

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace HKH.Common
 /// <summary>
 /// 人民币大小写格式转换
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks> Create By Lwt on 2006/09/23
 /// </remarks>
 public class clsRMB
  private clsRMB()

  #region 格式化

  /// <summary>
  /// 格式化(大写转小写)
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="strRMB"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public static double Format(string strRMB)
     strRMB = Regex.Replace(strRMB,"元|圆","");
     char temp = strRMB[strRMB.Length - 1];
     if (temp == '万' || temp == '萬' || temp == '亿')
      return Convert.ToDouble(strRMB.Substring(0,strRMB.Length - 1)) * Math.Pow(10,GetExp(temp));
      return Convert.ToDouble(strRMB);
     return Eval(strRMB);

    return -1;

  /// <summary>
  /// 格式化(小写转大写)
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="numRMB"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  public static string Format(double numRMB)
    if( 0 == numRMB)
     return "零元整";

    StringBuilder szRMB = new StringBuilder();

    ulong iRMB = Convert.ToUInt64(numRMB * 100);

    szRMB.Insert(0,ToUpper(Convert.ToInt32(iRMB % 100),-2));
    iRMB = iRMB / 100;

    int iUnit = 0;

    while(iRMB != 0)
     szRMB.Insert(0,ToUpper(Convert.ToInt32(iRMB % 10000),iUnit ));
     iRMB = iRMB / 10000;
     iUnit += 4;
    string strRMB = szRMB.ToString();
    strRMB = Regex.Replace(strRMB,"零+","零");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("元零整","元整");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("零元","元");

    return strRMB.Trim('零');
    return "";


  #region 私有方法

  /// <summary>
  /// 计算表达式(大写表达式求值)
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="strRMB"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  private static double Eval(string strRMB)
    if (null == strRMB )
     return 0;

    strRMB = Replace(strRMB,false);

    if ("" == strRMB)
     return 0;

    #region 利用位权进行计算

    int basicExp = 0;
    int currExp = 0;

    double numRMB = 0;

    for(int i = strRMB.Length - 1; i > -1 ; i --)
     char temp = strRMB[i];

     if (temp == '元' || temp == '万' || temp == '亿' || temp == '圆' || temp == '萬' )
      basicExp = GetExp(temp);
      currExp = 0;

       numRMB = numRMB + Convert.ToInt32(temp.ToString()) * Math.Pow(10,(basicExp + currExp));
       currExp = GetExp(temp);



    return numRMB;
    return -1;

  /// <summary>
  /// 计算表达式(小写数值求大写字符串)
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="numRMB"></param>
  /// <param name="iUnit"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  private static string ToUpper(int numRMB,int iUnit)
    if( 0 == numRMB )
     if (iUnit == -2)
      return "整";
     if (iUnit == 0)
      return "元";

     return "零";

    StringBuilder szRMB = new StringBuilder();

    string strRMB = "";
    #region 对角/分做特殊处理

    if (iUnit == -2)
     int jiao = numRMB / 10;
     int fen = numRMB % 10;

     if (jiao > 0)

      if ( fen > 0)

     return Replace(szRMB.ToString(),true);


    #region 以下为整数部分正常处理

    strRMB = numRMB.ToString("0000");

    bool hasZero = false;
    for ( int i = 0; i < strRMB.Length; i++ )
     if ( ( 3-i ) > 0)
      if( '0' != strRMB[i] )
       szRMB.Append(GetUnit( 3-i ));
       hasZero = false;
       if( !hasZero )

       hasZero = true;
      if( '0' != strRMB[i] )
       szRMB.Append(GetUnit( iUnit ));
       hasZero = false;
       if (hasZero)
        szRMB.Insert(szRMB.Length - 1,GetUnit( iUnit ));
        szRMB.Append(GetUnit( iUnit ));

    return Replace(szRMB.ToString(),true);

    return "";

  /// <summary>
  /// 将中文大写换成阿拉伯数字
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="strRMB"></param>
  /// <param name="toUpper">true--转换为大写/false--转换为小写</param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  private static string Replace(string strRMB,bool toUpper)
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("0","零");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("1","壹");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("2","贰");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("3","叁");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("4","肆");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("5","伍");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("6","陆");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("7","柒");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("8","捌");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("9","玖");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("零","0");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("壹","1");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("贰","2");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("叁","3");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("肆","4");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("伍","5");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("陆","6");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("柒","7");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("捌","8");
    strRMB = strRMB.Replace("玖","9");
   return strRMB;

  /// <summary>
  /// 获取单位名称
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="iCode"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  private static string GetUnit(int iCode)
    case -2:
     return "分";
    case -1:
     return "角";
    case 0:
     return "元";
    case 1:
     return "拾";
    case 2:
     return "佰";
    case 3:
     return "仟";
    case 4:
     return "萬";
    case 8:
     return "亿";
     return "";

  /// <summary>
  /// 获取位权指数
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="cUnit"></param>
  /// <returns></returns>
  private static int GetExp(char cUnit )
    case '分':
     return -2;
    case '角':
     return -1;
    case '元':
    case '圆':
     return 0;
    case '十':
    case '拾':
     return 1;
    case '百':
    case '佰':
     return 2;
    case '千':
    case '仟':
     return 3;
    case '万':
    case '萬':
     return 4;
    case '亿':
     return 8;
     return 0;



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数字转成人民币大写代码 Public Function GetChinaNum(otherNum As Double, Optional isRMB As Boolean, Optional numOption As Boolean, Optional dotNum As Integer) As String On Error Resume Next num = Trim(Str(Int(otherNum))) If isRMB Then numwei = "拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟" numshu = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾" Else numwei = "十百千万十百千亿十百千" numshu = "零一二三四五六七八九十" End If If otherNum < 20 And otherNum >= 10 Then num = Right(num, 1) GetChinaNum = Left(numwei, 1) End If For i = 1 To Len(num) bstr = Mid(num, i, 1) If numOption Then GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1) Else GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1) If bstr = "0" Then If Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1) = "万" Or Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1) = "亿" Then Do While Right(GetChinaNum, 1) = "零" GetChinaNum = Left(GetChinaNum, Len(GetChinaNum) - 1) Loop GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1) End If Else GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1) End If GetChinaNum = Replace(GetChinaNum, "零零", "零") End If Next i If numOption = False Then Do While Right(GetChinaNum, 1) = "零" GetChinaNum = Left(GetChinaNum, Len(GetChinaNum) - 1) Loop End If If isRMB Then numrmb = "元角分" GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numrmb, 1, 1) If Val(num) <> otherNum Then num = Trim(Str(Round(otherNum - Val(num), 2))) For i = 2 To Len(num) bstr = Mid(num, i, 1) GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1) + Mid(numrmb, i, 1) Next i Else GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + "整" End If Else If Val(num) <> otherNum Then If dotNum = 0 Then dotNum = 4 num = Trim(CStr(Round(otherNum - Val(num), dotNum))) If GetChinaNum = "" Then GetChinaNum = "零" GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + "点" For i = 2 To Len(num) bstr = Mid(num, i, 1) GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1) Next i End If End If End Function


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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