How to Manage a Team

As a manager, one's prime responsibility is to effectively manage ateam. A well-managed team has proven to be more productive andinnovative in its approach to all business issues. But managing ateam is not all that easy, it requires deep insight, forethought,some planning and good teamleadership. Probably, that is one of the reasons why manycompanies keep upgrading their manager's knowledge and skillthrough team management capsules or sessions. Before getting onwith the concept of how to manage a team, let us understand what ateam is. A team is a group of people with different skills thatcome together either for a short period or long term, toeffectively work on assigned assignments, or perform dailyoperational tasks. Whether one is managing a new team, or managinga project team or any other team, the guidelines to manage and teambuilding are alike; as the end goal of smooth and productiveoperations and services has to be met.

Effective Management of a Team

A manager is responsible for ensuring that the vision of the planborne by the senior management on paper is efficiently andsuccessfully implemented, and becomes a ground reality. There arejust a few differences in a way a new team with new members isinducted, as opposed to a new team being formed with existingemployees of the company. Here personnelmanagement comes into play. A new team needs to be introduced,whereas a team of existing employees just need to get re-acquainted(if they work in different departments). Communicationis the key to resolve all issues, including a conflict. As a teamhead, you should understand the goals and expectations that thesenior management has from you as a team manager, while you shouldbe well aware of all the vital information about the team youintend to lead. One of the important information you should educateyour team is about the objectives, roles, authority andresponsibilities, and deadlines.

The team manager should assess strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats involved in assigning tasks to teammembers as well as its overall impact on the project. Make sure youdelegate work based on the skills, knowledge and interest levels ofeach member. Synchronizing group development and effort will taketime, but as a team head you need to facilitate these changes at agood pace. Be very clear with instructions, ambiguous language willonly give rise to confusion and will create disharmony in the team.Make sure your team knows that with power comes responsibility andaccountability. This needs to be handled delicately. The memberswill not take risk, even calculated ones, if they feel that theirteam head will not support them through a failure.

While being part of a team, bear in mind that the group will alsowatch for biased treatment on your part. Being biased towards a fewis natural, however, what is not expected as a team manager is toact upon it consistently and blindly. Repeated incidents of biasedbehavior can have serious repercussions not only on the project,but will also cast a doubt on your ability to lead a team. Be sternwhere required, and soft where essential. It is a fine line, butbalancing it well will reflect well on you. Make sure all yourpaperwork is also in place.

Team conflict of interest is an expected part of any organizations.Clash of thoughts, ideas, process, procedure or even attitude canderail a project if not handled well. However, not all conflict isbad, when well channelized it can be highly productive. Whileresolving conflict, study its causes and consequences well. Figureout the best way to resolve it, without sounding biased. Do not getinvolved into all conflicts, give time to the members to resolve iton their own. Let them know subtly that you trust theirintelligence and experience, and have enough confidence that theywill work through their conflicts. Inculcating or choosing peoplewith more or less common shared values will ensure a good workingrelation among the team. Clearly define team's code of behavior and workplaceethics about what is and isn't acceptable. Personal issues,sexual misconduct and backbiting should not be encouraged.

A team manager has many powers which give them plenty of authorityhe/she can exercise while choosing team members, deciding who doeswhat, what mode of communication to establish, developing andexecuting ideas, and motivating people. A good team manager issomeone who can overlook a failure and ensure collective successfor the group. All above-mentioned points should answer basicqueries relating to 'How to Manage a Team'. To be a good team head,one must be a part of the team and lead by example.
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