Big Data 暨IBM BigInsight 应用行业总结分析


When your enterprise can leverage all, rather than a subset of its data, you have a powerful advantage over your competition. IBM's platform for Big Data can help you manage and analyze your business’ ever-increasing volume, variety and velocity of data. Furthermore, we have the industry expertise to apply these solutions in a way that addresses your specific business problems in the context of your overall IT architecture. IBM understands the dynamics of your industry and can help you make the most of your data.

Financial Services

  • Monitor social media sources for rumors, deliberate false information, and impersonation of employees to more quickly understand and correct misinformation.
  • Analyze social media data in conjunction with customer buying data to predict customer buying behavior, while tracking sentiment and brand perception.
  • Incorporate contextual awareness (news, weather) into trading decisions.
  • Help agents find patterns, understand context and flag abuse by analyzing customer correspondence in conjunction with structured information.
  • Predict consumer behavior by using cross-line of business details to correlate consumer debt ratios and transaction patterns.
  • Automate entity identification and risk profiling based on SEC and other regulatory filings, with the ability to assemble, model and stay current on large volumes of information.
  • Run highly complex pattern detection algorithms on years, rather than months of transaction data, allowing the organization to rapidly detect and respond to new fraud scenarios and exposures.
  • Consume, analyze and act on real-time market data while maintaining sub-millisecond response times, even under extreme data loads.
  • Unlock the insights embedded in call center voice recordings by doing voice-to-text conversions, then performing advanced text analytics on the converted recordings.


  • Perform complex real-time analytics on physiological streams of data in ICU environments to detect life-threatening conditions in time to proactively intervene.
  • Manage and analyze real-time sensor data to assist chronic disease patients.
  • Capture and analyze clinical information from electronic health records to speed the creation and diffusion of medical knowledge, potentially helping to expose the early signs of an epidemic.

Government / Law Enforcement

  • Identify criminals, networks, and threats from disparate video, audio and data feeds.
  • Predict the possibility of cyber attacks by analyzing real-time events across multiple layers of the network (IDS, Firewalls, etc).
  • Predict and prevent street crimes by performing real-time analytics on the location parameters of street gangs using geo-spatial location detectors such as GPS enabled cell phones.


  • Analyze social media data in conjunction with customer buying data to predict customer behavior, and track sentiment and brand perception.
  • Issue marketing promotions, analyze their success in real time, and adapt promotions to optimize outcome.
  • Analyze linkages between specific online advertising and recommendations to buying behavior so that you can strategically merchandise and place effective advertising.
  • Unlock the insights embedded in call center voice recordings by doing voice-to-text conversions, then performing advanced text analytics on the converted recordings.


  • Perform real-time mediation with the ability to handle billions of call detail records per day.
  • Process real-time call data to predict customer churn and remediate customer satisfaction issues (ex: dropped calls) as soon as they happen.
  • Enable real-time geo-mapping and marketing promotions.
  • Analyze social media data with customer buying data to predict customer behavior and track sentiment and brand perception.
  • Unlock the insights embedded in call center voice recordings by doing voice-to-text conversions, then performing advanced text analytics on the converted recordings.


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