

本人用的是ubuntu,ubuntu安装盘一般是带了这个工具了,在试的过程中发现ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso这个安装包里的gparted 有问题,老报unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition错误,最后用10.4 64位安装包实验成果

Required Tools

  1. VMWare Product : Working Virtual machine and Vmware Workstation (it will work with other vmware product such as GSX Server and VMware Server).
  2. GParted LiveCD : Third-party utility to expand the size of a virtual disk.

Step # 1: Shutdown The Guest Operating System

Shutdown and poweroff Windows Vista.

Delete all your snapshots from snapshot manager by visting VM > Snapshot Manger. Since you are going to resize you virtual disk, these snapshots going to create a problem for you.

Backup your entire virtual machine. My VM is located at /share/vms/WindowsVista. So I made a backup:
# cp -arv /share/vms/WindowsVista /safe/path/to/vm/05062009/
# rsync /share/vms/WindowsVista user@lan.nixcraft.net.in:/.dumps/vms/05062009/
Another option is you can clone your guest in VMware, if you want to keep the existing virtual machine configuration by visiting VM > Clone option.

Step # 2: Increase Your Virtual Machine's Disk Capacity

Open shell prompt and type the following command:
# /usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager -x {diskSize}GB yourvm.vmdk
If you are using Windows operating host system change directory to C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation or add this to your PATH settings. Click on Start > Run and type cmd to open Windows shell prompt:
vmware-vdiskmanager -x {diskSize}GB "c:\vm\yourvm.vmdk"
OR use full path as follows
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-vdiskmanager -x {diskSize}GB "c:\vm\yourvm.vmdk"

Example: Increase Size to 32GB

Linux host example:
# /usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager -x 32GB /share/vms/WindowsVista/vista.vmdk
Windows host example:
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-vdiskmanager -x 32GB "c:\vm\centos.vmdk"

Step # 3: Expand The Size Of a Virtual Disk

Now, disk size is increased but operating system will only show 16GB used and 16GB unused. To add new 16GB to C: (i.e. expand the size of a a virtual disk), use GParted. You will need to use a third-party utility such as GParted to resize the expanded partitions. The GParted application is the GNOME partition editor for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions. GParted is a live Linux based CD. Download latest version here or use wget command as follows:
$ cd /tmp
$ wget http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gparted/gparted-live-0.4.5-2.iso

Start Vmware

Select your VM (such as Windows Vista). Click on VM menu > Select Properties > Select CD / DVD > Use ISO Image > Click on Browse > Select /tmp/gparted-live-0.4.5-2.iso > Ok > Save.

Fig.01: Boot From Gparted Live CD

Fig.01: Boot From Gparted Live CD

Start your virtual machine. Press F2 to visit Vmware BIOS menu. Make sure boot option order is set as follows (CDROM drive should be the first boot device):

Fig.02: Allow Virtual Machine To Boot From a Live CD

Fig.02: Allow Virtual Machine To Boot From a Live CD

Hit [F10] function key to save and exit BIOS menu. Within minutes you will boot into Gparted Live CD.

Select your disk (such as /dev/sda1).

Click on Resize/Move button.

Set a new size to maximum size (it is displayed on the screen itself).

Fig.03: Resizing Windows Vista Virtual Disk

Fig.03: Resizing Windows Vista Virtual Disk

Finally, hit Resize/Move button to start the process:

Fig.04: Gparted in action

Fig.04: Gparted in action

Depending on the amount (disk size and storage type) and type (resize or move) operation resize may tae a long time. After sometime Gparted will give out the final confirmation about disk resize operation (you must not get any error on screen):

Fig.05 Gparted resize disk operation

Fig.05 Gparted resize disk operation

Click on exit button shutdown Gparted.

Step # 4: Fix Windows MBR and Partition Issue

  1. Get your Windows Vista CD and insert the installation disc.
  2. Click Repair your computer to fix MBR and other small issue.
  3. When the repair process is complete, click Finish.

Step # 5: Verify Your Disk Space

Make sure the virtual machine configured to start from a hard disk by pressing F2 key. Save and exit BIOS. Once done, you should able to boot into Windows vista (chkdsk may run at startup). Just verify your disk space:

Fig.06: Windows Vista Running As Guest with 32GB virtual disk space.

Fig.06: Windows Vista Running As Guest with 32GB virtual disk space.

Recommend Readings:
  1. The official Vmware website and documentation.
  2. A Stop error occurs, or the computer stops responding when you try to start Windows Vista.
  3. Resize Windows Partition with Open Source Software.
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