PL/SQL Developer主界面窗口默认设置

PL/SQL Developer每次打开,主界面左侧窗口依次为“链接”、“对象”和“窗口列表”,但经常使用的是“对象”这个窗口,所以一般情况下我会将“链接”和“窗口列表”两个窗口关掉或隐藏起来。但发现一个缺点,就是每次重新启动PL/SQL后,主界面左侧窗口又会变成下图1的样子,即用户的窗口设置没有保存。 

解决方法:先设置好自定义的“主界面左侧窗口”设置, 然后如图2, 在菜单 工具 -》 首选项 -》 用户界面 -》 选项 窗口中,将“自动保存桌面”勾选上就可以了。再重新打开PL/SQL, 就会主界面左侧窗口设置已经按自己上次的设置来显示了。 


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64位版本的 PLSQL 正式版,只能运行在64位系统中,需要你安装 64 位的 Oracle11g 或 Oracle12c 客户端。 安装中文包时请注意安装路径是否为PLSQL程序的路径。 备注:新版本Ribbon启用了 Ribbon 界面,改动较大,不习惯的建议不要更新。 部分插件会加载失败。 Ribbon User Interface PL/SQL Developer now uses a new Ribbon User Interface instead of a Menu User Interface: The Quick Access Toolbar above the ribbon contains the most frequently used functions, so that they are always immediately available. You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar to your own liking. Users that prefer a menu-like system to preserve screen real estate can select to automatically hide the ribbon. In the preferences you can select an option to revert to the familiar toolbar layout from PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier. Single Document Interface On the "View" ribbon you can now choose between a Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI - the same as in PL/SQL Developer 11.0 and earlier). In SDI mode you always see just one maximized window. A tab control above the window allows you to quickly switch between the windows: General User Interface Enhancements PL/SQL Developer is now fully compliant with High-DPI screens such as 4K monitors and notebooks. All controls and images will scale with resolution (some Plug-Ins may still need to be enhanced). Click on the image below to enlarge this example of a 15" 4K notebook (250% DPI): All window types now have a specific icon color, so that you can quickly identify the type in the Window List, in the SDI tab control, in the window titles, and so on. The transaction status is now visible in the status bar of a window, next to the "Saved" and "Executing" indicators. Added user interface preference "Preselect current user for object selection lists". PL/SQL Clipboard The new PL/SQL Clipboard is a dockable tool that stores the history of all SQL and PL/SQL code you copy to the Windows clipboard, so that you can paste the clipboard item again in the future. It has a filter function so that you can quickly find a clipboard item based on its contents: At the bottom you see the PL/SQL Clipboard history items. Clicking on an item will show the text with syntax highlighting in the preview pane, and will show the timestamp above the preview pane. Double-click on an item to paste the text in the cursor location of the current editor or drag & drop it to a specific location in an editor. You can use the editor preferences to configure when and how items are added to and deleted from the PL/SQL Clipboard. Debugger Enhancements You can now display compound variable values such as user-defined types, records and cursors: Support has been added for Error Breakpoints, which allow you to break execution when a specific exception (handled or unhandled) occurs: Breakpoints can now be saved and loaded. Debug object privileges can now be granted and revoked from the user interface. Code Assistant Enhancements The Code Assistant can now include column names from a DML statement context without using an alias: The Code Assistant can now describe sub-records. The Code Assistant now includes an <All> choice for default object type constructors. The Code Assistant can now include synonyms for user object lists. The Code Assistant no longer pre-selects <All> after typing part of a parameter/column name. SQL Window Enhancements A new preference has been added: "Null value cell color for mandatory columns". This allows you to quickly identify mandatory columns when adding new records: The result set selection can now be copied as an expression list: "column in (value, value, ...)" by right-clicking on a selection and selecting "Copy as expression list" from the popup menu. This allows you to quickly build a where clause based on the selection: When viewing or editing LOB's the contents for common data formats will automatically be recognized, so that an external viewer or editor can be invoked: Changes made and saved in an external editor will automatically be propagated to the column data. The SQL Window will now navigate to the offending cell in the result set after an insert or update with a column-specific error. The rowid column is now omitted when exporting a result set grid in SQL format. Test Window Enhancements You can now define Standard Tests for a specific function or procedure: A Standard Test can be invoked from the popup menu when right-clicking on the function or procedure in the Object Browser or in a PL/SQL source: The Test Window now supports Oracle12c implicit results, which are automatically detected and added to the variable list: A new Oracle / Output preference has been added to save dbms_output to a file. The filename can include %dbname%, %dbuser% and %date% variables to separate output files based on the database, user and date. Program Window Enhancements You can now suppress a hint or warning for a specific line of code by adding a "-- Ignore" comment. The Code Contents pane now shows local subprograms within a procedure/function in a separate folder. Session Window Enhancements The Session Window now has a Single Record View for the session details: You can now kill a session with the "immediate" option. Connection Enhancements A "Set current schema" item has been added to the connection popup menu. It will set the current schema for all windows of this connection. The current schema will be displayed in square brackets in the Connection List: Connecting through a proxy user is now supported. Other Enhancements A Compare function has been added to the Object Browser. You can compare program units, tables, views, sequences with sources in the database, in a file or in a window. A new Oracle / Options preference "Always include owner prefix" has been added. When enabled, DLL extracted from the database will always include the owner prefix. When disabled, the owner will be omitted if you are connected as the owner. A new "Stop" item has been added to the DBMS Scheduler "Running job" popup menu. Support has been added for Oracle12c read privileges for tables and views. Scripts generated by Export User Objects and Export Tables now have user-defined initialization and finalization. These files are located in the %APPDATA%\PLSQL Developer 12\Scripts directory. The Text Importer and ODBC Importer can now also truncate a table before import, in addition to the "Delete" option. The truncate option is faster but cannot be rolled back. The Compile Invalid Objects tool now has a User Selector. PL/SQL Developer 12 now comes as a new MSI installer for interactive and silent installation.
### 回答1: PL/SQL Developer是一个强大且功能丰富的集成开发环境(IDE),专门用于开发和调试PL/SQL程序。它提供了许多强大的功能,帮助开发人员更高效地编写和维护PL/SQL代码。 PL/SQL Developer使用手册是一本详细说明了PL/SQL Developer的各种功能和用法的指南。它被设计成易于理解和操作,以帮助用户快速上手并掌握PL/SQL Developer的各种功能。 在使用手册中,用户可以找到关于如何安装和配置PL/SQL Developer的详细说明。它还提供了关于如何创建新项目和连接到数据库的步骤。对于那些已经熟悉PL/SQL开发的用户,使用手册还提供了如何使用PL/SQL Developer来编辑、编译和调试PL/SQL代码的详细说明。 使用手册还介绍了PL/SQL Developer的一些高级功能,如代码自动完成、代码调试器、性能调优等。这些功能可以使开发人员更高效地开发和调试PL/SQL代码,并提高代码的质量和性能。 除了详细的功能说明,使用手册还提供了一些实用的技巧和建议,帮助用户更好地利用PL/SQL Developer的各种功能。例如,如何使用快捷键、如何管理和组织代码等。 总之,PL/SQL Developer使用手册是一个非常有价值的工具,它可以帮助开发人员更好地掌握和使用PL/SQL Developer。通过仔细阅读和使用手册中的指导,用户可以更加高效地开发和维护PL/SQL代码,并提高开发效率和代码质量。 ### 回答2: PL/SQL Developer是一款功能强大的数据库开发工具,要用于编写、调试和优化Oracle数据库的PL/SQL程序。以下是对PL/SQL Developer使用手册的解读和概述。 首先,手册提供了详细的安装和配置指南。用户可以根据手册中的步骤进行软件安装和数据库连接的配置,确保程序可以正常运行。 其次,手册介绍了PL/SQL Developer的基本功能和界面。用户可以了解如何打开和关闭编辑器、如何管理和组织数据库对象、如何执行SQL查询和PL/SQL程序等。手册中还提供了快捷键和常用功能的说明,帮助用户更高效地操作和开发。 手册还详细介绍了PL/SQL调试功能。通过手册中的指南,用户可以了解如何设置断点、查看变量值、单步执行程序等。这些调试功能对于程序的调试和错误排查非常有帮助。 此外,手册还提供了丰富的SQLPL/SQL语法参考。用户可以查阅手册中的语法规则和示例,以便正确地编写和优化代码。手册中还介绍了常用的编程技巧和性能优化建议,帮助用户提高开发效率和程序执行效果。 最后,手册中还包含了一些高级题,如数据库安全、数据复制、数据迁移等。用户可以根据需求选择阅读这些题,了解更多关于数据库管理和开发的实践经验和技巧。 总而言之,PL/SQL Developer使用手册是一份详尽的指南,提供了全面的功能介绍、操作指南和参考文档。用户可以通过阅读手册,掌握PL/SQL Developer的使用技巧,提高数据库开发效率和程序质量。 ### 回答3: PL/SQL Developer是一款功能强大的数据库开发工具,可以提高PL/SQL开发人员的工作效率和编码质量。下面是一个关于PL/SQL Developer使用手册的简要介绍: PL/SQL Developer的使用手册包含了详细的功能介绍和使用指南。在手册中,可以找到关于如何安装和配置PL/SQL Developer的步骤,以及如何连接和管理多个数据库的说明。手册还包括了一个演示数据库,可以帮助用户快速上手并熟悉工具的各项功能。 手册中的要部分是关于SQLPL/SQL的编辑和调试的说明。这些说明详细介绍了如何使用PL/SQL Developer的编辑器来编写和修改SQL语句和存储过程。手册还提供了一些有关调试和性能优化的技巧,以帮助开发人员在开发过程中更加高效地解决问题。 除了SQLPL/SQL的编辑和调试,手册还包含了其他一些有用的功能介绍。例如,手册指导用户如何使用版本控制和团队协作功能来提高团队开发的效率。手册还介绍了如何使用代码搜索和替换工具,以及如何使用数据字典和表达式编辑器来更方便地访问和管理数据库对象。 总的来说,PL/SQL Developer使用手册是一个详细而全面的资源,可以帮助开发人员快速上手并熟练使用这个强大的开发工具。对于初学者来说,手册提供了一个系统的学习路径,帮助他们逐步掌握各种功能。对于有经验的开发人员来说,手册提供了一些高级技巧和最佳实践,可以进一步提高他们的开发效率和数据库管理能力。


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