable software. No other programming book will touch your day-to-day work more often.
### 回答1: 《Head First设计模式-深入浅出设计模式》是一本以简单有趣的方式介绍设计模式的书籍。设计模式是在软件开发中解决特定问题的一种经验总结,它们提供了在实际开发中可重用、可靠、灵活的解决方案。 该书的主要特点是通过生动有趣的讲解和丰富多样的图表、示例来帮助读者更好地理解和应用设计模式。作者采用了大量的图形和实例来解释设计模式的概念,使读者能够迅速理解并应用这些概念。 这本书涵盖了23种常用的设计模式,如工厂模式、单例模式、适配器模式、装饰器模式等。每一种设计模式都以一个实际的例子开始,引出该模式解决的问题,然后详细解释其结构和应用,最后通过示例代码展示如何使用该模式。 此外,该书还介绍了设计模式之间的关系和如何选择合适的设计模式。它教授了读者如何在具体问题中识别出适用的设计模式,并提供了一些实际的应用建议。 《Head First设计模式-深入浅出设计模式》以其独特的教学风格和简洁明了的讲解深受读者喜爱。这本书不仅适合初学者了解设计模式,也适合有一定经验的开发人员进一步提高他们的软件设计和编程能力。 总之,这本书以其生动有趣的讲解方式和大量的图表、实例为读者介绍了设计模式的基本概念和具体应用,是学习和理解设计模式的一本不可或缺的指南。 ### 回答2: 《Head First设计模式:深入浅出设计模式》是一本主要介绍软件设计模式的书籍。设计模式是在软件开发中经常出现的问题的解决方案,可以帮助开发人员更好地构建可重用、可扩展、可维护的代码。 这本书以深入浅出的方式介绍了23种常见的设计模式,通过生动有趣的讲解和大量的图形和实例,使读者能够更加轻松地理解和掌握设计模式。它采用了非传统的学习方式,通过讲故事、练习、谜题等方式将设计模式的概念和使用方法娓娓道来。 该书首先从简单的设计模式开始,引导读者逐步理解和掌握基础的设计原则和模式,如单例模式、工厂模式等。然后,逐渐深入介绍更复杂的模式,如装饰器模式、观察者模式、策略模式等。每个模式都通过具体的案例和代码示例进行讲解,帮助读者理解模式的思想和应用场景。 除了具体的设计模式之外,这本书还关注了如何将设计模式应用到现实的软件开发中。它探讨了如何根据不同的需求选择合适的设计模式,以及如何通过设计模式提高代码的质量和可维护性。 总的来说,《Head First设计模式:深入浅出设计模式》是一本非常有趣、易懂且实用的设计模式入门书籍。无论是初学者还是有一定经验的开发人员,都能从中获得有益的知识和经验,提高软件开发的能力和效率。


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