Introduction to COM - What It Is and How to Use It.


Purpose of this Article

I have written this tutorial for programmers who are just starting out in COM and need some help in understanding the basics. The article briefly covers the COM specification, and then explains some COM terminology and describes how to reuse existing COM components. This article does not cover writing your own COM objects or interfaces.


July 22, 2000: Added a couple of more paragraphs about using Release() and unloading DLLs. Also added the section on HRESULTs.


COM (Component Object Model) is the popular TLA (three-letter acronym) that seems to be everywhere in the Windows world these days. There are tons of new technologies coming out all the time, all based on COM. The documentation throws around lots of terms like COM objectinterfaceserver, and so on, but it all assumes you're familiar with how COM works and how to use it.

This article introduces COM from the beginning, describes the underlying mechanisms involved, and shows how to use COM objects provided by others (specifically, the Windows shell). By the end of the article, you will be able to use the COM objects built-in to Windows and provided by third parties.

This article assumes you are proficient in C++. I use a little bit of MFC and ATL in the sample code, but I will explain the code thoroughly, so you should be able to follow along if you are not familiar with MFC or ATL. The sections in this article are:

COM - What Exactly Is It? - A quick introduction to the COM standard, and the problems it was created to solve. You don't need to know this to use COM, but I'd still recommend reading it to get an understanding of why things are done the way they are in COM.

Definitions of the Basic Elements - COM terminology and descriptions of what those terms represent.

Working with COM Objects - An overview of how to create, use, and destroy COM objects.

The Base Interface - IUnknown - A description of the methods in the base interface, IUnknown.

Pay Close Attention - String Handling - How to handle strings in COM code.

Bringing it All Together - Sample Code - Two sets of sample code that illustrate all the concepts discussed in the article.

Handling HRESULTs - A description of the HRESULT type and how to test for error and success codes.

References - Books you should expense if your employer will let you. :)

COM - What exactly is it?

COM is, simply put, a method for sharing binary code across different applications and languages. This is unlike the C++ approach, which promotes reuse of source code. ATL is a perfect example of this. While source-level reuse works fine, it only works for C++. It also introduces the possibility of name collisions, not to mention bloat from having multiple copies of the code in your projects.

Windows lets you share code at the binary level using DLLs. After all, that's how Windows apps function - reusing kernel32.dll, user32.dll, etc. But since the DLLs are written to a C interface, they can only be used by C or languages that understand the C calling convention. This puts the burden of sharing on the programming language implementer, instead of on the DLL itself.

MFC introduced another binary sharing mechanism with MFC extension DLLs. But these are even more restrictive - you can only use them from an MFC app.

COM solves all these problems by defining a binary standard, meaning that COM specifies that the binary modules (the DLLs and EXEs) must be compiled to match a specific structure. The standard also specifies exactly how COM objects must be organized in memory. The binaries must also not depend on any feature of any programming language (such as name decoration in C++). Once that's done, the modules can be accessed easily from any programming language. A binary standard puts the burden of compatibility on the compiler that produces the binaries, which makes it much easier for the folks who come along later and need to use those binaries.

The structure of COM objects in memory just happens to use the same structure that is used by C++ virtual functions, so that's why a lot of COM code uses C++. But remember, the language that the module is written in is irrelevant, because the resulting binary is usable by all languages.

Incidentally, COM is not Win32-specific. It could, in theory, be ported to Unix or any other OS. However, I have never seem COM mentioned outside of the Windows world.

Definitions of the Basic Elements

Let's go from the bottom up. An interface is simply a group of functions. Those functions are called methods. Interface names start with I, for exampleIShellLink. In C++, an interface is written as an abstract base class that has only pure virtual functions.

Interfaces may inherit from other interfaces. Inheritance works just like single inheritance in C++. Multiple inheritance is not allowed with interfaces.

coclass (short for component object class) is contained in a DLL or EXE, and contains the code behind one or more interfaces. The coclass is said toimplement those interfaces. A COM object is an instance of a coclass in memory. Note that a COM "class" is not the same as a C++ "class", although it is often the case that the implementation of a COM class is a C++ class.

COM server is a binary (DLL or EXE) that contains on or more coclasses.

Registration is the process of creating registry entries that tell Windows where a COM server is located. Unregistration is the opposite - removing those registry entries.

GUID (rhymes with "fluid", stands for globally unique identifier) is a 128-bit number. GUIDs are COM's language-independent way of identifying things. Each interface and coclass has a GUID. Since GUIDs are unique throughout the world, name collisions are avoided (as long as you use the COM API to create them). You will also see the term UUID (which stands for universally unique identifier) at times. UUIDs and GUIDs are, for all practical purposes, the same.

class ID, or CLSID, is a GUID that names a coclass. An interface ID, or IID, is a GUID that names an interface.

There are two reasons GUIDs are used so extensively in COM:

  1. GUIDs are just numbers under the hood, and any programming language can handle them.
  2. Every GUID created, by anyone on any machine, is unique when created properly. Therefore, COM developers can create GUIDs on their own with no chance of two developers choosing the same GUID. This eliminates the need for a central authority to issue GUIDs.

An HRESULT is an integral type used by COM to return error and success codes. It is not a "handle" to anything, despite the H prefix. I'll have more to say about HRESULTs and how to test them later on.

Finally, the COM library is the part of the OS that you interact with when doing COM-related stuff. Often, the COM library is referred to as just "COM," but I will not do that here, to avoid confusion.

Working with COM Objects

Every language has its own way of dealing with objects. For example, in C++ you create them on the stack, or use new to dynamically allocate them. Since COM must be language-neutral, the COM library provides its own object-management routines. A comparison of COM and C++ object management is listed below:

Creating a new object
  • In C++, use operator new or create an object on the stack.
  • In COM, call an API in the COM library.
Deleting objects
  • In C++, use operator delete or let a stack object go out of scope.
  • In COM, all objects keep their own reference counts. The caller must tell the object when the caller is done using the object. COM objects free themselves from memory when the reference count reaches 0.

Now, in between those two stages of creating and destroying the object, you actually have to use it. When you create a COM object, you tell the COM library what interface you need. If the object is created successfully, the COM library returns a pointer to the requested interface. You can then call methods through that pointer, just as if it were a pointer to a regular C++ object.

Creating a COM object

To create a COM object and get an interface from the object, you call the COM library API CoCreateInstance(). The prototype forCoCreateInstance() is:

HRESULT CoCreateInstance (
    REFCLSID  rclsid,
    LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter,
    DWORD     dwClsContext,
    REFIID    riid,
    LPVOID*   ppv );

The parameters are:

The CLSID of the coclass. For example, you can pass  CLSID_ShellLink to create a COM object used to create shortcuts.
This is only used when aggregating COM objects, which is a way of taking an existing coclass and adding new methods to it. For our purposes, we can just pass NULL to indicate we're not using aggregation.
Indicates what kind of COM servers we want to use. For this article, we will always be using the simplest kind of server, an in-process DLL, so we'll pass  CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER. One caveat: you should not use  CLSCTX_ALL (which is the default in ATL) because it will fail on Windows 95 systems that do not have DCOM installed.
The IID of the interface you want returned. For example, you can pass  IID_IShellLink to get a pointer to an  IShellLink interface.
Address of an interface pointer. The COM library returns the requested interface through this parameter.

When you call CoCreateInstance(), it handles looking up the CLSID in the registry, reading the location of the server, loading the server into memory, and creating an instance of the coclass you requested.

Here's a sample call, which instantiates a CLSID_ShellLink object and requests an IShellLink interface pointer to that COM object.

HRESULT     hr;
IShellLink* pISL;

hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ShellLink,         // CLSID of coclass

                        NULL,                    // not used - aggregation

                        CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,    // type of server

                        IID_IShellLink,          // IID of interface

                        (void**) &pISL );        // Pointer to our interface pointer

    if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
        // Call methods using pISL here.

        // Couldn't create the COM object.  hr holds the error code.


First we declare an HRESULT to hold the return from CoCreateInstance() and an IShellLink pointer. We call CoCreateInstance() to create a new COM object. The SUCCEEDED macro returns TRUE if hr holds a code indicating success, or FALSE if hr indicates failure. There is a corresponding macro FAILED that tests for a failure code.

Deleting a COM object

As stated before, you don't free COM objects, you just tell them that you're done using them. The IUnknown interface, which every COM object implements, has a method Release(). You call this method to tell the COM object that you no longer need it. Once you call Release(), you must not use the interface pointer any more, since the COM object may disappear from memory at any time.

If your app uses a lot of different COM objects, it's vitally important to call Release() whenever you're done using an interface. If you don't release interfaces, the COM objects (and the DLLs that contain the code) will remain in memory, and will needlessly add to your app's working set. If your app will be running for a long time, you should call the CoFreeUnusedLibraries() API during your idle processing. This API unloads any COM servers that have no outstanding references, so this also reduces your app's memory usage.

Continuing the above example, here's how you would use Release():

    // Create COM object as above.  Then...

    if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
        // Call methods using pISL here.

        // Tell the COM object that we're done with it.


The IUnknown interface is explained fully in the next section.

The Base Interface - IUnknown

Every COM interface is derived from IUnknown. The name is a bit misleading, in that it's not an unknown interface. The name signifies that if you have an IUnknown pointer to a COM object, you don't know what the underlying object is, since every COM object implements IUnknown.

IUnknown has three methods:

  1. AddRef() - Tells the COM object to increment its reference count. You would use this method if you made a copy of an interface pointer, and both the original and the copy would still be used. We won't need to use AddRef() for our purposes in this article.
  2. Release() - Tells the COM object to decrement its reference count. See the previous example for a code snippet demonstrating Release().
  3. QueryInterface() - Requests an interface pointer from a COM object. You use this when a coclass implements more than one interface.

We've already seen Release() in action, but what about QueryInterface()? When you create a COM object with CoCreateInstance(), you get an interface pointer back. If the COM object implements more than one interface (not counting IUnknown), you use QueryInterface() to get any additional interface pointers that you need. The prototype of QueryInterface() is:

HRESULT IUnknown::QueryInterface (
    REFIID iid,
    void** ppv );

The parameters are:

The IID of the interface you're requesting.
Address of an interface pointer.  QueryInterface() returns the interface through this parameter if it is successful.

Let's continue our shell link example. The coclass for making shell links implements IShellLink and IPersistFile. If you already have anIShellLink pointer, pISL, you can request an IPersistFile interface from the COM object with code like this:

IPersistFile* pIPF;

    hr = pISL->QueryInterface ( IID_IPersistFile, (void**) &pIPF );

You then test hr with the SUCCEEDED macro to determine if QueryInterface() worked. If it succeeded, you can then use the new interface pointer, pIPF, just like any other interface. You must also call pIPF->Release() to tell the COM object that you're done using the interface.

Pay Close Attention - String Handling

I need to make a detour for a few moments, and discuss how to handle strings in COM code. If you are familiar with how Unicode and ANSI strings work, and know how to convert between the two, then you can skip this section. Otherwise, read on.

Whenever a COM method returns a string, that string will be in Unicode. (Well, all methods that are written to the COM spec, that is!) Unicode is a character encoding scheme, like ASCII, only all characters are 2 bytes long. If you want to get the string into a more manageable state, you should convert it to a TCHAR string.

TCHAR and the _t functions (for example, _tcscpy()) are designed to let you handle Unicode and ANSI strings with the same source code. In most cases, you'll be writing code that uses ANSI strings and the ANSI Windows APIs, so for the rest of this article, I will refer to chars instead of TCHARs, just for simplicity. You should definitely read up on the TCHAR types, though, to be aware of them in case you ever come across them in code written by others.

When you get a Unicode string back from a COM method, you can convert it to a char string in one of several ways:

  1. Call the WideCharToMultiByte() API.
  2. Call the CRT function wcstombs().
  3. Use the CString constructor or assignment operator (MFC only).
  4. Use an ATL string conversion macro.


You can convert a Unicode string to an ANSI string with the WideCharToMultiByte() API. This API's prototype is:

int WideCharToMultiByte (
    UINT    CodePage,
    DWORD   dwFlags,
    LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,
    int     cchWideChar,
    LPSTR   lpMultiByteStr,
    int     cbMultiByte,
    LPCSTR  lpDefaultChar,
    LPBOOL  lpUsedDefaultChar );

The parameters are:

The code page to convert the Unicode characters into. You can pass  CP_ACP to use the current ANSI code page. Code pages are sets of 256 characters. Characters 0-127 are always identical to the ASCII encoding. Characters 128-255 differ, and can contain graphics or letters with diacritics. Each language or region has its own code page, so it's important to use the right code page to get proper display of accented characters.
dwFlags determine how Windows deals with "composite" Unicode characters, which are a letter followed by a diacritic. An example of a composite character is  è. If this character is in the code page specified in  CodePage, then nothing special happens. However, if it is  not in the code page, Windows has to convert it to something else.
Passing  WC_COMPOSITECHECK makes the API check for non-mapping composite characters. Passing  WC_SEPCHARS makes Windows break the character into two, the letter followed by the diacritic, for example  e`. Passing  WC_DISCARDNS makes Windows discard the diacritics. Passing WC_DEFAULTCHAR makes Windows replace the composite characters with a "default" character, specified in the  lpDefaultChar parameter. The default behavior is  WC_SEPCHARS.
The Unicode string to convert.
The length of  lpWideCharStr in Unicode characters. You will usually pass -1, which indicates that the string is zero-terminated.
char buffer that will hold the converted string.
The size of  lpMultiByteStr, in bytes.
Optional - a one-character ANSI string that contains the "default" character to be inserted when  dwFlags contains  WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_DEFAULTCHAR and a Unicode character cannot be mapped to an equivalent ANSI character. You can pass NULL to have the API use a system default character (which as of this writing is a question mark).
Optional - a pointer to a  BOOL that will be set to indicate if the default char was ever inserted into the ANSI string. You can pass NULL if you don't care about this information.

Whew, a lot of boring details! Like always, the docs make it seem much more complicated than it really is. Here's an example showing how to use the API:

// Assuming we already have a Unicode string wszSomeString...

char szANSIString [MAX_PATH];

    WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP,                // ANSI code page

                          WC_COMPOSITECHECK,     // Check for accented characters

                          wszSomeString,         // Source Unicode string

                          -1,                    // -1 means string is zero-terminated

                          szANSIString,          // Destination char string

                          sizeof(szANSIString),  // Size of buffer

                          NULL,                  // No default character

                          NULL );                // Don't care about this flag

After this call, szANSIString will contain the ANSI version of the Unicode string.


The CRT function wcstombs() is a bit simpler, but it just ends up calling WideCharToMultiByte(), so in the end the results are the same. The prototype for wcstombs() is:

size_t wcstombs (
    char*          mbstr,
    const wchar_t* wcstr,
    size_t         count );

The parameters are:

char buffer to hold the resulting ANSI string.
The Unicode string to convert.
The size of the  mbstr buffer, in bytes.

wcstombs() uses the WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS flags in its call to WideCharToMultiByte(). To reuse the earlier example, you can convert a Unicode string with code like this:

    wcstombs ( szANSIString, wszSomeString, sizeof(szANSIString) );


The MFC CString class contains constructors and assignment operators that accept Unicode strings, so you can let CString do the conversion work for you. For example:

// Assuming we already have wszSomeString...

CString str1 ( wszSomeString );    // Convert with a constructor.

CString str2;

    str2 = wszSomeString;          // Convert with an assignment operator.

ATL macros

ATL has a handy set of macros for converting strings. To convert a Unicode string to ANSI, use the W2A() macro (a mnemonic for "wide to ANSI"). Actually, to be more accurate, you should use OLE2A(), where the "OLE" indicates the string came from a COM or OLE source. Anyway, here's an example of how to use these macros.

#include <atlconv.h>

// Again assuming we have wszSomeString...

char szANSIString [MAX_PATH];
USES_CONVERSION;  // Declare local variable used by the macros.

    lstrcpy ( szANSIString, OLE2A(wszSomeString) );

The OLE2A() macro "returns" a pointer to the converted string, but the converted string is stored in a temporary stack variable, so we need to make our own copy of it with lstrcpy(). Other macros you should look into are W2T() (Unicode to TCHAR), and W2CT() (Unicode string to const TCHARstring).

There is an OLE2CA() macro (Unicode string to a const char string) which we could've used in the code snippet above. OLE2CA() is actually the correct macro for that situation, since the second parameter to lstrcpy() is a const char*, but I didn't want to throw too much at you at once.

Sticking with Unicode

On the other hand, you can just keep the string in Unicode if you won't be doing anything complicated with the string. If you're writing a console app, you can print Unicode strings with the std::wcout global variable, for example:

    wcout << wszSomeString;

But keep in mind that wcout expects all strings to be in Unicode, so if you have any "normal" strings, you'll still need to output them with std::cout. If you have string literals, prefix them with L to make them Unicode, for example:

    wcout << L"The Oracle says..." << endl << wszOracleResponse;

If you keep a string in Unicode, there are a couple of restrictions:

  • You must use the wcsXXX() string functions, such as wcslen(), on Unicode strings.
  • With very few exceptions, you cannot pass a Unicode string to a Windows API on Windows 9x. To write code that will run on 9x and NT unchanged, you'll need to use the TCHAR types, as described in MSDN.

Bringing it All Together - Sample Code

Following are two examples that illustrate the COM concepts covered in the article. The code is also contained in the article's sample project.

Using a COM object with a single interface

The first example shows how to use a COM object that exposes a single interface. This is the simplest case you'll ever encounter. The code uses the Active Desktop coclass contained in the shell to retrieve the filename of the current wallpaper. You will need to have the Active Desktop installed for this code to work.

The steps involved are:

  1. Initialize the COM library.
  2. Create a COM object used to interact with the Active Desktop, and get an IActiveDesktop interface.
  3. Call the GetWallpaper() method of the COM object.
  4. If GetWallpaper() succeeds, print the filename of the wallpaper.
  5. Release the interface.
  6. Uninitialize the COM library.


WCHAR   wszWallpaper [MAX_PATH];
CString strPath;
IActiveDesktop* pIAD;

    // 1. Initialize the COM library (make Windows load the DLLs). Normally you would

    // call this in your InitInstance() or other startup code.  In MFC apps, use

    //  AfxOleInit() instead.

    CoInitialize ( NULL );

    // 2. Create a COM object, using the Active Desktop coclass provided by the shell.

    // The 4th parameter tells COM what interface we want (IActiveDesktop).

    hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ActiveDesktop,
                            (void**) &pIAD );

    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        // 3. If the COM object was created, call its GetWallpaper() method.

        hr = pIAD->GetWallpaper ( wszWallpaper, MAX_PATH, 0 );

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            // 4. If GetWallpaper() succeeded, print the filename it returned.

            // Note that I'm using wcout to display the Unicode string wszWallpaper.

            // wcout is the Unicode equivalent of cout.

            wcout << L"Wallpaper path is:/n    " << wszWallpaper << endl << endl;
            cout << _T("GetWallpaper() failed.") << endl << endl;

        // 5. Release the interface.

        cout << _T("CoCreateInstance() failed.") << endl << endl;

    // 6. Uninit the COM library.  In MFC apps, this is not necessary since MFC does

    // it for us.


In this sample, I used std::wcout to display the Unicode string wszWallpaper.

Using a COM object with a multiple interfaces

The second example shows how to use QueryInterface() with a COM object that exposes a single interface. The code uses the Shell Link coclass contained in the shell to create a shortcut to the wallpaper file that we retrieved in the last example.

The steps involved are:

  1. Initialize the COM library.
  2. Create a COM object used to create shortcuts, and get an IShellLink interface.
  3. Call the SetPath() method of the IShellLink interface.
  4. Call QueryInterface() on the COM object and get an IPersistFile interface.
  5. Call the Save() method of the IPersistFile interface.
  6. Release the interfaces.
  7. Uninitialize the COM library.
CString       sWallpaper = wszWallpaper;  // Convert the wallpaper path to ANSI

IShellLink*   pISL;
IPersistFile* pIPF;

    // 1. Initialize the COM library (make Windows load the DLLs). Normally you would

    // call this in your InitInstance() or other startup code.  In MFC apps, use

    // AfxOleInit() instead.

    CoInitialize ( NULL );

    2. Create a COM object, using the Shell Link coclass provided by the shell.
    // The 4th parameter tells COM what interface we want (IShellLink).

    hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ShellLink,
                            (void**) &pISL );

    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        // 3. Set the path of the shortcut's target (the wallpaper file).

        hr = pISL->SetPath ( sWallpaper );

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            // 4. Get a second interface (IPersistFile) from the COM object.

            hr = pISL->QueryInterface ( IID_IPersistFile, (void**) &pIPF );

            if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
                // 5. Call the Save() method to save the shortcut to a file.  The

                // first parameter is a Unicode string.

                hr = pIPF->Save ( L"C://wallpaper.lnk", FALSE );

                // 6a. Release the IPersistFile interface.


        // 6b. Release the IShellLink interface.


    // Printing of error messages omitted here.

    // 7. Uninit the COM library.  In MFC apps, this is not necessary since MFC

    // does it for us.


Handling HRESULTs

I've already shown some simple error handling, using the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros. Now I'll give some more details on what to do with theHRESULTs returned from COM methods.

An HRESULT is a 32-bit signed integer, with nonnegative values indicating success, and negative values indicating failure. An HRESULT has three fields: the severity bit (to indicate success or failure), the facility code, and the status code. The "facility" indicates what component or program theHRESULT is coming from. Microsoft assigns facility codes to the various components, for example COM has one, the Task Scheduler has one, and so on. The "code" is a 16-bit field that has no intrinsic meaning; the codes are just an arbitrary association between a number and a meaning, just like the values returned by GetLastError().

If you look up error codes in the winerror.h file, you'll see a lot of HRESULTs listed, with the naming convention [facility]_[severity]_[description]. Generic HRESULTs that can be returned by any component (like E_OUTOFMEMORY) have no facility in their name. Examples:

  • REGDB_E_READREGDB: Facility = REGDB, for "registry database"; E = error; READREGDB is a description of the error (couldn't read the database).
  • S_OK: Facility = generic; S = success; OK is a description of the status (everything's OK).

Fortunately, there are easier ways to determine the meaning of an HRESULT than looking through winerror.hHRESULTs for built-in facilities can be looked up with the Error Lookup tool. For example, say you forgot to call CoInitialize() before CoCreateInstance()CoCreateInstance()will return a value of 0x800401F0. You can enter that value into Error Lookup and you'll see the description: "CoInitialize has not been called."

 [Error Lookup screen shot - 7K]

You can also look up HRESULT descriptions in the debugger. If you have an HRESULT variable called hres, you can view the description in the Watch window by entering "hres,hr" as the value to watch. The ",hr" tells VC to display the value as an HRESULT description.

 [Watch window - 4K]


Essential COM by Don Box, ISBN 0-201-63446-5. Everything you'd ever want to know about the COM spec and IDL (interface definition language). The first two chapters go into great detail about the COM spec and the problems it was designed to solve.

MFC Internals by George Shepherd and Scot Wingo, ISBN 0-201-40721-3. Contains an in-depth look at MFC's COM support.

Beginning ATL 3 COM Programming by Richard Grimes, et al, ISBN 1-861001-20-7. This book goes into depth about about writing your own COM components using ATL.




  COM即组件对象模型,是Component Object Model 取前三个字母的缩写,这三个字母在当今Windows的世界中随处可见。随时涌现出来的大把大把的新技术都以COM为基础。各种文档中也充斥着诸如COM对象、接口、服务器之类的术语。因此,对于一个程序员来说,不仅要掌握使用COM的方法,而且还要彻底熟悉COM的所有一切。
  本文由浅入深描述COM的内在运行机制,教你如何使用第三方提供的COM对象(以Windows 外壳组件Shell为例)。读完本文后,你就能掌握如何使用Windows操作系统中内建的组件和第三方提供的COM对象。


  Windows使用DLLs在二进制级共享代码。这也是Windows程序运行的关键——重用kernel32.dll, user32.dll等。但DLLs是针对C接口而写的,它们只能被C或理解C调用规范的语言使用。由编程语言来负责实现共享代码,而不是由DLLs本身。这样的话DLLs的使用受到限制。


coclass(简称组件对象类——component object class)被包含在DLL或EXE中,并且包含着一个或者多个接口的代码。组件对象类(coclasss)实现这些接口。COM对象在内存中表现为组件对象类(coclasss)的一个实例。注意COM“类”和C++“类”是不相同的,尽管常常COM类实现的就是一个C++类。 


注册(Registration)是创建注册表入口的一个过程,告诉Windows 操作系统COM服务器放在什么位置。取消注册(Unregistration)则相反——从注册表删除这些注册入口。

GUID(谐音为“fluid”,意思是全球唯一标示符——globally unique identifier)是个128位的数字。它是一种独立于COM编程语言的标示方法。每一个接口和coclass有一个GUID。因为每一个GUID都是全球唯一的,所以避免了名字冲突(只要你用COM API创建它们)。有时你还会碰到另一个术语UUID(意思也是全球唯一标示符——universally unique identifier)。UUIDs和GUIDs在实际使用时的用途是一样的。



  1. GUIDs只是简单的数字,任何编程语言都可以对之进行处理;
  2. GUIDs可以在任何机器上被任何人创建,一旦完成创建,它就是唯一的。因此,COM开发人员可以创建自己特有的GUIDs而不会与其它开发人员所创建的GUIDs有冲突。这样就消除了集中授权发布GUIDs的必要。










HRESULT CoCreateInstance (
    REFCLSID  rclsid,
    LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter,
    DWORD     dwClsContext,
    REFIID    riid,
    LPVOID*   ppv );
当你调用CoCreateInstance()时,它负责在注册表中查找COM服务器的位置,将服务器加载到内存,并创建你所请求的coclass实例。 以下是一个调用的例子,创建一个CLSID_ShellLink对象的实例并请求指向这个对象IShellLink接口指针。
HRESULT     hr;
IShellLink* pISL;

    hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ShellLink,         // coclass 的CLSID 
                            NULL,                    // 不是用聚合
                            CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,    // 服务器类型
                            IID_IShellLink,          // 接口的IID 
                            (void**) &pISL );        // 指向接口的指针

    if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
        // 用pISL调用方法
        // 不能创建COM对象,hr 为出错代码


  如果你的应用程序使用许多不同的COM对象,因此在用完某个接口后调用Release()就显得非常重要。如果你不释放接口,这个COM对象(包含代码的DLLs)将保留在内存中,这会增加不必要的开销。如果你的应用程序要长时间运行,就应该在应用程序处于空闲期间调用CoFreeUnusedLibraries() API。这个API将卸载任何没有明显引用的COM服务器,因此这也降低了应用程序使用的内存开销。

// 像上面一样创建COM 对象, 然后,

    if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) )
        // 用pISL调用方法

        // 通知COM 对象不再使用它



IUnknown 有三个方法:

  • AddRef() —— 通知COM对象增加它的引用计数。如果你进行了一次接口指针的拷贝,就必须调用一次这个方法,并且原始的值和拷贝的值两者都要用到。在本文的例子中没有用到AddRef()方法;
  • Release() —— 通知COM对象减少它的引用计数。参见前面的Release()示例代码段;
  • QueryInterface() —— 从COM对象请求一个接口指针。当coclass实现一个以上的接口时,就要用到这个方法;


HRESULT IUnknown::QueryInterface (
    REFIID iid,
    void** ppv );

  让我们继续外壳链接的例子。它实现了IShellLink 和IPersistFile接口。如果你已经有一个IShellLink指针,pISL,可以从COM对象请求IPersistFile接口:

IPersistFile* pIPF;
hr = pISL->QueryInterface ( IID_IPersistFile, (void**) &pIPF );


   这一部分将花点时间来讨论如何在COM代码中处理串。如果你熟悉Unicode 和ANSI,并知道如何对它们进行转换的话,你就可以跳过这一部分,否则还是读一下这一部分的内容。
  TCHAR和以_t开头的函数(如_tcscpy())被设计用来让你用相同的源代码处理Unicode和ANSI串。在大多数情况下编写的代码都是用来处理ANSI串和ANSI WindowsAPIs,所以在下文中,除非另外说明,我所说的字符/串都是指TCHAR类型。你应该熟练掌握TCHAR类型,尤其是当你阅读其他人写的有关代码时,要特别注意TCHAR类型。

  1. 调用 WideCharToMultiByte() API;
  2. 调用CRT 函数wcstombs();
  3. 使用CString 构造器或赋值操作(仅用于MFC );
  4. 使用ATL 串转换宏;
int WideCharToMultiByte (
    UINT    CodePage,
    DWORD   dwFlags,
    LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,
    int     cchWideChar,
    LPSTR   lpMultiByteStr,
    int     cbMultiByte,
    LPCSTR  lpDefaultChar,
    LPBOOL  lpUsedDefaultChar );
  • CodePage:Unicode字符转换成的代码页。你可以传递CP_ACP来使用当前的ANSI代码页。代码页是256个字符集。字符0——127与ANSI编码一样。字符128——255与ANSI字符不同,它可以包含图形字符或者读音符号。每一种语言或地区都有其自己的代码页,所以使用正确的代码页对于正确地显示重音字符很重要。
  • dwFlags:dwFlags 确定Windows如何处理“复合” Unicode字符,它是一种后面带读音符号的字符。
    否则,Windows必须对之进行转换。 传递WC_COMPOSITECHECK使得这个API检查非映射复合字符。
  • lpWideCharStr 要转换的Unicode串。
  • cchWideChar lpWideCharStr在Unicode 字符中的长度。通常传递-1,表示这个串是以0x00结尾。
  • lpMultiByteStr 接受转换的串的字符缓冲 cbMultiByte lpMultiByteStr的字节大小。
  • lpDefaultChar 可选——当dwFlags包含WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_DEFAULTCHAR并且某个Unicode字符不能被映射到同等的ANSI串时所传递的一个单字符ANSI串,包含被插入的“缺省”字符。可以传递NULL,让API使用系统缺省字符(一种写法是一个问号)。
  • lpUsedDefaultChar 可选——指向BOOL类型的一个指针,设置它来表示是否缺省字符曾被插入ANSI串。可以传递NULL来忽略这个参数。

  我自己都有点晕菜了……!,万事开头难啊……,不搞清楚这些东西就很难搞清楚COM的串处理。何况文档中列出的比实际应用的要复杂得 多。下面就给出了如何使用这个API的例子:

// 假设已经有了一个Unicode 串 wszSomeString...
char szANSIString [MAX_PATH];

    WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP,                // ANSI 代码页
                          WC_COMPOSITECHECK, // 检查重音字符
                          wszSomeString,         // 原Unicode 串
                          -1,                    // -1 意思是串以0x00结尾
                          szANSIString,          // 目的char字符串
                          sizeof(szANSIString),  // 缓冲大小
                          NULL,                  // 肥缺省字符串
                          NULL );                // 忽略这个参数
调用这个函数后,szANSIString将包含Unicode串的ANSI版本。 调用这个函数后,szANSIString将包含Unicode串的ANSI版本。
size_t wcstombs (
    char*          mbstr,
    const wchar_t* wcstr,
    size_t         count );
wcstombs()在它对WideCharToMultiByte()的调用中使用WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_SEPCHARS标志。用wcstombs()转换前面例子中的Unicode串,结果一样:
wcstombs ( szANSIString, wszSomeString, sizeof(szANSIString) );


// 假设有一个Unicode串wszSomeString...

CString str1 ( wszSomeString ); // 用构造器转换
CString str2;

str2 = wszSomeString; // 用赋值操作转换

  ATL有一组很方便的宏用于串的转换。W2A()用于将Unicode串转换为ANSI串(记忆方法是“wide to ANSI”——宽字符到ANSI)。实际上使用OLE2A()更精确,“OLE”表示的意思是COM串或者OLE串。下面是使用这些宏的例子:

#include <atlconv.h>

// 还是假设有一个Unicode串wszSomeString...

	char szANSIString [MAX_PATH];
	USES_CONVERSION; // 声明这个宏要使用的局部变量

	lstrcpy ( szANSIString, OLE2A(wszSomeString) );
OLE2A()宏“返回”转换的串的指针,但转换的串被存储在某个临时栈变量中,所以要用lstrcpy()来获得自己的拷贝。其它的几个宏是W2T()(Unicode 到 TCHAR)以及W2CT()(Unicode到常量TCHAR串)。
wcout << wszSomeString;
wcout << L"The Oracle says..." << endl << wszOracleResponse;
  • 必须使用wcsXXX() Unicode串处理函数,如wcslen();
  • 在Windows 9x环境中不能在Windows API中传递Unicode串。要想编写能在9x和NT上都能运行的应用,必须使用TCHAR类型,详情请参 考MSDN;



   第一个例子展示的是单接口COM对象。这可能是你碰到得最简单的例子。它使用外壳中的活动桌面组件对象类(CLSID_ActiveDesktop)来获得当前桌面墙纸的文件名。请确认系统中安装了活动桌面(Active Desktop)。 以下是编程步骤:

  • 初始化COM库。 (Initialize);
  • 创建一个与活动桌面交互的COM对象,并取得IActiveDesktop接口;
  • 调用COM对象的GetWallpaper()方法;
  • 如果GetWallpaper()成功,则输出/显示墙纸文件名;
  • 释放接口(Release());
  • 收回COM库(Uninitialize);
WCHAR   wszWallpaper [MAX_PATH];
CString strPath;
IActiveDesktop* pIAD;

    // 1. 初始化COM库(让Windows加载DLLs)。通常是在程序的InitInstance()中调用
    // CoInitialize ( NULL )或其它启动代码。MFC程序使用AfxOleInit()。

    CoInitialize ( NULL );

    // 2. 使用外壳提供的活动桌面组件对象类创建COM对象。
    // 第四个参数通知COM需要什么接口(这里是IActiveDesktop).

    hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ActiveDesktop,
                            (void**) &pIAD );

    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        // 3. 如果COM对象被创建成功,则调用这个对象的GetWallpaper() 方法。
        hr = pIAD->GetWallpaper ( wszWallpaper, MAX_PATH, 0 );

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            // 4. 如果 GetWallpaper() 成功,则输出它返回的文件名字。
            // 注意这里使用wcout 来显示Unicode 串wszWallpaper.  wcout 是
            // Unicode 专用,功能与cout.相同。
            wcout << L"Wallpaper path is:/n    " << wszWallpaper << endl << endl;
            cout << _T("GetWallpaper() failed.") << endl << endl;

        // 5. 释放接口。
        cout << _T("CoCreateInstance() failed.") << endl << endl;

    // 6. 收回COM库。MFC 程序不用这一步,它自动完成。
在这个例子中,输出/显示Unicode 串 wszWallpaper用的是std::wcout。


   第二个例子展示了如何使用一个提供单接口的COM对象QueryInterface()函数。其中的代码用外壳的Shell Link组件对象类创建我们在第一个例子中获得的墙纸文件的快捷方式 。以下是编程步骤:

  • 初始化 COM 库;
  • 创建一个用于建立快捷方式的COM 对象并取得IShellLink 接口;
  • 调用IShellLink 接口的SetPath()方法;
  • 调用对象的QueryInterface()函数并取得IPersistFile接口;
  • 调用IPersistFile 接口的Save()方法;
  • 释放接口;
  • 收回COM库;
CString       sWallpaper = wszWallpaper;  // 将墙纸路径转换为ANSI
IShellLink*   pISL;
IPersistFile* pIPF;

    // 1. 初始化COM库(让Windows 加载DLLs). 通常在InitInstance()中调用
    // CoInitialize ( NULL )或其它启动代码。MFC 程序使用AfxOleInit() 。

    CoInitialize ( NULL );

    // 2. 使用外壳提供的Shell Link组件对象类创建COM对象。.
    // 第四个参数通知COM 需要什么接口(这里是IShellLink)。

    hr = CoCreateInstance ( CLSID_ShellLink,
                            (void**) &pISL );

    if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
        // 3. 设置快捷方式目标(墙纸文件)的路径。
        hr = pISL->SetPath ( sWallpaper );

        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
            // 4. 获取这个对象的第二个接口(IPersistFile)。
            hr = pISL->QueryInterface ( IID_IPersistFile, (void**) &pIPF );

            if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
                // 5. 调用Save() 方法保存某个文件得快捷方式。第一个参数是
                // Unicode 串。
                hr = pIPF->Save ( L"C://wallpaper.lnk", FALSE );

                // 6a. 释放IPersistFile 接口。

        // 6. 释放IShellLink 接口。

    // 输出错误信息部分这里省略。

    // 7. 收回COM 库。MFC 程序不用这一步,它自动完成。

   这一部分准备用SUCCEEDED 和 FAILED宏进行一些简单的出错处理。主要是深入研究从COM方法返回的HRESULT,以便达到完全理解和熟练应用。
  如果你在winerror.h头文件中查找错误代码,会看到许多按照[功能]_[程度]_[描述]命名规范列出的HRESULT值,由组件返回的通用的HRESULT(类似E_OUTOFMEMORY)在名字中没有功能码。如 :

功能码 = REGDB, 指“注册表数据库(registry database)”;
程度 = E 意思是错误(error);
描述 = READREGDB 是对错误的描述(意思是不能读注册表数据库)。 S_OK: 没有功能码——通用(generic)
OK 是状态描述表示一切都好(everything''s OK)。

   好在有一种比察看winerror.h文件更容易的方法来确定HRESULT的意思。使用VC提供的错误查找工具(Error Lookup)可以轻松查到为HRESULT内建功能码。例如,假设你在CoCreateInstance()之前忘了调用CoInitialize()。CoCreateInstance()返回的值是0x800401F0。你只要将这个值输入到错误查找工具按“Look Up”按钮,便可以看到错误信息描述“尚未调用CoInitialize”如下图所示:




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