Stack of nodes to train: (treeIndex, node)
The reason this is a stack is that we train many trees at once, but we want to focus on
completing trees, rather than training all simultaneously. If we are splitting nodes from
1 tree, then the new nodes to split will be put at the top of this stack, so we will continue
training the same tree in the next iteration. This focus allows us to send fewer trees to
workers on each iteration; see topNodesForGroup below.
val nodeStack = new mutable.ListBuffer[(Int, LearningNode)]
val topNodes = Array.fill[LearningNode](numTrees)(LearningNode.emptyNode(nodeIndex = 1))
for (treeIndex <- 0 until numTrees) {
nodeStack.prepend((treeIndex, topNodes(treeIndex)))
while (nodeStack.nonEmpty) {
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