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原创 resolve a bug as by design
Don’t resolve a bug as By Design if the observed behavior is not expected. If this bug is caused by a re-execution bug that is already filed, then the correct resolution is Duplicate. By Design is res
2010-04-08 11:07:00 296
原创 SE-Rule and Action
[Rule(Action = "this.AnAction(s)/r")]public void ARule(string s, int r){Condition.IsTrue(r == s.Length);} “/” is the notation for the return value of an action. It’s use to define what
2010-04-02 10:44:00 243
原创 [project]shark
2010-03-25 19:33:00 241
原创 typedef 和 结构自引用问题
(1)不用typedef,这个时候,我们定义结构并使用的时候,都是前面有struct的,这个时候struct sName 是一个整体,不可分割,所以,我们在自引用的时候是这样的:struct Tnode{ struct Tnode *left; // 关键字 struct 是必须要有的 struct Tnode *right; int valu
2010-03-24 20:59:00 408
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