
from  http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/BOBJ/How+to+Migrate+and+Upgrade+Dashboards


These are the detailed steps on migration of the Dashboard or SWF using QAAWS or Add Query (new feature on Dashboards Design 4.0). It includes some of the best practices which we should follow to avoid any complications while migration.

This includes some of the suggestions from Matt Lloyd, Patrice Le Bihan

Who should read this guide?

This should be helpful to everyone who wishes to design the dashboard and plans to migrate or move to different environments.


While migration of dashboards based on Query as a Web Services (QAAWS) we need to follow some guidelines in order to sail smoothly.Many a times we have seen users trying to modify the Xcelsius document i.e. XLF files where they make the changes in the connection URL and remapping the components. This increases the overheads and lot of design work to migrate the dashboards from one environment to another.There was a legacy system i.e. Life cycle method used to move the SWF files across the different environment.

In the Life Cycle method there are two basic approaches that you can take. You can either modify the model so that the Web Service URL is dynamically created and populated via a FlashVar or use an XML file to retrieve the Web Services URL.

To make things even simple for migration of swf files to different environment, we can make use of relative path URL.

There is couple of checklist which you will need to do while you are moving the dashboards.

  • Migration of all the Universes which are being used by the QAAWS query.
  •  Migration of all the QAAWS wsdl which are being used in the Xcelsius dashboards.
  •  Migration of all the SWF files.

To migrate the Qaaws from one environment to the other there are two options:-

  1. The first one is Deploy to another server option-If the no of qaaws queries to be migrated are less you can use this option to deploy the queries to another server. You can find this option when you are logged in to Qaaws Designer.

Once logged in select the query and click on the tab Deploy to another server. It should ask you for the login credentials of the other server. Publish the query and migration is completed. # The second option is to use Import Wizard to migrate the queries. This is advised in case you have large no of queries to be migrated. You need to specify the source and destination environment. In Import Wizard and will be able to see the Qaaws Folder and qaaws queries listed in it

Note: You could also make use of BIAR files to migrate the QAAWS query to different environment

To migrate the QAAWS using the 1st option, follow the below steps

  • Login to QAAWS tool.
  • Select the query which you want to migrate to the new environment.
  • Click on "Deploy to another server". Refer the snapshot below:


  • You need to follow the instructions and the QAAWS will be deployed on other server. 
  • This method as mentioned is suitable for less number of wsdl as it requires each wsdl to be deployed individually.

 To migrate the QAAWS wsdl using the Import Wizard: 

  • Go To Import Wizard. Select the source environment and enter the credentials:


  • Select the destination environment where you want to migrate the QAAWS wsdl: 

  • You can also select BIAR file as one of the option in the above screen. 
  • Select the objects to import. Here we will have to select "Imports folders and Objects"

  • Follow the instructions and continue by clicking Next. 
  • Select the QAAWS wsdl to be migrated from within the QAAWS folder. 

* During the last step, you will be prompted to "Merge" or "Update" to the destination environment. Make sure to choose "Update" to ensure the CUID’s of the web services don’t change when migrated. 

  • Follow the instructions and you should able to move the wsdl successfully on the New Environment. 
  • After we have moved the wsdl using Import Wizard, we should be seeing the wsdl inside the QAAWS of the new environment.

The above part discuss about how to migrate the QAAWS wsdl to different environment.

Note: The above steps are done assuming we have migrated the Universe (which are being used by the QAAWS wsdl) beforehand.

 As mentioned above, we can move the Xcelsius dashboard to different environment by two ways:

The Legacy system better known as Life Cycle Method(LCM):

There are two basic approaches that you can take for the Life cycle method. You can either modify the model so that the Web Service URL is dynamically created and populated via a FlashVar or use an XML file to retrieve the Web Services URL. 
In order for a Model to have a dynamically assigned Web Services URL, perform the following steps, assuming you have already defined your QaaWs statements and as long the Xcelsius SWF resides inside of the CMS repository.

XML Option: 

Create an XML file that will serve to hold the Web Services URLs

This will need to be stored on each system (Dev, Test, and Prod) with the same name and path location.

For Example:


<variable name="WSDOMAIN">






In the data model (Excel) define a cell that will be used to store the dynamic Web Services URL.

1. In Xcelsius, after you bind your WSDL, you will go to the Web Service URL, and use the Cell reference defined in the previous step.

2. Do this for each defined Web Services connector in the model that uses QaaWs. # Add an XML data connection to the model and set the "Enable LOAD". Map the location to be the cell defined in above step.

In the above example the Variable defined in the XML file is WSDOMAIN therefore you would name the range WSDOMAIN. Make sure to point to the full path to the XML file. This file should be in the same path location on each system. i.e., C:\XML\filename.xml

3. Export the Model to Business Objects Enterprise.


LCM Steps: 

1. Test that the Xcelsius Models perform as expected.

2. Take appropriate back up for the Target environment.

3. Use the Import Wizard to extract the desired SWFs, Connections, and Universes into a BIAR file.

4. Use the Import Wizard to push the above files into the target repository from the BIAR file.

5. Use the QaaWs to copy/deploy the definitions to the Target Repository.

6. Test that the Xcelsius Models work as expected


FlashVar Option:

1. In the data model (Excel) define a cell that will be used to store the dynamic Web Services URL.

2. In Xcelsius, after you bind your WSDL, go to Web Service URL, and use the Cell reference defined in the previous step.

3. Do this for each defined Web Services connector in the model that uses QaaWs.

4. Once you have made each of the Web Services Input Values changes to the reference cell then create a FlashVar.

5. Add a flash variable; Name it something like WSDOMAIN and map to the Cell you defined in Step 1.

Since this approach requires the assignment of the URL dynamically via a FlashVar, some scripting is required to glue this together.

An Example script might be:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://macromedia.com/cabs/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" ID=flaMovie WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250>

<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="flaMovie.swf">

<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="WSDOMAIN=[http://servername:port/dswsbobje/services/Session]">

<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=medium>

<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#99CC33>

<EMBED src="flaMovie.swf" FlashVars="WSDOMAIN=[http://servername:port/dswsbobje/services/Session]" bgcolor=#99CC33 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash">



Note: Replace the http://servername:port with the actual server name and port number. You may have to encode the '/'. You may want to populate the movie VALUE dynamically so that you can re-use the same script.


LCM Steps:

Once you have embedded this script into an appropriate page you can start the Actual LCM process.

1. Test that the Xcelsius Models perform as expected.

2. Take appropriate back up steps for the Target environment.

3. Use the Import Wizard to extract the desired SWFs, Connections, and Universes into a BIAR file.

4. Use the Import Wizard to push the above files into the target repository from the BIAR file.

5. Use the QaaWs Wizard to copy the definitions to the Target Repository.

6. Make sure you are loading the correct script with the new server URL assignments.

7. Test that the Xcelsius Models work as expected    

The above method was complex. This however required extra work which might not be easy for all the developer. To simplify this we have the concept of relative path URL.

Relative Path Method:

Note: Make sure you have moved all the wsdl used and the Universe to the respective environment as well.

The relative path method does not require any extra overhead of defining flash variables or create XML file. This method only requires changes to be made in the Web Service URL in the data connection.

The following changes are required to be done in the XLF file before we publish it as swf file.

  • Open the XLF file and Go to Data->Connection and select "Query as a web service" connection. 
  • The Web Service URL needs to be modified. Ideally the Web service URL looks as below:
  • Change the existing Web service URL to "/dswsbobje/qaawsservices/queryasaservice"
  • Next we have to publish the swf to BO enterprise. 
  • Once these swf are published, we can migrate or move these swf to different environment using the Import Wizard and the swf file will work without any issues.

NOTE: - This method would prevent the users from previewing the dashboard within Xcelsius. It will throw error #2032*.*

Movement of Dashboard from XI 3.1 to Bi 4.0 based on QAAWS:

Few points to remember:

  • On BI 4.0, its known as Dashboards Design Object (unlike Flash object in Xi 3.1). 
  • Dashboard Design objects is combinations of XLF and swf. 
  • Migrate all the related Universe, QAAWS queries used in the Dashboard. 
  • Run wsdlgenerator after migration of the QAAWS queries. 
  • http://servername:portno/dswsbobje/qaawsservices/wsdlGenerator&nbsp;
  • Install RESTful Web Service when moving from SP02 to SP04( BI 4.0). You would require to manually select this option on SP04 upgrade, however its installed by default if its Full build SP04.
  • Some of the Steps we could follow as best practices while moving the dashboard from BO XI 3.1 environment to BI 4.0 environments.

One mode could be use of Flash variables. P.S. You need to follow the below steps during the design of the dashboard.One thing we have recommended with QaaWS in the past is try to design your dashboard to make it easier to point to a different server.

In effect what you do is: 

        • For each QaaWS Web Service connection copy the Web Service URL and put it into the spreadsheet using this format:
          Using the ="" syntax turns it into a formula we can edit later on…
          • Then bind the Web Service URL to each cell (again, one per query)
          • In the Excel take the server name from one of the cells and put that in its own cell (for example A1)
          • Then update each of the URL cells to refer to the server name cell
          • Then you can define a Flash Variable to pass in the server name
          • Once you publish the SWF to BI platform you can change the Flash Var value for a specific dashboard using the CMC.

Movement of Dashboards Design object (using Query browser) from one support pack to another (e.g. SP02 to SP04) on BI 4.0

        •    Check the version of the Dashboards and BI where the Dashboard was built.
        •    Recommended to have Dashboards Designer and BI platform on the same patch( including SP and Patch). 
        •    Use LCM to upgrade the Dashboard. Check if all the dependencies are seen in LCM while migration.


    • If the UNX does not show up in the dependencies, include dependent UNX manually. 
    • After migration, if the destination is on Higher patch ( say moving from SP02 to SP04), Open the Dashboard using Dashboards Designer( e.g. SP04) and save back to BI platform( without any changes). Alternately, before migration you can re-save the Dashboard to BI platform using destination patch level of Dashboards designer (say SP04 when moving from SP02 to SP04). Use LCM to promote Dashboard to destination. 
    • Restart the Dashboards servers once if you still see the issues.

Note: If the dashboards are not saved again from SP04 patch after/before migration, it might result in below error after promotion:


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