class cursor(builtins.object)
| A database cursor.
| Methods defined here:
| __enter__(...)
| __enter__ -> self
| __exit__(...)
| __exit__ -- close the cursor
| __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
| Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
| __iter__(self, /)
| Implement iter(self).
| __next__(self, /)
| Implement next(self).
| __repr__(self, /)
| Return repr(self).
| __str__(self, /)
| Return str(self).
| callproc(...)
| callproc(procname, parameters=None) -- Execute stored procedure.
| cast(...)
| cast(oid, s) -> value
| Convert the string s to a Python object according to its oid.
| Look for a typecaster first in the cursor, then in its connection,then in the global register. If no suitable typecaster is found,leave the value as a string.
| close(...)
| close() -- Close the cursor.
| copy_expert(...)
| copy_expert(sql, file, size=8192) -- Submit a user-composed COPY statement.
| `file` must be an open, readable file for COPY FROM or an open, writable
| file for COPY TO. The optional `size` argument, when specified for a COPY
| FROM statement, will be passed to file's read method to control the read
| buffer size.
| copy_from(...)
| copy_from(file, table, sep='\t', null='\\N', size=8192, columns=None) -- Copy table from file.
| copy_to(...)
| copy_to(file, table, sep='\t', null='\\N', columns=None) -- Copy table to file.
| execute(...)
| execute(query, vars=None) -- Execute query with bound vars.
| executemany(...)
| executemany(query, vars_list) -- Execute many queries with bound vars.
| fetchall(...)
| fetchall() -> list of tuple
| Return all the remaining rows of a query result set.
| Rows are returned in the form of a list of tuples (by default) or using
| the sequence factory previously set in the `row_factory` attribute.
| Return `!None` when no more data is available.
| fetchmany(...)
| fetchmany(size=self.arraysize) -> list of tuple
| Return the next `size` rows of a query result set in the form of a list
| of tuples (by default) or using the sequence factory previously set in
| the `row_factory` attribute.
| Return an empty list when no more data is available.
| fetchone(...)
| fetchone() -> tuple or None
| Return the next row of a query result set in the form of a tuple (by
| default) or using the sequence factory previously set in the
| `row_factory` attribute. Return `!None` when no more data is available.
| mogrify(...)
| mogrify(query, vars=None) -> str -- Return query after vars binding.
| nextset(...)
| nextset() -- Skip to next set of data.
| This method is not supported (PostgreSQL does not have multiple data
| sets) and will raise a NotSupportedError exception.
| scroll(...)
| scroll(value, mode='relative') -- Scroll to new position according to mode.
| setinputsizes(...)
| setinputsizes(sizes) -- Set memory areas before execute.
| This method currently does nothing but it is safe to call it.
| setoutputsize(...)
| setoutputsize(size, column=None) -- Set column buffer size.
| This method currently does nothing but it is safe to call it.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Static methods defined here:
| __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
| Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| arraysize
| Number of records `fetchmany()` must fetch if not explicitly specified.
| binary_types
| closed
| True if cursor is closed, False if cursor is open
| connection
| The connection where the cursor comes from.
| description
| Cursor description as defined in DBAPI-2.0.
| itersize
| Number of records ``iter(cur)`` must fetch per network roundtrip.
| lastrowid
| The ``oid`` of the last row inserted by the cursor.
| name
| pgresult_ptr
| pgresult_ptr -- Get the PGresult structure pointer.
| query
| The last query text sent to the backend.
| row_factory
| rowcount
| Number of rows read from the backend in the last command.
| rownumber
| The current row position.
| scrollable
| Set or return cursor use of SCROLL
| statusmessage
| The return message of the last command.
| string_types
| typecaster
| tzinfo_factory
| withhold
| Set or return cursor use of WITH HOLD