GDB&&DDD&&Magic C++ &&BVRDE

GNU 项目调试器

GDB(GNU 项目调试器)可以让您了解程序在执行时“内部” 究竟在干些什么,以及在程序发生崩溃的瞬间正在做什么。

GDB 做以下 4 件主要的事情来帮助您捕获程序中的 bug:

  • 在程序启动之前指定一些可以影响程序行为的变量或条件
  • 在某个指定的地方或条件下暂停程序
  • 在程序停止时检查已经发生了什么
  • 在程序执行过程中修改程序中的变量或条件,这样就可以体验修复一个 bug 的成果,并继续了解其他 bug


要调试的程序可以是使用 C、C++、Pascal、Objective-C 以及其他很多语言编写的。GDB 的二进制文件名是 gdb。

gdb 中有很多命令。使用 help 命令可以列出所有的命令,以及关于如何使用这些命令的介绍。下表给出了最常用的 GDB 命令。

表 1. gdb 中最常用的命令
help显示命令类别help - 显示命令类别
help breakpoints - 显示属于 breakpoints 类别的命令
help break - 显示 break 命令的解释
kill终止正在调试的程序的执行通常这会在要执行的代码行已经超过了您想要调试的代码时使用。执行 kill 会重置断点,并从头再次运行这个程序
info break显示当前的断点或观察点?
break在指定的行或函数处设置断点break 93 if i=8 - 当变量 i 等于 8 时,在第 93 行停止程序执行
Step单步执行程序,直到它到达一个不同的源代码行。您可以使用 s 来代表 step 命令?
Next与 step 命令类似,只是它不会“单步跟踪到”子例程中?
print打印一个变量或表达式的值print pointer - 打印变量指针的内容
print *pointer - 打印指针所指向的数据结构的内容
delete删除某些断点或自动显示表达式delete 1 - 删除断点 1。断点可以通过 info break 来显示
where打印所有堆栈帧的栈信息where - 不使用参数,输出当前线程的堆栈信息
where all - 输出当前线程组中所有线程的堆栈信息
where threadindex - 输出指定线程的堆栈信息
attach开始查看一个已经运行的进程attach <process_id> - 附加到进程 process_id 上。process_id 可以使用 ps 命令找到
info thread显示当前正在运行的线程?
thread apply threadno command对一个线程运行 gdb 命令thread apply 3 where - 对线程 3 运行 where 命令
Thread threadno选择一个线程作为当前线程?

如果一个程序崩溃了,并生成了一个 core 文件,您可以查看 core 文件来判断进程结束时的状态。使用下面的命令启动 gdb:

# gdb programname corefilename 

要调试一个 core 文件,您需要可执行程序、源代码文件以及 core 文件。要对一个 core 文件启动 gdb,请使用 -c 选项:

# gdb -c core programname 

gdb 会显示是哪行代码导致这个程序产生了核心转储。

默认情况下,核心转储在 Novell 的 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9(SLES 9)和 Red Hat? Enterprise Linux Advanced Server(RHEL AS 4)上都是禁用的。要启用核心转储,请以 root 用户的身份在命令行中执行 ulimit –c unlimited

清单 8 中的例子阐述了如何使用 gdb 来定位程序中的 bug。清单 8 是一段包含 bug 的 C++ 代码。

清单 8 中的 C++ 程序试图构建 10 个链接在一起的数字框(number box),例如:

图 1. 一个包含 10 个链接在一起的数字框的列表



清单 9. 编译并运行这个程序
# g++ -g -o gdbtest1 gdbtest1.cpp
# ./gdbtest1
Number Box "0" created
Number Box "1" created
Number Box "2" created
Number Box "3" created
Number Box "4" created
Number Box "5" created
Number Box "6" created
Number Box "7" created
Number Box "8" created
Number Box "9" created
list created
Number Box "9" deleted
Segmentation fault

正如您可以看到的一样,这个程序会导致段错误。调用 gdb 来看一下这个问题,如下所示:

清单 10. 调用 gdb
# gdb ./gdbtest1
GNU gdb 6.2.1
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you 
are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for 
This GDB was configured as "ppc-suse-linux"...Using host libthread_db 
library "/lib/tls/".

您知道段错误是在数字框 "9" 被删除之后发生的。执行 runwhere 命令来精确定位段错误发生在程序中的什么位置。

清单 11. 执行 run 和 where 命令
(gdb) run
Starting program: /root/test/gdbtest1 
Number Box "0" created
Number Box "1" created
Number Box "2" created
Number Box "3" created
Number Box "4" created
Number Box "5" created
Number Box "6" created
Number Box "7" created
Number Box "8" created
Number Box "9" created
list created
Number Box "9" deleted
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x10000f74 in NumBox<int>::GetNext (this=0x0) at gdbtest1.cpp:14
14              NumBox<T>*GetNext() const { return Next; }
(gdb) where
#0  0x10000f74 in NumBox<int>::GetNext (this=0x0) at gdbtest1.cpp:14
#1  0x10000d10 in NumChain<int>::RemoveBox (this=0x10012008, 

item_to_remove=@0xffffe200) at gdbtest1.cpp:63 #2 0x10000978 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffffe554) at gdbtest1.cpp:94 (gdb)

跟踪信息显示这个程序在第 14 行 NumBox<int>::GetNext (this=0x0) 接收到一个段错误。这个数字框上 Next 指针的地址是 0x0,这对于一个数字框来说是一个无效的地址。从上面的跟踪信息可以看出,GetNext 函数是由 63 行调用的。看一下在 gdbtest1.cpp 的 63 行附近发生了什么:

清单 12. gdbtest1.cpp
     54                       } else {
     55                               temp->SetNext (current->GetNext());
     56                               delete temp;
     57                               temp = 0;
     58                               return 0;
     59                       }
     60               }
     61               current = 0;
     62               temp = current;
     63               current = current->GetNext();
     64       }
     66       return -1;

第 61 行 current=0 将这个指针设置为一个无效的地址,这正是产生段错误的根源。注释掉第 61 行,将其保存为 gdbtest2.cpp,然后编译并重新运行。

清单 13. 再次运行程序(gdbtest2.cpp)
# g++ -g -o gdbtest2 gdbtest2.cpp
# ./gdbtest2
Number Box "0" created
Number Box "1" created
Number Box "2" created
Number Box "3" created
Number Box "4" created
Number Box "5" created
Number Box "6" created
Number Box "7" created
Number Box "8" created
Number Box "9" created
list created
Number Box "9" deleted
Number Box "0" deleted

这个程序现在可以成功完成而不会出现段错误了。然而,结果并不像我们预期的一样:程序在删除 Number Box "9"之后删除了 Number Box "0",而不像我们期望的一样删除 Number Box "8,"。使用 gdb 再次来看一下。

清单 14. 再次使用 gdb 进行查看
# gdb ./gdbtest2
GNU gdb 6.2.1
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you 
are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for 
This GDB was configured as "ppc-suse-linux"...Using host libthread_db 
library "/lib/tls/".
(gdb) break 94 if i==8
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10000968: file gdbtest2.cpp, line 94.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /root/test/gdbtest2 
Number Box "0" created
Number Box "1" created
Number Box "2" created
Number Box "3" created
Number Box "4" created
Number Box "5" created
Number Box "6" created
Number Box "7" created
Number Box "8" created
Number Box "9" created
list created
Number Box "9" deleted
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xffffe554) at gdbtest2.cpp:94
94                      list ->RemoveBox(i);

您可能希望找出为什么这个程序删除的是 Number Box 0,而不是 Number Box 8,因此需要在您认为程序会删除 Number Box 8 的地方停止程序。设置这个断点:break 94 if i==8,可以在 i 等于 8 时在第 94 行处停止程序。然后单步跟踪RemoveBox() 函数中。

清单 15. 单步跟踪到 RemoveBox() 函数中
(gdb) s
38                      NumBox<T> *temp = 0;  
(gdb) s
40                      while (current != 0) {
(gdb) print pointer
$1 = (NumBox<int> *) 0x100120a8
 (gdb) print *pointer
$2 = {Num = 0, Next = 0x0}

指针早已指向了 Number Box "0",因此这个 bug 可能就存在于程序删除 Number Box "9" 的地方。要在 gdb 中重新启动这个程序,请使用 kill 删除原来的断点,然后添加一个 i 等于 9 时的新断点,然后再次运行这个程序。

清单 16. 在 gdb 中重新启动程序
(gdb) kill
Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) y
(gdb) info break
Num Type           Disp Enb Address    What
1   breakpoint     keep y   0x10000968 in main at gdbtest2.cpp:94
        stop only if i == 8
        breakpoint already hit 1 time
(gdb) delete 1
(gdb) break 94 if i==9
Breakpoint 2 at 0x10000968: file gdbtest2.cpp, line 94.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /root/test/gdbtest2 
Number Box "0" created
Number Box "1" created
Number Box "2" created
Number Box "3" created
Number Box "4" created
Number Box "5" created
Number Box "6" created
Number Box "7" created
Number Box "8" created
Number Box "9" created
list created
Breakpoint 2, main (argc=1, argv=0xffffe554) at gdbtest2.cpp:94
94                      list ->RemoveBox(i);

当这一次单步跟踪 RemoveBox() 函数时,要特别注意 list->pointer 正在指向哪一个数字框,因为 bug 可能就在于 list->pointer 开始指向 Number Box "0" 的地方。请使用 display *pointer 命令来查看,这会自动显示这个函数。

清单 17. 使用 display *pointer 命令进行监视
Breakpoint 2, main (argc=1, argv=0xffffe554) at gdbtest2.cpp:94
94            list ->RemoveBox(i);
(gdb) s
NumChain<int>::RemoveBox (this=0x10012008, item_to_remove=@0xffffe200) 
at gdbtest2.cpp:37 37 NumBox<T> *current = pointer; (gdb) display *pointer 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s 38 NumBox<T> *temp = 0; 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s 40 while (current != 0) { 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s 41 if (current->GetValue() == item_to_remove) { 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s NumBox<int>::GetValue (this=0x100120a8) at gdbtest2.cpp:16 16 const T& GetValue () const { return Num; } (gdb) s NumChain<int>::RemoveBox (this=0x10012008, item_to_remove=@0xffffe200)
at gdbtest2.cpp:42 42 if (temp == 0) { 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s 44 if (current->GetNext() == 0) { 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s NumBox<int>::GetNext (this=0x100120a8) at gdbtest2.cpp:14 14 NumBox<T>*GetNext() const { return Next; } (gdb) s NumChain<int>::RemoveBox (this=0x10012008, item_to_remove=@0xffffe200)
at gdbtest2.cpp:50 50 delete current; 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 9, Next = 0x10012098} (gdb) s ~NumBox (this=0x100120a8) at gdbtest2.cpp:10 10 std::cout << "Number Box " <<"/"" << GetValue()
<<"/"" <<" deleted" << std::endl; (gdb) s NumBox<int>::GetValue (this=0x100120a8) at gdbtest2.cpp:16 16 const T& GetValue () const { return Num; } (gdb) s Number Box "9" deleted ~NumBox (this=0x100120a8) at gdbtest2.cpp:11 11 Next = 0; (gdb) s NumChain<int>::RemoveBox (this=0x10012008, item_to_remove=@0xffffe200)
at gdbtest2.cpp:51 51 current = 0; 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 0, Next = 0x0} (gdb) s 53 return 0; 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 0, Next = 0x0} (gdb) s 0x10000d1c 66 return -1; 1: *this->pointer = {Num = 0, Next = 0x0}

从上面的跟踪过程中,您可以看到 list->pointer 在删除 Number Box "9" 之后指向了 Number Box "0"。这个逻辑并不正确,因为在删除 Number Box "9" 之后,list->pointer 应该指向的是 Number Box "8"。现在非常显然我们应该在第 50 行之前添加一条语句 pointer = pointer->GetNext();,如下所示:

清单 18. 在第 50 行之前添加一条 pointer = pointer->GetNext(); 语句
     49                     } else {
     50                             pointer = pointer->GetNext();
     51                             delete current;
     52                             current = 0;
     53                      }
     54                      return 0;

将新修改之后的程序保存为 gdbtest3.cpp,然后编译并再次运行。

清单 19. 再次运行程序(gdbtest3.cpp)
# g++ -g -o gdbtest3 gdbtest3.cpp
# ./gdbtest3
Number Box "0" created
Number Box "1" created
Number Box "2" created
Number Box "3" created
Number Box "4" created
Number Box "5" created
Number Box "6" created
Number Box "7" created
Number Box "8" created
Number Box "9" created
list created
Number Box "9" deleted
Number Box "8" deleted
Number Box "7" deleted
Number Box "6" deleted
Number Box "5" deleted
Number Box "4" deleted
Number Box "3" deleted
Number Box "2" deleted
Number Box "1" deleted
Number Box "0" deleted



在 GDB 中有一些特殊的命令可以用于多线程应用程序的调试。下面这个例子给出了一个死锁情况,并介绍了如何使用这些命令来检查多线程应用程序中的问题:

清单 20. 多线程的例子
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t AccountA_mutex;
pthread_mutex_t AccountB_mutex;
struct BankAccount {
     char account_name[1];
     int balance;
struct BankAccount  accountA = {"A", 10000 };
struct BankAccount  accountB = {"B", 20000 };
void * transferAB (void* amount_ptr) {
     int amount = *((int*)amount_ptr);
     if (accountA.balance < amount)   {
             printf("There is not enough memory in Account A!/n");
             pthread_exit((void *)1);
     accountA.balance -=amount;
     accountB.balance +=amount;
void * transferBA (void* amount_ptr) {
     int amount = *((int*)amount_ptr);
     if (accountB.balance < amount)   {
             printf("There is not enough memory in Account B!/n");
             pthread_exit((void *)1);
     accountB.balance -=amount;
     accountA.balance +=amount;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
     int             threadid[4];
     pthread_t       pthread[4];
     int             transfer_amount[4] = {100, 200, 300, 400};
     int             final_balanceA, final_balanceB;
transfer_amount[1]+transfer_amount[2]+transfer_amount[3]; final_balanceB=accountB.balance+transfer_amount[0]
+transfer_amount[1]-transfer_amount[2]-transfer_amount[3]; if (threadid[0] = pthread_create(&pthread[0], NULL, transferAB,
(void*)&transfer_amount[0]) " 0) { perror("Thread #0 creation failed."); exit (1); } if (threadid[1] = pthread_create(&pthread[1], NULL, transferAB,
(void*)&transfer_amount[1]) " 0) { perror("Thread #1 creation failed."); exit (1); } if (threadid[2] = pthread_create(&pthread[2], NULL, transferBA,
(void*)&transfer_amount[2]) < 0) { perror("Thread #2 creation failed."); exit (1); } if (threadid[3] = pthread_create(&pthread[3], NULL, transferBA,
(void*)&transfer_amount[3]) < 0) { perror("Thread #3 creation failed."); exit (1); } printf("Transitions are in progress.."); while ((accountA.balance != final_balanceA) && (accountB.balance
!= final_balanceB)) { printf(".."); } printf("/nAll the money is transferred !!/n"); }

使用 gcc 来编译这个程序,如下所示:

# gcc -g -o gdbtest2 gdbtest2.c -L/lib/tls -lpthread

程序 gdbtest2 会挂起,不会返回一条 All the money is transferred !! 消息。

将 gdb 附加到正在运行的进程上,从而了解这个进程内部正在发生什么。

清单 21. 将 gdb 附加到正在运行的进程上
# ps -ef |grep gdbtest2
root      9510  8065  1 06:30 pts/1    00:00:00 ./gdbtest2
root      9516  9400  0 06:30 pts/4    00:00:00 grep gdbtest2
# gdb -pid 9510
GNU gdb 6.2.1
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you 
are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for 
This GDB was configured as "ppc-suse-linux".
Attaching to process 9510
Reading symbols from /root/test/gdbtest2...done.
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/".
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 1073991712 (LWP 9510)]
[New Thread 1090771744 (LWP 9514)]
[New Thread 1086577440 (LWP 9513)]
[New Thread 1082383136 (LWP 9512)]
[New Thread 1078188832 (LWP 9511)]
Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/
Reading symbols from /lib/tls/
Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/
Reading symbols from /lib/
Loaded symbols for /lib/
0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) info thread
  5 Thread 1078188832 (LWP 9511)  0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait () 
from /lib/tls/ 4 Thread 1082383136 (LWP 9512) 0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait ()
from /lib/tls/ 3 Thread 1086577440 (LWP 9513) 0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait ()
from /lib/tls/ 2 Thread 1090771744 (LWP 9514) 0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait ()
from /lib/tls/ 1 Thread 1073991712 (LWP 9510) 0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel ()
from /lib/tls/ (gdb)

info thread 命令中,我们可以了解到除了主线程(thread #1)之外的所有线程都在等待函数 __lll_lock_wait () 完成。

使用 thread apply threadno where 命令来查看每个线程到底运行到了什么地方:

清单 22. 查看每个线程运行到了什么地方
(gdb) thread apply 1 where
Thread 1 (Thread 1073991712 (LWP 9510)):
#0  0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x0ff4ac28 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
Previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
#0  0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) thread apply 2 where
Thread 2 (Thread 1090771744 (LWP 9514)):
#0  0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#2  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#3  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#4  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
#0  0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) thread apply 3 where
Thread 3 (Thread 1086577440 (LWP 9513)):
#0  0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#2  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#3  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#4  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
#0  0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) thread apply 4 where
Thread 4 (Thread 1082383136 (LWP 9512)):
#0  0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#2  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#3  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#4  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
#0  0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
 (gdb) thread apply 5 where
Thread 5 (Thread 1078188832 (LWP 9511)):
#0  0x0ffe94ec in __lll_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#2  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#3  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
#4  0x0ffe466c in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib/tls/
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
#0  0x0ff4ac40 in __write_nocancel () from /lib/tls/


清单 23. 查看哪个线程拥有互斥体
(gdb) print AccountA_mutex
$1 = {__m_reserved = 2, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x2527, 
__m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 1, __spinlock = 0}} (gdb) print 0x2527 $2 = 9511 (gdb) print AccountB_mutex $3 = {__m_reserved = 2, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x2529,
__m_kind = 0, __m_lock = {__status = 1, __spinlock = 0}} (gdb) print 0x2529 $4 = 9513 (gdb)

从上面的命令中,我们可以看出 AccontA_mutex 是被线程 5(LWP 9511)加锁(拥有)的,而 AccontB_mutex 是被线程 3(LWP 9513)加锁(拥有)的。


清单 24. 按照相同的顺序对互斥体进行加锁

void * transferAB (void* amount_ptr) {
        int amount = *((int*)amount_ptr);
        if (accountA.balance < amount)   {
                printf("There is not enough memory in Account A!/n");
                pthread_exit((void *)1);
        accountA.balance -=amount;
        accountB.balance +=amount;
void * transferBA (void* amount_ptr) {
        int amount = *((int*)amount_ptr);
        if (accountB.balance < amount)   {
                printf("There is not enough memory in Account B!/n");
                pthread_exit((void *)1);
        accountB.balance -=amount;
        accountA.balance +=amount;


清单 25. 对每个帐号单独进行加锁

void * transferAB (void* amount_ptr) {
        int amount = *((int*)amount_ptr);
        if (accountA.balance < amount)   {
                printf("There is not enough memory in Account A!/n");
                pthread_exit((void *)1);
        accountA.balance -=amount;
        accountB.balance +=amount;
void * transferBA (void* amount_ptr) {
        int amount = *((int*)amount_ptr);
        if (accountB.balance < amount)   {
                printf("There is not enough memory in Account B!/n");
                pthread_exit((void *)1);
        accountB.balance -=amount;
        accountA.balance +=amount;

要调试 64 位的应用程序(使用 GCC 的 –m64 选项或 IBM XL C/C++ 编译器的 –q64 选项编译),应该使用一个特别的 gdb 版本 gdb64。




GNU DDD(Data Display Debugger)就是一个调试器(例如 GDB 和 JDB)的图形化前端。除了常见的前端特性(例如查看源代码)之外,DDD 还通过将要显示的数据结构以交互式的图形化方式进行显示而闻名。

对于 SLES 9 来说,用于 PowerPC 的 DDD 二进制文件是在 SUSE Linux SDK CD 中单独提供的,也可以从 Novell 公司的网站上进行下载(参阅 参考资料)。RedHat 在 RHEL AS 4 CD 中提供了 DDD 的 rpm 包。

图 2 是在使用 DDD 来调试 清单 19 (gdbtest3.cpp)中的例子时的截图。

图 2. DDD 截屏

默认情况下,DDD 使用 gdb 作为后端调试器;要切换到 jdb,请使用 ddd -jdb 来启动 DDD。

有关 DDD 的更多信息,请参考 GNU 项目 Web 站点上的 DDD 部分(参阅 参考资料)。


strace 命令是可以在 Linux on POWER 架构上使用的一个功能非常强大的工具。它可以显示用户空间的应用程序所执行的全部系统调用。strace 可以以符号表的形式显示这些调用的参数和返回值。strace 从内核接收信息,并不需要采用任何特殊的方式来构建内核。要跟踪的应用程序也不需要为 strace 重新进行编译,当我们无法访问应用程序的源代码时,这是非常方便的一种方法。

下面的例子使用 strace 来跟踪一个普通用户执行 cat /etc/shadow 的过程,然后将跟踪到的结果打印到 中。这个程序依然正常运行,但是在使用 strace 运行时速度稍微有些慢;最后,我们得到一个跟踪文件。

$ strace -o cat /etc/shadow
cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied

跟踪文件通常都很大。即使对这个简单的例子来说, 也有 111 行长。这个文件的最后包含下面的行:

清单 26. 文件中的部分行

     88 open("/usr/lib/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_NUMERIC", 
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 89 open("/usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NUMERIC", O_RDONLY) = 3 90 fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=54, ...}) = 0 91 mmap(NULL, 54, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x4010f000 92 close(3) = 0 93 open("/usr/lib/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_CTYPE",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 94 open("/usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_CTYPE", O_RDONLY) = 3 95 fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=208464, ...}) = 0 96 mmap(NULL, 208464, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x40110000 97 close(3) = 0 98 fstat64(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620,
st_rdev=makedev(136, 4), ...}) = 0 99 open("/etc/shadow", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 EACCES
(Permission denied) 100 write(2, "cat: ", 5) = 5 101 write(2, "/etc/shadow", 11) = 11 102 open("/usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 103 open("/usr/share/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 104 open("/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 105 open("/usr/share/locale/en.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 106 open("/usr/share/locale/en.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 107 open("/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/",
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 108 write(2, ": Permission denied", 19) = 19 109 write(2, "/n", 1) = 1 110 close(1) = 0 111 exit_group(1)

注意在第 99 行处,命令会失效,因为系统调用 open("/etc/shadow", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) 失效了,返回了一个 EACCESS 错误代码,这说明权限不符合。

在有些情况中,应用程序可能会挂起,并且不能响应诸如 ctrl+c(SIGINT)之类的信号。这说明应用程序正在调用的系统调用在其内核模式下挂起了,一直不会返回用户模式。strace 可以非常有用地用来判断是哪一个系统调用,以及传给这个系统调用的参数是什么。可能性最大的情况是参数的位置不对而导致了问题。

与 gdb64 是用于 64 位应用程序的 gdb 类似,strace64 也用来跟踪 64 位应用程序所请求的系统调用。

Magic C++
Magic C++是 Windows 下的跨平台的可视化Unix/Liunx集成开发环境,图形化界面是仿照VC++做的,可以在windows下通过远程的方式登录到liunx机器上进行linux开发,程序调试跟踪都很方便,一切都在windows下进行。






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