Spring Portlet MVC 学习笔记

18.1 Introduction

   The main way in which portlet workflow differs from servlet workflow is that the request to the portlet can have two distinct phases: the action phase and the render phase

The action phase:

     executed only once and is where any 'backend' changes or actions occur

The render phase:

produces what is displayed to the user each time the display is refreshed


              The critical point here is that for a single overall request, the action phase is executed only once, but the render phase may be executed multiple times


So, the separation of the two phases is preserved throughout the Spring Portlet MVC framework


Locale resolution and theme resolution are not supported in Portlet MVC


18.1.1 Controllers - The C in MVC


·         void handleActionRequest(request,response)

·         ModelAndView handleRenderRequest(request,response)

18.1.2 Views - The V in MVC

All the view rendering capabilities of the servlet framework are used directly via a special bridge servlet named ViewRendererServlet. By using this servlet, the portlet request is converted into a servlet request and the view can be rendered using the entire normal servlet infrastructure. This means all the existing renderers, such as JSP, Velocity, etc., can still be used within the portlet.

18.2 The DispatcherPortlet

1. dispatches requests to controllers

2. offers other functionality facilitating the development of portlet applications

3. integrated with the Spring ApplicationContext and allows you to use every other feature Spring has


 In portlet.xml:









        <title>Sample Portlet</title>




each DispatcherPortlet has its own WebApplicationContext.

which inherits all the beans already defined in the Root WebApplicationContext.




框架会去look for a file named [portlet-name]-portlet.xml in the WEB-INF directory of your web application and create the beans defined there




:  hander mapping(s)



     Multipart Resolver

     Handle Exception

:How complete process a request goes through if handled by a DispatcherPortlet?


1.      The locale returned by PortletRequest.getLocale() is bound to the request to let elements in the process resolve the locale to use when processing the request (rendering the view, preparing data, etc.).

2.      If a multipart resolver is specified and this is an ActionRequest, the request is inspected for multiparts and if they are found, it is wrapped in a MultipartActionRequest for further processing by other elements in the process.

3.       An appropriate handler is searched for. If a handler is found, the execution chain associated with the handler (pre-processors, post-processors, controllers) will be executed in order to prepare a model.

4.      If a model is returned, the view is rendered, using the view resolver that has been configured with the WebApplicationContext. If no model is returned (which could be due to a pre- or post-processor intercepting the request, for example, for security reasons), no view is rendered, since the request could already have been fulfilled.


因为在Portlet MVC 中,render的过程处理起来比Spring Web MVC 复杂 ,所以必须把

PortletReqeust/PortletResponse 转换成HttpServletRequest/HttpServletResponse,然后调用View接口的render方法。要做到这样,光一个DispatcherServlet是行不通的,它要驰骋武林,必须借助ViewRenderServlet的功力!

光说不行,怎么将ViewRenderServlet的功力传给DispatcherServlet呢。Spring Portlet MVC 告诉你只要在web.xml 中做如下配置即可:













1.      WebApplicationContext绑定到request的属性中,key的值为


2.      Model 对象和View对象绑定到request的属性中,以方便ViewRenderServlet能从request中得到装载了数据的Model和携带了视图渲染信息的View对象.

3.      创建一个PortletRequestDispatcher对象,并且调用该对象上的include方法用这个url----/WEB-INF/servlet/view.这样一来,请求就到了ViewRenderServlet.

4.      ViewRenderServlet然后调用render方法即可完成视图的渲染工作。








Spring 的高明之处的体现之一就是这个家伙的高度可配置功能,实属历史罕见!


18.2 The ControllerPortlet MVC中的)

下面来看看Spring 的核心大脑Controller。这个家伙有得看,相当精致又相当复杂!



void handleActionRequest(javax.portlet.ActionRequest request,
                         javax.portlet.ActionResponse response)

                         throws Exception


ModelAndView handleRenderRequest(javax.portlet.RenderRequest request,
                                 javax.portlet.RenderResponse response)

                                 throws Exception

这两个方法分别处理actionRequest renderReqeust.



When using the AbstractController as a baseclass for your controllers (which is not recommended since there are a lot of other controllers that might already do the job for you) you only have to override either the handleActionRequestInternal(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) method or the handleRenderRequestInternal(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) method (or both), implement your logic, and return a ModelAndView object (in the case of handleRenderRequestInternal).

ParameterizableViewController 的功能:

1.        Render request is received by the controller

2.        call to handleRenderRequestInternal which just returns the view, named by the configuration property viewName. Nothing more, nothing less

This controller does not handle action requests



   Example: PortletMode.VIEW -> "view"

This controller does not handle action requests.



18.4.3 Command Controllers

·         AbstractCommandController - a command controller you can use to create your own command controller, capable of binding request parameters to a data object you specify. This class does not offer form functionality, it does however offer validation features and lets you specify in the controller itself what to do with the command object that has been filled with the parameters from the request.

·         AbstractFormController - an abstract controller offering form submission support. Using this controller you can model forms and populate them using a command object you retrieve in the controller. After a user has filled the form, AbstractFormController binds the fields, validates, and hands the object back to the controller to take appropriate action. Supported features are: invalid form submission (resubmission), validation, and normal form workflow. You implement methods to determine which views are used for form presentation and success. Use this controller if you need forms, but don't want to specify what views you're going to show the user in the application context.

·         SimpleFormController - a concrete AbstractFormController that provides even more support when creating a form with a corresponding command object. The SimpleFormController lets you specify a command object, a viewname for the form, a viewname for the page you want to show the user when form submission has succeeded, and more.

·         AbstractWizardFormController a concrete AbstractFormController that provides a wizard-style interface for editing the contents of a command object across multiple display pages. Supports multiple user actions: finish, cancel, or page change, all of which are easily specified in request parameters from the view.




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