select order_id,product_id,count(*) as comment_count from product_comment group by order_id,product_id having count(*)>1
delete a from product_comment a
select order_id,product_id,min(id) as id
from product_comment
group by order_id,product_id
having count(*)>=2
) b on a.order_id = b.order_id and a.product_id = b.product_id and a.id > b.id
select count(case when ifnull(total_money,0) >= 10 then a.id end) as '大于10',
count(case when ifnull(total_money,0) >= 5 and ifnull(total_money,0) < 10 then a.id end) as '5-10',
count(case when ifnull(total_money,0) >= 0 and ifnull(total_money,0) < 5 then a.id end) as '小于5'
from customer a
left join
select customer_id,sum(price) as total_money
from order_master
group by customer_id
)b on a.id=b.customer_id