

The following are the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) :

Q1) What is a Generation Data Group (GDG)?
A1) Generation Data Group is a group of chronologically or functionally related datasets. GDGs are processed periodically, often by adding a new generation, retaining previous generations, and sometimes discarding the oldest generation.

Q2) How is a GDG base created?

A2) A GDG base is created in the system catalog and keeps track of the generation numbers used for datasets in the group. IDCAMS utility is used to define the GDG base.
GDG BASE 怎么样创建?GDG BASE在系统编目时被创建并且在GDG中保留用于DATASET中的世代个数的空间。使用IDCAMS定义GDG BASE。
Q3) What is model dataset label(Model DSCB)?
A3) A model dataset label is a pattern for the dataset label created for any dataset named as a part of the GDG group. The system needs an existing dataset to serve as a model to supply the DCB parameters for the generation data group one wishes to create. The model dataset label must be cataloged. The model DSCB name is placed on the DCB parameter on the DD statement that creates the generation data group.
什么是MODEL DSCB? MODEL DSCB是为GDG里的部分DATASET名创定标签。系统需要一个存在的DATASET做为一个模型向你想创建的GDG提供DCB参数。该模型 DATASET标签必须被编目,MODEL DSCB名放在创建GDG的DD语句中的DCB参数中。

Q4) How are GDGs concatenated?
A4) Generation Data Groups are concatenated by specifying each dataset name and the generation number for all generations of the generation data group. Otherwise to have all generations of a generation data group, omit the generation number. The DD statement will refer to all generations. The result is the same as if all individual datasets were concatenated. If generations are not on the same volume, this will not work.
GDG怎么样级联?GDG级联既可以指定每一个DATASET名,也可以指定GDG里的世代个数。另外,级联GDG里的所有世代可以省略世代个数。DD语 句将涉及到所有的世代。结果和一个一个的级联一样。如果世代不在同一个卷上该命令将不起作用。

Q5) How is a new GDG coded?
A5) A new GDG is coded as (+1) after the dataset name as follows: DSN=JAN.DATA(+1). This will cause all generations to be pushed down one level at the end of the job.
怎么编写GDG?一个新的子代GDG在DATASET名后加个(+1),例如:DSN=JAN.DATA(+1)将使所有的世代数据都向上升一代(个人理 解)。并将该代数据放在最后一代。

Q6) When should DISP=MOD is used?
A6) DISP=MOD is used to either extend an existing sequential dataset or to create a dataset if it does not exist. If the dataset exists, then records are appended to the dataset at the end of the existing dataset. If the dataset does not exist, the system treats MOD as if it were NEW, provided that the volume parameter has not been used. If the volume parameter is used, the system terminates the job and does not create the new dataset. MOD can be used to add to a dataset that extends onto several volumes. Always specify a disposition of CATLG with MOD for cataloged datasets, even if they are already cataloged, so that any additional volume serial numbers will be recorded in the catalog.
、什么时候使用DISP=MOD?DISP=MOD既可以扩展一个顺序DATASET,也可以创建一个没有存在的DATASET,对于一个存在的 DATASET,记录被追加到末尾。如果没存在系统将把MOD当成NEW看,提供一个没有使用的空间参数。如果空间参数使用过了,系统则终止JOB并且不 创建DATASET,MOD可以被用来扩展一个DATASET的空间。经常用MOD为一个编目的DATASET指定CATLG的属性,既使它已经编目了, 因此在编目中可以增加任何连续的空间来写记录。

Q7) How is a dataset passed from one step to another?
A7) A dataset is passed from one step to another based on what is coded on the DISP parameter. The dataset can only be passed to subsequent steps if PASS was used on the disposition parameter.

Q8) How are datasets concatenated?
A8) Datasets are concatenated by writing a normal DD statement for the first dataset and then adding a DD statement without a DDNAME for each dataset to be concatenated in the order they are to be read. The following is an example of three datasets concatenated:
Q9) What is the difference between the JOBLIB and the STEPLIB statements?
A9) The JOBLIB statement is placed after the JOB statement and is effective for all job steps. It cannot be placed in a
cataloged procedure. The STEPLIB statement is placed after the EXEC statement and is effective for that job step
only. Unlike the JOBLIB statement, the STEPLIB can be placed in a cataloged procedure.
JOBLIB语句是在JOB语句之后,对于所有的steps都有效,并且不能放在编目过程中,JOBLIB语句是在EXEC语句之后,只对当前的step 有效,不同于JOBLIB,它可以放在编目过程中。

Q10) Name some of the JCL statements that are not allowed in procs.?
A10) Some of the JCL statements which are not allowed in procedures are:
1. JOB, Delimiter(/*), or Null statements
2. JOBLIB or JOBCAT DD statements
3. DD * or DATA statements
4. Any JES2 or JES3 control statements
1. JOB, 分隔符(/*), 或空语句
3. DD * 或DATA语句
4. 任何 JES2 或 JES3 控制语句

Q11) What is primary allocation for a dataset?
A11) The space allocated when the dataset is first created.


Q12) What is the difference between primary and secondary allocations for a dataset?
A12) Secondary allocation is done when more space is required than what has already been allocated.

Q13) How many extents are possible for a sequential file ? For a VSAM file ?
A13) 16 extents on a volume for a sequential file and 123 for a VSAM file.
顺序文件为在一个卷上为16 extents,VSAM文件为123

Q14) What does a disposition of (NEW,CATLG,DELETE) mean? – GS
A14) That this is a new dataset and needs to be allocated, to CATLG the dataset if the step is successful and to delete the dataset if the step abends.

Q15) What does a disposition of (NEW,CATLG,KEEP) mean? – GS
A15) That this is a new dataset and needs to be allocated, to CATLG the dataset if the step is successful and to KEEP but not CATLG the dataset if the step abends. Thus if the step abends, the dataset would not be catalogued and we would need to supply the vol. ser the next time we refer to it.
创建一个新的数据集,在作业步正常结束时编目然后保留在相应的卷上,异常终止时不编目。所以当作业步异常终止时,数据集不编目,并需要为下次提供相应的卷 序列号

Q16) How do you access a file that had a disposition of KEEP? – GS
A16) Need to supply Volume Serial Number

Q17) MOD, DELETE; What does a disposition of (,DELETE) mean ?
A17) The MOD will cause the dataset to be created (if it does not exist), and then the two DELETEs will cause the dataset to be deleted whether the step abends or not. This disposition is used to clear out a dataset at the beginning of a job.

Q18) What is the DD statement for a output file?
A18) Unless allocated earlier, will have the following parameters: DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), UNIT , SPACE & DCB

Q19) What do you do if you do not want to keep all the space allocated to a dataset? – GS
A19) Specify the parameter RLSE ( release ) in the SPACE e.g. SPACE=(CYL,(50,50),RLSE)

A20) This is a new file and create it, if the step terminates normally, pass it to the subsequent steps and if step abends, delete it. This dataset will not exist beyond the JCL.

Q21) How do you create a temporary dataset? Where will you use them?
A21) Temporary datasets can be created either by not specifying any DSNAME or by specifying the temporary file indicator as in DSN=&&TEMP. We use them to carry the output of one step to another step in the same job. The dataset will not be retained once the job completes.

Q22) How do you restart a PROC from a particular step? – GS
A22) In job card, specify RESTART=PROCSTEP.STEPNAME where PROCSTEP = name of the JCL step that invoked the PROC and STEPNAME = name of the PROC step where you want execution to start
在一个特殊作业步中如何restart 一个 PROC

Q23) How do you skip a particular step in a proc/JOB? – GS
A23) Can use either condition codes or use the jcl control statement IF (only in ESA JCL)/
如何skip 一个特殊作业步skip

Q24) A PROC has five steps. Step 3 has a condition code. How can you override/nullify this condition code? – GS
A24) Provide the override on the EXEC stmt in the JCL as follows:
//STEP001 EXEC procname, COND.stepname=value
All parameters on an EXEC stmt in the proc such as COND, PARM have to be overridden like this.
一个PROC有5个作业步,Step 3有一个条件代码,如何erride/nullify这个条件代码
//STEP001 EXEC procname, COND.stepname=value
象COND, PARM这样的EXEC语句必须这样覆盖

Q25) How do you override a specific DDNAME/SYSIN in PROC from a JCL?
A25) // DSN=…
// DSN=…

Q26) What is NOTCAT 2 – GS
A26) This is an MVS message indicating that a duplicate catalog entry exists. E.g., if you already have a dataset with dsn = ‘xxxx.yyyy’ and u try to create one with disp new, catlg, you would get this error. the program open and write would go through and at the end of the step the system would try to put it in the system catalog. at this point since an entry already exists the catlg would fail and give this message. you can fix the problem by deleting/uncataloging the first data set and going to the volume where the new dataset exists(this info is in the msglog of the job) and cataloging it.
什么时是NOTCAT 2
这是一个MVS的消息标志,它复制一个catalog entry exists,如果已经有了一个数据集dsn = ‘xxxx.yyyy’,那么当再创建一个新的时就会显示错误,程序的打开和写would go through,以及在系统的作业步的最后会试着吧它放进系统编目中,一个an entry already exists the catlg会报错,并且给出信息。用deleting/uncataloging 第一个数据集去fix 程序,然后去有新的数据集的卷,创建它。

Q27) What is ‘S0C7′ abend? – GS
A27) Caused by invalid data in a numeric field.

Q28) What is a S0C4 error ? – GS
A28) Storage violation error – can be due to various reasons. e.g.: READING a file that is not open, invalid address referenced due to subscript error.

Q29) What are SD37, SB37, SE37 abends?
A29) All indicate dataset out of space. SD37 – no secondary allocation was specified. SB37 – end of vol. and no further volumes specified. SE37 – Max. of 16 extents already allocated.
SD37, SB37, SE37 abends是甚么
SE37已经分配到最大16 extents


Q30) What is S322 abend ?
A30) Indicates a time out abend. Your program has taken more CPU time than the default limit for the job class. Could indicate an infinite loop.
甚么是S322 abend

Q31) Why do you want to specify the REGION parameter in a JCL step? – GS
A31) To override the REGION defined at the JOB card level. REGION specifies the max region size. REGION=0K or 0M or omitting REGION means no limit will be applied.

Q32) What does the TIME parameter signify ? What does TIME=1440 mean ?
A32) TIME parameter can be used to overcome S322 abends for programs that genuinely need more CPU time. TIME=1440 means no CPU time limit is to be applied to this step.
TIME参数的意思是甚么?TIME=1440 表示甚么
TIME当程序需要更多的CPU时间时用于克服S322 abends

Q33) What is COND=EVEN ?
A33) Means execute this step even if any of the previous steps, terminated abnormally.

Q34) What is COND=ONLY ?
A34) Means execute this step only if any of the previous steps, terminated abnormally.

Q35) How do you check the syntax of a JCL without running it?
A35) TYPERUN=SCAN on the JOB card or use JSCAN.

Q36) What does IEBGENER do?
A36) Used to copy one QSAM file to another. Source dataset should be described using SYSUT1 ddname. Destination dataset should be described using SYSUT2. IEBGENR can also do some reformatting of data by supplying control cards via SYSIN.
用于copy QSAM文件
资源数据集用SYSUT1 ddname.描述,目标数据集SYSUT2描述???????

Q37) How do you send the output of a COBOL program to a member of a PDS?
A37) Code the DSN as PDS (member) with a DISP = SHR. The DISP applies to the PDS and not to a specific member.

Q38) I have multiple jobs ( JCLs with several JOB cards ) in a member. What happens if I submit it?
A38) Multiple jobs are submitted (as many jobs as the number of JOB cards).

Q39) I have a COBOL program that Accepts some input data. How do you code the JCL statement for this?
( How do you code instream data in a JCL? )
A39) //SYSIN DD*
input data
input data
input data
input data

Q40) Can you code instream data in a PROC ?
A40) No.
Q41) How do you overcome this limitation ?
A41) One way is to code SYSIN DD DUMMY in the PROC, and then override this from the JCL with instream data.

Q42) How do you run a COBOL batch program from a JCL? How do you run a COBOL/DB2 program?
A42) To run a non DB2 program,

To run a DB2 program,
PLAN(…..) LIB(….) PARMS(…)
PLAN(…..) LIB(….) PARMS(…)

Q43) What is STEPLIB, JOBLIB? What is it used for? – GS
A43) Specifies that the private library (or libraries) specified should be searched before the default system libraries in order to locate a program to be executed. STEPLIB applies only to the particular step, JOBLIB to all steps in the job.

Q44) What is order of searching of the libraries in a JCL? – GS
A44) First any private libraries as specified in the STEPLIB or JOBLIB, then the system libraries such as SYS1.LINKLIB. The system libraries are specified in the link list.

Q45) What happens if both JOBLIB and STEPLIB is specified ?
A45) JOBLIB is ignored.

Q46) When you specify mutiple datasets in a JOBLIB or STEPLIB, what factor determines the order? – GS
A46) The library with the largest block size should be the first one.
当在JOBLIB 或 STEPLIB指定多个数据集时,顺序由甚么因素决定

Q47) How to change default PROCLIB?

Q48) The disp in the JCL is MOD and the program opens the file in OUTPUT mode. What happens ? The DISP in the JCL is SHR and the program opens the file in EXTEND mode. What happens ?
A48) Records will be written to end of file (append) when a WRITE is done in both cases.

Q49) What are the valid DSORG values ?
A49) PS – QSAM, PO – Partitioned, IS – ISAM

Q50) What are the differences between JES2 & JES3 ?
A50) JES3 allocates datasets for all the steps before the job is scheduled. In JES2, allocation of datasets required by a step are done only just before the step executes.
JES2 & JES3有甚么区别
Q41) How do you overcome this limitation ?
A41) One way is to code SYSIN DD DUMMY in the PROC, and then override this from the JCL with instream data.
一种方法是在过程中使用SYSIN DD DUMMY语句,然后在JCL中的流内语句中调用他。


Q42) How do you run a COBOL batch program from a JCL? How do you run a COBOL/DB2 program?
A42) To run a non DB2 program,

To run a DB2 program,
PLAN(…..) LIB(….) PARMS(…)

Q43) What is STEPLIB, JOBLIB? What is it used for? – GS
A43) Specifies that the private library (or libraries) specified should be searched before the default system libraries in order to locate a program to be executed. STEPLIB applies only to the particular step, JOBLIB to all steps in the job.
指定一个(或多个)私有的库,为了找到被执行的程序,指定应该在系统默认库之前。STEPLIB只应用于特定的STEP,JOBLIB则应用于JOB里的 所有STEP。

Q44) What is order of searching of the libraries in a JCL? – GS
A44) First any private libraries as specified in the STEPLIB or JOBLIB, then the system libraries such as SYS1.LINKLIB. The system libraries are specified in the link list.

Q45) What happens if both JOBLIB and STEPLIB is specified ?
A45) JOBLIB is ignored.
Q46) When you specify mutiple datasets in a JOBLIB or STEPLIB, what factor determines the order? – GS
A46) The library with the largest block size should be the first one.
block size值最大的库应该最先访问。
Q47) How to change default PROCLIB?

Q48) The disp in the JCL is MOD and the program opens the file in OUTPUT mode. What happens ? The DISP in the JCL is SHR and the program opens the file in EXTEND mode. What happens ?
A48) Records will be written to end of file (append) when a WRITE is done in both cases.
Q49) What are the valid DSORG values ?
A49) PS – QSAM, PO – Partitioned, IS – ISAM

Q50) What are the differences between JES2 & JES3 ?
A50) JES3 allocates datasets for all the steps before the job is scheduled. In JES2, allocation of datasets required by a step are done only just before the step executes.

Q51) What are the causes for S0C1, S0C4, S0C5, S0C7, S0CB abends ?
A51) S0C1-May be due to 1.Missing or misspelled DD name 2.Read/Write to unopened dataset 3.Read to dataset opened
output 4.Write to dataset opened input 5.Called subprogram not found
S0C4-may be due to 1.Missing Select statement(during compile) 2.Bad Subscript/index 3.Protection Exception
4.Missing parameters on called subprogram 5.Read/Write to unopened file 6.Move data from/to unopened file
S0C5-May be due to 1.Bad Subscript/index 2.Closing an unopened dataset 3.Bad exit from a perform 4.Access to I/O
area(FD) before read
S0C7-may be due to 1.Numeric operation on non-numeric data 2.Un-initialize working-storage 3.Coding past the
maximum allowed sub script
S0CB-may be due to 1.Division by Zero
SOC1:可能有几点。1,没写DD名或DD名拼写错误。2,读/写一个未打开的DATASET,3将开着的DATASET数据输出,4,往打开的 DATASET写入数据。5,调用的子程序没找到
SOCB: 用0分隔。

Q52) What are the kinds of job control statements?
A52) The JOB, EXEC and DD statement.

Q53) What is the meaning of keyword in JCL? What is its opposite?
A53) A keyword in a JCL statement may appear in different places and is recognized by its name, eg. MSGCLASS in the JOB statement. The opposite is positional words, where their meaning is based on their position in the statement, eg. in the DISP keyword the =(NEW,CATLG,DELETE) meanings are based on first, second and third position.
JCL里的关键字出现在不同的位置都可以被识别。例如:MSGCLASS。写其他对应的是位置参数。在不同的位置意思不同。例如:在DISP里的三个位置 的意思都不一样

Q54) Describe the JOB statement, its meaning, syntax and significant keywords?
A54) The JOB statement is the first in a JCL stream. Its format is // jobname, keyword JOB, accounting information in brackets and keywords, MSGCLASS, MSGLEVEL, NOTIFIY, CLASS, etc.

Q55) Describe the EXEC statement, its meaning, syntax and keywords?
A55) The EXEC statement identifies the program to be executed via a PGM= program name keyword. Its format is //jobname EXEC PGM= program name. The PARM= keyword can be used to pass external values to the executing program.
EXEC语句使用“PGM=程序名”指出了要执行的程序名。格式是//STEP名 EXEC PGM=程序名。

Q56) Describe the DD statement, its meaning, syntax and keywords?
A56) The DD statement links the external dataset name (DSN) to the DDNAME coded within the executing program. It links the file names within the program code to the file names know to the MVS operating system. The syntax is // ddname DD DSN=dataset name. Other keywords after DSN are DISP, DCB, SPACE, etc.
DD语句用来将外部DATASET名传递到执行的程序当中。他将存放程序代码的文件和MVS操作系统的文件联接起来。跟在DSN后面的参数有 DISP,DCB等。


Q57) What is a PROC? What is the difference between an instream and a catalogued PROC?
A57) PROC stands for procedure. It is ‘canned’ JCL invoked by a PROC statement. An instream PROC is presented within the JCL; a catalogued PROC is referenced from a proclib partitioned dataset.

Q58) What is the difference between a symbolic and an override in executing a PROC?
A58) A symbolic is a PROC placeholder; the value for the symbolic is supplied when the PROC is invoked, eg. &symbol=value. An override replaces the PROC’s statement with another one; it substitutes for the entire statement.

Q59) What is RESTART? How is it invoked?
A59) RESTART is a JOB statement keyword. It is used to restart the job at a specified step rather than at the beginning.

Q60) What is a GDG? How is it referenced? How is it defined? What is a MODELDSCB?
A60) GDG stands for generation data group. It is a dataset with versions that can be referenced absolutely or relatively. It is defined by an IDCAMS define generation datagroup execution.

Q61) Explain concatenating datasets?
A61) Datasets can be grouped in a DD statement one after another, eg. in a JOBLIB statement where the load module can exist in one of many datasets.

Q62) What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD and DISP=SHR for a dataset?
A62) DISP=OLD denotes exclusive control of the dataset; DISP=SHR means there is no exclusivity.

Q63) What is MOD and when would you use it?
A63) DISP=MOD is used when the dataset can be extended, ie, you can add records at the end of an existing dataset

Q64) What are the keywords associated with DCB? How can you specify DCB information? What is the OS precedence for obtaining that DCB information, ie. where does the system look for it first?
A64) The keywords associated with the DCB parameter are LRECL, RECFM, BLKSIZE and DSORG. The DCB information can be supplied in the DD statement. The system looks for DCB information in the program code first.

Q65) How do you designate a comment in JCL?
A65) The comment statement is //* followed by the comments.

Q66) What is the meaning of the EXEC statement keyword, COND? What is its syntax?
A66) COND specifies the conditions for executing the subsequent job step. The value after the COND= is compared to the return codes of the preceding steps and if the comparison is true, the step is bypassed. (If this answer confuses you, welcome to the club – memorize it and don’t ask questions!)
EXEC语句中的COND是什么意思?COND指出了执行下面的STEP的条件。COND后的值与前一STEP的返回码进行比较,如果比较条件成立则该 STEP将不执行。

Q67) What is the improvement to COND= in the latest version of MVS?
A67) MVS now allows for an IF bracketed by an END IF around any job step to replace the COND= syntax. Again, if the IF statement is true, the step is bypassed.
在最近的MVS版本中对COND参数做了哪些改进?MVS现在允许等价的IF。。。ENDIF语句代替COND语句。如果IF语句为真,该STEP将被跳 过。

Q68) What is the purpose of the PARM keyword in the EXEC statement?
A68) The value after the PARM= specifies control information to be passed to the executing program of the job step.
在EXEC语句中使用PARM关键字的目的是什么?PARM后的值是一些控制参数,被传递到JOB STEP里执行的PGM中。

Q69) What is the purpose and meaning of the REGION keyword and what JCL statement is it associated with?
A69) REGION specifies the maximum CPU memory allocated for a particular job or job step. If REGION is in the JOB card, it relates to the entire job; if in the EXEC statement, it relates to the job step.
REGION关键字的作用和意义?REGION指为特定的JOB和JOB STEP分配的最大的CPU空间。如果在JOB CARD中则指整个JOB的最大的CPU空间,在EXEC语句中刚指该JOB STEP执行的最大CPU空间。


Q70) What is the purpose and meaning of the TIME keyword and what JCL statement is it associated with?
A70) TIME specifies the maximum CPU time allocated for a particular job or job step. If TIME is in the JOB card, it relates to the entire job; if in the EXEC statement, it relates to the job step.
TIME指为一个特定的JOB或JOB STEP分配的最大的CPU时间。如果TIME在JOB CARD里指整个JOB的执行的最大时间,如果在EXEC语句里则指该JOB STEP执行的最大时间。

Q71) What is the meaning of data definition name (ddname) and dataset name (dsname) in the DD statement?
A71) Data definition name is the eight character designation after the // of the DD statement. It matches the internal name specified in the steps executing program. In COBOL that’s the name specified after the ASSIGN in the SELECT ASSIGN statement. Dataset name is the operating system (MVS) name for the file.
在DD语句中DDNAME和DSNAME是什么意思?DDNAME是DD语句中//后的八个字符,它必须与执行的PGM中指定的相匹配。在COBOL中应 与SELECT ASSIGN语句中ASSIGN后指定的名字(相匹配)。DSN是OS中的文件名。

Q72) How is the keyword DUMMY used in JCL?
A72) For an output file DUMMY specifies that the output is to be discarded. For input it specifies that the file is empty.

Q73) What does the keyword DCB mean and what are some of the keywords associated with it?
A73) DCB stands for data control block; it is a keyword for the DD statement used to describe datasets. Keywords associated with it are BLKSIZE, DEN, LRECL and RECFM.
DCB关键字是什么意思,与它相关的一些关键字有哪些?DCB是在DD语句中用来描述DATASET的关键字,与其相关的关键字有 BLKSIZE,DEN,LRECL。

Q74) What is the difference between BLKSIZE and LRECL?
A74) LRECL is the logical record length , where as BLKSIZE is multiples of LRECL

Q75) Can you execute a PROC from another PROC?
A75) I did not know the answer and my interviewer said NO. Later I tried and executed PROC from a PROC, three levels deep. Manuals do not state any limit on PROC calling PROC, or nesting.

Q76) What will happen if you attempt to restart a job in the middle of a JCL // IF …. // ENDIF?
A76) Job will fall through to the ENDIF (not executing any steps), then resume execution with the first step AFTER the // ENDIF

Q77) How many positional parameters are there in job statement?
A77) There are two position parameters in job statement.

Q78) What are three parameters you can specify on Job statement as well as on exec stmt ?
A78) Time, Region and Cond parameters

Q79) How can you trap abends in the JCL?
A79) Use IF ABEND statement in the JCL.
JCL里怎么样陷入挂起?使用IF ABEND 语句。

Q80) How do you restart a step in JCL?
A80) Use RESTART=step name.

Q81) How do you pass parameters to the program as the job is being executed ?
A81) By using ‘parm’ parameter in exec statement. the value mentioned here should be declared in linkage section in the program and process thru procedure division. this technique is very useful when you do not know the parameters at the time of coding the programs.

Q82) Why do you use a control card?
A82) A control card can be a member of a pds or a sequential dataset and is used for storing the date fields, Definitions of VSAM files….etc. You use control card because you cannot use a instream procedure in a procedure. Generally you will be calling a Proc from your Jcl and you cannot code instream procedure in the Proc and so you will point to the dataset which is called control card.
为何要使用控制卡?控制卡可以为PDS的成员,也可以是一个顺序DATASET,用来存储数据域和定义VSAM文件等等。使用控制字是因为在 PROCEDURE中不能使用流内程序。一般来说要在JCL中调用一个PROC时不能使用流内程序。所以要指向一个DATASET,该DATASET就叫 做控制卡。

Q83) How do you submit JCL via a Cobol program?
A83) In your JCL define as //JOBA JOB 1111, JOB1 //STEP01 EXEC PGM=PROG1 //ddname DD SYSOUT=(*,INTRDR)….and your COBOL(PROG1) should look like this SELECT JCL-FILE ASSIGN TO ddname. Open this file and write the JCL statements into this file. E.g. MOVE ‘//TESTJOB JOB 1111,VISVEISH’ TO JCL-REC.MOVE ‘//STEP01 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14′ TO JCL- REC and close this file. Then TESTJOB will be submitted.

Q84) How do you submit a JCL under CICS environment ?
A84) Pass all the jcl codes to a COBOL variable(should be declare using OCCURS clause) and the write the line one by one to the spool using CICS commands like SPOOLClose SPOOLOpen SPOOLWrite . For more help reffer CECI of CICS or CICS manual

Q85) What is the parameter to be passed in the job card for the unlimited time , irrespective of the job class ?
A85) TIME=1440
可以无限地被传递到JOB CARD上的参数是什么,不考虑JOB类?

Q86) Definition of COND parameter in JCL
A86) COND is a condition parameter, consists of 2 sub parameters, 1st – return code from the previous step, 2nd – condition. If COND is true, the step on which COND is coded will be BYPASSED.

Q87) What is meant by S0C7 system abend code?
A87) S0C7 – Data exception error – you will get it whenever you are trying to move the low values or spaces into the numeric field, or compare the numeric fields with low values, or try to do some arithmetic operations on the low values. To avoid this you have to always initialize the numeric fields otherwise they will contain the low values.
系统挂起码SOC7是什么意思?数据丢失错误。——当你试着移动低值(数据)或空格到数据域,或者用低值数据进行比较,或者试着对低值数据进行算术操作时 会发生此错误。避免该错误必须初始化数据域,否则他们将包含低值数据。

Q88) How to pass the temp dataset form one JOB step to another?
A88) By specifying the DISP as PASS for the temp dataset

Q89) What is a COND parameter in JCL?
A89) COND means condition parameter. It is compared with system return code of previous step.//step1 exec pgm=abcd//step2 exec pgm=xyz, cond=(4,lt)step2 will be executed when system return code of step1 is less than 4.
JCL中COND的参数是什么?COND是条件参数。和前一STEP的系统返回码进行比较。例如://step1 exec pgm=abcd//step2 exec pgm=xyz, cond=(4,lt)step2。当STEP1的返回码比4小时执行

Q90) Write a jcl to execute a job by 7 a.m on Jan 20,1986 ?
A90) THE code IS : //*MAIN DEADLINE=(0700,B,012086)

Q91) How many types of libraries are there in JCL ?
A91) Libraries are of three types.1.Sytem Libraries: SUCH AS SYS1.LINKLIB2.Private Libraries: SPECIFIED IN A JOBLIB OR STEPLIB DD STATEMENTS.3.Temporary Libraries: CREATED IN A PREVIOUS STEP OF THE JOB.

Q92) What u mean by include statement in JCL ?
A92) An include statement identifies a member of a pds or pdse that contains. This set of JCL statements is called an include group. The system replaces the include statement with the statements in the include group.

Q93) The maximum number of in-stream procedure you can code in any JCL is ?
A93) Fifteen(15).

Q94) What you mean by skeleton JCl?
A94) Jcl which changes during run time i.e. the values for the jcl such as pgm name , dd name will change .ie same jcl can be used for various job, equivalent to dynamic sql…

Q95) How do you submit a JCL under CICS environment ?
A95) Edit the JCL in Extra partition TDQ and submit the same using some system command (not sure) under CICS subsystem. This is what i think, please clarify….

Q96) What is JCL ?
A96) JCL is Job Control Language and is used for Batch processing. The startup procedures of OS and standard products like CICS etc are written in JCL. It is interface between operating system(MVS) & application program. when 2 related programs are combined together on control statements is called job control language
什么是JCL?JCL用于批量处理,启动OS和像CICS等标准产品程序都被写入JCL,它是OS和应用程序的接口。把两个相关程序用控制语句连接起来 (的语言)叫JCL。

Q97) What is the max blocksize for a Tape file?
A97) It is 32,760.Based on that we can calculate efficient number of Records in a Block
Q98) What are the basic JCL Statements for a Job?(JCL基本语句是什么)
A98) JOB : Identifies a job and supplies accounting info
EXEC : Identifies a job step by indicating the name of the program to be executed.
DD : Identifies a data set to be allocated for the job step
Delimiter(/*) : Marks the end of an in-stream dataset
Null(//) : Marks the end of a job
Comments(//*) : Provides Comments
PROC : Marks the beginning of a procedure
PEND : Marks the end of a procedure
OUTPUT : Supplies options for SYSOUT processing.

Q99) What does the statements: typrun=scan and typrun=hold do in a JCL statement
A99) typrun=scan checks the JCL for errors, typrun=hold holds the job until further notice.

Q100) Which is the most widely used batch performance monitor for DB2?
A100) DB2PM

Q101) What is QSAM error usually when it is occurs?
A101) Usually it is occurs at the time of job submission.
甚么是QSAM error

Q102) What is the purpose of include statement in a JCL?
A102) It is used as an alternative for STEPLIB. When we specify the dataset name in include ,it will search in all the datasets specified in the include dataset.

Q103) What does S0C4 error mean?
A103) This error is faced when we execute the COBOL program. The main reason for this error is that a variable is defined with less characters and we are trying to move data which is larger than the actual storage space.
S0C4 error

Q104) In which table PLAN is registered in ?
A104) RCT

Q105) What is GDG?
A105) GDG – group of dataset that are logically or chronologically related, referred by name and a relative generation number – an integer which identifies the generation of a dataset and is coded in parentheses after dataset name. Absolute GDG name – GxxxxVyy, where xxxx-absolute gen. number, yy-version number. Can be sequential, direct, partitioned. (VSAM – no). Must always be cataloged. Advantage – all datasets have the same name and system keeps track of adding new and retaining previous generations and deleting oldest successive generation. To create a GDG we create a GDG index in the system catalog with IDCAMS utility and then a model (prototype, DSCB) on the same volume to supply DCB information. Empty – when limit is reached all members are removed from the index, otherwise-only oldest. Scratch-removed members are uncataloged & deleted, otherwise – removed & uncataloged, but remain in the system (not members of GDG any more). GDG number is updated at the end of the job. If number is not specified all generations will be processed from the beginning

Q106) what do you mean By spooling? Expand SPOOL?
A106) This is managed by JES. This is used for Queuing the Outputs that are intended for Printing and are first stored in SPOOLDASD. This can be managed Using

Q107) For how long a job can be executed continuously in a mainframe ?
A107) 248 DAYS
248 DAYS

Q108) Max. No of DD statements in a job ?
A108) 3273

Q109) How much space OS allocates when you create a PS or PDS?
A109) 56 KB
当你建立一个PS 或 PDS时,多少空间可以被分配
56 KB

Q110) Min no of member’s (PDS) in one directory block?
A110) SIX(6)
Q111) The maximum number of steps in a job?
A111) 255

Q112) How much is memory space involved, when we code BLOCKSIZE,TRK & CYL ?
A112) One block constitutes 32KB of formatted memory/ 42KB of Unformatted memory,6 blocks makes one Track & 15 Tracks makes one cylinder.
当我们编写BLOCKSIZE,TRK & CYL时,有多少存储空间

Q113) What is DSNDB06 ?
A113) This is the Place where DB2 Catalog resides

Q114) What is the use of DSNDB07 ?
A114) This is the area where sorting takes place in DB2

Q115) What is DATACOM db?
A115) It is a database used with VSE.

Q116) What is a Dummy Utility and what it does ?
A116) IEFBR14 is a Dummy utility and it is used for the sake of EXEC PGM= …. statement in JCL[when used it wouldn't perform any task]. e.g. While Allocating a dataset you don’t have to run any utility [this could be done by giving disp=new inDD statement]. But for a PGM name must be given in EXEC statement, it is used.

Q117) What 3 guidelines do we have to follow when concatenating DD statements?
A117) Datasets must be of the same type (disk or tape), All datasets must have the same logical record length, The dataset with the largest blocksize must be listed first.

Q118) On the DD statement, what is the main difference between creating a new sequential flat file and a partitioned dataset?
A118) SPACE=(n,m) for a sequential file, SPACE=(n,m,p) for a PDS where n, m, and p are numbers. The p designates how many directory blocks to allocate.

Q119) What is the difference between IEBGENER, IEBCOPY and REPRO in IDCAMS utility?
A119) IEBGENER — This is a dataset utility for copying sequential datasets which produces a PDS or a member from a
sequential dataset.
IEBCOPY — This is a dataset utility for copying one PDS to another or to merge PDSs.
REPRO — This is for copying sequential datasets. More or less same as the IEBGENER.
IEBGENER –copy顺序数据集,?????
IEBCOPY copy一个PDS给另一个或合并多个PDS
REPRO copy顺序数据集,有点象IEBGENER

Q120) How do you submit JCL via a Cobol program?
A120) Use a file //dd1 DD sysout=(*,intrdr)write your JCL to this file. Pl some one try this out.

Q120) How do you submit JCL via a Cobol program?
A120) Use a file //dd1 DD sysout=(*,intrdr)write your JCL to this file. Pl some one try this out.
Q120) 你如何递交一个Cobol的JCL?
A120) 在JCL中写入//dd1 DD sysout=(*, intrdr),使用这个语句来输出COBOL的文件

Q121) How to execute a set of JCL statements from a COBOL program ?
A121) Using EXEC CICS SPOOL WRITE(var-name) END-EXEC command. var-name is a COBOL host structure containing JCL statements.
Q121) 怎样去执行连接COBOL的JCL陈述语句?
A121) 使用EXEC CICS SPOOL WRITE(var-name) END-EXEC 命令,var-name是指COBOL 主体结构中包含JCL的声明。

Q122) What is the difference between static call & Dynamic call ?
A122) In the case of Static call, the called program is a stand along program, it is an executable program . During run time we can call it in our called program. As about Dynamic call, the called program is not an executable program it can executed thru the called program
Q122) 静态调用与动态调用有什么不同?
A122) 关于静态调用, 被调用的程序是一个单独的可执行程序。在运行期间我们可以在被调用的程序中来调用它。而对于动态调用, 被调用的程序不能是一个可执行程序


Q123) What is the difference between catalogue procedure and In-Stream procedure?
A123) In Stream procedures are set of JCL statements written between JOB and EXEC statements, start with PROC and end with PEND statement. Mainly used to test cataloged procedures. Cataloged procedure is cataloged on the procedure library and is called by specifying the procedure name on the EXEC statement.
Q123) 编目过程与流内过程有什么区别?
A123) 流内过程是作为JOB与EXEC语句之间的JCL语句部分,以PROC开始,以PEND语句结束。编目过程在制定的过程库中编目,以及由EXEC语句开始 执行。


Q124) What do you feel makes a good program?
A124) A program that follows a top down approach. It is also one that other programmers or users can follow logically and is easy to read and understand.
Q124) 你觉得该如何编出一个好的程序?
A124) 需要注意程序的上下衔接性。同时也能使其他程序员或者用户遵循其逻辑结果和易于阅读与理解。

Q125) Can we browse or edit the GDG dataset if it is a tape entry?
A125) No, You can’t edit or browse the GDG if it resides on tape.
Q125) 我们可以浏览或编辑磁带输入的GDG 数据集吗?
A125) 不, 您不能编辑或浏览磁带输入的GDG 数据集。

Q126) What are the maximum and minimum sizes of any CONTROL AREA (VSAM datasets) ?
A126) Minimum Size : 1 track Maximum size : 1 cylinder
Q126) 任何控制域(VSAM数据集)的最大和最小的尺寸的大小是多少?
A126) 最小尺寸:1磁道 最大尺寸:1柱面

Q127) How to get cursor position from system in CICS environment ?
A127) Get it from EIBCURPOS !
Q127) 在CICS环境中如何得到系统的游标位置?

Q128) How many parameters are there to a DISP statement and what are their uses ?
A128) There are three(3) parameters. Parameter 1: current data set disposition(new, shr, old, mod) Parameter 2: normal close action for data set (catlg, keep, delete) Parameter 3:abend action for data set (catlg, keep, delete).
Q128) 在DISP语句中有多少参量以及其用法?
A128) 有3参量。参量1:当前的数据集状态(新建, 共享, 已存在并当前独占, 新建并独占);参量2:数据集正常结束 (编目, 保留, 删除);参量3:数据集异常结束(编目, 保留, 删除)。

Q129) What is the error code SOC01 indicate?
A129) Operation exception error For e.g. a dataset open error
Q129) 错误代码SOC01表示什么?
A129) 操作以外错误,比如数据集打开错误

Q130) What is a procedure?
A130) A set of precoded JCL that can be modified through the use of parameters or override cards. Note: Procedures can be catalogued or instream.
Q130) 什么是一个过程?
A130) 能通过使用参数和废弃命令来修改的预编码的JCL。注: 过程可能是编目或流内。

Q131) What is the difference between specifying DISP=OLD and DISP=SHR for a dataset?
A131) OLD specifies exclusive use of a dataset, SHR allows multiple jobs to concurrently access the dataset Note: When updating a dataset, you would normally use OLD.
Q131) 关于数据集的DISP=OLD和DISP=SHR命令有什么区别?
A131) OLD指令独占一个数据集的使用, SHR命令允许多个作业一起进入数据集。注:当修改一个数据集时,常使用OLD参量。

Q132) What are the three basic types of statements in a jobstream?
A132) JOB(one per jobstream)EXEC(one or more per job)DD(one or more per jobstep)
Q132) 在一个作业流中有哪三种基本语句?
A132) JOB(每个作业流一个);EXEC(每个作业流有一个或多个);DD(每个作业流有一个或多个)。

Q133) What does SYSIN * indicate?
A133) Instream data follows this card and is terminated when followed by a card containing // or /* in columns 1 and 2.
Q133) SYSIN * 表示什么?
A133) 输入的内部流数据跟随这个星号并且星号后面还包含第一二列有// 或/*的内部数据流。

Q134) What are three major types of JCL statements? What are their functions?
A134) JOB – indicates start of jobstream to the operating system and through parms coded on it, certain details about the
job (time, region, message level, job accounting data).
EXEC – indicates the start of execution of a particular job step, be that step a program or a proc.
DD – is a data definition, which is used to describe the attributes of a data set (name, unit, type, space, disposition).
Q134) JCL的三种主要类型语句是什么?他们的作用是什么?
A134) JOB— 表明操作系统中作业流的开始,通过parms来编码,确认作业的细节(时间、存储量、消息模式、作业计数数据)。
EXEC- 表明执行一个特殊作业步骤的开始, 是一段程序或者一个过程。
DD- 数据定义, 用来描述数据集的属性(名字, 单元, 类型, 空间, 位置)。

1. Distinguish between positional & keyword parameters
例如:EXAMPLE JOB 2000,CLASS=A (’2000′为位置参数,’CALSS=A’为关键字参数)

2. How can you omit positional parameters ?

3. How do u define the identifier field for a delimiter statement ?

4. List some valid operation codes .
job exec dd

5. What is the purpose of the MSGLEVEL parameter ?
MSGLEVEL(A,B): 一般用(1,1)就可以了。
A-0,1,2 (0–仅打印JCL; 1–打印全部; 2–JCL和JES2)
B-0,1 (0–作业异常终止才打印;1–无论如何都打印)

6. What is the function of the following parameters :
ii) MSGLEVEL=(2,1)
iii) MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
I) MSGLEVEL=(0,0) 仅打印出作业的JOB语句;只有在作业异常终止时,打印出有关JCL、JES、操作员及SMS的处理信息
ii) MSGLEVEL=(2,1) 打印输入流中的所有控制语句;无论作业是否异常终止,都打印出有关JCL、JES、操作员及SMS的处理信息
iii) MSGLEVEL=(1,1) 打印出作业中包括过程语句在内的所有JCL语句;无论作业是否异常终止,都打印出有关JCL、JES、操作员及SMS的处理信息

7. What is the purpose of the MSGCLASS parameter ?
用于为作业日志(job log)设置输出类别。格式:MSGCLASS=class(class定义作业日志的类别。与输入队列相似,class是一个A-Z或0-9的数字)。 指定作业输出存放的队列,如果为Z,则表示输出信息不保留。

8. What are the parameters used with COND ?
only even

9. List down the different types of comparison operators & their meaning .
GT(大于) GE(大于等于) EQ(等于) NE(不等于) LT(小于) LE(小于等于)

10.What is the function of the TYPRUN parameter ?
typrun:scan 检查完语法就回家;hold 检查完语法然后休息;jclhold 不检查语法就休息;copy 把JCL印到输出中

11.What are the subparameters that can be used with TYPRUN ?
sacn hold jclhold copy

12.What is the function of the TIME parameter?

13. What is the purpose of the EXEC statement ?
EXEC语句标明作业或过程中的每一作业步的开始,并告知系统如何执行该作业步。包括所有在EXEC语句中调用的过程中的所有作业步在内,一个作业最多可 以有255个作业步。

14. What are the additional keyword parameters used on the EXEC statement?

15. What is the difference between the following statements :
I) step#1 exec PGM=accpay
ii) step#1 exec tbalance
I) step#1 exec PGM=accpay 调用系统函数
ii) step#1 exec tbalance 调用外部

16. What is the error in the following JCL statements :
I) //step#three exec pgm=hkbc762
ii) //step#3 exec pgm = hkbc762
iii) //step#3 exec pgr = hkbc672
I) //step#three exec pgm=hkbc762 step#three过长 不应多于8个字符
ii) //step#3 exec pgm = hkbc762
iii) //step#3 exec pgr = hkbc672

17. Name the system library from which modules are retrieved at execution time .

18. What is the purpose of the JOBLIB statement ?
通过JOBLIB DD语句用户可以创建一个私有库或为作业指定一个私有库。

19. If JOBLIB & STEPLIB statements are both included in a job , then which statement would overide .

20. What is the purpose of the PARM parameter ?

21. What is the pupose of the DD statement ?

22. How would u specify the device for a dataset in a DD statement ?

23. What is the function of the following DD statement //ddname DD *
如下DD语句的作用是什么 //ddname DD *

24. What is the purpose of the SYSOUT Parameter in the DD statement ?
通过SYSOUT参数可以将相应的数据集标志为一个系统输出数据集。同时SYSOUT还可以完成以下的定义:(1)将这个系统输出数据集与一个输出类关联 起来;(2)不通过JES而是要求一个外部的书写器程序来处理这个系统输出数据集;(3)指定这个数据集被打印输出的格式;(4)引用JES2的 /*OUTPUT语句。

25. What are the two ways of specifying Temporary Data Sets ?

26. What are the advantages of coding the DISP parameter with MOD rather than NEW ?

27. Explain the function of the following Statement : //ddname DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE)
解释如下声明: //ddname DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE)
在当前作业步中创建一个新的数据集;在作业步正常结束后,系统对数据集进行编目,在系统编目或用户编目中设置相应的入口指针指向该数据集;如果作业步非正 常结束,则数据集将不再需要而被删除,所占空间被释放。

28. What is the default value of the third DISP subparameter ?

29. What is Backward Referencing ?

30. What is the purpose of Concatenating Data Sets ?

31. What is the result of a READ operation on a Dummy Data set ?

32. What are the functions of the following ddnames : SYSUDUMP , SYSABEND , SYSMDUMP
在JCL某个step中,使用SYSABEND,SYSMDUMP或者SYSUDUMP DD语句,可以产生一个DUMP。在以下的条件发生的时候,系统生成DUMP:
STEP 异常终止;STEP 异常终止,但是系统recovery procedures 使得STEP正常终止。
DUMP DD 语句有下面三种类型:
SYSABEND DD语句:产生一个DUMP包括user areas和system areas。另一方面,除了包括SYSUDUMP产生的DUMP包含所有的areas外,还包括以下的:(1) LSQA(local system queue area),包括subpools229,230以及249。(2) IOS(input/output system)的控制块(失败的任务)。产生的DUMP是格式化的,可以直接阅读。
SYSMDUMP DD语句:产生一个DUMP包括system areas和应用程序地址空间。这个DUMP是没有格式化的,必须使用IPCS(interactive problem control system)阅读。
SYSUDUMP DD语句:产生一个DUMP只包括user areas。这个DUMP是格式化的,可以直接阅读。
当我们在诊断问题的时候,可能会用到相应的SYSABEND,SYSMDUMP或者SYSUDUMP DD语句,产生相应的dump数据,以便我们能够更好地诊断问题。

33. What are GDGs ?
世代数据集组,一组编目的数据集,其组内的每一个数据集称为世代数据集或一代数据集,它们具有相同的名字且在时间序列上是相关的。世代数据集可以是顺序数 据集或分区数据集。(IBM S/390 系统管理基础 P50)





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