Chapter 13 File input/ouput

Chapter 13 File input/ouput

In this chapter, you will learn how to process files using these functions C’s standard I/O family of functions, and how to use functions that can access files both sequentially and randomly.

Communicating with files

What is a file

A file is a named section of storage, usually on a disk, or, more recently, on a solid-state device.

C views a file as a continuous sequence of bytes, each of which can be read individually.

C provides two ways to view files: the text view and the binary view.

The text mode and the binary mode

First, let’s distinguish between text and binary content, text and binary file formats, and text and binary modes for files.

All file content is in binary form (zeros and ones). But if a file primarily uses the binary codes for characters (for instance, ASCII or Unicode) to represent text, much as a C string does, then it is a text file; it has text content. If, instead, the binary values in the file represent machine language
code or numeric data (using the same internal representation as, say, used for long or double values) or image or music encoding, the content is binary.

Unix uses the same file format for both kinds of content. And this is true for Linux, too.

To bring some regularity to the handling of text files, C provides two ways of accessing a file: binary mode and text mode. In the binary mode, each and every byte of the file is accessible to a program. In the text mode, however, what the program sees can differ from what is in the file.

an MS-DOS text file:

         Rebecca clutched the\r\n
         jewel-encrusted scarab\r\n
         to her heaving bosun.\r\n

The way it looks to a C program when opened in the binary mode:

         Rebecca clutched the\r\n
         jewel-encrusted scarab\r\n
         to her heaving bosun.\r\n

The way it looks to a C program when opened in the text mode:

         Rebecca clutched the\n
         jewel-encrusted scarab\n
         to her heaving bosun.\n
levels of I/O

Low-level I/O uses the fundamental I/O services provided by the operating system.

Standard high-level I/O uses a standard package of C library functions and stdio.h header file definitions.

The C standard supports only the standard I/O package because there is no way to guarantee that all operating systems can be represented by the same low-level I/O model.

Standard files

C programs automatically open three files on your behalf. They are termed the standard input , the standard output , and the standard error output . The standard input, by default, is the normal input device for your system, usually your keyboard. Both the standard output and the standard
error output, by default, are the normal output device for your system, usually your display screen.

Standard I/O

The standard I/O package has two advantages, besides portability, over low-level I/O. First, it has many specialized functions that simplify handling different I/O problems. For example, printf() converts various forms of data to string output suitable for terminals. Second, input and output are buffered.

That is, information is transferred in large chunks (typically 512 bytes at a time or more) instead of a byte at a time. When a program reads a file, for example, a chunk of data is copied to a buffer—an intermediate storage area. This buffering greatly increases the data transfer rate.

Checking for command-line arguments

/* count.c – using standard I/O */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // exit() prototype
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ch; // place to store each character as read
FILE *fp; // “file pointer”
unsigned long count = 0;
if (argc != 2)
printf(“Usage: %s filename\n”, argv[0]);
if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], “r”)) == NULL)
printf(“Can’t open %s\n”, argv[1]);
while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
putc(ch,stdout); // same as putchar(ch);
printf(“File %s has %lu characters\n”, argv[1], count);
return 0;

The fopen() function

The fopen() function is declared in stdio.h . Its first argument is the name of the file to be opened; more exactly, it is the address of a string
containing that name. The second argument is a string identifying the mode in which the file is to be opened.

“r” Open a text file for reading.
“w” Open a text file for writing, truncating an existing file to zero length, or creatingthe file if it does not exist.
“a” Open a text file for writing, appending to the end of an existing file, or creating the file if it does not exist.

After your program successfully opens a file, fopen() returns a file pointer , which the other I/O functions can then use to specify the file.

The getc() and putc()functions

The two functions getc() and putc() work very much like getchar() and putchar() . The difference is that you must tell these newcomers which file to use.

ch = getchar(); //get a character from the standard input
ch = getc(fp); //get a character from the file identified by fp

putc(ch, fpout); //put the character ch into the file identified by the FILE pointer fpout

putc(ch, stdout) is the same as putchar(ch)


A program reading data from a file needs to stop when it reaches the end of the file. The getc() function returns the special value EOF if it tries to read a character and discovers it has reached the end of the file. So a C program discovers it has reached the end of a file only after it tries to read past the end of the file. (This is unlike the behavior of some languages, which use a special function to test for end-of-file before attempting a read.)

The fclose() function

The fclose(fp) function closes the file identified by fp , flushing buffers as needed. For a program less casual than this one, you would check to see whether the file had been closed successfully. The function fclose() returns a value of 0 if successful, and EOF if not:

if (fclose(fp) != 0)
printf(“Error in closing file %s\n”, argv[1]);

pointers to the standard files

The stdio.h file associates three file pointers with the three standard files automatically opened by C programs:

Standard File File Pointer Normally

Standard input stdin Your keyboard
Standard output stdout Your screen
Standard error stderr Your screen

A simple-Minded file-condensing program

File I/O: fprintf(), fscanf(), fgets(), fputs()

For each of the I/O functions in the preceding chapters, there is a similar file I/O function. The main distinction is that you need to use a FILE pointer to tell the new functions with which file to work.

The fprintf() and fputs() functions.

The file I/O functions fprintf() and fscanf() work just like printf() and scanf() , except that they require an additional first argument to identify the proper file

The fgets() and fputs() functions

fgets(buf, STLEN, fp);

Here, buf is the name of a char array, STLEN is the maximum size of the string, and fp is the pointer-to- FILE.

fputs(buf, fp);
Here, buf is the string address, and fp identifies the target file.

Adventures in random access: fseek() and ftell()

The fseek() function enables you to treat a file like an array and move directly to any particular byte in a file opened by fopen().

How fseek() and ftell() work

fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); // go to the beginning of the file
fseek(fp, 10L, SEEK_SET); // go 10 bytes into the file
fseek(fp, 2L, SEEK_CUR); // advance 2 bytes from the current position
fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); // go to the end of the file
fseek(fp, -10L, SEEK_END); // back up 10 bytes from the end of the file

Now we can examine the basic elements of Listing 13.4 . First, the statement

fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
sets the position to an offset of 0 bytes from the file end. That is, it sets the position to the end of the file. Next, the statement

last = ftell(fp);
assigns to last the number of bytes from the beginning to the end of the file.

Binary versus text mode
The fgetpos() and fsetpos functions

Behind the scenes with standard I/O

Normally, the first step in using standard I/O is to use fopen() to open a file. (Recall, however,that the stdin , stdout , and stderr files are opened automatically.) The fopen() function not only opens a file but sets up a buffer (two buffers for read-write modes), and it sets up a data structure containing data about the file and about the buffer. Also, fopen() returns a
pointer to this structure so that other functions know where to find it. Assume that this value is assigned to a pointer variable named fp . The fopen() function is said to “open a stream.” If the file is opened in the text mode, you get a text stream, and if the file is opened in the binary
mode, you get a binary stream.

The data structure typically includes a file position indicator to specify the current position in the stream. It also has indicators for errors and end-of-file, a pointer to the beginning of the buffer, a file identifier, and a count for the number of bytes actually copied into the buffer.

Let’s concentrate on file input. Usually, the next step is to call on one of the input functions declared in stdio.h , such as fscanf() , getc() , or fgets() . Calling any one of these functions causes a chunk of data to be copied from the file to the buffer. The buffer size is implementation
dependent, but it typically is 512 bytes or some multiple thereof, such as 4,096 or 16,384. (As hard drives and computer memories get larger, the choice of buffer size tends to get larger, too.) In addition to filling the buffer, the initial function call sets values in the structure pointed to by fp . In particular, the current position in the stream and the number of bytes copied into the buffer are set. Usually the current position starts at byte 0.

After the data structure and buffer are initialized, the input function reads the requested data from the buffer. As it does so, the file position indicator is set to point to the character following the last character read. Because all the input functions from the stdio.h family use the same buffer, a call to any one function resumes where the previous call to any of the functions stopped.

When an input function finds that it has read all the characters in the buffer, it requests that the next buffer-sized chunk of data be copied from the file into the buffer. In this manner, the input functions can read all the file contents up to the end of the file. After a function reads the last character of the final buffer’s worth of data, it sets the end-of-file indicator to true. The next call to an input function then returns EOF . In a similar manner, output functions write to a buffer. When the buffer is filled, the data is
copied to the file.

Other standard I/O functions

Key concepts

A C program views input as a stream of bytes; the source of this stream could be a file, an input device (such as a keyboard), or even the output of another program. Similarly, a C program views output as a stream of bytes; the destination could be a file, a video display, and so on.

How C interprets an input stream or output stream of bytes depends on which input/output functions you use. A program can read and store the bytes unaltered, or it can interpret the bytes as characters, which, in turn, can be interpreted as ordinary text or as the text representation of numbers. Similarly, on output, the functions you use determine whether binary values
are transferred unaltered or converted to text or textual representations of numbers. If you have numeric data that you want to save and recover with no loss of precision, use the binary mode and the fread() and fwrite() functions. If you’re saving text information and want to create files that can be viewed with ordinary text editors, use the text mode and functions such as getc() and fprintf().

To access a file, you need to create a file pointer (type FILE * ) and associate the pointer with a particular filename. Subsequent code then uses the pointer, not the filename, when dealing with the file.

It’s important to understand how C handles the end-of-file concept. Typically, a file-reading program uses a loop to read input until reaching the end of file. The C input functions don’t detect end-of-file until they attempt to read past the end. This means that testing for end-of-file should occur immediately after an attempted read. You can use the two-file-input models
labeled “good design” in the “End-of-File” section of this chapter as a guide.


Writing to and reading from files is essential for most C programs. Most C implementations offer both low-level I/O services and standard high-level I/O services for these purposes. Because the ANSI C library includes the standard I/O services but not the low-level services, the standard package is more portable.

The standard I/O package automatically creates input and output buffers to speed up data transfer. The fopen() function opens a file for standard I/O and creates a data structure designed to hold information about the file and the buffer. The fopen() function returns a pointer to that data structure, and this pointer is used by other functions to identify the file to be processed.
The feof() and ferror() functions report the reason an I/O operation failed.

C views input as a stream of bytes. If you use fread() , C views the input as binary values to be placed into whichever storage location you indicate. If you use fscanf() , getc() , fgets() , or any of the related functions, C views each byte as being a character code. The fscanf() and scanf() functions then attempt to translate the character code into other types, as indicated
by the format specifiers. For example, the %f specifier would translate an input of 23 into a floating-point value, the %d specifier would translate the same input into an integer value, and the %s specifier would save the character input as a string. The getc() and fgets() family of functions leave the input as character code and store it either in char variables as individual
characters or in char arrays as strings. Similarly, fwrite() places binary data directly into the output stream, whereas the other output functions convert noncharacter data to character representations before placing it in the output stream.

ANSI C provides two file-opening modes: binary and text. When a file is opened in binary mode, it can be read byte-for-byte. When a file is opened in text mode, its contents may be mapped from the system representation of text to the C representation. For Unix and Linux systems, the two modes are identical.

The input functions getc() , fgets() , fscanf() , and fread() normally read a file sequentially, starting at the beginning of the file. However, the fseek() and ftell() functions let a program move to an arbitrary position in a file, enabling random access. Both fgetpos() and fsetpos() extend similar capabilities to larger files. Random access works better in the binary
mode than in the text mode.

[1] C primer plus 6th edition





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