db file sequential read等待事件

db file sequential read等待事件

Waits on ‘db file sequential read’ normally occur during index lookups when the block is not in memory and must be read from disk. They are generally considered a ‘good’ read unless the index being used is not very efficient. In this case the query will read more blocks than necessary and possibly age out other good blocks from the cache.


Tune the SQL statement so that it reads fewer blocks.

If the top objects listed in the Ignite Object tab are indexes, determine if there is a more efficient index that can be used.

If the top objects are tables, Oracle is going back to the table to get more data after the index lookup completes. That may indicate criteria in the WHERE clause that is not using a column in this index. Adding that to the index could help performance.

INSERT statements can also wait on this event because it is being forced to update inefficient indexes. Review the Ignite Object tab to determine which indexes are being waited for. If they are inefficient, Oracle is most likely not utlizing them in other SQL statements, so consider dropping them.

Increase the buffer cache so that more blocks are already in memory rather having to be read from disk. The query will still need to read the same number of blocks so tuning is the first recommendation, but if you cannot tune the statement, a query reading blocks from memory is much faster than from disk.

Slow disks could be causing Oracle to spend time reading the data into the buffer cache. Review the ‘DB Single Block Disk Read Time’ metric in Ignite to determine disk speeds from Oracle’s perspective. If the time to read data is above 20ms, that could indicate slow disks.

何时会发生db file sequential read等待事件?

”db file sequential read”单块读等待是一种最为常见的物理IO等待事件,这里的sequential指的是将数据块读入到相连的内存空间中(contiguous memory space),而不是指所读取的数据块是连续的。该wait event可能在以下情景中发生:

  1. 最为常见的是执行计划中包含了INDEX FULL SCAN/UNIQUE SCAN,此时出现”db file sequential read”等待是预料之中的,一般不需要我们去特别关注
  2. 当执行计划包含了INDEX RANGE SCAN-(“TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID”/”DELETE”/”UPDATE”), 服务进程将按照”访问索引->找到rowid->访问rowid指定的表数据块并执行必要的操作”顺序访问index和table,每次物理 读取都会进入”db file sequential read”等待,且每次读取的都是一个数据块;这种情况下clustering_factor将发挥其作用,需要我们特别去关注,本例中提及的解决方法对 这种情景也有效
  3. Extent boundary,假设一个Extent区间中有33个数据块,而一次”db file scattered read”多块读所读取的块数为8,那么在读取这个区间时经过4次多块读取后,还剩下一个数据块,但是请记住多块读scattered read是不能跨越一个区间的(span an extent),此时就会单块读取并出现”db file sequential read”。这是一种正常现象,一般不需要额外关注
  4. 假设某个区间内有8个数据块,它们可以是块a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,恰好当前系统中除了d块外的其他数据块都已经被缓存在buffer cache中了,而这时候恰好要访问这个区间中的数据,那么此时就会单块读取d这个数据块,并出现”db file sequential read”等待。注意这种情况不仅于表,也可能发生在索引上。这是一种正常现象,一般不需要额外关注
  5. chained/migrated rows即链式或迁移行,这里我们不介绍链式行的形成原因,chained/migrated rows会造成服务进程在fetch一行记录时需要额外地单块读取,从而出现”db file sequential read”。这种现象需要我们特别去关注,因为大量的链式/迁移行将导致如FULL SCAN等操作极度恶化(以往的经验是一张本来全表扫描只需要30分钟的表,在出现大量链式行后,全表扫描需要数个小时),同时也会对其他操作造成不那么 明显的性能影响。可以通过监控v$sysstat视图中的”table fetch continued row”操作统计来了解系统中链式/迁移行访问的情况,还可以通过DBA_TBALES视图中的CHAIN_CNT来了解表上的链式/迁移行情况,当然这 要求定期收集表上的统计信息;如果没有定期收集的习惯,那么可以配合@?/rdbms/admin/utlchain脚本和analyze table list chained rows 命令来获取必要的链式行信息
  6. 创建Index entry,显然当对表上执行INSERT操作插入数据时,虽然在执行计划中你看不到过多的细节,但实际上我们需要利用索引来快速验证表上的某些约束是否 合理,还需要在索引的叶子块中插入相关的记录,此时也可能出现”db file sequential read”等待事件,当然这还和具体的插入的方式有关系。这是一种正常现象,一般不需要额外关注
  7. 针对表上的UPDATE/DELETE,不同于之前提到的”INDEX RANGE SCAN-UPDATE/DELETE”,如果我们使用rowid去更新或删除数据时,服务进程会先访问rowid指向的表块(注意是先访问table block)上的行数据,之后会根据该行上的具体数据去访问索引叶子块(注意Oracle并不知道这些leaf block在哪里,所以这里同样要如range-scan/unique-scan那样去访问index branch block),这些访问都将会是单块读取,并会出现’db file sequential read’,完成必要的读取后才会执行更新或删除的实际EXEC操作,如下例:

PARSING IN CURSOR #10 len=58 dep=0 uid=64 oct=6 lid=64 tim=1275805024007795 hv=505118268 ad='d387e470'
update sample set t2=t2+1 where rowid='AAE/OzAAEAAANUEAAQ'
PARSE #10:c=1999,e=3016,p=1,cr=1,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,tim=1275805024007787
WAIT #10: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 314 file#=4 block#=54532 blocks=1 obj#=1307547 tim=1275805024008308
WAIT #10: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 206 file#=6 block#=20 blocks=1 obj#=1307549 tim=1275805024009235
WAIT #10: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 206 file#=6 block#=742 blocks=1 obj#=1307549 tim=1275805024009496
WAIT #10: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 207 file#=6 block#=24 blocks=1 obj#=1307549 tim=1275805024009750
EXEC #10:c=2000,e=2297,p=6,cr=2,cu=8,mis=0,r=1,dep=0,og=1,tim=1275805024010210   --实际的UPDATE发生在这里

当大量执行这类UPDATE/DELETE操作时将需要频繁地交叉访问表和索引,如果恰好表上的某个索引有较高的 clustering_factor的话,那么就会形成本例中的这种性能问题了。实际上当表上有较多索引时,使用rowid来批量 update/delete数据这种方式是不被推荐的,仅当表上没有索引时才可能十分高效。如果你坚持要这样做,那么可以参照上面提到的建议。





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