/ root directory of the entire file system
/bin/ essential command binary that need to be avaliable in signal user mode;
for all users,e.g.,cat,ls,cp
/boot/ boot loader files,often a sperate partion
/dev/ essential devices
/etc/ host-specific system-wide configuration files
/etc/opt/ configuration file for /opt/
/etc/x11/ configuration file for X Window System, version 11
/etc/sgml/ SGML
/etc/xml/ XML
/home/ User's home directory ,often sperate partion
/lib/ Libraries essential for the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin/
/media/ Mount points for removable media such as CD-ROMs
/mnt/ Temporarily mounted filesystem
/opt/ Optional application software packages
/proc/ Virtual filesystem documenting kernel and process status as text file
/root/ Home directory for the root user
/sbin/ Essential system binaries e.g. init,ip,mount
/srv/ Site-specific data which is served by the system
/tmp/ Temporary files. Often not preserved between system reboots
/usr/ Secondary hierarchy for read-only user data;contains the majority of (multi-)user utilities and applications
/usr/bin/ Non-essential command bianries ; for all users
/usr/include/ Standard include files
/usr/lib/ LIbraries for the binaries in /usr/bin/ and /usr/sbin
/usr/sbin/ Non-essential system binaries
/usr/share/ Architecture-independent (shared) data
/usr/src/ Source code.e.g. kernel source code with its header file
/usr/x11R6/ X Window System,version 11,Release 6
/usr/local/ Teritary hierarchy for local data,specific to this host
/var/ Variable files---files whose contents is ecpected to be changed during normal operation of the system---such as logs,spool files and temporary e-mail files.Sometimes a
sperate partion
/var/cache/ Application cache data
/var/lib/ State information.Persistent data modified by program as they run,e.g.,databases,packaging system metadata,etc.
/var/lock/ Lock files.Files keeping track of resources currently in use.
/var/log/ Log files.Variout logs.
/var/mail/ User's mailboxes.
/var/run/ Information about the running system since last boot,e.g.,currently loged-in users and running daemons
/var/spool/ Spool for tasks waiting to be processed,e.g.,print queues and unread mail.
/var/spool/mail/ Deprecated location for user's mailboxes
/var/tmp/ Temporary files to be preserved between reboots