How to Manage a Team 2




有效地管理一个团队,是一门艺术,需要耐心和微妙的技巧。 Managing a team effectively is an art that requires patience and subtle tact. 本文试图回答查询,如何管理一个团队,为了能顺利运作和获得更高的生产力。 This article attempts to answer the query, how to manage a team, in order to ensure smooth operation and gain higher productivity.


作为一名经理,一个人的首要责任是有效管理一个团队。 As a manager, one's prime responsibility is to effectively manage a team. 井管理团队已被证明是更富有成效,其处理的所有业务问题的创新。 A well-managed team has proven to be more productive and innovative in its approach to all business issues. 但管理团队不是那么容易,它需要深刻的洞察力,深谋远虑,一些规划和良好的团队领导 But managing a team is not all that easy, it requires deep insight, forethought, some planning and good team leadership . 也许,这正是为何许多公司不断提高他们的经理的知识,并通过团队管理胶囊或会话技能之一。 Probably, that is one of the reasons why many companies keep upgrading their manager's knowledge and skill through team management capsules or sessions. 与前获得如何管理一个团队概念,让我们了解什么是团队。 Before getting on with the concept of how to manage a team, let us understand what a team is. 团队是一群人有不同的技能,来共同为短期或长期要么,有效地分配工作任务,或执行日常业务工作组。 A team is a group of people with different skills that come together either for a short period or long term, to effectively work on assigned assignments, or perform daily operational tasks. 无论你是一个新的管理团队,或管理一个项目小组或其他小组,指导,管理和团队建设的顺利和生产经营和服务的最终目标是完全一样的,已经得到满足。 Whether one is managing a new team, or managing a project team or any other team, the guidelines to manage and team building are alike; as the end goal of smooth and productive operations and services has to be met.

有效管理的团队 Effective Management of a Team

一个经理负责确保所承担的高级管理人员在纸面上的计划目标是有效和成功实施,并成为当地的现实情况。 A manager is responsible for ensuring that the vision of the plan borne by the senior management on paper is efficiently and successfully implemented, and becomes a ground reality. 目前只是在一个新的成员与新团队入选的方式略有不同,而不是一个新的团队正在与该公司现有员工组成。 There are just a few differences in a way a new team with new members is inducted, as opposed to a new team being formed with existing employees of the company. 这里的人事管理开始发挥作用。 Here personnel management comes into play. 一个新的团队需要引进,而现有的员工团队,只需要得到重新认识(如果他们工作在不同的部门)。 传播的关键是解决所有问题,包括冲突。 A new team needs to be introduced, whereas a team of existing employees just need to get re-acquainted (if they work in different departments). Communication is the key to resolve all issues, including a conflict. 作为一个团队领导,你应该了解的目标和期望,从高级管理您作为一个团队的经理,而你必须要清楚所有关于该小组的重要信息,你打算知道领导。 As a team head, you should understand the goals and expectations that the senior management has from you as a team manager, while you should be well aware of all the vital information about the team you intend to lead. 重要信息你应该教育你的团队之一,是关于目标,作用,权力和责任,和最后期限。 One of the important information you should educate your team is about the objectives, roles, authority and responsibilities, and deadlines.

车队经理应评估的优势,弱点,机会和任务落实到团队成员以及其对项目的整体影响涉及威胁。 The team manager should assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in assigning tasks to team members as well as its overall impact on the project. 请确保您委派工作的技能,知识和各成员国的利率水平为基础。 Make sure you delegate work based on the skills, knowledge and interest levels of each member. 组同步发展,努力将需要时间,但作为一个团队,负责您需要促进了很好的节奏这些变化。 Synchronizing group development and effort will take time, but as a team head you need to facilitate these changes at a good pace. 要非常明确的指示,模棱两可的语言,只会造成混乱,会为球队的不和谐。 Be very clear with instructions, ambiguous language will only give rise to confusion and will create disharmony in the team. 确保你的团队知道,与权力来自责任制和问责制。 Make sure your team knows that with power comes responsibility and accountability. 这需要处理微妙。 This needs to be handled delicately. 成员不会风险,即使计算的,如果他们觉得他们的球队负责人将不支持他们通过一个失败。 The members will not take risk, even calculated ones, if they feel that their team head will not support them through a failure.

虽然是一个团队,承担部分记住,该集团还将关注偏见您的部分待遇。 While being part of a team, bear in mind that the group will also watch for biased treatment on your part. 作为对一些是很自然的偏见,但是,什么是不作为车队经理预期是对它一贯和盲目的行为。 Being biased towards a few is natural, however, what is not expected as a team manager is to act upon it consistently and blindly. 有偏见的行为可以一再发生,不仅严重影响的项目,但同时也对你有能力带领球队无疑。 Repeated incidents of biased behavior can have serious repercussions not only on the project, but will also cast a doubt on your ability to lead a team. 必要时将严厉,软在至关重要的。 Be stern where required, and soft where essential. 这是一个很好的路线,但平衡得好对你反映良好。 It is a fine line, but balancing it well will reflect well on you. 确保所有的文书工作也已到位。 Make sure all your paperwork is also in place.

团队的利益冲突是任何组织预期的一部分。 Team conflict of interest is an expected part of any organizations. 思想,观念,过程,程序,甚至态度的冲突可以破坏一个项目,如果没有处理好。 Clash of thoughts, ideas, process, procedure or even attitude can derail a project if not handled well. 然而,并不是所有的冲突是不好的,以及信道时,它可以将非常富有成效。 However, not all conflict is bad, when well channelized it can be highly productive. 在解决冲突,研究其原因和后果良好。 While resolving conflict, study its causes and consequences well. 计算出的最佳方式解决这一问题,但没有拉响偏见。 Figure out the best way to resolve it, without sounding biased. 不要把所有参与冲突,让时间来解决各成员自己了。 Do not get involved into all conflicts, give time to the members to resolve it on their own. 巧妙地让他们知道你相信自己的智慧和经验,并有足够的信心,他们将通过他们的冲突。 Let them know subtly that you trust their intelligence and experience, and have enough confidence that they will work through their conflicts. 灌输或选择或多或少人民共同分享的价值观,以确保一个良好的工作团队之间的关系。 Inculcating or choosing people with more or less common shared values will ensure a good working relation among the team. 明确界定车队的行为,什么是不能接受的是工作场所的道德守则。 Clearly define team's code of behavior and workplace ethics about what is and isn't acceptable. 个人的问题,性行为不端和诽谤不应该鼓励。 Personal issues, sexual misconduct and backbiting should not be encouraged.

一个小组的经理给他们的权力,他/她能够行使选择队员的同时,决定谁做什么,什么样的通信方式,建立,发展和执行观念,激励人们很多很多的权力。 A team manager has many powers which give them plenty of authority he/she can exercise while choosing team members, deciding who does what, what mode of communication to establish, developing and executing ideas, and motivating people. 良好的团队经理人谁可以忽略了失败,并确保该集团的集体成功。 A good team manager is someone who can overlook a failure and ensure collective success for the group. 所有上述各点应该回答关于'如何管理团队的基本问题。 All above-mentioned points should answer basic queries relating to 'How to Manage a Team'. 要成为一个好的小组组长,一名必须是球队和以身作则的一部分。 To be a good team head, one must be a part of the team and lead by example.

作者:Loveleena拉杰夫 By Loveleena Rajeev
出版日期:200992 Published: 9/2/2009

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