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原创 策略


2012-12-28 15:58:32 174

原创 状态模式


2012-12-28 15:50:30 167

原创 模板方法模式


2012-12-28 14:49:08 185

原创 命令模式


2012-12-28 14:38:17 158

原创 Singleton模式

public class Singleton {    private volatile static Singleton uniqueInstance;     private Singleton() {}     public static Singleton getInstance() {        if (uniqueInstance == null) {

2012-12-28 11:14:39 161

原创 工厂方法模式


2012-12-28 11:06:18 158

原创 外观模式


2012-12-28 10:52:32 142

原创 适配器模式


2012-12-28 10:50:22 135

原创 代理模式


2012-12-28 10:12:34 145

原创 装饰者模式

动态的将责任附加到对象上,若要扩展功能,装饰者提供了比继承更有的弹性的替代方案。Decorator既继承于Component【IS A关系】,又维护一个指向Component实例的引用【HAS A关系】.组合【HAS A】Component的目的是让ConcreteDecorator可以在运行时动态给ConcreteComponent增加职责.继承的目的是可以统一装饰者和被装饰者的

2012-12-27 09:15:11 172

原创 观察者模式


2012-12-26 10:44:51 162

原创 OO原则


2012-12-26 10:39:00 264

原创 context:property-placeholder

2012-12-17 12:57:34 326

原创 profile

a profile instructs Spring to configure only the ApplicationContext that was defined when the specified profile was active.xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation

2012-12-17 12:51:19 219

原创 publishEvent


2012-12-17 12:14:49 1206 1

原创 messageSource

messageSource" class="org.springframework.context.support.ResourceBundleMessageSource">                                    buttons                labels                            ctx.

2012-12-17 12:06:44 169

原创 Executing a Method When a Bean Is Destroyed

Using JSR-250 @PreDestroy AnnotationImplementing the DisposableBean Interfacespecify the name of the methodin the destroy-method attribute of the bean’s tag.Spring calls it just before it des

2012-12-16 23:35:09 175

原创 Execute a Method When a Bean Is Created

The order of executationUsing JSR-250 @PostConstruct AnnotationImplementing the InitializingBean Interfaceinit-method="init"

2012-12-16 23:30:58 176

原创 Resolving Dependencies


2012-12-16 21:23:11 2381 1

原创 Bean Inheritance

you   don’t want a parent bean definition to become available for lookup from the ApplicationContext, you canadd the attribute abstract="true" in the tag when declaring the parent bean.abstract="tr

2012-12-16 21:03:44 222

原创 Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection also has two common flavors: Constructor Dependency Injectionand Setter Dependency Injection.

2012-12-15 22:26:14 198

原创 Pointcut

JdkRegexpMethodPointcut       JdkRegexpMethodPointcut pc = new JdkRegexpMethodPointcut();       pc.setPattern(".*foo1");NameMatchMethodPointcut        NameMatchMethodPointcut pc = new NameMatc

2012-12-15 20:20:18 290

原创 advice

A before advice can modify the arguments passed to a method and can prevent the method from executing by raising an exception.after-returning advice cannot modify the return value of a Method Invoca

2012-12-15 19:04:09 209

原创 Advice

2012-12-15 18:13:59 184

原创 two kind of proxy for Spring AOP

The CGLIB proxy       proxy both classes and  interfaces,     To  use the CGLIB proxy when proxying an interface, you must set the value of the optimize flag in theProxyFactory to true using t

2012-12-15 15:08:16 209

原创 Aop

AspectJ  Aop:      compile-time weaving     modify the actual bytecode of your application     good performance     complex and flexibleSpring AOP:       runtime weaving    a subse

2012-12-13 17:20:29 177

原创 Spring in Action 3 - passing parameters to advice

expression="execution(*com.springinaction.springidol.Thinker.thinkOfSomething(String))and args(thoughts)"/>pointcut-ref="thinking"method="interceptThoughts"arg-names="thoughts" />The

2012-12-10 22:15:37 439

原创 Spring in Action 3 - pointcut

Defines an AOP advisor. Defines an AOP after advice (regardless of whether the advised method returns successfully). Defines an AOP after-returning advice. Defines an AOP after-throwing advice.

2012-12-10 22:11:02 272

原创 Spring in Action 3 - pointcut

we used the && operator to combine the execution() and within() designators in an “and” relationshipwe could’ve used the || operator to indicate an “or” relationshipthe ! operator can be used to n

2012-12-10 22:09:30 246

原创 <context:annotation-config />

xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans      http://ww

2012-12-08 21:11:09 174

原创 Spring in Action 3 -The four kinds of autowiring

 byName—Attempts to match all properties of the autowired bean with beansthat have the same name (or ID) as the properties. Properties for which there’sno matching bean will remain unwired. by

2012-12-08 20:55:42 252

原创 Spring in Action 3 -Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

 The ability to reference beans by their ID Invoking methods and accessing properties on objects Mathematical, relational, and logical operations on values Regular expression matching Col

2012-12-08 20:43:22 341

原创 Spring in Action 3 - Spring’s p namespace

Wiring properties with Spring’s p namespacexmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.

2012-12-08 20:20:42 238

原创 Spring in Action 3 - Spring’s bean scopes

2012-12-08 19:34:13 212

原创 Spring in Action 3 - the startup lifecycle of a typical bean

the startup lifecycle of a typical bean1 Spring instantiates the bean.2 Spring injects values and bean references into the bean’s properties.3 If the bean implements BeanNameAware, Spring passes

2012-12-08 19:06:00 1596

原创 Spring in Action 3 - application context

ClassPathXmlApplicationContext—Loads a context definition from an XMLfile located in the classpath。--ApplicationContextcontext=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("foo.xml");FileSystemXmlApplicat

2012-12-08 19:02:37 281



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