Nachos Lab3 同步机制

lab3 同步机制



Exercise1 调研







Exercise2 源代码阅读






int value信号量值,永远大于等于0
List *queue在P()中被阻塞的线程队列,等待value>0之后被唤醒
void P()当value == 0时,将currentThread放入queue中。挂起currentThread并执行其他线程;当value>0时,value–
void V()判断queue中是否有元素,如果有,则唤醒,并将其加入就绪队列;value++

Exercise3 实现锁和条件变量








class Lock {
  Thread *heldThread;   //lab3 在isHeldByCurrentThread()使用
  Semaphore *semaphore; //信号量,在构造函数中将value初始化为1


void Lock::Acquire()
    IntStatus oldLevel = interrupt->SetLevel(IntOff);//关中断
    heldThread = currentThread;
    DEBUG('l', "%s has aquired %s", heldThread->getName(), name); //l means lock






class Condition {
    List* queue; // 因某条件被阻塞的线程



void Condition::Signal(Lock *conditionLock)
    IntStatus oldLevel = interrupt->SetLevel(IntOff);
    if (!queue->IsEmpty())
        Thread *thread = (Thread *)queue->Remove();
        DEBUG('c', "%s wakes up \"%s\".\n", getName(), thread->getName());
void Condition::Broadcast(Lock *conditionLock)
    IntStatus oldLevel = interrupt->SetLevel(IntOff);
    DEBUG('c', "broadcast : ");
    while (!queue->IsEmpty())
        Thread *thread = (Thread *)queue->Remove();
        DEBUG('c', "%s\t", thread->getName());
    DEBUG('c', "\n");




Exercise4 生产者消费者





// Lab3 Exercise4 生产者消费者问题
// 在main中new一个生产者和一个消费者
// 消费者:每次从buffer中取一个元素
// 生产者:每次生产一个元素放入buffer
// buff满,生产者阻塞,buff空,消费者阻塞
// 保证生产者和消费者互斥访问buffer
#define BUFFER_SIZE 5                  //buffer的大小
#define THREADNUM_P (Random() % 4 + 1) //生产者数,不超过4
#define THREADNUM_C (Random() % 4 + 1) //消费者数,不超过4
#define TESTTIME 500                   //本次测试的总时间

vector<char> buffer;     //方便起见,用STL作为buffer
Lock *mutex;             //mutex->缓冲区的互斥访问
Condition *full, *empty; //full->生产者的条件变量,empty->消费者的条件变量

void Comsumer(int dummy)
    while (stats->totalTicks < TESTTIME) //约等于while(true),这样写可以在有限的时间内结束
        while (!buffer.size())
            printf("Thread \"%s\": Buffer is empty with size %d.\n", currentThread->getName(), buffer.size());

        printf("Thread \"%s\" gets an item.\n", currentThread->getName());

        if (buffer.size() == BUFFER_SIZE - 1)

        interrupt->OneTick(); //系统时间自增

void Producer(int dummy)
    while (stats->totalTicks < TESTTIME) //约等于while(true),这样写可以在有限的时间内结束

        while (buffer.size() == BUFFER_SIZE)
            printf("Thread \"%s\": Buffer is full with size %d.\n", currentThread->getName(), buffer.size());

        ASSERT(buffer.size() < BUFFER_SIZE);
        printf("Thread \"%s\" puts an item.\n", currentThread->getName());

        if (buffer.size() == 1)

        interrupt->OneTick(); //系统时间自增
void Lab3ProducerAndComsumer()
    printf("Random created %d comsumers, %d producers.\n", THREADNUM_C, THREADNUM_P);

    full = new Condition("Full_condition");   //初始化full
    empty = new Condition("Empty_condition"); //初始化empty
    mutex = new Lock("buffer_mutex");         //初始化mutex

    Thread *threadComsumer[THREADNUM_C];
    Thread *threadProducer[THREADNUM_P];

    for (int i = 0; i < THREADNUM_C; ++i)
        char threadName[20];
        sprintf(threadName, "Comsumer %d", i); //给线程命名
        threadComsumer[i] = new Thread(strdup(threadName));
        threadComsumer[i]->Fork(Comsumer, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < THREADNUM_P; ++i)
        char threadName[20];
        sprintf(threadName, "Producer %d", i); //给线程命名
        threadProducer[i] = new Thread(strdup(threadName));
        threadProducer[i]->Fork(Producer, 0);
    // scheduler->Print();
    while (!scheduler->isEmpty())
        currentThread->Yield(); //跳过main的执行

    printf("Producer consumer test Finished.\n");


本次试验采用随机时间片模拟真实场景,在terminal中输入./nachos -d c -rs -q 6可查看结果:

-d c means condition debug, -rs means random seed

vagrant@precise32:/vagrant/nachos/nachos-3.4/code/threads$ ./nachos -d c -rs -q 6
Random created 2 comsumers, 3 producers.
Thread "Comsumer 0": Buffer is empty with size 0.
Empty_condition has blocked thread "Comsumer 0".
Thread "Comsumer 1": Buffer is empty with size 0.
Empty_condition has blocked thread "Comsumer 1".
Thread "Producer 0" puts an item.
Empty_condition wakes up "Comsumer 0".
Thread "Producer 0" puts an item.
======Random context switch, Ticks = 190=====
Thread "Producer 1" puts an item.
Thread "Producer 1" puts an item.
======Random context switch, Ticks = 250=====
Thread "Producer 2" puts an item.
Thread "Producer 2": Buffer is full with size 5.
Full_condition has blocked thread "Producer 2".
Thread "Producer 3": Buffer is full with size 5.
Full_condition has blocked thread "Producer 3".
Thread "Comsumer 0" gets an item.
Full_condition wakes up "Producer 2".
Thread "Comsumer 0" gets an item.
Thread "Comsumer 0" gets an item.
======Random context switch, Ticks = 420=====
Thread "Producer 0" puts an item.
Thread "Producer 0" puts an item.
Thread "Producer 0" puts an item.
======Random context switch, Ticks = 550=====
Thread "Producer 2": Buffer is full with size 5.
Full_condition has blocked thread "Producer 2".
Producer consumer test Finished.
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 691, idle 101, system 590, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0

Cleaning up...



*challenge1 Barrier

可以使用Nachos 提供的同步互斥机制(如条件变量)来实现barrier,使得当且仅当若干个线程同时到达某一点时方可继续执行。



class Barrier
  Barrier(char *debugName, int num); // 构造函数
  ~Barrier();                        // 析构函数
  char *getName() { return (name); } // 调试用

  void stopAndWait(); // 在所有线程到达之前阻塞当前线程

  char *name;           // 调试用
  int remain;           // 还剩多少线程没到?
  int threadNum;        // 线程总数
  Lock *mutex;          // condition中使用的锁
  Condition *condition; // 用来阻塞线程并唤醒他们


code/thread/threadtest.cc中编写了Lab3Barrier()函数,testnum = 5

// lab3 challenge1 barrier
// 在main中new 4 个线程,四个线程分别对4个全局变量进行赋值
// 共分三个阶段,每个阶段赋值不同,但是在相同的阶段中,
// 每个线程对对应元素赋值是相同的,本程序可用于barrier测试

#define THREADNUM 4//线程数
#define PHASENUM 3//测试的阶段数
int num[THREADNUM];//4个全局变量
Barrier *barrier;



terminal中输入./nachos -d b -q 5可查看结果:

-d b means barrier debug

vagrant@precise32:/vagrant/nachos/nachos-3.4/code/threads$ ./nachos -d b -q 5
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 0" finished assignment, num[0] = 1.
Thread "Barrier test 0" reached barrier with remain = 3.
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 1" finished assignment, num[1] = 1.
Thread "Barrier test 1" reached barrier with remain = 2.
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 2" finished assignment, num[2] = 1.
Thread "Barrier test 2" reached barrier with remain = 1.
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 3" finished assignment, num[3] = 1.
Thread "Barrier test 3" reached barrier with remain = 0.
All threads reached barrier.
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 3" finished assignment, num[3] = 2.
Thread "Barrier test 3" reached barrier with remain = 3.
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 0" finished assignment, num[0] = 2.
Thread "Barrier test 0" reached barrier with remain = 2.
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 1" finished assignment, num[1] = 2.
Thread "Barrier test 1" reached barrier with remain = 1.
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 2" finished assignment, num[2] = 2.
Thread "Barrier test 2" reached barrier with remain = 0.
All threads reached barrier.
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 2" finished assignment, num[2] = 3.
Thread "Barrier test 2" reached barrier with remain = 3.
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 3" finished assignment, num[3] = 3.
Thread "Barrier test 3" reached barrier with remain = 2.
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 0" finished assignment, num[0] = 3.
Thread "Barrier test 0" reached barrier with remain = 1.
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 1" finished assignment, num[1] = 3.
Thread "Barrier test 1" reached barrier with remain = 0.
All threads reached barrier.
Barrier test Finished.
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 320, idle 0, system 320, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0

Cleaning up...

结果显示,共进行了三个阶段的赋值,每个阶段中,每个线程正确地对其负责的变量进行了赋值;在不同的阶段中,每个线程的赋值不同,符合预期,实验成功。为了测试在随机时间片下程序是否具有正确性,输入-rs 查看随机时间片下的结果:

vagrant@precise32:/vagrant/nachos/nachos-3.4/code/threads$ make;./nachos -d c -rs -q 5
make: `nachos' is up to date.
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 0" finished assignment, num[0] = 1.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 0".
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 1" finished assignment, num[1] = 1.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 1".
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 2" finished assignment, num[2] = 1.
===============Random context switch, Ticks = 190===============
Phase 1: thread "Barrier test 3" finished assignment, num[3] = 1.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 3".
broadcast : Barrier test 0      Barrier test 1  Barrier test 3
===============Random context switch, Ticks = 280===============
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 2" finished assignment, num[2] = 2.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 2".
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 0" finished assignment, num[0] = 2.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 0".
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 1" finished assignment, num[1] = 2.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 1".
===============Random context switch, Ticks = 460===============
Phase 2: thread "Barrier test 3" finished assignment, num[3] = 2.
broadcast : Barrier test 2      Barrier test 0  Barrier test 1
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 3" finished assignment, num[3] = 3.
===============Random context switch, Ticks = 580===============
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 2" finished assignment, num[2] = 3.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 2".
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 3".
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 0" finished assignment, num[0] = 3.
Barrier condition has blocked thread "Barrier test 0".
Phase 3: thread "Barrier test 1" finished assignment, num[1] = 3.
broadcast : Barrier test 2      Barrier test 3  Barrier test 0
===============Random context switch, Ticks = 780===============
Barrier test Finished.
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 916, idle 56, system 860, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0

Cleaning up...



*Challenge2 实现read/write lock

基于Nachos提供的lock(synch.h和,实现read/write lock。使得若干线程可以同时读取某共享数据区内的数据,但是在某一特定的时刻,只有一个线程可以向该共享数据区写入数据。


  1. 读者优先(最简单):任何读者都不能仅仅因为作家正在等待而等待其他读者完成。
  2. 写者优先:写者准备就绪后,应该尽快让写者进入临界区。



Readers–writer lock - WIKIPEDIA)



  • num_readers_active:已获取锁的读者的数量(整数)
  • num_writers_waiting:等待访问的写者数(整数)
  • writer_active:写者是否已获得锁(布尔值)



class RWLock
  RWLock(char *debugName);           // 构造函数
  ~RWLock();                         // 析构函数
  char *getName() { return (name); } // debug辅助

  // 读者锁
  void ReaderAcquire();
  void ReaderRelease();
  // 写者锁
  void WriterAcquire();
  void WriterRelease();

  char *name;              // debug用
  int num_readers_active;  //已获取锁的读者的数量
  int num_writers_waiting; //等待访问的写者数(整数)
  int writer_active;       //写者是否已获得锁(布尔值)
  Condition *COND;         //条件变量COND
  Lock *g;                 //互斥锁g



code/threads/threatest.cc中编写了Lab3RWLock()函数,testnum = 7:

// lab3 Challenge2 RWLock
// 随机产生一定数量的读者和写者对临界资源buffer
// 进行读写; 写者的任务:写一句拿破仑的名言:
// "Victory belongs to the most persevering"
// 构造两个写者,第一个负责写前半部分,第二个负责写
// 后半部分,每个写者写一个字符就切换,观察是否会被
// 其他读者或者写者抢占使用权,如果不会,证明写者优
// 先实现成功
#define THREADNUM_R (Random() % 4 + 1)                           //读者数,不超过4
#define THREADNUM_W 2                                            //写者数
const string QUOTE = "Victory belongs to the most persevering."; //拿破仑的名言
const int QUOTE_SIZE = QUOTE.size();                             //长度
int shared_i = 0;                                                //写者公用,用于定位,初始化为零
RWLock *rwlock;                                                  //读写锁
string RWBuffer;                                                 //buffer

void Writer(int writeSize)
    while (shared_i < writeSize)
        printf("%s is writing: %s\n", currentThread->getName(), RWBuffer.c_str());

void Reader(int dummy)
    while (shared_i < QUOTE_SIZE)
        printf("%s is reading :%s\n", currentThread->getName(), RWBuffer.c_str());

void Lab3RWLock()
    printf("Random created %d readers, %d writers.\n", THREADNUM_R, THREADNUM_W);

    rwlock = new RWLock("RWLock"); //初始化rwlock
    Thread *threadReader[THREADNUM_R];
    Thread *threadWriter[THREADNUM_W];
    for (int i = 0; i < THREADNUM_R; ++i)
        char threadName[20];
        sprintf(threadName, "Reader %d", i); //给线程命名
        threadReader[i] = new Thread(strdup(threadName));
        threadReader[i]->Fork(Reader, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < THREADNUM_W; ++i)
        char threadName[20];
        sprintf(threadName, "Writer %d", i); //给线程命名
        threadWriter[i] = new Thread(strdup(threadName));
        int val = !i ? QUOTE_SIZE - 20 : QUOTE_SIZE;
        threadWriter[i]->Fork(Writer, val);

    while (!scheduler->isEmpty())
        currentThread->Yield(); //跳过main的执行

    printf("Secondary Reader Writer test Finished.\n");

在terminal中输入./nachos -q 7可查看结果:

vagrant@precise32:/vagrant/nachos/nachos-3.4/code/threads$ make;./nachos -q 7
make: `nachos' is up to date.
Random created 2 readers, 2 writers.
Writer 0 is writing: V
Writer 0 is writing: Vi
Writer 0 is writing: Vic
Writer 0 is writing: Vict
Writer 0 is writing: Victo
Writer 0 is writing: Victor
Writer 0 is writing: Victory
Writer 0 is writing: Victory
Writer 0 is writing: Victory b
Writer 0 is writing: Victory be
Writer 0 is writing: Victory bel
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belo
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belon
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belong
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs t
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs to
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs to
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs to t
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to th
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the m
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the mo
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the mos
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most p
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most pe
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most per
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most pers
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perse
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persev
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perseve
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persever
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perseveri
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perseverin
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persevering
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Reader 0 is reading :Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Reader 1 is reading :Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Secondary Reader Writer test Finished.
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 1760, idle 0, system 1760, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0

Cleaning up...

输入./nachos -d c -q 7可以查看线程阻塞信息:

vagrant@precise32:/vagrant/nachos/nachos-3.4/code/threads$ make;./nachos -d c -q 7
make: `nachos' is up to date.
Random created 2 readers, 2 writers.
Writer 0 is writing: V
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Vi
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Vic
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Vict
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victo
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victor
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory b
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory be
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory bel
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belo
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belon
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belong
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs t
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs to
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs to
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 0 is writing: Victory belongs to t
Condition has blocked thread "Writer 1".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Writer 1    Reader 0        Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to th
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the m
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the mo
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the mos
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most p
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most pe
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most per
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most pers
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perse
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persev
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perseve
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persever
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perseveri
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most perseverin
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persevering
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Writer 1 is writing: Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 0".
Condition has blocked thread "Reader 1".
broadcast : Reader 0    Reader 1
Reader 0 is reading :Victory belongs to the most persevering.
broadcast :
Reader 1 is reading :Victory belongs to the most persevering.
broadcast :
Secondary Reader Writer test Finished.
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 1760, idle 0, system 1760, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0

Cleaning up...



challenge 3 研究Linux的kfifo机制是否可以移植到Nachos上作为一个新的同步模块


  • 1
  • 4
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


