工作流参考模型(编号TC00 - 1003)第一章

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文档编号  TC00 - 1003
版次  1.1

发布日期 1995/01/19
作者  David Hollingsworth

译者  YahongLiu

翻译日期 2006/12/12 开始


  1.1  背景
  1.2  目的
  1.3  范围
  1.4  读者
  1.5  如何阅读本文
  1.6  交叉引用
  1.7  修订历史

  2.1  什么是工作流
  2.2  工作流的演进历史
  2.3  产品执行模型
  2.4  两种不同的的情况
  2.5  为何需要标准化

  3.1  概述
  3.2  工作流模型
  3.3  工作流制定服务
  3.4  过程定义
  3.5  工作流客户端功能
  3.6  调用的应用功能
  3.7  工作流的系统工作
  3.8  系统管理

  4.1  WAPI功能概述
  4.2  WAPI支持的协议
  4.3  一致性原则
  4.4  协同工作的类别和一致性的级别




1.1 背景



1.2 目的


1.3 范围


1.4 读者


1.5 如何阅读本文




1.6 交叉引用

 WFMC SC00 - 1002 WFM Coalition Proposal Information
 WFMC SC00 - 1006 WFM Coalition Technical Committee Operations
 WFMC TC00 - 1008 Interoperability White Paper
 WFMC TC00 - 1009 Client application API descriptions
 WFMC TC00 - 1010 Workflow Definition Read/Write Descriptions
 WFMC TC00 - 1011 Terminology and Glossary
 WFMC TC00 - 1013 Workflow APIs - Naming Conventions

1.7 修订历史



The Workflow Management Coalition Specification

Workflow Management Coalition
 The Workflow Reference Model

Document Number TC00-1003

Document Status - Issue 1.1



David Hollingsworth

Send comments to d.c.hollingsworth@x400.icl.co.uk

Workflow Management Coalition 2 Crown Walk Winchester Hampshire, UK SO22 5XE Tel: (+44) 1962 873401 Fax: (+44) 1962 868111

Copyright ª 1993, 1994, 1995 The Workflow Management Coalition

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Workflow Management Coalition, except that reproduction, storage or transmission for non-commercial purposes may be undertaken without such permission if all copies of the publication (or portions thereof) produced thereby contain a notice that the Workflow Management Coalition and its members are the owners of the copyright therein.

Email: WfMC@wfmc.org Web: http://www.wfmc.org

Table of Contents

1. Introduction................................................................................................ 3

1.1. Background................................................................................. 3

1.2. Purpose....................................................................................... 3

1.3. Scope.......................................................................................... 3

1.4. Audience..................................................................................... 4

1.5. How to read this document .......................................................... 4

1.6. Cross References......................................................................... 4

1.7. Revision History ......................................................................... 4

2. Workflow Systems Overview ...................................................................... 6

2.1. What is Workflow?..................................................................... 6

2.2. The Evolution of Workflow ........................................................10

2.3. Product Implementation Model ...................................................12

2.4. Alternative Implementation Scenarios .........................................15

2.5. The Need for Standardisation .....................................................18

3. Workflow Reference Model .......................................................................20

3.1. Overview ...................................................................................20

3.2. The Workflow Model .................................................................20

3.3. Workflow Enactment Services ....................................................21

3.4. Process Definition ......................................................................28

3.5. Workflow Client Functions.........................................................31

3.6. Invoked Application Functions ...................................................35

3.7. Workflow Interoperability ..........................................................37

3.8. Systems Administration..............................................................44

4. WAPI Structure, Protocols & Conformance ...............................................46

4.1. WAPI - Functional Overview of APIs.........................................46

4.2. WAPI Protocol Support .............................................................47

4.3. Conformance Principles..............................................................48

4.4. Interoperability Classifications & Conformance Levels ...............48

Appendix - Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ...........................................51

TC00-1003 Issue 1.1 Workflow Reference Model Printed 19/11/98

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Work Flow Management is a fast evolving technology which is increasingly being exploited by businesses in a variety of industries. Its primary characteristic is the automation of processes involving combinations of human and machine-based activities, particularly those involving interaction with  IT applications and tools. Although its most prevalent use is within the office environment in staff intensive operations such as insurance, banking, legal and general administration, etc, it is also applicable to some classes of industrial and manufacturing applications .

Many software vendors have WFM products available today which involve WFM technology and there is a continual introduction of more products into the market. The availability of a wide range of products within the market has allowed individual product vendors to focus on particular functional capabilities and users have adopted particular products to meet specific application needs. However, there are, as yet, no standards defined to enable different WFM products to work together, which is resulting in incompatible "islands" of process automation.

The WFM Coalition is a grouping of companies who have joined together to address the above situation. It has been recognised that all work flow management products have some common characteristics, enabling them potentially to achieve a level of interoperability through the use of common standards for various functions. The WFM Coalition has been established to identify these functional areas and develop appropriate specifications for implementation in workflow products. It is intended that such specifications will enable interoperability between heterogeneous workflow products and improved integration of workflow applications with other IT services such as electronic mail and document management, thereby improving the opportunities for the effective use of workflow technology within the IT market, to the benefit of both vendors and users of such technology.


1.2. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework to support the development of the various specifications described above. It provides a common "Reference Model" for workflow management systems identifying their characteristics, terminology and components, enabling the individual specifications to be developed within the context of an overall model for workflow systems. The detailed specifications will be developed as separate documents.


1.3. Scope

This document covers the concepts, terminology, general structure of a workflow management system, its major functional components and the interfaces and information interchange flows between them. It identifies the areas appropriate for standardisation and illustrates the potential interoperability scenarios which may be supported through the use of common standards. It also discusses, where appropriate, the applicability of existing standards to workflow management systems and their integration with other standard IT services. It does not cover wider aspects of business process engineering which lie outside the use of information technology to support the business process.

Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Workflow Management Coalition                                                                Page 3 of 3

TC00-1003 Issue 1.1 Workflow Reference Model                                                                                        Printed 19/11/98


1.4. Audience

The intended audience of this document is the work flow coalition membership as well as others that are interested in the efforts of the coalition and wish to understand the top level technical architecture which underpins the work of the Coalition. The document is intended for a moderately technical audience but extensive prior knowledge of workflow systems is not assumed.


1.5. How to read this document

Chapter 2 provides a general introduction to the concepts of workflow systems technology, its evolution, the business context and background on the types of systems which may incorporate this type of technology. If you are unfamiliar with workflow technology you should start here; if you are already familiar with workflow management systems, consider starting at Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 discuses the internal structure of workflow systems, the major functional components and the nature of their interactions. It introduces the top level architecture and identifies the various interfaces which may be used to support interoperability between different system components and integration with other major IT infrastructure components.

Chapter 4 provides a general overview of the workflow application programme interface (WAPI), comments on the necessary protocol support for open interworking and discusses the principles of conformance to the specifications. It identifies those aspects of the specifications which are required to support various classes of interoperability. The detailed WAPI specifications are published as separate specification documents (see cross references below).


1.6. Cross References

WFMC SC00 - 1002  WFM Coalition Proposal Information WFMC SC00 - 1006 WFM Coalition Technical Committee Operations WFMC TC00 - 1008 Interoperability White Paper WFMC TC00 - 1009 Client application API descriptions WFMC TC00 - 1010 Workflow Definition Read/Write Descriptions WFMC TC00 - 1011 Terminology and Glossary WFMC TC00 - 1013 Workflow APIs - Naming Conventions


1.7. Revision History

This issue (1.1) is the second major version, incorporating the following changes from the previous version (0.6):

.            •     Incorporation of updated terminology and glossary

.            •     Incorporation of monitoring  and metrics interface within the reference model

.            •     Updated material on workflow interoperability (derived from the Coalition work on the Workflow Interoperability White Paper) and its associated interface operations, clarifying the various interoperability scenarios and proposed areas for open interoperability


TC00-1003 Issue 1.1 Workflow Reference Model                                                                                        Printed 19/11/98

.            •     Incorporation of comments on the (optional) use of organisational roles within the basic model

.            •     Incorporation of comments clarifying the use of workflow relevant data within the basic model

.            •     Incorporation of minor changes to align with the output of other Coalition Working Groups, particularly the initial API specifications

.            •     Improvements in clarification and consistency in various areas throughout the text, including amended document structure


Version 1.1 incorporates minor editorial changes as a result of the TC meeting in Vienna (10th Nov 94), plus revisions to improve consistency with other Coalition documentation.

TC00-1003 Issue 1.1 Workflow Reference Model Printed 19/11/98

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