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2.1 什么是工作流?




















    1、构建时功能,这关系到定义——可能还关系到建模—— 工作流过程和它的组成活动。







1 工作流系统特征



2.1.1 构建时功能











2.1.2 运行时的过程控制功能




2.1.3 运行时活动的交互




2.1.4 分发和系统接口





















2. Workflow Systems Overview

2.1. What is Workflow?

Workflow is concerned with the automation of procedures where documents, information or tasks are passed between participants according to a defined set of rules to achieve, or contribute to, an overall business goal. Whilst workflow may be manually organised,  in practice most workflow is normally organised within the context of an IT system to provide computerised support for the procedural automation and it is to this area that the work of the Coalition is directed.

Definition - Workflow

The computerised facilitation or automation of a business process, in whole or part.

Workflow is often associated with Business Process Re-engineering, which is concerned with the assessment, analysis, modelling, definition and subsequent operational implementation of the core business processes of an organisation (or other business entity). Although not all BPR activities result in workflow implementations, workflow technology is often an appropriate solution as it provides separation of the business procedure logic and its IT operational support, enabling subsequent changes to be incorporated into the procedural rules defining the business process. Conversely, not all workflow implementations necessarily form part of a BPR exercise, for example implementations to automate an existing business procedure.

A Workflow Management System is one  which provides procedural automation of a business process by management of the sequence of work activities and the invocation of appropriate human and/or IT resources associated with the various activity steps.

Definition - Workflow Management System

A system that completely defines, manages and executes “workflows” through the execution of software whose order of execution is driven by a computer representation of the workflow logic.

An individual business process may have a life cycle ranging from minutes to days (or even months), depending upon its complexity and the duration of the various constituent activities. Such systems may be implemented in a variety of ways, use a wide variety of IT and communications infrastructure and operate in an environment ranging from small local workgroup to inter-enterprise. The WFMC Reference Model thus takes a broad view of workflow management, which is intended to accommodate the variety of implementation techniques and operational environments which characterise this technology.

Despite this variety, all WFM systems exhibit certain common characteristics, which provide a basis for developing integration and interoperability capability between different products. The Reference Model describes a common model for the construction of workflow systems and identifies how it may be related to various alternative implementation approaches.

At the highest level, all WFM systems may be characterised as providing support in three functional areas:

TC00-1003 Issue 1.1 Workflow Reference Model                                                                                        Printed 19/11/98

.            •     the Build-time functions, concerned with defining, and possibly modelling, the workflow process and its constituent activities

.            •     the Run-time control functions concerned with managing the workflow processes in an operational environment and sequencing the various activities to be handled as part of each process

.            •     the Run-time interactions with human users and IT application tools for processing the various activity steps


Figure 1 illustrates the basic characteristics of WFM systems and the relationships between these main functions.

Figure 1- Workflow System Characteristics

2.1.1. Build-time Functions

The Build-time functions are those which result in a computerised definition of a business process.  During this phase, a business process is translated from the real world into a formal, computer processable definition by the use of one or more analysis, modelling and system definition techniques. The resulting definition is sometimes called a process model, a process template, process metadata, or a process definition.  For purposes of this document, the term 'process definition' will be used.

Definition - Process Definition

The computerised representation of a process that includes the manual definition and workflow definition.

A process definition normally comprises a number of discrete activity steps, with associated computer and/or human operations and rules governing the progression of the process through the various activity steps. The process definition may be expressed in textual or graphical form or in a formal language notation. Some workflow systems may allow dynamic alterations to process definitions from the run-time operational environment, as indicated by the  feed-back arrow in the above diagram.

Coalition members do not consider the initial creation of process definitions to be an area of standardisation. Rather, this is considered to be a major distinguishing area between products in the marketplace. However, the result of the Build-time operation, the process definition, is identified as one of the potential areas of standardisation to enable the interchange of process definition data between different build-time tools and run­time products.


2.1.2. Run-time Process Control Functions

At run-time the process definition is interpreted by software which is responsible for creating and controlling operational instances of the process, scheduling  the various activities steps within the process and invoking the appropriate human and IT application resources, etc. These run-time process control functions act as the linkage between the process as modelled within the process definition and the process as it is seen in the real world, reflected in the runtime interactions of users and IT application tools. The core component is the basic workflow management control software (or "engine"), responsible for process creation & deletion, control of the activity scheduling within an operational process and interaction with application tools or human resources. This software is often distributed across a number of computer platforms to cope with processes which operate over a wide geographic basis.


2.1.3. Run-time Activity Interactions

Individual activities within a workflow process are typically concerned with human operations, often realised in conjunction with the use of a particular IT tool (for example, form filling), or with information processing operations requiring a particular application program to operate on some defined information (for example, updating an orders database with a new record). Interaction with the process control software is necessary to transfer control between activities, to ascertain the operational status of processes, to invoke application tools and pass the appropriate data, etc. There are several benefits in having a standardised framework for supporting this type of interaction, including the use of a consistent interface to multiple workflow systems and the ability to develop common application tools to work with different workflow  products.


2.1.4. Distribution & System Interfaces

The ability to distribute tasks and information between participants is a major distinguishing feature of workflow runtime infrastructure. The distribution function may operate at a variety of levels (workgroup to inter-organisation) depending upon the scope of the workflows; it may use a variety of underlying communications mechanisms (electronic mail, messaging passing, distributed object technology, etc). An alternative top-level view of workflow architecture which emphasises this distribution aspect is shown in figure 2 on the following page.

The workflow enactment service is shown as the core infrastructure function with interfaces to users and applications distributed across the workflow domain. Each of these interfaces is a potential point of integration between the workflow enactment service and other infrastructure or application components.

Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Workflow Management Coalition                                                                Page 8 of 8

Fig 2 - Distribution within the workflow enactment service

The flow of work may involve the transfer of tasks between different vendors workflow products to enable different parts of the business process to be enacted on different platforms or sub-networks using particular products suited to that stage of the process. In this scenario the flow within the central box passes between two or more workflow products - for example activities 1,2 and 5 may be executed by one workflow system and activities 3 and 4 by a different system, with control passed between them at appropriate points within the overall workflow. Standards to support this transfer of workflow control enable the development of composite workflow applications using several different workflow products operating together as a single logical entity.

The full range of interfaces being defined by the WFM Coalition therefore covers:

.            •     specifications for process definition data and its interchange

.            •     interfaces to support interoperability between different workflow systems

.            •     interfaces to support interaction with a variety of IT application types

.            •     interfaces to support interaction with user interface desktop functions

.            •     interfaces to provide system monitoring and metric functions to facilitate the management of composite workflow application environments


These are further developed in Section 3.

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