Research on Some Applications of Digital Image Processing in Life

2017级 刘洁伟

Some applications of digital image processing in life

Last semester the college conducted a freshman seminar course, a number of outstanding professors taught us the subject of some research directions, such as radar, image processing, guidance, communication signal capture. I have a little knowledge of these aspects and am interested in the content of image processing, so I would like to talk about some of the application of this technology in life with my shallow knowledge.

Definition of image processing

Image processing, using the computer to analyze the image, in order to achieve the desired results of the technology.

Generally, refers to digital image processing, digital image is a camera type of equipment after shooting to obtain a large two-dimensional array, the elements that make up the array is called pixels, its value is called Grayscale value (black and white image midpoint of the color depth, using binary representation).

Application of image processing

·Photography & amp; printing

·Satellite image processing

·Medical image Processing

·Face recognition

·Microscopic image processing

·Image encryption and compression

Personal Thoughts

Application of Digital image processing in criminal investigation

With the development of modern science and technology, surveillance cameras are widely used in various industries, and their daily use in transportation and security is the most frequent. Modern criminal case detection rate is much higher than in the past, many high-tech equipment and big data networks are used in solving cases, such as fingerprint collection and DNA comparison, monitoring device shooting suspect characteristics and face, and then through the algorithm calculation and the database in the feature ratio to target.

The function of criminal investigation image processing

The image and graphic method are used to record the objective situation of the case, find out the trace physical evidence of fixing and inspecting the crime scene, provide clues for the investigation and solve the scene, and provide evidence for the criminal proceedings.

Techniques of forensic image system

According to the reflection, absorption and transmittance characteristics of different trace physical evidence under various band light sources, the characteristic information is recorded in the computer by using digital acquisition technology, and then the digital image processing technology is used to deal with it. (because I am not professional, so some do not understand the professional terms, not all listed) there will be a part of the criminal case occurred at night, which will cause the surveillance of the shooting there are many noise, seriously affecting the verification of physical evidence and the capture of details. But we can use Digital image processing technology, noise
reduction for images or videos, and sharpening images to get images that show more detail, which can greatly help the police capture more crime scene information and improve the detection rate.

Application of digital image processing in electronic stabilization

Photography is the way to record life or record natural scenery, many times we can not always use a tripod to stabilize the equipment, just rely on handheld devices to shoot is easy to shake, resulting in the details of the image become blurred. Japan’s Nikon has made photographic equipment with optical stabilization in the century, but this is still not enough. As a result, electronic stabilization technology has emerged and is being used more and more widely. The role of drones is growing, and jitter is one of the most serious problems in flight, and the technology can be used perfectly on drones to assist controllers.

The function and advantages and disadvantages of electronic stabilization

This technique mainly refers to the forced improvement of CCD photosensitive parameters on the digital camera while speeding up the shutter and analyzing the images obtained on the CCD , and then using the edge image to compensate for the stabilization. This technology costs less than optical stabilization and is easier to use in digital cameras. But applying this technology alone can add a lot of noise and cause the quality of the image or video to degrade.

Perfection of electronic stabilization technology

Before I mentioned that this technology will cause the quality of images or videos to decline, so I think I can not only use this technology, in the use of electronic anti-stabilization technology, we are also able to install optical stabilization lenses to assist, and in digital equipment to add noise reduction and sharpening algorithms, So that the obtained picture video in the process of anti-shake can also maintain the original quality.


The topics in the Freshman seminar are intersected with this major, and the teacher did not speak particularly deeply because of our limited professional level. But after I got to know it, I also became interested in several of these technologies. These are my summary of my ideas, not special professional also hope to understand.

                                                        Name:Liu Jiewei

[1] 图像处理及图像融合. 中国知网[引用日期2018-11-26]
[2]数字图像处理:原理与算法. 孙燮华[引用日期2018-11-26]

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