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原创 common port number

20&21 File Transfer Protocol22 Secure Shell23 Telnet25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol53 Domain Name Systeem service80 HyperText Transfer Protocol110 Post Office Protocol POP3119 Network N

2012-02-29 17:09:46 415

原创 protocol-telnet


2012-02-29 17:06:37 353

原创 protocol-ftp

File transfer ProtocolTransfer files from one host to another host  over a TCP-based networkclear-text log-in protocol

2012-02-29 17:03:26 301

原创 protocol-sftp

SSH file transfer protocolnot related to FTP except it also transfer files and havs a similar set of command for usersA program to use Secure Shell to transfer files    Encrypt bot

2012-02-29 15:53:44 462

原创 flashget for linux

download binary and installhttp://bbs.flashget.com/en/archiver/?tid-1446.htmlproblem:http://bbs.flashget.com/en/archiver/?tid-3974.html

2012-02-24 11:10:14 755

原创 http-client

first open socketthan initiilize the sockaddr_in

2012-02-19 13:24:05 316

原创 gdb

gdb only sysbols generated by g++Loadgdb http-client executable filegcc http-client.c -o http-client -g [gdb]list function from the http-client.clist main symbollist 22

2012-02-19 13:21:57 272

原创 vsftp

vsftpservice vsftp start/stop/restart/statustest wether the vsftpd is runningnetstat -a | grep ftpnetstat -awill list all TCP and UDP portsConfig/etc/vsftpd.confsudo su -

2012-02-18 18:11:10 357

原创 url


2012-02-12 09:30:11 295

原创 main

main(int argc,char* argc[])C语言程序访问命令行参数显示了shell本身就是用exec启动j进程的argc=3  arguments count则argv有4个元素,最后一个为NULL

2012-02-10 15:35:04 276

原创 1


2012-02-10 15:15:31 284

原创 O-register


2012-02-05 11:03:09 342

原创 base-whereis

whereis cp

2012-02-04 16:04:30 317

原创 base-which

which ls

2012-02-04 15:59:30 337

原创 base-umask

Set file mode creation mask

2012-02-04 15:37:57 428

原创 base-touch

Change all 3 timestampchange must be the current timestampChange access,modify and change to current timestamptouch fileChange access and modifytouch -t 06152300 filetouch -t 02132333

2012-02-04 15:08:02 382

原创 base-paste

Example:paste file1 file2123 liudepeng2 fanyiwei3 liuyanjun5 zhaoweixing3 fengguojing222 hello2235 487 4980 345 3

2012-02-04 13:53:21 360

原创 base-od

dump files in octal and other formats

2012-02-04 13:44:04 328

原创 base-mv

Rename or movemv [-f] [-i] oldname newname

2012-02-04 13:17:15 333

原创 base-mktemp

Create a temporary file or directorymktemp /tmp/nameXXname

2012-02-04 12:46:05 318

原创 base-locate

Find file by nameLimit outputlocate filelocate -l 10 -b name-c  print number of find entries-b  only file name-i  ignore case

2012-02-04 12:34:10 344

原创 base-ls


2012-02-04 12:33:24 301

原创 base-less

less file

2012-02-04 12:19:32 361

原创 base-more

Display at a timemore file

2012-02-04 12:18:50 276

原创 base-ln

Linkln [-f] [-n] [-s] existfile newnameExample:ln file linknameln -s file linknameSymbolic-link

2012-02-04 12:10:01 297

原创 base-cut

Remove sections from each line of filescut -c1-2 sort.c1=cut -c4,8 company.datacut -d: -f3 new406378:Sales:Itorre:Jan031762:Marketing:Nasium:Jim636496:Research:Ancholie:Mel396082:Sales:Juc

2012-02-04 12:02:59 325

原创 base-find

search files in a directory hierarchyfind [path..] [expression]Typicalfind / -name gamefind /home -user bookfind /usr -name *statfind /usr -mtime +60Modified more than 60 days agofind

2012-02-04 11:46:06 308

原创 base-file

determain file typefile files

2012-02-04 11:10:37 334

原创 base-diffstat

make histogram from diff-outputdiffstat [options] [file-specifications]

2012-02-04 09:56:39 455

原创 base-diff

f:Display different linesdiff [-b] [-i] [-t] [-w] [-c] [-C] [-e] [-f] [-h] [-n] [-D string] [-l] [-r] [-s] [-S name] [fileone filetwo ] [directoryone directorytwo]Example:diff help dir2

2012-02-04 09:50:30 267

原创 base-cmp

f:Comparei:Two fileso:What line numbers are differentcmp [option].. first secnod

2012-02-04 09:47:52 311

原创 base-cksum

cyclic redundancy check (CRC)cksum file1740057581 19 fileCRC_sum     ectets   filedisplay formats:"%u %d %s\n" , ,

2012-02-04 09:42:33 230

原创 base-cp

copy files and directories cp [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST cp [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY cp [OPTION]... --target-directory=DIRECTORY SOURCE...-R,-r,--recursive-v --verbo

2012-02-03 22:16:05 243

原创 base-ls

List contents directoryls [-a] [-A] [-b] [-c] [-C] [-d] [-f] [-F] [-g] [-i] [-l] [-L] [-m] [-o] [-p] [-q] [-r] [-R] [-s] [-t] [-u] [-x] [pathnames]-a: include hidden files(.filename)-l:

2012-02-03 21:04:18 340

原创 base-file-permission

ls -l- rwx r-xr-x joe acctg archive.sh - rw- rw-r-- joe acctg orgchart.gif- rw- rw-r-- joe acctg personnel.txt- rw- r--r-- joe acctg publicity.htmld rwx r-xr-x joe acctg sales- r

2012-02-03 20:48:11 241

原创 base-chown

Change owner filechown [-R] newowner filenamesnewowner:alias/username

2012-02-03 20:44:15 247

原创 base-chgrp

examplechgrp [options] group fileschgrp [options] --reference=rfile files-c--dereference-h, --no-dereference-R, --recursive1,change group of a file or directorychgrp u

2012-02-03 15:04:17 292

原创 base-chattr

f:改变ext2,ext3文件属性权限:超级用户格式:chattr [-RV] [-+=AacDdijsSu] [-v version] 文件或目录-R  递归-V  输出修改内容- 失效属性+ 激活属性= 指定属性A Atime 不需修改最后访问时间S Sync 将写操作立即更新到磁盘a  Append only  对文件:只允许追加

2012-02-03 14:32:04 245

原创 base-cat

catenateDisplayCopy textCombine Createcat filenamecat option filenamecat file1 file2cat file1 file2 > file3Pipe:cat file | lessCreate:(overwritten)cat > newfilesav

2012-02-03 14:11:14 679

原创 base-tar


2012-02-02 21:16:07 307



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