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Sothink Web Video Downloader, a convenient video downloader, can detect any live video from internet, capture video, download video and save video to your hard disk for offline enjoyment. It enables you to capture and download Flash videos (flv) from popular video websites such as YouTube, MSN, etc. It also supports downloading video in other formats (wmv, asf, avi, mov, mp4, m4v, 3gp, rm, rmvb, etc.) from most video hosting sites and blogs. The intelligent video monitor, provided by Sothink Web Video Downloader, can detect any online videos played in your browser, and prompt you to download video with one-click.With the built-in Flash Video Player, playing the downloaded video never becomes so easy and convenient. Furthermore, the program interface is so simple and clear that you can handle with the software in less than 3 minutes. More features: * Download video easily from YouTube, MSN, Google and many other video sites and blogs. * Automatically capture videos which you are viewing on the Web. * Intelligently monitor and capture videos in all browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc. You can also add any other browsers you want to monitor on demand. * Capture and download videos of many popular formats including flv (Flash Video), wmv, asf, avi, mov, mp4, 3gp, rm, rmvb, etc. * Provide built-in Flash Video Player for instant video preview. * Preview the captured video in the notification window before you download it. * Provide Sothink FLV Player for watching Flash Video offline conveniently. * Download multiple files simultaneously. * Resume broken or paused downloads. * Display detailed information like URL, file size, downloading progress, speed, time left, video dimension, video duration, etc. * Save download histories automatically. * Manage downloaded files conveniently. * keep deleted files in trash bin and recover them later. * Never miss any video you have watched.



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