
  MultiUse = -1  'True
  Persistable = 0  'NotPersistable
  DataBindingBehavior = 0  'vbNone
  DataSourceBehavior  = 0  'vbNone
  MTSTransactionMode  = 0  'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "PPTFile"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
'liyang 追加します kill powerpoint start
Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
                dwSize       As Long
                cntUsage       As Long
                th32ProcessID       As Long
                th32DefaultHeapID       As Long
                th32ModuleID       As Long
                cntThreads       As Long
                th32ParentProcessID       As Long
                pcPriClassBase       As Long
                dwFlags       As Long
                szExeFile       As String * MAX_PATH
End Type
Private Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal th32ProcessID As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function Process32First Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, lppe As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function Process32Next Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, lppe As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal blnheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwAppProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private Const TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST = &H1
Private Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = &H2
Private Const TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD = &H4
Private Const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE = &H8

'liyang 追加します kill powerpoint end

Private pptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Private pptPres As PowerPoint.Presentation

'インスタンス存在判定 true:存在 false:存在しない
Private instanceFlg As Boolean

Private presenNo As Integer
Private slideNo As Integer

' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ④出力順変更による修正 K.H
'*** No.1 START ******************************************
Private SlideNoFrom_IndexOrder As Integer
Private SlideNoFrom_IndexItemName As Integer
Private SlideNoFrom_IndexJenre As Integer
Private SlideNoFrom_IndexEco As Integer
Private SlideNoFrom_ItemList As Integer
Private SlideNoFrom_FrontCover As Integer
Private SlideNoFrom_BackCover As Integer

Public patternKbnflg As Boolean
Public patternKbnCount As Integer
'********* END *******************************************

Public Function ActiveSlide(wNo As Integer) As String

Dim wMax As Integer

On Error Resume Next

ActiveSlide = ""

wMax = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides.count

If wMax = 0 Then
    ActiveSlide = "[Method:ActiveSlide]スライドが存在しないため選択することができません。"
    Exit Function
End If

If wNo < 1 Or wNo > wMax Then
    ActiveSlide = "[Method:ActiveSlide]指定されたスライド番号(" & CStr(wNo) & ")に対するスライドが存在しないため選択することができません。(スライド数:" & CStr(wMax) & ")"
    Exit Function
End If

pptApp.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide Index:=wNo

If Err <> 0 Then
    ActiveSlide = "[Method:ActiveSlide]スライド(" & CStr(wNo) & ")の選択に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Public Function AddSlide() As String

Dim pptSlide As PowerPoint.Slide

On Error Resume Next

AddSlide = ""

Set pptSlide = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.Add(Index:=slideNo + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutBlank)
slideNo = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.count

If Err <> 0 Then
    AddSlide = "[Method:AddSlide]スライドの追加に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Public Function InsertSlide(szFromName As String, wNoTo As Integer, wNoFrom As Integer, w As Integer) As String

Dim wRet As Integer

On Error Resume Next

InsertSlide = ""

wRet = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.InsertFromFile(szFromName, wNoTo, wNoFrom, w)

slideNo = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.count

If Err <> 0 Then
    InsertSlide = "[Method:InsertSlide]スライド(" & CStr(wNoTo) & ")のコピーに失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Public Function PowerPointCreate() As String

On Error Resume Next

PowerPointCreate = ""

If instanceFlg Then
    Exit Function
End If

'liyang 2008/10/22 追加します kill powerpoint start
Call Me.killPowerPoint
'liyang 2008/10/22 追加します kill powerpoint end

Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application

'pptApp.Visible = msoTrue

Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Add

presenNo = pptApp.Presentations.count
slideNo = 0

'pptApp.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide Index:=pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(Index:=1, Layout:=ppLayoutBlank)

If Err <> 0 Then
    PowerPointCreate = "[Method:PowerPointCreate]PowerPointの作成に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
    Exit Function
End If

instanceFlg = True

End Function

Public Function PowerPointPageSetup() As String

On Error Resume Next

PowerPointPageSetup = ""

pptApp.Presentations.item(presenNo).PageSetup.SlideSize = ppSlideSizeA4Paper
pptApp.Presentations.item(presenNo).PageSetup.SlideOrientation = 0
pptApp.Presentations.item(presenNo).PageSetup.NotesOrientation = 0

If Err <> 0 Then
    PowerPointPageSetup = "[Method:PowerPointPageSetup]PowerPointの作成に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
    Exit Function
End If

End Function

Public Function PowerPointOpen(szFileName As String) As String

On Error Resume Next

PowerPointOpen = ""

Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application

pptApp.Visible = False

Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Open(szFileName, False)

If Err <> 0 Then
    PowerPointOpen = "[Method:PowerPointOpen]PowerPointの実行に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
    Exit Function
End If

instanceFlg = True

End Function

Public Function PowerPointSave(szFileName As String) As String

On Error Resume Next

PowerPointSave = ""

If instanceFlg = False Then
    PowerPointSave = "[Method:PowerPointSave]インスタンスが生成されていないため、ファイルを保存することができません。"
    Exit Function
End If

pptPres.SaveAs szFileName


If Err <> 0 Then
    PowerPointSave = "[Method:PowerPointSave]PowerPointの保存に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Public Function PowerPointClose() As String

On Error Resume Next

PowerPointClose = ""

If Err <> 0 Then
    PowerPointClose = "[Method:PowerPointClose]PowerPointのクローズに失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

instanceFlg = False

End Function

Public Function SelectPicture(wSlideIndex As Integer, wPictureIndex As Integer) As String

Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim shpRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange

On Error Resume Next

SelectPicture = ""

wObjectCount = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(wSlideIndex).Shapes.count

For wCnt1 = 1 To wObjectCount
'    If pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Type = msoAutoShape Then
    If pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Type = 1 Then
'        Set shpRange = pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Parent
'        If Not (txtRange Is Nothing) Then
            pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.UserPicture "C:/Documents and Settings/igarashi/My Documents/My Pictures/ref_bot.gif"
'            pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Replace "BBB", "DDD"
'        End If
    End If
Next wCnt1

If Err <> 0 Then
    SelectPicture = "[Method:SelectPicture]ピクチャーの選択に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Public Function SelectTextBox(wSlideIndex As Integer, wTextBoxIndex As Integer) As String

Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange

On Error Resume Next

SelectTextBox = ""

wObjectCount = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(wSlideIndex).Shapes.count

For wCnt1 = 1 To wObjectCount
'    If pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Type = msoTextBox Then
    If pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Type = 17 Then
        Set txtRange = pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Find("BBB")
        If Not (txtRange Is Nothing) Then
            pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Replace "BBB", "DDD"
        End If
    End If
Next wCnt1

If Err <> 0 Then
    SelectTextBox = "[Method:SelectTextBox]テキストボックスの選択に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

instanceFlg = False

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

On Error Resume Next

Set pptApp = Nothing

End Sub

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutMidashiOrderCd(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim shpRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange

On Error Resume Next

PutMidashiOrderCd = ""

'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 2.96 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU)
With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 2.96 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU)
    .AutoShapeType = 5
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(244, 124, 128)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutMidashiOrderCd = "[Method:PutMidashiOrderCd]見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutSMidashiOrderCd(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

'Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim shpRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange

On Error Resume Next

PutSMidashiOrderCd = ""

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ⑤インデックスのオブジェクトの配置順を改良 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 3.4 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "                                 ."
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(34, 1).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With
'******** END ***********************************************

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 3.79 * KEISUU, 0.79 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'' 修正履歴 ①(5:改ページ/並び順)による修正 K.H
''******** START ******************************************
'    'コメント化
'    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "・" & IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu

    If IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu <> "" Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "・" & IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    End If
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ⑤インデックスのオブジェクトの配置順を改良 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, (x_zahyo + 0.7) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 2.36 * KEISUU, 0.42 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetPageMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
End With
'******** END ***********************************************

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutSMidashiOrderCd = "[Method:PutSMidashiOrderCd]小見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function
'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutMidashiItemName(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

On Error Resume Next

PutMidashiItemName = ""

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 7.84 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    .AutoShapeType = 5
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 153, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutMidashiItemName = "[Method:PutMidashiItemName]見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutSMidashiItemName(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

'Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim shpRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange

On Error Resume Next

PutSMidashiItemName = ""

PutSMidashiItemName = Me.PutSMidashiJenre(x_zahyo, y_zahyo, IndexInfo)

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutSMidashiItemName = "[Method:PutSMidashiItemName]小見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutMidashiJenre(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

On Error Resume Next

PutMidashiJenre = ""

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 7.84 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    .AutoShapeType = 5
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 153, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutMidashiJenre = "[Method:PutMidashiJenre]見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutSMidashiJenre(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

'Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim shpRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange

On Error Resume Next

PutSMidashiJenre = ""

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ⑤インデックスのオブジェクトの配置順を改良 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 8 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU)
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "                                                                            ."
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(77, 1).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With
'******** END ***********************************************

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 7.84 * KEISUU, 0.79 * KEISUU)
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "・" & IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    If m_MenuInit.GetAutoFontFlg <> "0" Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = autoFontSize(IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    End If
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
End With

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ⑤インデックスのオブジェクトの配置順を改良 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 7.84 * KEISUU, 0.42 * KEISUU)
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetPageMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
End With
'******** END ***********************************************

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutSMidashiJenre = "[Method:PutSMidashiJenre]小見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutMidashiEco(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

On Error Resume Next

PutMidashiEco = ""

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 1, 0)
    .AutoShapeType = 5
    .Width = 12.92 * KEISUU
    .Height = 0.53 * KEISUU
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 128, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "   " & IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutMidashiEco = "[Method:PutMidashiEco]見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function PutSMidashiEco(x_zahyo As Single, y_zahyo As Single, IndexInfo As IndexInfo) As String

'Dim wCnt1 As Integer
Dim wObjectCount As Integer
Dim txtRange As PowerPoint.TextRange
Dim shpRange As PowerPoint.ShapeRange

On Error Resume Next

PutSMidashiEco = ""

'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, (x_zahyo + 0.3) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 1, 0)

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 12.92 * KEISUU, 0.79 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ①(5:改ページ/並び順)による修正 K.H
''******** START *********************************************
'    'コメント化
'    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "・" & IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    If IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu <> "" Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "・" & IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu
    End If
''******** END ***********************************************
    If m_MenuInit.GetAutoFontFlg <> "0" Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = autoFontSize(IndexInfo.GetMojiretsu)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    End If
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
    .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
End With

'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, (x_zahyo + 0.3) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 1, 0)
With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, (x_zahyo + 0.4) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 12.55 * KEISUU, 0.42 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetYobi
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
End With

'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, (x_zahyo + 0.3) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 7.5 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU)
With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, x_zahyo * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 13.92 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "                                                                                                                                                              ."
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(159, 1).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(1, 1).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With

If IndexInfo.GetGreenFlg Then

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, (x_zahyo + 5 + 8.14) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 0.75 * KEISUU, 0.9 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "●"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With

End If

If IndexInfo.GetEcoFlg Then

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, (x_zahyo + 5.7 + 8.14) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 0.75 * KEISUU, 0.9 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "●"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With

End If

If IndexInfo.GetGpnFlg Then

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, (x_zahyo + 6.4 + 8.14) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 0.75 * KEISUU, 0.9 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "●"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
End With

End If

With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, (x_zahyo + 6.6 + 8.14) * KEISUU, y_zahyo * KEISUU, 1.45 * KEISUU, 0.49 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 追加します 2008/10/10
    .Visible = msoFalse
    .line.Visible = False
    .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
    .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'    .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = IndexInfo.GetPageMojiretsu
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "Times New Roman"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
    .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    PutSMidashiEco = "[Method:PutSMidashiEco]小見出しの配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑨裏表紙追加による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
Public Function PutNotes(Notes As Collection) As String

Dim s As Integer
Dim Hgt As Single
Hgt = 0.64

On Error Resume Next

PutNotes = ""
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes
        For s = .count To 1 Step -1
            With .item(s)
                If .Type = msoTextBox Then .Delete
            End With
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, 23.5 * KEISUU, 15.67 * KEISUU, Hgt * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Notes.item(1).GetNote & Notes.item(2).GetNote
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS P明朝"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS P明朝"
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, (23.5 * KEISUU) + (Hgt * 1 * KEISUU), 15.67 * KEISUU, Hgt * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Notes.item(3).GetNote & Notes.item(4).GetNote
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS P明朝"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS P明朝"
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, (23.5 * KEISUU) + (Hgt * 2 * KEISUU), 15.67 * KEISUU, Hgt * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Notes.item(5).GetNote & Notes.item(6).GetNote
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS P明朝"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS P明朝"
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, (23.5 * KEISUU) + (Hgt * 3 * KEISUU), 15.67 * KEISUU, Hgt * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Notes.item(7).GetNote & Notes.item(8).GetNote
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS P明朝"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS P明朝"
    End With

If Err <> 0 Then

    PutNotes = "[Method:PutNotes]裏表紙の配置に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function
Public Function DisplaySlide() As String

On Error Resume Next

DisplaySlide = ""

pptApp.Visible = True

If Err <> 0 Then
    DisplaySlide = "[Method:DisplaySlide]スライドの表示に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ④出力順変更による修正 K.H
'*** No.1 START ******************************************
'Public Function SaveSlide(indexSlideNo As Integer) As String
'On Error Resume Next
'SaveSlide = ""
'pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).SaveAs (m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD & indexSlideNo & ".ppt")
'If Err <> 0 Then
'    SaveSlide = "[Method:SaveSlide]スライドの保存に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
'End If
Public Function SaveSlide(indexSlideNo As Integer, tempFileName As String) As String

On Error Resume Next

SaveSlide = ""

Select Case tempFileName
    Case FileName_IndexOrder
            If SlideNoFrom_IndexOrder = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_IndexOrder = indexSlideNo
            End If
            'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
                pptApp.Visible = msoCTrue
                pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Windows(slideNo).Selection.ShapeRange.Visible = msoCTrue
            'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 end
    Case FileName_IndexItemName
            If SlideNoFrom_IndexItemName = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_IndexItemName = indexSlideNo
            End If
    Case FileName_IndexJenre
            If SlideNoFrom_IndexJenre = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_IndexJenre = indexSlideNo
            End If
    Case FileName_IndexEco
            If SlideNoFrom_IndexEco = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_IndexEco = indexSlideNo
            End If
            'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
                pptApp.Visible = msoCTrue
                pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Windows(slideNo).Selection.ShapeRange.Visible = msoCTrue
            'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 end
    Case FileName_ItemList
            If SlideNoFrom_ItemList = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_ItemList = indexSlideNo
            End If
    Case FileName_FrontCover
            If SlideNoFrom_FrontCover = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_FrontCover = indexSlideNo
            End If
    Case FileName_BackCover
            If SlideNoFrom_BackCover = 0 Then
                SlideNoFrom_BackCover = indexSlideNo
            End If
End Select

pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).SaveAs (m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD & indexSlideNo & tempFileName & ".ppt")

If Err <> 0 Then
    SaveSlide = "[Method:SaveSlide]スライドの保存に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

Public Function DeleteSlide() As String

On Error Resume Next

Dim i As Integer

DeleteSlide = ""

For i = 1 To pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.count

slideNo = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.count

If Err <> 0 Then
    DeleteSlide = "[Method:DeleteSlide]スライドの削除に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ④出力順変更による修正 K.H
'*** No.1 START ******************************************
'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
'Public Function MergeSlide(indexSlideNo As Integer) As String
'    Dim i As Integer
'    Dim szRet As String
'    On Error Resume Next
'    Err.Clear
'    MergeSlide = ""
'    For i = 1 To indexSlideNo - 1
'        szRet = InsertSlide(m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD & i & ".ppt", i - 1, 1, 1)
'    Next
'    slideNo = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.count
'    If Trim$(szRet) <> "" Then
'        MsgBox szRet
'        Err.Clear
'        Exit Function
'    End If
''    szRet = PowerPointSave(m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD & indexSlideNo + 1 & ".ppt")
''    If Trim$(szRet) <> "" Then
''        MsgBox szRet
''        Err.Clear
''        Exit Function
''    End If
'If Err <> 0 Then
'    MergeSlide = "[Method:MergeSlide]スライドのマージに失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
'End If
'End Function
'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function MergeSlide(indexSlideNo As Integer) As String

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim szRet As String

    On Error Resume Next

    MergeSlide = ""

    Dim wFDir As String
    Dim wFName As String
    wFDir = m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD
    wFName = wFDir & SlideNoFrom_FrontCover & FileName_FrontCover & ".ppt"
    szRet = InsertSlide(wFName, 0, 1, 1)
    i = 0
        wFName = wFDir & SlideNoFrom_IndexJenre + i & FileName_IndexJenre & ".ppt"
        If Dir(wFName) = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        szRet = InsertSlide(wFName, slideNo - 1, 1, 1)
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
        wFName = wFDir & SlideNoFrom_IndexItemName + i & FileName_IndexItemName & ".ppt"
0        If Dir(wFName) = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        szRet = InsertSlide(wFName, slideNo - 1, 1, 1)
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
        wFName = wFDir & SlideNoFrom_IndexEco + i & FileName_IndexEco & ".ppt"
        If Dir(wFName) = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        szRet = InsertSlide(wFName, slideNo - 1, 1, 1)
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
        wFName = wFDir & SlideNoFrom_ItemList + i & FileName_ItemList & ".ppt"
        If Dir(wFName) = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        szRet = InsertSlide(wFName, slideNo - 1, 1, 1)
        i = i + 1
    i = 0
        wFName = wFDir & SlideNoFrom_IndexOrder + i & FileName_IndexOrder & ".ppt"
        If Dir(wFName) = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        szRet = InsertSlide(wFName, slideNo - 1, 1, 1)
        i = i + 1
    slideNo = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides.count

    If Trim$(szRet) <> "" Then
        MsgBox szRet
        Exit Function
    End If

If Err <> 0 Then
    MergeSlide = "[Method:MergeSlide]スライドのマージに失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function
'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function DeleteTempFile(indexSlideNo As Integer) As String

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim szRet As String
    On Error Resume Next

    DeleteTempFile = ""
    If Dir(m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD & "*.ppt") <> "" Then
        Kill m_MenuInit.GetPptTempPath & TEMPFILEHEAD & "*.ppt"
    End If
If Err <> 0 Then
    DeleteTempFile = "[Method:DeleteTempFile]テンポラリーファイルの削除に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function ItemPageNotVisible(slideNo As Integer) As String

    Dim count As Integer
    On Error Resume Next

    ItemPageNotVisible = ""
    For count = 1 To pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.count
'            pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes(count).Visible = msoFalse
            pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes(count).Visible = False

If Err <> 0 Then
    ItemPageNotVisible = "[Method:ItemPageNotVisible]商品ページの非表示処理に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています

Public Function AddItem(position As Integer, pageType As Integer, ByRef item As iteminfo) As String

    Dim retStr As String
    On Error Resume Next

    AddItem = ""
    If pageType = 5 Then
    ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 パターン区分を判断します
'     retStr = AddItem5(position, pageType, item)
'        If retStr <> "" Then
'            Err.Raise (1)
'            GoTo catchAddItem
'        End If
        If item.GetPatternNO <> "" Then
           Call SlideCopy(position, item, m_MenuInit.GetCstPtrnPath & item.GetPatternNO & ".ppt")
            retStr = AddItem5(position, pageType, item)
            If retStr <> "" Then
                Err.Raise (1)
                GoTo catchAddItem
            End If
        End If
    ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 パターン区分を判断します
    End If
    If pageType = 10 Then
        retStr = AddItem10(position, pageType, item)
        If retStr <> "" Then
            Err.Raise (1)
            GoTo catchAddItem
        End If
    End If
    If pageType = 15 Then
        retStr = AddItem15(position, pageType, item)
        If retStr <> "" Then
            Err.Raise (1)
            GoTo catchAddItem
        End If
    End If
If Err <> 0 Then
    If Err.number = 1 Then
        AddItem = retStr
        AddItem = "[Method:AddItem]PPT商品のページへの追加処理に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
    End If
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Private Function AddItem5(position As Integer, pageType As Integer, ByRef item As iteminfo) As String

'On Error Resume Next

    AddItem5 = ""

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  その他 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
    Dim newObj As Object
'******** END ***********************************************

    Dim y_step As Single

    y_step = 4.73
' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(3, 1.87 * KEISUU, 1.87 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 8 * KEISUU, 0.4 * KEISUU)
''        .Flip (msoFlipVertical)
'        .Flip (1)
''        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Visible = True
'        .line.Visible = False
''        .Left = 1.87 * KEISUU
''        .Top = y_zahyo * KEISUU
''        .Width = 8 * KEISUU
''        .Height = 0.4 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 153, 255)
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetBunrui
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'        .Adjustments.item(1) = 0.035
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeMixed
'    End With

    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddShape(3, 1.87 * KEISUU, _
                                1.87 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, _
                                   8 * KEISUU, _
                                 0.4 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        .Flip (1)
        .line.Visible = False
        .Adjustments.item(1) = 0.035
        With .Fill
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_1
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                '.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
                '.Text = item.GetBunrui
                .Text = ""
                With .Font
                    .Size = 9
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeMixed
        End With
    End With

'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, 2.27 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 15.67 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
''        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Visible = True
'        .line.Visible = False
''        .Left = 1.91 * KEISUU
' '       .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.4) * KEISUU
''        .Width = 15.9 * KEISUU
''        .Height = 0.64 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'    End With

    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddShape(1, _
                             1.87 * KEISUU, _
                             2.27 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, _
                            15.67 * KEISUU, _
                             0.64 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        .line.Visible = False
        With .Fill
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_2
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = ""
                With .Font
                    .Size = 9
                    .Bold = False
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ②商品ごとに、コメント欄を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, _
                                 1.722 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, _
                                 15.67 * KEISUU, _
                                  0.64 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .TextFrame
            .WordWrap = msoTrue
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
            With .TextRange
                .Text = item.GetBikou
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 10
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
            End With
        End With
    End With

'******** END ***********************************************
' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                        AddShape(1, _
                                 1.87 * KEISUU, _
                                 2.9 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, _
                                15.67 * KEISUU, _
                                 3.7 * KEISUU)
        With newObj
            .line.Visible = False
            With .Fill
                .Visible = True
                .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
            End With
            With .TextFrame
                .MarginBottom = 0.14 * KEISUU
                .MarginTop = 0.14 * KEISUU
                .MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
                .MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
                With .TextRange
                    .Text = ""
                    With .Font
                        .Size = 9
                        .Bold = False
                        .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                    End With
                    .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
                End With
            End With
        End With

End If

' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, 2.62 * KEISUU, 1.87 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 8 * KEISUU, 0.4 * KEISUU)
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
        .Fill.Visible = False
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 1.91 * KEISUU
 '       .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.4) * KEISUU
'        .Width = 15.9 * KEISUU
'        .Height = 0.64 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, 2.27 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 15.67 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
  '      .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.2 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetItemName
        If m_MenuInit.GetFontMojisuFor5 * 2 >= ByteLength(item.GetItemName) Then
            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        End If
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, 2.27 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 15.67 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 1.85 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.2 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetMakerName
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With


'    If Dir(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & item.GetGazoFileName) = "" Then
'        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetUtilPath & m_MenuInit.GetDefaultGifFile, False, True, 1.97 * KEISUU, 2.91 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 3.34 * KEISUU, 3.6 * KEISUU).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
'    Else
'        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & item.GetGazoFileName, False, True, 1.97 * KEISUU, 2.91 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 3.34 * KEISUU, 3.6 * KEISUU).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
'    End If
'FTP wininet対応start usc 2005/05/24
    If Dir(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & "/" & item.GetGazoFileName) = "" Then
        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetUtilPath & m_MenuInit.GetDefaultGifFile, False, True, 1.97 * KEISUU, 2.91 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 3.34 * KEISUU, 3.6 * KEISUU).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
    ' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ①任意で空欄(テンプレート)を出力 K.H
    '******** START *********************************************
'    Else
'        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & "/" & item.GetGazoFileName, False, True, 1.97 * KEISUU, 2.91 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 3.34 * KEISUU, 3.6 * KEISUU).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
'    End If
    ElseIf item.GetGazoFileName <> "" Then
        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & "/" & item.GetGazoFileName, False, True, 1.97 * KEISUU, 2.91 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 3.34 * KEISUU, 3.6 * KEISUU).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
    End If
    '******** END ***********************************************
'FTP wininet対応end usc 2005/05/24
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ②(6:ユーザ価格)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'If hasUserPrice Then
If UserPriceFlg <> USER_TANKA_OFF Then
'******** END ***********************************************
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 4.02 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "販売価格(税込) /" & AddComma(item.GetPriceWithTax)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=4).Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=5).Font.Size = 6
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑦ユーザ価格のフォント変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        With .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=9, Length:=Len(AddComma(item.GetPriceWithTax)) + 2).Font
            .Size = 11
            .Bold = True
        End With
'******** END ***********************************************

        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
        End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5 * KEISUU, 3.4 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 4.02 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "(本体) /" & AddComma(item.GetPriceWithoutTax)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=5).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 12.05 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 15.67 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  その他 Widthの変更 K.H
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
  '      .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 start
        If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
         .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)  " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)  /" & AddComma(item.GetListPriceWZ)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With

End If

    If item.GetEcoFlg Then
'        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetEcoGifFile, False, True, 11.76 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 1.81 * KEISUU, 0.57 * KEISUU).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetEcoGifFile, False, True, 13.13 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 48, 19).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
    End If

    If item.GetGpnFlg Then
        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetGpnGifFile, False, True, 15.03 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 45 * 19 / 27, 19).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
    End If

    If item.GetGreenFlg Then
        pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetGreenGifFile, False, True, 16.3 * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 45 * 19 / 28, 19).LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
    End If

'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 3.8 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 4.02 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 3.8 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 4.02 * KEISUU, 0.528 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "注文コード: " & item.GetOrderCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=6).Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑧注文コード文字色変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
'******** END ***********************************************
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .Height = 0.55 * KEISUU
    End With

' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ②(6:ユーザ価格)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'If hasUserPrice Then
If UserPriceFlg <> USER_TANKA_OFF Then
'******** END ***********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, 9.45 * KEISUU, 3.8 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 8.03 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 9.45 * KEISUU, 3.8 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 8.03 * KEISUU, 0.528 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)  " & "オープン価格"
.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)  /" & AddComma(item.GetListPriceWZ)
End If

'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=10).Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
 '       .Height = 0.55 * KEISUU
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 9.45 * KEISUU, 3.8 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 8.03 * KEISUU, 0.528 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税抜)  " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税抜)  /" & AddComma(item.GetListPrice)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=10).Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
 '       .Height = 0.55 * KEISUU
    End With

End If

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 4.33 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 4.02 * KEISUU, 0.48 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "品番:" & item.GetItemCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ③(7:カタログページ追加)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
If CatalogDispFlg And item.GetCatalogPage > "0" Then
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 14.48 * KEISUU, 3.8 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 3 * KEISUU, 0.528 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .Fill.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "カタログ  P." & AddComma(item.GetCatalogPage)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With

End If
'******** END ***********************************************

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 9.45 * KEISUU, 4.33 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, (13.47 - 9.45) * KEISUU, 0.48 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "JANコード:" & item.GetJanCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 13.47 * KEISUU, 4.33 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, (8.03 - 13.47 + 9.45) * KEISUU, 0.48 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "販売単位:" & item.GetMinShukaTanni
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 4.78 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 12.05 * KEISUU, 1.39 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5.43 * KEISUU, 4.81 * KEISUU + y_step * position * KEISUU, 12.05 * KEISUU, 1.69 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1

        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetInformation
        If m_MenuInit.GetFontMojisu > Len(item.GetInformation) Then
            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 6
        End If
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS P明朝"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS P明朝"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft

        .Fill.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    AddItem5 = "[Method:AddItem5]商品のページへの追加処理に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Private Function AddItem10(position As Integer, pageType As Integer, ByRef item As iteminfo) As String

On Error Resume Next

    AddItem10 = ""

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  その他 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
    Dim newObj As Object
'******** END ***********************************************

    Dim x_step As Single
    Dim y_step As Single

    x_step = 0
    If position Mod 2 = 1 Then
        x_step = 7.98 * KEISUU
    End If
    y_step = 4.81 * ((position Mod 10) / 2) * KEISUU
' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(3, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 1.96 * KEISUU + y_step, 6.41 * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
''        .Flip (msoFlipVertical)
'        .Flip (1)
''        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Visible = True
'        .line.Visible = False
''        .Left = 1.87 * KEISUU
''        .Top = y_zahyo * KEISUU
''        .Width = 8 * KEISUU
''        .Height = 0.4 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 153, 255)
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetBunrui
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'        .Adjustments.item(1) = 0.035
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'    End With
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddShape(3, _
                             1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, _
                             1.96 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                             6.41 * KEISUU, _
                             0.36 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        .Flip (1)
        .Fill.Visible = True
        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_1
        .line.Visible = False
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                '.Text = iteminfo.GetBunrui
                '.Text = item.GetBunrui
                .Text = ""
                With .Font
                    .Size = 7
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        End With
        .Adjustments.item(1) = 0.035
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, 2.46 * KEISUU + x_step, 1.96 * KEISUU + y_step, 6.41 * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
        .Fill.Visible = False
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 1.91 * KEISUU
 '       .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.4) * KEISUU
'        .Width = 15.9 * KEISUU
'        .Height = 0.64 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    End With
' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

''    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 2.32 * KEISUU + y_step, 7.62 * KEISUU, 1.01 * KEISUU)
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddShape(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 2.315 * KEISUU + y_step, 7.62 * KEISUU, 1.01 * KEISUU)
''        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Visible = True
'        .line.Visible = False
''     .Left = 1.91 * KEISUU
' '       .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.4) * KEISUU
''       .Width = 15.9 * KEISUU
''        .Height = 0.64 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'    End With

    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddShape(1, _
                              1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, _
                             2.315 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              7.62 * KEISUU, _
                              1.01 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        .line.Visible = False
        With .Fill
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_2
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = ""
                With .Font
                    .Size = 9
                    .Bold = False
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************


' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ②商品ごとに、コメント欄を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, _
                                 2.315 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                                  7.37 * KEISUU, _
                                 0.589 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .TextFrame
            .WordWrap = msoTrue
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
            With .TextRange
                .Text = item.GetBikou
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 9
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
            End With
        End With
    End With

'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                       AddShape(1, _
                                 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, _
                                3.315 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                                 7.62 * KEISUU, _
                                3.25 * KEISUU)
       With newObj
           .Flip (1)
           .Fill.Visible = True
           .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
           .line.Visible = False
'           With .TextFrame
'               .MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
'               .MarginTop = 0.5 * KEISUU
'               .MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
'               .MarginRight = 0.75 * KEISUU
'               With .TextRange
'                   '.Text = iteminfo.GetBunrui
'                   '.Text = item.GetBunrui
'                   .Text = ""
'                   With .Font
'                       .Size = 7
'                       .Bold = True
'                       .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'                   End With
'                   .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'               End With
'               .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'           End With
       End With

End If

' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します

'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 2.32 * KEISUU + y_step, 7.37 * KEISUU, 0.8 * KEISUU)
     With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 2.315 * KEISUU + y_step, 7.37 * KEISUU, 0.8 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 1.85 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetMakerName
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With

'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextBox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 2.75 * KEISUU + y_step, 7.37 * KEISUU, 0.8 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 2.745 * KEISUU + y_step, 7.37 * KEISUU, 0.8 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
  '      .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetItemName
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        If m_MenuInit.GetFontMojisuFor10 * 2 >= ByteLength(item.GetItemName) Then
            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        End If
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With
'    If Dir(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & item.GetGazoFileName) = "" Then
'        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetUtilPath & m_MenuInit.GetDefaultGifFile, False, True, 2.35 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.06 * KEISUU, 2.06 * KEISUU)
'            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
'        End With
'    Else
'        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & item.GetGazoFileName, False, True, 2.35 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.06 * KEISUU, 2.06 * KEISUU)
'            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
'        End With
'    End If
'FTP wininet対応start usc 2005/05/24
    If Dir(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & "/" & item.GetGazoFileName) = "" Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetUtilPath & m_MenuInit.GetDefaultGifFile, False, True, 2.35 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.06 * KEISUU, 2.06 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    ' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ①任意で空欄(テンプレート)を出力 K.H
    '******** START *********************************************
'    Else
'        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & "/" & item.GetGazoFileName, False, True, 2.35 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.06 * KEISUU, 2.06 * KEISUU)
'            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
'        End With
'    End If
    ElseIf item.GetGazoFileName <> "" Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetItemGifPath & "/" & item.GetGazoFileName, False, True, 2.35 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.06 * KEISUU, 2.06 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If
    '******** END ***********************************************

'FTP wininet対応end usc 2005/05/24
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ②(6:ユーザ価格)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'If hasUserPrice Then
If UserPriceFlg <> USER_TANKA_OFF Then
'******** END ***********************************************

'2008/10/23 H.Noujima Chg Start
'   With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.91 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.8 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
'2008/10/23 H.Noujima Chg End
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "販売価格(税込) /" & AddComma(item.GetPriceWithTax)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=5).Font.Size = 6
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑦ユーザ価格のフォント変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        With .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=9, Length:=Len(AddComma(item.GetPriceWithTax)) + 2).Font
            .Size = 10
            .Bold = True
        End With
'******** END ***********************************************

        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With
'2008/10/23 H.Noujima Chg Start
'   With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.91 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.81 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.8 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.81 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
'2008/10/23 H.Noujima Chg End
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "(本体) /" & AddComma(item.GetPriceWithoutTax)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=5).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With
    'liyang 2008/10/23 修正します start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.91 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.8 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.41 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 2008/10/23 修正します end
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With
    'liyang 2008/10/23 修正します start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.91 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.81 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.8 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.81 * KEISUU + y_step, 2.97 * KEISUU, 0.39 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 2008/10/23 修正します end
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.1 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "/" & AddComma(item.GetListPriceWZ)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Italic = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Underline = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Shadow = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Emboss = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.BaselineOffset = 0
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.AutoRotateNumbers = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With
End If

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 5.21 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.3 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.29 * KEISUU, 0.76 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
        .line.Visible = False
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "注文コード : " & item.GetOrderCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=8).Font.Size = 9
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑧注文コード文字色変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
'******** END ***********************************************
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
    End With
    If item.GetEcoFlg Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetEcoGifFile, False, True, 6.1 * KEISUU + x_step, 4# * KEISUU + y_step, 0.56 * KEISUU * 48 / 19, 0.56 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If

    If item.GetGpnFlg Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetGpnGifFile, False, True, 7.6 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.95 * KEISUU + y_step, 0.56 * KEISUU * 45 / 27, 0.56 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If

    If item.GetGreenFlg Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetGreenGifFile, False, True, 8.6 * KEISUU + x_step, 3.95 * KEISUU + y_step, 0.56 * KEISUU * 45 / 28, 0.56 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ②(6:ユーザ価格)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'If hasUserPrice Then
If UserPriceFlg <> USER_TANKA_OFF Then
'******** END ***********************************************
   'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.9 * KEISUU + x_step, 4.54 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 4.54 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)  " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込)  /" & AddComma(item.GetListPriceWZ)
        End If
'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=10).Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .Height = 0.53 * KEISUU
    End With
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.9 * KEISUU + x_step, 4.54 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 4.54 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.53 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 end
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPrice = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税抜)  " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税抜)  /" & AddComma(item.GetListPrice)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=10).Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=5, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .Height = 0.53 * KEISUU
    End With
End If
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.9 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.07 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.07 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 end
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "販売単位:" & item.GetMinShukaTanni
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .Height = 0.45 * KEISUU
    End With
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ③(7:カタログページ追加)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
If CatalogDispFlg And item.GetCatalogPage > "0" Then
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 7.78 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.07 * KEISUU + y_step, 1.65 * KEISUU, 0.4 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .Fill.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "P." & AddComma(item.GetCatalogPage)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .Height = 0.45 * KEISUU
    End With
End If

'******** END ***********************************************
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.9 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.52 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.52 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 end
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "品番:  " & item.GetItemCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .Height = 0.45 * KEISUU
    End With
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 start
    'With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.9 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.97 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.87 * KEISUU + x_step, 5.97 * KEISUU + y_step, 4.56 * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 修正しました 2008/10/10 end
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.Weight = 1
        .line.Style = 1
'        .Left = 2.06 * KEISUU
'        .Top = (y_zahyo + 0.5) * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.16 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.05 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.05 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "JANコード:  " & item.GetJanCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    AddItem10 = "[Method:AddItem10]商品のページへの追加処理に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Private Function AddItem15(position As Integer, pageType As Integer, ByRef item As iteminfo) As String

On Error Resume Next

    AddItem15 = ""
' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  その他 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
    Dim newObj As Object
'******** END ***********************************************
    Dim y_step As Single

    y_step = 1.59 * position * KEISUU

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.88 * KEISUU, 1.88 * KEISUU + y_step, (17.78 - 1.88) * KEISUU, (2.29 - 1.88) * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .line.Visible = True
'        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
'        .line.Weight = 1
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 153, 255)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetBunrui
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
'        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
'    End With
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, _
                               1.88 * KEISUU, _
                               1.88 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              (17.78 - 1.88) * KEISUU, _
                              (2.29 - 1.88) * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .line
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
            .Weight = 1
        End With
        With .Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_1
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = item.GetBunrui
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 8
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
            .HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
            .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************
' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ②商品ごとに、コメント欄を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************

    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, 1.88 * KEISUU, _
                                  1.88 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                        (17.78 - 1.88) * KEISUU, _
                         (2.29 - 1.88) * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .TextFrame
            .WordWrap = msoTrue
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = item.GetBikou
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 8
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
            End With
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.88 * KEISUU, 2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, (2.37 - 1.88) * KEISUU, (3.47 - 2.29) * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .line.Visible = True
'        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
'        .line.Weight = 1
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 153, 255)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
'        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
'    End With
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, _
                               1.88 * KEISUU, _
                               2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              (2.37 - 1.88) * KEISUU, _
                              (3.47 - 2.29) * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .line
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
            .Weight = 1
        End With
        With .Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_1
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = ""
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 8
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
        .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************
' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 2.37 * KEISUU, 2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, (4.78 - 2.37) * KEISUU, (3.11 - 2.29) * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .line.Visible = True
'        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
'        .line.Weight = 1
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "注文コード"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑧注文コード文字色変更による修正 K.H
''******** START *********************************************
''        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
''******** END ***********************************************
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'    End With

    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, _
                               2.37 * KEISUU, _
                               2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              (4.78 - 2.37) * KEISUU, _
                              (3.11 - 2.29) * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .line
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
            .Weight = 1
        End With
        With .Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_2
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = "注文コード"
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 7
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then

End If

' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 2.37 * KEISUU, 2.57 * KEISUU + y_step, (4.78 - 2.37) * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetOrderCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 10
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑧注文コード文字色変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
'******** END ***********************************************
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 11.68 * KEISUU, 2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, (17.78 - 11.68) * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .line.Visible = True
'        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
'        .line.Weight = 1
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetMakerName
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
'        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
'    End With
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, _
                               11.68 * KEISUU, _
                                2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              (17.78 - 11.68) * KEISUU, _
                                0.45 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .line
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
            .Weight = 1
        End With
        With .Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_2
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = item.GetMakerName
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 8
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
            End With
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
            .HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
            .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.78 * KEISUU, 2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, (11.68 - 4.78) * KEISUU, 0.45 * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .line.Visible = True
'        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
'        .line.Weight = 1
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(229, 229, 255)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = item.GetItemName
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        If m_MenuInit.GetFontMojisuFor15 * 2 >= ByteLength(item.GetItemName) Then
'            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 9
'        Else
'            .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
'        End If
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
'        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
'        .TextFrame.WordWrap = msoFalse
'    End With
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, _
                               4.78 * KEISUU, _
                               2.29 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              (11.68 - 4.78) * KEISUU, _
                               0.45 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        With .line
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
            .Weight = 1
        End With
        With .Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_2
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = item.GetItemName
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    If m_MenuInit.GetFontMojisuFor15 * 2 >= ByteLength(item.GetItemName) Then
                        .Size = 9
                        .Size = 7
                    End If
                    .Bold = True
                    .Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
            End With
            .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
            .HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
            .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
            .WordWrap = msoFalse
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 4.78 * KEISUU, 2.74 * KEISUU + y_step, (9.54 - 4.78) * KEISUU, 0.37 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "品番:" & item.GetItemCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 9.54 * KEISUU, 2.74 * KEISUU + y_step, (13.83 - 9.54) * KEISUU, 0.37 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "JANコード:   " & item.GetJanCd
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 13.83 * KEISUU, 2.74 * KEISUU + y_step, (17.78 - 13.83) * KEISUU, 0.37 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    If item.GetEcoFlg Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetEcoGifFile, False, True, 13.97 * KEISUU, 2.77 * KEISUU + y_step, 0.32 * KEISUU * 48 / 19, 0.32 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If

    If item.GetGpnFlg Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetGpnGifFile, False, True, 14.92 * KEISUU, 2.77 * KEISUU + y_step, 0.32 * KEISUU * 45 / 27, 0.32 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If

    If item.GetGreenFlg Then
        With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddPicture(m_MenuInit.GetGreenGifFile, False, True, 15.67 * KEISUU, 2.77 * KEISUU + y_step, 0.32 * KEISUU * 45 / 28, 0.32 * KEISUU)
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
        End With
    End If
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ②(6:ユーザ価格)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'If hasUserPrice Then
If UserPriceFlg <> USER_TANKA_OFF Then
'******** END ***********************************************
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 2.37 * KEISUU, 3.11 * KEISUU + y_step, (9.54 - 2.37) * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "販売価格(税込) /" & AddComma(item.GetPriceWithTax) & "             (本体) /" & AddComma(item.GetPriceWithoutTax)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑦ユーザ価格のフォント変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        With .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=9, Length:=Len(AddComma(item.GetPriceWithTax)) + 2).Font
            .Size = 8
            .Bold = True
        End With
'******** END ***********************************************
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 9.54 * KEISUU, 3.11 * KEISUU + y_step, (13.83 - 9.54) * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込) " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込) /" & AddComma(item.GetListPriceWZ)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 2.37 * KEISUU, 3.11 * KEISUU + y_step, (9.54 - 2.37) * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPriceWZ = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込) " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税込) /" & AddComma(item.GetListPriceWZ)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 9.54 * KEISUU, 3.11 * KEISUU + y_step, (13.83 - 9.54) * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します start
        If item.GetListPrice = 0 Then
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税抜) " & "オープン価格"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "本体価格(税抜) /" & AddComma(item.GetListPrice)
        End If
        'liyang 修正します 2008/10/17 本体価格が0の場合には「オープン価格」と表示します end
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
End If

    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 13.83 * KEISUU, 3.11 * KEISUU + y_step, (17.78 - 13.83) * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        '.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        If item.GetBackgroundColRGB <> "" Then
            .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = item.GetBackgroundColRGB
        End If
        ' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 背景色区分を追加します
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "販売単位:" & item.GetMinShukaTanni
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ③(7:カタログページ追加)による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
If CatalogDispFlg And item.GetCatalogPage > "0" Then
    'liyang 修正します 2008/10/22 start
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 16.6 * KEISUU, 3.11 * KEISUU + y_step, 1.18 * KEISUU, 0.36 * KEISUU)
    'liyang 修正します 2008/10/22 end
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .line.Visible = True
        .line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(51, 51, 153)
        .line.Weight = 1
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "P." & AddComma(item.GetCatalogPage)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
    End With
End If

'******** END ***********************************************

' 修正履歴 Ver.3.0  ④任意でヘッダーの色を反映 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.9 * KEISUU, 2.27 * KEISUU + y_step, (2.36 - 1.9) * KEISUU, 0.06 * KEISUU)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .line.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
'        .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
'        .Fill.Solid
'        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(153, 153, 255)
''        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 7
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
'        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
'        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
'    End With
    Set newObj = pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes. _
                    AddTextbox(1, _
                               1.9 * KEISUU, _
                               2.27 * KEISUU + y_step, _
                              (2.36 - 1.9) * KEISUU, _
                               0.06 * KEISUU)
    With newObj
        .line.Visible = False
        With .Fill
            .Visible = msoTrue
            .ForeColor.RGB = item.GetHeaderColRGB_1
        End With
        With .TextFrame
            .MarginBottom = 0.03 * KEISUU
            .MarginTop = 0.04 * KEISUU
            .MarginLeft = 0.11 * KEISUU
            .MarginRight = 0.11 * KEISUU
            With .TextRange
                .Text = ""
                With .Font
                    .NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
                    .Size = 7
                    .Bold = False
                End With
                .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignLeft
                .Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
            End With
        .AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
        End With
    End With
'******** END ***********************************************
If Err <> 0 Then
    AddItem15 = "[Method:AddItem15]商品のページへの追加処理に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

'ジョインテックスカタログ専用Function クラス継承の仕方が不明のためPPTFileに直書きしています
Public Function Paging(pageNo As String) As String
On Error Resume Next

    Paging = ""
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑥ページ数表示書式変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 17.6 * KEISUU, 26.71 * KEISUU, 1.31 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 8.9 * KEISUU, 26.71 * KEISUU, 1.31 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
'******** END ***********************************************
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone

' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑥ページ数表示書式変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .line.Visible = True
'        .line.Weight = 0.75
'        .line.Style = 1
        .line.Visible = False
'******** END ***********************************************

        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 10.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 10.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginLeft = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginRight = 0.25 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginBottom = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.MarginTop = 0.13 * KEISUU
        .TextFrame.HorizontalAnchor = msoAnchorNone
        .TextFrame.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
'        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeShapeToFitText
'        .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
        .Fill.Visible = False
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = itemInfo.GetBunrui
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Trim(pageNo)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=12).Font.Size = 8
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(Start:=7, Length:=4).Font.Size = 6
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑥ページ数表示書式変更による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
'        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignRight
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
'******** END ***********************************************
        .TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
        .TextFrame.WordWrap = False
    End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    Paging = "[Method:Paging]ページ番号の追加に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function
' 修正履歴 Ver.2.0  ⑩大分類見出し追加による修正 K.H
'******** START *********************************************
Public Function Heading(StrHead As String) As String
On Error Resume Next

    Heading = ""
    With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Slides(slideNo).Shapes.AddTextbox(1, 1.87 * KEISUU, 0.5 * KEISUU, 15.67 * KEISUU, 0.64 * KEISUU)
        .line.Visible = False
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = StrHead
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameAscii = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
        .TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs(Start:=1, Length:=Len(StrHead)).ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter

        .TextFrame.AutoSize = ppAutoSizeNone
    End With

If Err <> 0 Then
    Heading = "[Method:Heading]大分類見出しの追加に失敗しました。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If

End Function

' 修正履歴 PS.Ver.1.0 Slideをコピー
' liyang 2008/09/20 追加します
Private Function SlideCopy(position As Integer, ByRef item As iteminfo, tempFileName As String) As String
      Dim SourceView, answer As Integer
      Dim SourceSlides, NumPres, x, i As Long
      Dim SourcePresentation As Integer
      Dim wCnt1 As Integer
      Dim wObjectCount As Integer
      pptApp.Visible = msoCTrue
      pptApp.Presentations.Open (tempFileName)
      If (Not patternKbnflg) Then
          SourcePresentation = pptApp.Presentations.count
          SourceSlides = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides.count
          wObjectCount = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.count
          SourcePresentation = pptApp.Presentations.count
          SourceSlides = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides.count
          Dim SourceShapesTop As Integer
          Dim SourceShapesLeft As Integer
          For wCnt1 = 1 To wObjectCount
              SourceShapesTop = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Range(wCnt1).Top
              SourceShapesLeft = pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Range(wCnt1).Left
              With pptApp.Presentations(presenNo).Windows(slideNo).Selection.ShapeRange
                   .Top = SourceShapesTop + 400
                   .Left = SourceShapesLeft
              End With
      End If
If Err <> 0 Then
    SlideCopy = "[Method:SlideCopy]スライドのコピーに失敗しましたた。" & Space$(1) & "Error=" & Error(Err)
End If
End Function
' 修正履歴 liyang 追加します kill powerpoint 2008/10/22
Public Sub killPowerPoint()
Dim hProcess As Long
Dim lProcess As Long
Dim hSnapshot As Long, lRet As Long, P As PROCESSENTRY32
P.dwSize = Len(P)
hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, ByVal 0)
If hSnapshot Then
        lRet = Process32First(hSnapshot, P)
        Do While lRet
                If InStr(P.szExeFile, POWERPOINTPPROCESSNAME) <> 0 Then
                        lProcess = OpenProcess(1, False, P.th32ProcessID)
                        TerminateProcess lProcess, lExitCode
                        lRet = CloseHandle(P.th32ProcessID)
                End If
                lRet = Process32Next(hSnapshot, P)
End If
End Sub





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


