

#Get going with JRedis - here's how:


So how do you use JRedis? Pull the code (r16) or download from github.


JRedis is a specification and a reference implementation. Currently there is one implementation providing (blocking semantics on method calls) for a passive client (that uses the caller's thread to do its job).

This initial client can not be shared across threads, but you can certainly either put it behind a synchronized gate, or, fire up a whole bunch for each one of your threads, as you prefer.

If you do share an instance from behind a facade, do note that redis connections are stateful, and if you plan on using the facility to switch between dbs using jredis.select(db) SELECT db it is almost guaranteed to be bad idea to share a single connection across multiple threads. However, if you will not be using select, then there should be no problems with sharing a single connection from behind a facade. If switching dbs is required, then you will need to create dedicated JRedis instances per thread. (This is very much a server issue and not JRedis specific.)

Alright, that said, here is a barebones JRedis app -- HelloAgain:


package org.jredis.examples;

import org.jredis.ClientRuntimeException;
import org.jredis.Command;
import org.jredis.JRedis;
import org.jredis.RedisException;
import org.jredis.connector.ProviderException;
import org.jredis.ri.alphazero.JRedisClient;
import org.jredis.ri.alphazero.support.Encode;

 * Note this program will set a (hopefully non-coliding!) key in your DB 13.
 * @author Joubin Houshyar
public class HelloAgain {
        public static final String key = "jredis::examples::HelloAgain::message";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                String password = "";
                if(args.length > 0) password  = args[0];
                new HelloAgain().run(password);

        private void run(String password) {
                try {
                        JRedis  jredis = new JRedisClient();

                        if(!jredis.exists(key)) {
                                jredis.set(key, "Hello Again!");
                                System.out.format("Hello!  You should run me again!\n");
                        String msg = Encode.toStr ( jredis.get(key) );
                        System.out.format("%s\n", msg);
                catch (RedisException error){
                        if (error.getCommand()==Command.PING){
                                System.out.format("I'll need that password!  Try again with password as command line arg for this program.\n");
                catch (ProviderException bug){
                        System.out.format("Oh no, an 'un-documented feature':  %s\nKindly report it.", bug.getMessage());
                catch (ClientRuntimeException problem){
                        System.out.format("%s\n", problem.getMessage());

 The essentials:


1) Get a connection implementing JRedis interface. (You'll want to code to this interface to minimize the impact of changes behind the scene) like this:


  JRedis      jredis = new JRedisClient();

 2) Do you have a requirepass jredis in your 'redis.conf' ? Then do this:


 3) Use the JRedis api, which is an analog of the Redis command set.

Want to bind a value to a key (map semantics)?

Use the Redis 'String' commands:


jredis.set(myKey, myValue); 

 What can 'myKey' be? Any java.lang.String value that does not contain \r, \n, and space. Other than that, Redis and JRedis support UTF-8 keys:


 String asciiKey = "ascii-key";
                        String utf8key_Russian = "фывапро";
                        String utf8key_Chinese = "漢字[汉字]";
                                                                                                String utf8key_Persian = "مهندس";
                        String variousKeys[] = {asciiKey, utf8key_Russian, utf8key_Chinese, utf8key_Persian};
                        String value = "some data";
                        for(String key : variousKeys){
                                System.out.format("using %s as key for SET ...", key);
                                redis.set(key, value);
                                System.out.format("...and we get:\n\t  %s => '%s'\n", key, value);
  What can 'myValue' be?

JRedis is to the metal. So you can pass byte[]. In fact, if you are after high performance, you'll want to avoid passing java.lang.String, unless that is precisely what you want stored. Redis itself will accept anything for the value. You can pass up to 1MB of \r\n or zeros, if you feel like it. Its a blob.

So, do you have a Java (Serializable) object you want to add as a member of a set?

Here is how:


 // lets make a 100 SimpleBean instances and add them to our
                        // 'object_set' key (which is a Redis SET)

                        int objcnt = 100;
                        System.out.format ("Creating and saving %d Java objects to redis ...", objcnt);

                        for(int i=1; i<objcnt; i++){
                                // instance it
                                SimpleBean      obj = new SimpleBean ("bean #" + i);

                                // get the next available object id from our Redis counter using INCR command
                                int id = redis.incr("SimpleBean::next_id")

                                // we can bind it a unique key using map (Redis "String") semantics now
                                String key = "objects::SimpleBean::" + id;

                                // voila: java object db
                                redis.set(key, obj);
                                // and lets add it to this set too since this is so much fun
                                redis.sadd("object_set", obj);

                        System.out.format (" and done.\n");
  And how do I get my values back to proper types?

So, to repeat, Redis treats values as blobs, just byte[]s, so JRedis api reflects that and returns either byte[] or List<byte[]> (for set and list ops).

So, to help out there is (as of r16 but this will be improved so remember this bit is in flux), Encode.

Here's how we get our objects back using Encode.decode(byte[] bytes), which which have imported using import static to make things easier:


 // lets get all those objects in that object set
                        // (Remember: JRedis is NOT maintaining a type system for you, so
                        // if you have other kinds of blobs in that set, the object stream is not going to like it

                        List<SimpleBean>  members = decode (redis.smembers("object_set"));

                        for(SimpleBean obj : members) {
                                System.out.format("a member of 'object-set' => %s\n", obj.toString());
 And there you are.

byte[]s go in, and byte[]s come out. If you want to convert to Number and String, check out the methods in DefaultCodec class.

And its as simple as that.



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完整版:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27595745/89522468 【课程大纲】 1-1 什么是java 1-2 认识java语言 1-3 java平台的体系结构 1-4 java SE环境安装和配置 2-1 java程序简介 2-2 计算机中的程序 2-3 java程序 2-4 java类库组织结构和文档 2-5 java虚拟机简介 2-6 java的垃圾回收器 2-7 java上机练习 3-1 java语言基础入门 3-2 数据的分类 3-3 标识符、关键字和常量 3-4 运算符 3-5 表达式 3-6 顺序结构和选择结构 3-7 循环语句 3-8 跳转语句 3-9 MyEclipse工具介绍 3-10 java基础知识章节练习 4-1 一维数组 4-2 数组应用 4-3 多维数组 4-4 排序算法 4-5 增强for循环 4-6 数组和排序算法章节练习 5-0 抽象和封装 5-1 面向过程的设计思想 5-2 面向对象的设计思想 5-3 抽象 5-4 封装 5-5 属性 5-6 方法的定义 5-7 this关键字 5-8 javaBean 5-9 包 package 5-10 抽象和封装章节练习 6-0 继承和多态 6-1 继承 6-2 object类 6-3 多态 6-4 访问修饰符 6-5 static修饰符 6-6 final修饰符 6-7 abstract修饰符 6-8 接口 6-9 继承和多态 章节练习 7-1 面向对象的分析与设计简介 7-2 对象模型建立 7-3 类之间的关系 7-4 软件的可维护与复用设计原则 7-5 面向对象的设计与分析 章节练习 8-1 内部类与包装器 8-2 对象包装器 8-3 装箱和拆箱 8-4 练习题 9-1 常用类介绍 9-2 StringBuffer和String Builder类 9-3 Rintime类的使用 9-4 日期类简介 9-5 java程序国际化的实现 9-6 Random类和Math类 9-7 枚举 9-8 练习题 10-1 java异常处理 10-2 认识异常 10-3 使用try和catch捕获异常 10-4 使用throw和throws引发异常 10-5 finally关键字 10-6 getMessage和printStackTrace方法 10-7 异常分类 10-8 自定义异常类 10-9 练习题 11-1 Java集合框架和泛型机制 11-2 Collection接口 11-3 Set接口实现类 11-4 List接口实现类 11-5 Map接口 11-6 Collections类 11-7 泛型概述 11-8 练习题 12-1 多线程 12-2 线程的生命周期 12-3 线程的调度和优先级 12-4 线程的同步 12-5 集合类的同步问题 12-6 用Timer类调度任务 12-7 练习题 13-1 Java IO 13-2 Java IO原理 13-3 流类的结构 13-4 文件流 13-5 缓冲流 13-6 转换流 13-7 数据流 13-8 打印流 13-9 对象流 13-10 随机存取文件流 13-11 zip文件流 13-12 练习题 14-1 图形用户界面设计 14-2 事件处理机制 14-3 AWT常用组件 14-4 swing简介 14-5 可视化开发swing组件 14-6 声音的播放和处理 14-7 2D图形的绘制 14-8 练习题 15-1 反射 15-2 使用Java反射机制 15-3 反射与动态代理 15-4 练习题 16-1 Java标注 16-2 JDK内置的基本标注类型 16-3 自定义标注类型 16-4 对标注进行标注 16-5 利用反射获取标注信息 16-6 练习题 17-1 顶目实战1-单机版五子棋游戏 17-2 总体设计 17-3 代码实现 17-4 程序的运行与发布 17-5 手动生成可执行JAR文件 17-6 练习题 18-1 Java数据库编程 18-2 JDBC类和接口 18-3 JDBC操作SQL 18-4 JDBC基本示例 18-5 JDBC应用示例 18-6 练习题 19-1 。。。
完整版:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27595745/89522468 【课程大纲】 1-1 什么是java 1-2 认识java语言 1-3 java平台的体系结构 1-4 java SE环境安装和配置 2-1 java程序简介 2-2 计算机中的程序 2-3 java程序 2-4 java类库组织结构和文档 2-5 java虚拟机简介 2-6 java的垃圾回收器 2-7 java上机练习 3-1 java语言基础入门 3-2 数据的分类 3-3 标识符、关键字和常量 3-4 运算符 3-5 表达式 3-6 顺序结构和选择结构 3-7 循环语句 3-8 跳转语句 3-9 MyEclipse工具介绍 3-10 java基础知识章节练习 4-1 一维数组 4-2 数组应用 4-3 多维数组 4-4 排序算法 4-5 增强for循环 4-6 数组和排序算法章节练习 5-0 抽象和封装 5-1 面向过程的设计思想 5-2 面向对象的设计思想 5-3 抽象 5-4 封装 5-5 属性 5-6 方法的定义 5-7 this关键字 5-8 javaBean 5-9 包 package 5-10 抽象和封装章节练习 6-0 继承和多态 6-1 继承 6-2 object类 6-3 多态 6-4 访问修饰符 6-5 static修饰符 6-6 final修饰符 6-7 abstract修饰符 6-8 接口 6-9 继承和多态 章节练习 7-1 面向对象的分析与设计简介 7-2 对象模型建立 7-3 类之间的关系 7-4 软件的可维护与复用设计原则 7-5 面向对象的设计与分析 章节练习 8-1 内部类与包装器 8-2 对象包装器 8-3 装箱和拆箱 8-4 练习题 9-1 常用类介绍 9-2 StringBuffer和String Builder类 9-3 Rintime类的使用 9-4 日期类简介 9-5 java程序国际化的实现 9-6 Random类和Math类 9-7 枚举 9-8 练习题 10-1 java异常处理 10-2 认识异常 10-3 使用try和catch捕获异常 10-4 使用throw和throws引发异常 10-5 finally关键字 10-6 getMessage和printStackTrace方法 10-7 异常分类 10-8 自定义异常类 10-9 练习题 11-1 Java集合框架和泛型机制 11-2 Collection接口 11-3 Set接口实现类 11-4 List接口实现类 11-5 Map接口 11-6 Collections类 11-7 泛型概述 11-8 练习题 12-1 多线程 12-2 线程的生命周期 12-3 线程的调度和优先级 12-4 线程的同步 12-5 集合类的同步问题 12-6 用Timer类调度任务 12-7 练习题 13-1 Java IO 13-2 Java IO原理 13-3 流类的结构 13-4 文件流 13-5 缓冲流 13-6 转换流 13-7 数据流 13-8 打印流 13-9 对象流 13-10 随机存取文件流 13-11 zip文件流 13-12 练习题 14-1 图形用户界面设计 14-2 事件处理机制 14-3 AWT常用组件 14-4 swing简介 14-5 可视化开发swing组件 14-6 声音的播放和处理 14-7 2D图形的绘制 14-8 练习题 15-1 反射 15-2 使用Java反射机制 15-3 反射与动态代理 15-4 练习题 16-1 Java标注 16-2 JDK内置的基本标注类型 16-3 自定义标注类型 16-4 对标注进行标注 16-5 利用反射获取标注信息 16-6 练习题 17-1 顶目实战1-单机版五子棋游戏 17-2 总体设计 17-3 代码实现 17-4 程序的运行与发布 17-5 手动生成可执行JAR文件 17-6 练习题 18-1 Java数据库编程 18-2 JDBC类和接口 18-3 JDBC操作SQL 18-4 JDBC基本示例 18-5 JDBC应用示例 18-6 练习题 19-1 。。。


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