
1.Common Visual C++ 64-bit Migration Issues

When you use Visual C++ to create applications to run on a 64-bit Windows operating system, you should be aware of the following issues:

当你用Visual c++创建运行在64位Windows上的程序时,你应该意识到下列问题:

  • An int and a long are 32-bit values on 64-bit Windows operating systems. For programs that you plan to compile for 64-bit platforms, you should be careful not to assign pointers to 32-bit variables. Pointers are 64-bit on 64-bit platforms, and you will truncate the pointer value if you assign it to a 32-bit variable.


  • size_ttime_t, and ptrdiff_t are 64-bit values on 64-bit Windows operating systems.


  • time_t is a 32-bit value on 32-bit Windows operating systems in Visual C++ versions before Visual C++ 2005. time_t is now a 64-bit integer by default. For more information, see Time Management.


   Visual c++ 2005之前的Visual c++版本,time_t占32位在32位系统上。现在time_t默认是64位整型。(为了处理32位时间漏洞?)

You should be aware of where your code takes an int value and processes it as a size_t or time_tvalue. It is possible that the number could grow to be larger than a 32-bit number and data will be truncated when it is passed back to the int storage.


The %x (hex int format) printf modifier will not work as expected on a 64-bit Windows operating system. It will only operate on the first 32 bits of the value that is passed to it.


  • Use %I32x to display a 32-bit integral type in hex format.


  • Use %I64x to display a 64-bit integral type in hex format.


  • The %p (hex format for a pointer) will work as expected on a 64-bit Windows operating system.



2.x64 software conventions [节选]

Overview of x64 calling conventions


Two important differences between x86 and x64 are the 64-bit addressing capability and a flat set of 16 64-bit registers for general use. Given the expanded register set, x64 uses the __fastcall calling convention and a RISC-based exception-handling model. The __fastcall convention uses registers for the first four arguments and the stack frame to pass additional arguments. For details on the x64 calling convention, including register usage, stack parameters, return values, and stack unwinding, see x64 calling convention.


Register usage


The x64 architecture provides for 16 general-purpose registers (hereafter referred to as integer registers) as well as 16 XMM/YMM registers available for floating-point use. Volatile registers are scratch registers presumed by the caller to be destroyed across a call. Nonvolatile registers are required to retain their values across a function call and must be saved by the callee if used.


Register volatility and preservation


The following table describes how each register is used across function calls:


RAXVolatileReturn value register
RCXVolatileFirst integer argument
RDXVolatileSecond integer argument
R8VolatileThird integer argument
R9VolatileFourth integer argument
R10:R11VolatileMust be preserved as needed by caller; used in syscall/sysret instructions
R12:R15NonvolatileMust be preserved by callee
RDINonvolatileMust be preserved by callee
RSINonvolatileMust be preserved by callee
RBXNonvolatileMust be preserved by callee
RBPNonvolatileMay be used as a frame pointer; must be preserved by callee
RSPNonvolatileStack pointer
XMM0, YMM0VolatileFirst FP argument; first vector-type argument when __vectorcall is used
XMM1, YMM1VolatileSecond FP argument; second vector-type argument when __vectorcall is used
XMM2, YMM2VolatileThird FP argument; third vector-type argument when __vectorcall is used
XMM3, YMM3VolatileFourth FP argument; fourth vector-type argument when __vectorcall is used
XMM4, YMM4VolatileMust be preserved as needed by caller; fifth vector-type argument when __vectorcall is used
XMM5, YMM5VolatileMust be preserved as needed by caller; sixth vector-type argument when __vectorcall is used
XMM6:XMM15, YMM6:YMM15Nonvolatile (XMM), Volatile (upper half of YMM)Must be preserved by callee. YMM registers must be preserved as needed by caller.

On function exit and on function entry to C Runtime Library calls and Windows system calls, the direction flag in the CPU flags register is expected to be cleared.


Image format


The x64 executable image format is PE32+. Executable images (both DLLs and EXEs) are restricted to a maximum size of 2 gigabytes, so relative addressing with a 32-bit displacement can be used to address static image data. This data includes the import address table, string constants, static global data, and so on.






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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


