rabbit mq Consumer Acknowledgements and Publisher Confirms 翻译


Consumer Acknowledgements and Publisher Confirms



This guide covers two related features related to data safety, consumer Acknowledgements and publisher confirms:

and more. Acknowledgements on both consumer and publisher side are important for data safety in applications that use messaging.


  • 为什么会有ack机制
  • 手动和自动确认模式
  • Acknowledgement API, 包括 multi-acks 和 重入队列机制
  • 连接丢失或信道关闭时消息自动重入队列
  • 信道预取及其对吞吐量的影响
  • 最常见的客户端错误
  • 发布者确认和相关的发布者数据安全主题

More related topics are covered in the Publisher and Consumer guides.

The Basics

Systems that use a messaging broker such as RabbitMQ are by definition distributed. Since protocol methods (messages) sent are not guaranteed to reach the peer or be successfully processed by it, both publishers and consumers need a mechanism for delivery and processing confirmation. Several messaging protocols supported by RabbitMQ provide such features. This guide covers the features in AMQP 0-9-1 but the idea is largely the same in other supported protocols.

使用消息传递broker(如RabbitMQ)的系统根据定义是分布式的。由于不能保证发送的协议方法(消息)到达对等方或被对等方成功处理,发布者和使用者都需要一种传递和处理确认机制。RabbitMQ支持的几个消息传递协议提供了这样的特性。本指南涵盖了AMQP 0-9-1中的特性,但其思想在其他受支持的协议中基本相同。

Delivery processing acknowledgements from consumers to RabbitMQ are known as acknowledgements in messaging protocols; broker acknowledgements to publishers are a protocol extension called publisher confirms. Both features build on the same idea and are inspired by TCP.

从consumers 到RabbitMQ的交付处理在消息传递协议中称为 acknowledgements;

对发布者的broker确认是一个称为 publisher confirms 的协议扩展。


They are essential for reliable delivery both from publishers to RabbitMQ nodes and from RabbitMQ nodes to consumers. In other words, they are essential for data safety, for which applications are responsible as much as RabbitMQ nodes are.


(Consumer) Delivery Acknowledgements

When RabbitMQ delivers a message to a consumer, it needs to know when to consider the message to be successfully sent. What kind of logic is optimal depends on the system. It is therefore primarily an application decision. In AMQP 0-9-1 it is made when a consumer is registered using the basic.consume method or a message is fetched on demand with the basic.get method.

当RabbitMQ将消息传递给消费者时,它需要知道什么时候考虑消息被成功发送。什么样的逻辑是最优的取决于系统。因此,它主要是一个应用程序决定。在AMQP 0-9-1中,当consumer 使用basic.consumer 方法注册时 或者使用basic.get方法获取消息,就会产生这种情况。

If you prefer a more example-oriented and step-by-step material, consumer acknowledgements are also covered in RabbitMQ tutorial #2.

Delivery Identifiers: Delivery Tags

Before we proceed to discuss other topics it is important to explain how deliveries are identified (and acknowledgements indicate their respective deliveries). When a consumer (subscription) is registered, messages will be delivered (pushed) by RabbitMQ using the basic.deliver method. The method carries a delivery tag, which uniquely identifies the delivery on a channel. Delivery tags are therefore scoped per channel.

在我们继续讨论其他主题之前,解释如何识别交付是很重要的(确认表示它们各自的交付)。当注册了使用者(订阅)时,RabbitMQ将使用basic.deliver方法传递(pushed)消息。该方法携带一个delivery tag,它唯一地标识通道上的传递。因此,delivery tag 的作用域为每个通道。

Delivery tags are monotonically growing positive integers and are presented as such by client libraries. Client library methods that acknowledge deliveries take a delivery tag as an argument.

传递标记是单调增长的正整数,由客户端库表示。确认传递的客户端库方法将delivery tag 作为参数。

Because delivery tags are scoped per channel, deliveries must be acknowledged on the same channel they were received on. Acknowledging on a different channel will result in an "unknown delivery tag" protocol exception and close the channel.

因为delivery tags 是按通道确定范围的,所以必须在接收它们的同一通道上确认传递。在一个不同的通道上确认将会导致一个“未知的传递标签”协议异常并关闭通道。

Consumer Acknowledgement Modes and Data Safety Considerations


When a node delivers a message to a consumer, it has to decide whether the message should be considered handled (or at least received) by the consumer. Since multiple things (client connections, consumer apps, and so on) can fail, this decision is a data safety concern. Messaging protocols usually provide a confirmation mechanism that allows consumers to acknowledge deliveries to the node they are connected to. Whether the mechanism is used is decided at the time consumer subscribes.



Depending on the acknowledgement mode used, RabbitMQ can consider a message to be successfully delivered either immediately after it is sent out (written to a TCP socket) or when an explicit ("manual") client acknowledgement is received. Manually sent acknowledgements can be positive or negative and use one of the following protocol methods:

  • basic.ack is used for positive acknowledgements
  • basic.nack is used for negative acknowledgements (note: this is a RabbitMQ extension to AMQP 0-9-1)
  • basic.reject is used for negative acknowledgements but has one limitation compared to basic.nack



  • basic.ack用于肯定确认
  • basic.nack用于否定确认
  • basic.reject用户已否定确认,但与basic.nack想比较有一个限制

How these methods are exposed in client library APIs will be discussed below.


Positive acknowledgements simply instruct RabbitMQ to record a message as delivered and can be discarded. Negative acknowledgements with basic.reject have the same effect. The difference is primarily in the semantics: positive acknowledgements assume a message was successfully processed while their negative counterpart suggests that a delivery wasn't processed but still should be deleted.



In automatic acknowledgement mode, a message is considered to be successfully delivered immediately after it is sent. This mode trades off higher throughput (as long as the consumers can keep up) for reduced safety of delivery and consumer processing. This mode is often referred to as "fire-and-forget". Unlike with manual acknowledgement model, if consumers's TCP connection or channel is closed before successful delivery, the message sent by the server will be lost. Therefore, automatic message acknowledgement should be considered unsafe and not suitable for all workloads.



Another thing that's important to consider when using automatic acknowledgement mode is consumer overload. Manual acknowledgement mode is typically used with a bounded channel prefetch which limits the number of outstanding ("in progress") deliveries on a channel. With automatic acknowledgements, however, there is no such limit by definition. Consumers therefore can be overwhelmed by the rate of deliveries, potentially accumulating a backlog in memory and running out of heap or getting their process terminated by the OS. Some client libraries will apply TCP back pressure (stop reading from the socket until the backlog of unprocessed deliveries drops beyond a certain limit). Automatic acknowledgement mode is therefore only recommended for consumers that can process deliveries efficiently and at a steady rate.


手动确认模式通常与有界信道预取一起使用,该预取限制了信道上未完成(“正在进行中”)传输的数量。然而,对于自动确认,并没有这样的定义限制。因此,用户可能会被交付的速度所压倒,可能会在内存中积累积压,耗尽堆,或者让操作系统终止其进程。一些客户端库将应用TCP back pressure(停止从套接字读取数据,直到未处理的交付的积压量下降到某个限制之外)。因此,自动确认模式只推荐给能够以稳定的速度高效处理交付的消费者

Positively Acknowledging Deliveries

API methods used for delivery acknowledgement are usually exposed as operations on a channel in client libraries. Java client users will use Channel#basicAck and Channel#basicNack to perform a basic.ack and basic.nack, respectively. Here's a Java client examples that demonstrates a positive acknowledgement:

// this example assumes an existing channel instance

boolean autoAck = false;
channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "a-consumer-tag",
     new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
         public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
                                    Envelope envelope,
                                    AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                                    byte[] body)
             throws IOException
             long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
             // positively acknowledge a single delivery, the message will
             // be discarded
             channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);



Acknowledging Multiple Deliveries at Once

Manual acknowledgements can be batched to reduce network traffic. This is done by setting the multiple field of acknowledgement methods (see above) to true. Note that basic.reject doesn't historically have the field and that's why basic.nack was introduced by RabbitMQ as a protocol extension.


When the multiple field is set to true, RabbitMQ will acknowledge all outstanding delivery tags up to and including the tag specified in the acknowledgement. Like everything else related to acknowledgements, this is scoped per channel. For example, given that there are delivery tags 5, 6, 7, and 8 unacknowledged on channel Ch, when an acknowledgement frame arrives on that channel with delivery_tag set to 8 and multiple set to true, all tags from 5 to 8 will be acknowledged. If multiple was set to false, deliveries 5, 6, and 7 would still be unacknowledged.



To acknowledge multiple deliveries with RabbitMQ Java client, pass true for the multiple parameter to Channel#basicAck:

// this example assumes an existing channel instance

boolean autoAck = false;
channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "a-consumer-tag",
     new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
         public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
                                    Envelope envelope,
                                    AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                                    byte[] body)
             throws IOException
             long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
             // positively acknowledge all deliveries up to
             // this delivery tag
             channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, true);

Negative Acknowledgement and Requeuing of Deliveries

Sometimes a consumer cannot process a delivery immediately but other instances might be able to. In this case it may be desired to requeue it and let another consumer receive and handle it. basic.reject and basic.nack are two protocol methods that are used for that.

消费者有时可能无法立即传递其他实例。在这种情况下,可能需要重新排队,让另一个消费者接收和处理它.basic.reject and basic.nack是两种协议方法。

The methods are generally used to negatively acknowledge a delivery. Such deliveries can be discarded by the broker or requeued. This behaviour is controlled by the requeue field. When the field is set to true, the broker will requeue the delivery (or multiple deliveries, as will be explained shortly) with the specified delivery tag.


Both methods are usually exposed as operations on a channel in client libraries. Java client users will use Channel#basicReject and Channel#basicNack to perform a basic.reject and basic.nack, respectively:

// this example assumes an existing channel instance

boolean autoAck = false;
channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "a-consumer-tag",
     new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
         public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
                                    Envelope envelope,
                                    AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                                    byte[] body)
             throws IOException
             long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
             // negatively acknowledge, the message will
             // be discarded
             channel.basicReject(deliveryTag, false);
// this example assumes an existing channel instance

boolean autoAck = false;
channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "a-consumer-tag",
     new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
         public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
                                    Envelope envelope,
                                    AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                                    byte[] body)
             throws IOException
             long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
             // requeue the delivery
             channel.basicReject(deliveryTag, true);

When a message is requeued, it will be placed to its original position in its queue, if possible. If not (due to concurrent deliveries and acknowledgements from other consumers when multiple consumers share a queue), the message will be requeued to a position closer to queue head.


Requeued messages may be immediately ready for redelivery depending on their position in the queue and the prefetch value used by the channels with active consumers. This means that if all consumers requeue because they cannot process a delivery due to a transient condition, they will create a requeue/redelivery loop. Such loops can be costly in terms of network bandwidth and CPU resources. Consumer implementations can track the number of redeliveries and reject messages for good (discard them) or schedule requeueing after a delay.


It is possible to reject or requeue multiple messages at once using the basic.nack method. This is what differentiates it from basic.reject. It accepts an additional parameter, multiple. Here's a Java client example:

// this example assumes an existing channel instance

boolean autoAck = false;
channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "a-consumer-tag",
     new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
         public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
                                    Envelope envelope,
                                    AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
                                    byte[] body)
             throws IOException
             long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
             // requeue all unacknowledged deliveries up to
             // this delivery tag
             channel.basicNack(deliveryTag, true, true);

Channel Prefetch Setting (QoS)

Because messages are sent (pushed) to clients asynchronously, there is usually more than one message "in flight" on a channel at any given moment. In addition, manual acknowledgements from clients are also inherently asynchronous in nature. So there's a sliding window of delivery tags that are unacknowledged. Developers would often prefer to cap the size of this window to avoid the unbounded buffer problem on the consumer end. This is done by setting a "prefetch count" value using the basic.qos method. The value defines the max number of unacknowledged deliveries that are permitted on a channel. Once the number reaches the configured count, RabbitMQ will stop delivering more messages on the channel unless at least one of the outstanding ones is acknowledged.

因为消息是异步发送(推送)到客户端的,所以在任何给定时刻,通道上通常有多个消息“正在传输”。此外,来自客户端的手动确认本质上也是异步的。所以有一个滑动窗口,上面有未确认的投递标签。开发人员通常倾向于限制这个窗口的大小,以避免消费者端的无限缓冲区问题。这是通过使用 basic.qos 方法。该值定义通道上允许的最大未确认传递数。一旦数量达到配置的计数,RabbitMQ将停止在通道上传递更多的消息,除非至少有一个未完成的消息得到确认。

For example, given that there are delivery tags 5, 6, 7, and 8 unacknowledged on channel Ch and channel Ch's prefetch count is set to 4, RabbitMQ will not push any more deliveries on Ch unless at least one of the outstanding deliveries is acknowledged. When an acknowledgement frame arrives on that channel with delivery_tag set to 5 (or 6, 7, or 8), RabbitMQ will notice and deliver one more message. Acknowledging multiple messages at once will make more than one message available for delivery.

例如,假定通道Ch上有未确认的传递标记5、6、7和8,并且通道Ch的预取计数设置为4,则RabbitMQ将不会在Ch上推送任何更多的传递,除非至少有一个未完成的传递被确认。当确认帧到达通道时,delivery_tag 设置为5(或6、7或8),RabbitMQ将通知并再传递一条消息。一次确认多个消息将使多个消息可用于传递。

It's worth reiterating that the flow of deliveries and manual client acknowledgements is entirely asynchronous. Therefore if the prefetch value is changed while there already are deliveries in flight, a natural race condition arises and there can temporarily be more than prefetch count unacknowledged messages on a channel.


Per-channel, Per-consumer and Global Prefetch

The QoS setting can be configured for a specific channel or a specific consumer. The Consumer Prefetch guide explains the effects of this scoping.

QoS设置可以针对特定通道或特定使用者进行配置。The Consumer Prefetch 指南解释了此范围界定的影响。

Prefetch and Polling Consumers 


The QoS prefetch setting has no effect on messages fetched using the basic.get ("pull API"), even in manual confirmation mode.

QoS预取设置对使用basic.get(“pull API”)取来的消息没有效果,即使在手动确认模式下。

Consumer Acknowledgement Modes, Prefetch and Throughput

Acknowledgement mode and QoS prefetch value have significant effect on consumer throughput. In general, increasing prefetch will improve the rate of message delivery to consumers. Automatic acknowledgement mode yields best possible rate of delivery. However, in both cases the number of delivered but not-yet-processed messages will also increase, thus increasing consumer RAM consumption.


Automatic acknowledgement mode or manual acknowledgement mode with unlimited prefetch should be used with care. Consumers that consume a lot of messages without acknowledging will lead to memory consumption growth on the node they are connected to. Finding a suitable prefetch value is a matter of trial and error and will vary from workload to workload. Values in the 100 through 300 range usually offer optimal throughput and do not run significant risk of overwhelming consumers. Higher values often run into the law of diminishing returns.


Prefetch value of 1 is the most conservative. It will significantly reduce throughput, in particular in environments where consumer connection latency is high. For many applications, a higher value would be appropriate and optimal.


When Consumers Fail or Lose Connection: Automatic Requeueing


When manual acknowledgements are used, any delivery (message) that was not acked is automatically requeued when the channel (or connection) on which the delivery happened is closed. This includes TCP connection loss by clients, consumer application (process) failures, and channel-level protocol exceptions (covered below).


Note that it takes a period of time to detect an unavailable client.


Due to this behavior, consumers must be prepared to handle redeliveries and otherwise be implemented with idempotence in mind. Redeliveries will have a special boolean property, redeliver, set to true by RabbitMQ. For first time deliveries it will be set to false. Note that a consumer can receive a message that was previously delivered to another consumer.


Client Errors: Double Acking and Unknown Tags


Should a client acknowledge the same delivery tag more than once, RabbitMQ will result a channel error such as PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag 100. The same channel exception will be thrown if an unknown delivery tag is used.

如果客户机不止一次确认同一个交付标记,RabbitMQ将导致通道错误,例如PRECONDITION_FAILED-unknown delivery tag 100。如果使用未知的传递标记,将引发相同的通道异常。

Another scenario in which the broker will complain about an "unknown delivery tag" is when an acknowledgement, whether positive or negative, is attempted on a channel different from that on which the delivery was received on. Deliveries must be acknowledged on the same channel.

borker 将抱怨“未知投递标记”的另一种情况是,在与接收传递的通道不同的通道上尝试确认(无论是肯定的还是否定的)。必须在同一channel上确认投递。



Publisher Confirms


Networks can fail in less-than-obvious ways and detecting some failures takes time. Therefore a client that's written a protocol frame or a set of frames (e.g. a published message) to its socket cannot assume that the message has reached the server and was successfully processed. It could have been lost along the way or its delivery can be significantly delayed.


Using standard AMQP 0-9-1, the only way to guarantee that a message isn't lost is by using transactions -- make the channel transactional then for each message or set of messages publish, commit. In this case, transactions are unnecessarily heavyweight and decrease throughput by a factor of 250. To remedy this, a confirmation mechanism was introduced. It mimics the consumer acknowledgements mechanism already present in the protocol.

使用标准AMQP 0-9-1,确保消息不会丢失的唯一方法是使用事务——使通道事务化,然后针对每个消息或消息集发布、提交。在这种情况下,事务是不必要的重量级,吞吐量降低了250倍。为此,引入了一种确认机制。它模仿了协议中已经存在的消费者确认机制。

To enable confirms, a client sends the confirm.select method. Depending on whether no-wait was set or not, the broker may respond with a confirm.select-ok. Once the confirm.select method is used on a channel, it is said to be in confirm mode. A transactional channel cannot be put into confirm mode and once a channel is in confirm mode, it cannot be made transactional.

要启用确认机制,客户端将发送 confirm.select 方法。根据是否设置了no-wait,broker可以使用confirm.select-ok 进行响应.一旦 confirm.select 方法在通道上使用,称为处于确认模式。事务性通道不能置于确认模式,一旦通道处于确认模式,就不能使其成为事务性通道。

Once a channel is in confirm mode, both the broker and the client count messages (counting starts at 1 on the first confirm.select). The broker then confirms messages as it handles them by sending a basic.ack on the same channel. The delivery-tag field contains the sequence number of the confirmed message. The broker may also set the multiple field in basic.ack to indicate that all messages up to and including the one with the sequence number have been handled.

一旦通道处于confirm模式,broker和客户机都会对消息进行计数(第一次confirm.select计数从1开始). 然后broker在确认消息时通过发送basic.ack在同一个channel。delivery-tag字段包含确认消息的序列号。broker还可以在basic.ack中设置multiple字段,表示所有消息(包括带序列号的消息 )都已被处理。

Negative Acknowledgments for Publishes

In exceptional cases when the broker is unable to handle messages successfully, instead of a basic.ack, the broker will send a basic.nack. In this context, fields of the basic.nack have the same meaning as the corresponding ones in basic.ack and the requeue field should be ignored. By nack'ing one or more messages, the broker indicates that it was unable to process the messages and refuses responsibility for them; at that point, the client may choose to re-publish the messages.



After a channel is put into confirm mode, all subsequently published messages will be confirmed or nack'd once. No guarantees are made as to how soon a message is confirmed. No message will be both confirmed and nack'd.


basic.nack will only be delivered if an internal error occurs in the Erlang process responsible for a queue.


When Will Published Messages Be Confirmed by the Broker?


For unroutable messages, the broker will issue a confirm once the exchange verifies a message won't route to any queue (returns an empty list of queues). If the message is also published as mandatory, the basic.return is sent to the client before basic.ack. The same is true for negative acknowledgements (basic.nack).


如果消息也是作为强制发布的,则basic.return将在basic.ack之前发送到客户端. 对于否定的确认也是如此(basic.nack).

For routable messages, the basic.ack is sent when a message has been accepted by all the queues. For persistent messages routed to durable queues, this means persisting to disk. For mirrored queues, this means that all mirrors have accepted the message.


Ack Latency for Persistent Messages


basic.ack for a persistent message routed to a durable queue will be sent after persisting the message to disk. The RabbitMQ message store persists messages to disk in batches after an interval (a few hundred milliseconds) to minimise the number of fsync(2) calls, or when a queue is idle.


This means that under a constant load, latency for basic.ack can reach a few hundred milliseconds. To improve throughput, applications are strongly advised to process acknowledgements asynchronously (as a stream) or publish batches of messages and wait for outstanding confirms. The exact API for this varies between client libraries.


Ordering Considerations for Publisher Confirms


In most cases, RabbitMQ will acknowledge messages to publishers in the same order they were published (this applies for messages published on a single channel).


However, publisher acknowledgements are emitted asynchronously and can confirm a single message or a group of messages.


The exact moment when a confirm is emitted depends on the delivery mode of a message (persistent vs. transient) and the properties of the queue(s) the message was routed to (see above). Which is to say that different messages can be considered ready for acknowledgement at different times.


This means that acknowledgements can arrive in a different order compared to their respective messages. Applications should not depend on the order of acknowledgements when possible.


Publisher Confirms and Guaranteed Delivery


A RabbitMQ node can lose persistent messages if it fails before said messages are written to disk. For instance, consider this scenario:

  1. a client publishes a persistent message to a durable queue
  2. a client consumes the message from the queue (noting that the message is persistent and the queue durable), but confirms are not active,
  3. the broker node fails and is restarted, and
  4. the client reconnects and starts consuming messages


  1. 客户端将持久消息发布到持久队列
  2. 客户端消费来自队列的消息(注意消息是持久的,队列是持久的),但是确认不是活动的
  3. broker节点发生故障并重新启动,并且
  4. 客户端重新连接并开始消费消息

At this point, the client could reasonably assume that the message will be delivered again. This is not the case: the restart has caused the broker to lose the message. In order to guarantee persistence, a client should use confirms. If the publisher's channel had been in confirm mode, the publisher would not have received an ack for the lost message (since the message hadn't been written to disk yet).



Maximum Delivery Tag

Delivery tag is a 64 bit long value, and thus its maximum value is 9223372036854775807. Since delivery tags are scoped per channel, it is very unlikely that a publisher or consumer will run over this value in practice.

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