Why security

   Java's security model is one of the key architectural features that makes it an appropriate technology for networked environments. Security is important because networks represent a potential avenue of attack to any computer hooked to them. This concern becomes especially strong in an environment in which software is downloaded across the network and executed locally, as is done, for example, with Java applets and Jini service objects. Because the class files for an applet are automatically downloaded when a user goes to the containing web page in a browser, it is likely that a user will encounter applets from untrusted sources. Similarly, the class files for a Jini service object are downloaded from a code base specified by the service provider when it registers its service with the Jini lookup service. Because Jini enables spontaneous networking in which users entering a new environment look up and access locally available services, users of Jini services will likely encounter service objects from untrusted sources. Without any security, these automatic code download schemes would be a convenient way to distribute malicious code. Thus, Java's security mechanisms help make Java suitable for networks because they establish a needed trust in the safety of executing network-mobile code.

Java's security model is focused on protecting end-users from hostile programs (and bugs in otherwise benevolent programs) downloaded across a network from untrusted sources. To accomplish this goal, Java provides a customizable "sandbox" in which untrusted Java programs can be placed. The sandbox restricts the activities of the untrusted program. The program can do anything within the boundaries of its sandbox, but can't take any action outside those boundaries. For example, the original sandbox for untrusted Java applets in version 1.0 prohibited many activities, including:

  • reading or writing to the local disk,
  • making a network connection to any but the host from which the applet came,
  • creating a new process, and
  • loading a new dynamic library

By making it impossible for downloaded code to perform certain actions, Java's security model protects the end-user from the threats of hostile and buggy code.

Because the sandbox security model imposes strict controls on what untrusted code can and cannot do, users are able to run untrusted code with relative safety. Unfortunately for the programmers and users of 1.0 systems, however, the original sandbox was so restrictive, that well-meaning (but untrusted) code was often unable to do useful work. In version 1.1, the original sandbox model was augmented with a trust model based on code signing and authentication. The signing and authentication capability enables the receiving system to verify that a set of class files (in a JAR file) has been digitally signed (in effect, blessed as trustworthy) by some entity, and that the class files have not been altered since they were signed. This enables end users and system administrators to ease the restrictions of the sandbox for code that has been digitally signed by trusted parties.

Although the security APIs released with version 1.1 include support for authentication, they don't offer much help in establishing anything more than an all-or-nothing trust policy (in other words, either code is completely trusted or completely untrusted). Java's next major release, version 1.2, provided APIs to assist in establishing fine-grained security policies based on authentication of digitally signed code. The remainder of this chapter will trace the evolution of Java's security model from the basic sandbox of 1.0, through the code signing and authentication of 1.1, to the fine-grained access control of 1.2.







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