创建 EAV 模型: based model(s) in Magento


Imagine your module is called Phonebook and put into the /Inchoo namespace under the local code pool. Logically you would need a model class like User which represents single entry into the phonebook. With this in mind you already need a structure like:

  • app/etc/modules/Inchoo_Phonebook.xml
  • app/code/local/Inchoo/Phonebook/etc/config.xml
  • app/code/local/Inchoo/Phonebook/Model/User.php
  • app/code/local/Inchoo/Phonebook/Model/Resource/User.php
  • app/code/local/Inchoo/Phonebook/Model/Resource/User/Collection.php
  • app/code/local/Inchoo/Phonebook/Model/Resource/Setup.php
  • app/code/local/Inchoo/Phonebook/sql/inchoo_phonebook_setup/install-

Now that we outlined the file structure, let’s get down to it and see what the content of files should look like in order for it to work.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Core />
<Mage_Eav />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


class Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_User extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
* Maps to the array key from Setup.php::getDefaultEntities()
const ENTITY = 'inchoo_phonebook_user';
protected $_eventPrefix = 'inchoo_phonebook';
protected $_eventObject = 'user';
function _construct()


class Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_Resource_User extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Abstract
public function __construct ()
$resource = Mage :: getSingleton ( 'core/resource' );
$this -> setType ( Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_User :: ENTITY );
$this -> setConnection (
$resource -> getConnection ( 'inchoo_phonebook_read' ),
$resource -> getConnection ( 'inchoo_phonebook_write' )


class Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_Resource_User_Collection extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract
protected function _construct ()
$this -> _init ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' );
protected function _initSelect ()
$this -> getSelect () -> from ( array ( 'e' => $this -> getEntity () -> getEntityTable ()));
if ( $this -> getEntity () -> getTypeId ()) {
* We override the Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract->_initSelect()
* because we want to remove the call to addAttributeToFilter for 'entity_type_id'
* as it is causing invalid SQL select, thus making the User model load failing.
//$this->addAttributeToFilter('entity_type_id', $this->getEntity()->getTypeId());
return $this ;


class Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_Resource_Setup extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup {
public function getDefaultEntities () {
return array (
Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_User :: ENTITY => array (
'entity_model' => 'inchoo_phonebook/user' ,
'table' => 'inchoo_phonebook/user' , /* Maps to the config.xml > global > models > inchoo_phonebook_resource > entities > user */
'attributes' => array (
'first_name' => array (
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'label' => 'First name' ,
'input' => 'text' ,
'required' => true ,
'sort_order' => 10 ,
'position' => 10 ,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute :: SCOPE_GLOBAL ,
'last_name' => array (
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'label' => 'Last name' ,
'input' => 'text' ,
'required' => true ,
'sort_order' => 20 ,
'position' => 20 ,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute :: SCOPE_GLOBAL ,
'email' => array (
'type' => 'varchar' ,
'label' => 'Email' ,
'input' => 'text' ,
'required' => true ,
'sort_order' => 30 ,
'position' => 30 ,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute :: SCOPE_GLOBAL ,
'address' => array (
'type' => 'text' ,
'label' => 'Address' ,
'input' => 'multiline' ,
'sort_order' => 40 ,
'multiline_count' => 2 ,
'validate_rules' => 'a:2:{s:15:"max_text_length";i:255;s:15:"min_text_length";i:1;}' ,
'position' => 40 ,
'required' => false ,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute :: SCOPE_GLOBAL ,
'is_active' => array (
'type' => 'int' ,
'label' => 'Is Active' ,
'input' => 'text' ,
'required' => false ,
'sort_order' => 50 ,
'position' => 50 ,
'required' => false ,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute :: SCOPE_GLOBAL ,


/* @var $installer Inchoo_Phonebook_Model_Resource_Setup */
$installer = $this ;
$installer -> startSetup ();
/* Create table 'inchoo_phonebook/user' */
$table = $installer -> getConnection ()
-> newTable ( $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' ))
-> addColumn ( 'entity_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'identity' => true ,
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'primary' => true ,
), 'Entity ID' )
-> addColumn ( 'created_at' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_TIMESTAMP , null , array (
), 'Creation Time' )
-> addColumn ( 'updated_at' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_TIMESTAMP , null , array (
), 'Update Time' )
-> setComment ( 'Inchoo Phonebook User Table' );
$installer -> getConnection () -> createTable ( $table );
/* Create table 'inchoo_phonebook/user_entity_varchar' */
$table = $installer -> getConnection ()
-> newTable ( $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user_entity_varchar' ))
-> addColumn ( 'value_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'identity' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'primary' => true ,
), 'Value Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'entity_type_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Entity Type Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'attribute_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Attribute Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'store_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Store ID' )
-> addColumn ( 'entity_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Entity Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'value' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_TEXT , 255 , array (
), 'Value' )
-> addIndex (
$installer -> getIdxName (
'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' ,
array ( 'entity_id' , 'attribute_id' , 'store_id' ),
Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface :: INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE
array ( 'entity_id' , 'attribute_id' , 'store_id' ),
array ( 'type' => Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface :: INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' , array ( 'attribute_id' )),
array ( 'attribute_id' ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' , array ( 'store_id' )),
array ( 'store_id' ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' , array ( 'entity_id' )),
array ( 'entity_id' ))
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' , 'attribute_id' , 'eav/attribute' , 'attribute_id' ),
'attribute_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'eav/attribute' ), 'attribute_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' , 'entity_id' , 'inchoo_phonebook/user' , 'entity_id' ),
'entity_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' ), 'entity_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar' , 'store_id' , 'core/store' , 'store_id' ),
'store_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'core/store' ), 'store_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> setComment ( 'Inchoo Phonebook User Entity Varchar' );
$installer -> getConnection () -> createTable ( $table );
/* Create table 'inchoo_phonebook/user_entity_int' */
$table = $installer -> getConnection ()
-> newTable ( $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user_entity_int' ))
-> addColumn ( 'value_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'identity' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'primary' => true ,
), 'Value Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'entity_type_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Entity Type Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'attribute_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Attribute Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'store_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Store ID' )
-> addColumn ( 'entity_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Entity Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'value' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_TEXT , 255 , array (
), 'Value' )
-> addIndex (
$installer -> getIdxName (
'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' ,
array ( 'entity_id' , 'attribute_id' , 'store_id' ),
Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface :: INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE
array ( 'entity_id' , 'attribute_id' , 'store_id' ),
array ( 'type' => Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface :: INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' , array ( 'attribute_id' )),
array ( 'attribute_id' ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' , array ( 'store_id' )),
array ( 'store_id' ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' , array ( 'entity_id' )),
array ( 'entity_id' ))
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' , 'attribute_id' , 'eav/attribute' , 'attribute_id' ),
'attribute_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'eav/attribute' ), 'attribute_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' , 'entity_id' , 'inchoo_phonebook/user' , 'entity_id' ),
'entity_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' ), 'entity_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int' , 'store_id' , 'core/store' , 'store_id' ),
'store_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'core/store' ), 'store_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> setComment ( 'Inchoo Phonebook User Entity Int' );
$installer -> getConnection () -> createTable ( $table );
/* Create table 'inchoo_phonebook/user_entity_text' */
$table = $installer -> getConnection ()
-> newTable ( $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user_entity_text' ))
-> addColumn ( 'value_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'identity' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'primary' => true ,
), 'Value Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'entity_type_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Entity Type Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'attribute_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Attribute Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'store_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_SMALLINT , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Store ID' )
-> addColumn ( 'entity_id' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_INTEGER , null , array (
'unsigned' => true ,
'nullable' => false ,
'default' => '0' ,
), 'Entity Id' )
-> addColumn ( 'value' , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: TYPE_TEXT , 255 , array (
), 'Value' )
-> addIndex (
$installer -> getIdxName (
'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' ,
array ( 'entity_id' , 'attribute_id' , 'store_id' ),
Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface :: INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE
array ( 'entity_id' , 'attribute_id' , 'store_id' ),
array ( 'type' => Varien_Db_Adapter_Interface :: INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' , array ( 'attribute_id' )),
array ( 'attribute_id' ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' , array ( 'store_id' )),
array ( 'store_id' ))
-> addIndex ( $installer -> getIdxName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' , array ( 'entity_id' )),
array ( 'entity_id' ))
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' , 'attribute_id' , 'eav/attribute' , 'attribute_id' ),
'attribute_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'eav/attribute' ), 'attribute_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' , 'entity_id' , 'inchoo_phonebook/user' , 'entity_id' ),
'entity_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' ), 'entity_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> addForeignKey (
$installer -> getFkName ( 'inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text' , 'store_id' , 'core/store' , 'store_id' ),
'store_id' , $installer -> getTable ( 'core/store' ), 'store_id' ,
Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE , Varien_Db_Ddl_Table :: ACTION_CASCADE )
-> setComment ( 'Inchoo Phonebook User Entity Text' );
$installer -> getConnection () -> createTable ( $table );
$installer -> endSetup ();
$installer -> installEntities ();

For each attribute type like “varchar”, “text”, “int”… you need to create a corresponding table like inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_varchar, inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_text, inchoo_phonebook_user_entity_int. Study the install- and the config.xml file to see how to get that one done.

$phonebookUser = Mage :: getModel ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' );
$phonebookUser -> setFristname ( 'John' );
$phonebookUser -> setLastname ( 'Doe' );
$phonebookUser -> setEmail ( 'john.doe@magento.com' );
$phonebookUser -> setAddress ( 'Sample address line here' );
$phonebookUser -> setIsActive ( true );
$phonebookUser -> save ();
Zend_Debug :: dump ( $phonebookUser -> debug (), '$phonebookUser' );
$users = Mage :: getModel ( 'inchoo_phonebook/user' ) -> getCollection ();
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
Zend_Debug :: dump ( $user -> debug (), '$user' );


Finally, you can test your model and it’s collection by running the following somewhere in your code:

  • 0
  • 0
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  • 0




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