
常用网络工具 QQ类: 1 OpenQ 是一个在非windows平台上实现 QQ 聊天的尝试,目前它是基于 Gaim 的 QQ 插件,也被称为 Gaim QQ ;可以简单的说,OpenQ 是QQ的客户端的Linux版本。遵循 GNU General Public License 许可证(简称GPL)发布; 非常感谢Openqq的作者发明这么好东西!在这里可以下载:gaim-0.79-OpenQ_0.3.0_p3.gugong2.i386.rpm 帮助文档! 安装步骤整理 2. LumaQQ 是一个独立的 Java QQ 客户端,具有可重用的纯Java核心和基于SWT的仿 QQ 界面。我们遵循GNU General Public License 许可证(简称GPL)发布。该条款的原文可见和 LumaQQ 源代码一同发布的 COPYING 文件。 需要特别声明的是 LumaQQ 是以研究和学习为目的的,我们并没有违反 QQ 的版权许可的东西。一切的协议分析都是把 QQ 当作黑箱分析,我们所做的一切都遵循中华人民共和国《计算机软件保护条例》。 我现在使用的一个linux的家常工具了!很好!越来越好了!下载:LumaQQ 0.2 for Linux_GTK2_x86 (带JRE) 补丁:LumaQQ Patch 3(09-21) 帮助文档! 浏览器类: 1.Mozilla firefox 1.0 中文版 :大家应该听说过大名鼎鼎的开放源代码浏览器Mozilla,CNMozilla就是为了提供一个中文版的Mozilla给大家使用。期望能为GNU事业在中国大地的推广出一份力。 下载: 主页: 2.opera0.75:Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, mouse gestures, integrated searches, password manager, zooming, easy customization, detailed privacy and security options, integrated mail, news, chat and newsfeeds functionality, and much much more.. 皮肤很漂亮,我正在用的就是opera,而且插件的安装很简单.中文的包可以到主页下载.安装中文包:首选项-语言-选到你下载的包就可以;注意linux必须是支持中文才可以.不然会有乱码! 下载:opera 注册码:u-idppk-Ej58r-U5Atv-kvB6X-vS56b 主页: 下载工具: 1 .浏览器都自带下载工具,对于很小的文件来说已经足够.不过如果很大的话还是要下的 2 .Downloader for X 2.5:简短描述: Supporting both FTP and HTTP protocols as well as HTTP and FTP proxy servers. SOCKS5 support is also included! Authentication on the proxy servers is supported too.The Program keep the logs of all download sessions that allows advanced user to monitor problems manualy according information from these logs.It allows users to manage their downloads in real time. User can pause, continue, move in queue, add new downloads and remove downloads manualy. User also can allow to remove completed or failed downloads automatically by the program.Recursive downloading via FTP as well as via HTTP is supported. Powerful Filters-manager allow advanced user to specify files which must to be downloaded and files which must to be skipped. Wildcards are supported for FTP downloads too.Ability to download in more than one connection per time. Usualy downloading using number of connections increases speed of downloading up to 300% and even more! Supporting of so called `Persistent connections' increases speed of downloading due much less amount of `standing connection' stages. With this feature D4X uses connections to the servers many times. Persistent connections over HTTP are supported automaticaly but persistent connections over FTP can be turned on by user ('Do not send QUIT command' option of FTP settings).Ability to limit download speed of separate file as well as for the whole program allows modem user browse through the Web and download files at the same time. Built-in Scheduller, URL-manager and 'Automatically adding' allow advaced user to simplify managing downloads by various criterias. Multiqueued design, ability to run without X interface, ability to manage D4X via command line and many other features will satisfy anybody who find a time to learn this program. 下载地址:download 3 Bittorrent-3.3 RPM for RedHat: 相关网址: 简短描述: Bittorrent 3.3 for RedHat 9.0 RPM version ============================== 文件太大, 只能提供链接了! Bittorrent-3.3-1-noarch.rpm Bittorrent-gui-3.3-1.noarch.rpm //=============================================== wxPythonGtk-py2.2- //========================================================== 安装步骤: rpm --test -ivh wxPythonGtk-py2.2- rpm --test -ivh Bittorrent-3.3-1-noarch.rpm rpm --test -ivh Bittorrent-gui-3.3-1-noarch.rpm 没有问题的话, 就按照上面的顺序: rpm -ivh .xxxxx.rpm 测试环境: RedHat 9.0 没有做过任何升级!!




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