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原创 第一章笔记 TCPL C程序设计语言 The C Programming Language

第一章笔记 TCPL C程序设计语言 The C Programming Language1. A Tutorial Introduction1.1 Getting Started1.2 Variables and Arithemic Expressions1.3 The For Statement1.4 Symbolic Constants1.5 Character Input and Output1.5.1 File Copying1.5.2 Character Counting1.5.3 Line C

2020-12-03 23:48:54 231

原创 c++primer第三章笔记

C++ Primer 第三章笔记 Chapter 3. Strings, Vectors, and Arrays 3.1 Namespace Using Declarations using声明: using namespace::cin; 一旦有此声明,则之后可以直接使用cin 头文件中不要使用using声明 c++标准库中的所有标识符都被定义在一个叫std的namespace 3.2 Lib...

2019-10-23 17:42:02 124

原创 c++primer第二章笔记

Chapter 2. Variables and Basic Types 2.1 Primitive Built-in Types 2.1.1 Arithmetic Types 基本类型大小下限(节选): int 16 long 32 long long 64 多种字符类型:char, wchar_t, char16_t, char32_t long double的大小为9...

2019-10-19 18:14:08 223

CSS and Documents.pdf

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a powerful tool that transforms the presentation of a document or a collection of documents, and it’s spread to nearly every corner of the Web – as well as many non-web environments. In this free introduction to Cascade Style Sheets, you’ll learn how CSS makes it possible for you to completely change the way document elements are presented by a user agent. You’ll discover the origins of this specification and how CSS styles work with HTML. Learn how you can choose style sheets based on the features of a given media type, including desktop screens, web-enabled phones, digital projectors, TVs, Braille devices, print documents, and even various audio renderings of a document.


Creating your MySQL Database.pdf

If you’re creating a dynamic web application using open-source tools, then you’re probably going to be setting up a MySQL database. Getting the design of this database right for your application and its data is vital, but it’s often an intimidating and little-known process for non-developers and developers alike. Written by the creator of the popular phpMyAdmin tool, this book is a short but complete guide on how to design good data structures for MySQL. Anyone working with applications that use a MySQL database backend will benefit greatly from the advice and techniques in this book. Although a working knowledge of both SQL and MySQL is assumed, the book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you read it through and absorb the advice or work through it on a live project, the efficiency and maintainability of your databases will certainly improve as a result.


PHP and MongoDB Web Development.pdf

With the rise of Web 2.0, the need for a highly scalable database, capable of storing diverse user-generated content is increasing. MongoDB, an open-source, non-relational database has stepped up to meet this demand and is being used in some of the most popular websites in the world. MongoDB is one of the NoSQL databases which is gaining popularity for developing PHP Web 2.0 applications. PHP and MongoDB Web Development Beginner’s Guide is a fast-paced, hands-on guide to get started with web application development using PHP and MongoDB. The book follows a “Code first, explain later” approach, using practical examples in PHP to demonstrate unique features of MongoDB. It does not overwhelm you with information (or starve you of it), but gives you enough to get a solid practical grasp on the concepts. The book starts by introducing the underlying concepts of MongoDB. Each chapter contains practical examples in PHP that teache specific features of the database. The book teaches you to build a blogging application, handle user sessions and authentication, and perform aggregation with MapReduce. You will learn unique MongoDB features and solve interesting problems like real-time analytics, location-aware web apps etc. You will be guided to use MongoDB alongside MySQL to build a diverse data back-end. With its concise coverage of concepts and numerous practical examples, PHP and MongoDB Web Development Beginner’s Guide is the right choice for the PHP developer to get started with learning MongoDB.


PHP and MySQL 24-Hour Trainer.pdf

Assuming no previous experience with PHP or MySQL, this book-and-video package is ideal reading for anyone who wants to go beyond HTML/CSS in order to provide clients with the most dynamic web sites possible. The approachable tone breaks down the basics of programming and PHP and MySQL in individual lessons starting with the installation of the programs necessary to run PHP. You begin with a static web site and then watch and learn as PHP functionality is added as you work through the lessons.


PowerShell for SQL Server Essentials.pdf

powershell for sql server essentials 英文版 文字版



fundation html5 with css3英文版 文字版 带目录。


Introducing MySQL Shell.pdf

Use MySQL Shell, the first modern and advanced client for connecting to and interacting with MySQL. It supports SQL, Python, and JavaScript. That’s right! You can write Python scripts and execute them within the shell interactively, or in batch mode. The level of automation available from Python combined with batch mode is especially helpful to those practicing DevOps methods in their database environments.


Learn PySpark.pdf

learn pyspark pdf版,文字版,带目录。。。。。。。。。



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