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Expert Python Programming-3rd edition (2019).pdf

This book is written for Python developers who wish to go further in mastering Python. And by developers, I mean mostly professionals, so programmers who write Python software for their living. This is because it focuses mostly on tools and practices that are crucial for creating performant, reliable, and maintainable software in Python.


Advanced-Guide-to-Python-3-Programming (2019).pdf

1. It assumes knowledge of Python 3 and of concepts such as functions, classes, protocols, Abstract Base Classes, decorators, iterables, collection types (such as List and Tuple) etc. 2. However, the book assumes very little knowledge or experience of the topics presented. 3. The book is divided into eight topic areas; Computer graphics, Games, Testing, File Input/Output, Database Access, Logging, Concurrency and Parallelism and Network Programming. 4. Each topic in the book has an introductory chapter followed by chapters that delve into that topic. 5. The book includes exercises at the end of most chapters. 6. All code examples (and exercise solutions) are provided on line in a GitHub repository.


Defending IoT Infrastructures with the Raspberry Pi (2019).pdf

The Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial control systems (ICS) require special attention from a cybersecurity point of view. This is based on the well-known and -documented fact that the protocols and implementations have vulnerabilities that when exploited can produce considerable damage and provide an avenue for the exfiltration of data.



This book amalgamates data science and software engineering in a pragmatic manner. It guides the reader through topics from these worlds and exemplifies concepts through software. As a reader, you will gain insight into areas rarely covered in textbooks, since they are hard to explain and illustrate. You will see the Cynefin framework in action via examples that give an overarching context and systematic approach for your data science endeavors.


Windows Kernel Programming (2019).pdf

There is nothing like the power of the kernel in Windows - but how do you write kernel drivers to take advantage of that power? This book will show you how.The book describes software kernel drivers programming for Windows. These drivers don't deal with hardware, but rather with the system itself: processes, threads, modules, registry and more. Kernel code can be used for monitoring important events, preventing some from occurring if needed. Various filters can be written that can intercept calls that a driver may be interested in.


Linux Basics for Hackers (2019)

This book is not intended for the experienced hacker or the experienced Linux admin. Instead, it is intended for those who want to get started along the exciting path of hacking, cybersecurity, and pentesting. It is also intended not as a complete treatise on Linux or hacking but rather a starting point into these worlds. It begins with the essentials of Linux and extends into some basic scripting in both bash and Python. Wherever appropriate, I have tried to use examples from the world of hacking to teach Linux principles.


Applied Machine Learning (2019).pdf

The book is revised and corrected from class notes written for a course I've taught on numerous occasions to very broad audiences. Most students were at the final year undergraduate/first year graduate student level in a US university. About half of each class consisted of students who weren’t computer science students but still needed a background in learning methods. The course stressed applying a wide range of methods to real datasets, and the book does so, too.


Indoor Positioning (2019).pdf

The two main reasons for the book are to take stock of the real performances, i.e. in fact the limitations, of the various indoor positioning technologies and its corollary, to show that it is already possible to produce many systems, meeting real needs, on the simple condition of very slightly changing the angle of our vision of positioning.


Industrial System Engineering for Drones (2019).pdf

The focus of this book is a typical electromechanical system design, with emphasis on electrical hardware system design concepts. You will be taken through the processes and methodologies comprehensively using the fairly complex electromechanical system of a drone as an example.


Linux Basics for Hackers (Kali) (2019).pdf

Hacking is an elite profession within the IT field. As such, it requires an extensive and detailed understanding of IT concepts and technologies. At the most fundamental level, Linux is a requirement. I strongly suggest you invest time and energy into using and understanding it if you want to make hacking and information security your career.


Practical Machine Learning and Image Processing (2019).pdf

Practical Machine Learning and Image Processing gives readers deep insight into the basics of image processing and various image processing methodologies and algorithms, applications using various Python libraries, and real-time use case implementation using machine learning approaches.


The Secret Life of Programs (2019).pdf

This book is for people who want to become good programmers. What makes a good programmer? First and foremost, a good programmer has good critical thinking and analysis skills. To solve complex problems, a programmer needs the ability to evaluate whether or not programs actually solve the right problem correctly. This is more difficult than it sounds. It’s not uncommon for an experienced programmer to look at someone else’s program and snarkily comment, “Why, that's a complex nonsolution to a simple nonproblem."


Game Development Using Python 1st Edition (2019)

This book is about computer games. It’s about how to develop them using the Python language, but the book also includes some design instruction, ideas about handling assets, and a host of things that should be useful for a game developer.


Cyber Operations_ Building, Defending, and Attacking 2nd Edition (2019)

This book is designed for readers who are comfortable with Windows, Linux, and networking who want to learn the operational side of cyber security. It is meant to be read hand in hand with systems; indeed, the only way to learn cyber operations is to lay hands on a keyboard and work. Set up the various systems described in the book, try out the attacks, and look for the traces left by the attacks. Initially you may want to follow the text closely; but as you gain proficiency, it is better to use the text only as a guide and starting place for your own explorations.


Becoming the Hacker 1st Edition (2019)

The reader should have basic security experience, for example, through running a network or encountering security issues during application development. Formal education in security is useful, but not required. This title is suitable for people with at least two years of experience in development, network management, or DevOps, or with an established interest in security.


Hands-On Penetration Testing with Python 1st Edition (2019)

If you are a security consultant, developer, or a cyber security enthusiast with little or no knowledge of Python, and require in-depth insights into how the pentesting ecosystem and Python combine to create offensive tools, exploits, automate cyber security use cases, and much more besides, then this book is for you. Hands-On Penetration Testing with Python guides you through the advanced uses of Python for cyber security and pentesting, helping you to better understand security loopholes within your infrastructure.


Foundations of Blockchain 1st Edition (2019)

This book is designed for anyone who is looking to dive into the foundations of the blockchain technology space. Although this book builds a foundation for blockchain technology for beginners, it can also be used by blockchain developers as a quick reference guide and also to gain deeper insights on a few exciting topics of the technology


Learning Algorithms through Pprogramming and Puzzle (2018)

Our goal is to develop an Intelligent Tutoring System for learning algorithms through programming that can compete with the best professors in a traditional classroom.


Linux The Textbook 2nd Edition (2019)

This second edition is guided by the same intentions and core principles as the first edition, particularly in terms of both its scope and its content. It is intended as a textbook on the modern, 21st-century Linux operating system. It uses an introductory pedagogic style, very similar to the explication and layout of the previous edition.


Web Programming with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript 1st Edition (2019)

Unlike many client-side web programming books, this book presents not only HTML and CSS, but also JavaScript, the document object model (DOM), and canvas. With that programming depth, the book works well for sophomore and junior Computer Science majors who have programming experience.


Hands-On IoT Solutions with Blockchain 1st Edition (2019)

This book is for anyone who is responsible for the security mechanisms of an IoT infrastructure, and IT professionals who wish to develop solutions using blockchain and IoT on the IBM Cloud platform. A basic understanding of IoT is required.


Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++ 1st Edition (2019)

This book is designed primarily as a textbook for a typical computer science undergraduate course in OpenGL 3D graphics programming. However, we have also endeavored to create a text that could be used to teach oneself, without an accompanying course. With both of those aims in mind, we have tried to explain things as clearly and simply as we can. All of the programming examples are stripped down and simplified as much as possible, but they are still complete so that the reader may run them all as presented.


Natural Language Processing with PyTorch 1st Edition (2019)

This book aims to bring newcomers to natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning to a tasting table covering important topics in both areas. Both of these subject areas are growing exponentially. As it introduces both deep learning and NLP with an emphasis on implementation, this book occupies an important middle ground.


Python for Data Science for Dummies 2nd edition (2019)

About This Book The main purpose of Python for Data Science For Dummies, 2nd Edition is to take the scare factor out of data science by showing you that data science is not only really interesting but also quite doable using Python. You might assume that you need to be a computer science genius to perform the complex tasks normally associated with data science, but that’s far from the truth.


Jump Start Vue.js 1st edition (2019)

Who Should Read This Book? This books is for developers with experience of JavaScript. If you've already used a component based JavaScript framework such as React, you'll find this book an easy read, but it's also suitable for readers with no prior experience of such frameworks.


Head First Kotlin (2019)

Who is this book for? If you can answer “yes” to all of these: Have you done some programming? Do you want to learn Kotlin? Do you prefer actually doing things and applying the stuff you learn over listening to someone in a lecture rattle on for hours on end?


The Linux Command Line 2nd Edition (2019)

This book is for new Linux users who have migrated from other platforms. Most likely you are a “power user” of some version of Microsoft Windows.


Learn Keras for Deep Neural Networks (2019)

The book is focused on a fast-paced approach to exploring practical deep learning concepts with math and programming-friendly abstractions. You will learn to design, develop, train, validate, and deploy deep neural networks using the industry's favorite Keras framework.


Impractical Python Projects 1st Edition (2018)

As you work through the projects, you’ll increase your knowledge of useful Python libraries and modules; learn more shortcuts, built-in functions, and helpful techniques; and practice designing, testing, and optimizing programs. Additionally, you’ll be able to relate what you’re doing to realworld applications, datasets, and issues.


PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites Visual QuickPro Guide 5th Edition (2018)

What Are Dynamic Web Sites? Dynamic web sites are flexible and potent creatures, more accurately described as applications than merely sites. Dynamic web sites : - Respond to different parameters (for example, the time of day or the version of the visitor's browser) - Have a “memory,” allowing for user registration and login, e-commerce, and similar processes - Almost always integrate HTML forms, allowing visitors to perform searches, provide feedback, and so forth - Often have interfaces where administrators can manage the content - Are easier to maintain, upgrade, and build upon than statically made sites


The Deep Learning Revolution 1st edition (2018)

The Deep Learning Revolution is a guide to the past, present, and future of deep learning. Not meant to be a comprehensive history of the field, it is rather a personal view of key conceptual advances and the community of researchers who made them. Human memory is fallible and shifts with every retelling of a story, a process called “reconsolidation.” The stories in this book stretch over forty years, and even though some are as vivid to me as if they occurred yesterday, I am well aware that the details have been edited by my memory's retellings over time.


Java Program Design_ Principles, Polymorphism, and Patterns 1st Edition (2019)

This book illustrates object-oriented concepts by taking examples from the Java class library. Many of the library classes are well designed, and it is instructive to examine their designs and implementations. Some library classes have questionable designs, and it is equally instructive to examine their defects and consider alternatives.


Modern Algorithms for Image Processing (2018)

This book intends to help you develop efficient software for processing two-dimensional images. There are a lot of books on image processing, but important algorithms are missing from these books. I have developed many efficient algorithms as a new and important contribution to this area.


Fundamentals of Linux (2018)

In this book, the goal is to build a solid foundation of learning all the essentials of the Linux command line to get you started. It has been designed to strongly focus on learning only the practical core skills and essential Linux knowledge, which is really important when beginning this wonderful OS in an easy way.


Pandas Cookbook (2017)

This book contains nearly 100 recipes, ranging from very simple to advanced. All recipes strive to be written in clear, concise, and modern idiomatic pandas code. The How it works... sections contain extremely detailed descriptions of the intricacies of each step of the recipe. Often, in the There's more... section, you will get what may seem like an entirely new recipe. This book is densely packed with an extraordinary amount of pandas code.



In this book, it introduces the topic of Deep Learning and neural networks by adopting exactly the opposite position. The reasons are mentioned above. The eld of Deep Learning and neural networks can make major advances if there is a continuous exchange between neuroscience and machine learning. For this, the book will present also some interesting facts from neuroscience and will not just present only technical neuron models.


Web Scraping with Python, 2nd Edition (2018)

This book is designed to serve not only as an introduction to web scraping, but as a comprehensive guide to collecting, transforming, and using data from uncooperative sources. Although it uses the Python programming language and covers many Python basics, it should not be used as an introduction to the language.


Neural Networks for Electronics Hobbyists (2018)

This book is for the layman and the electronics hobbyist who wants to know a little more about neural networks. We start off with an interesting nontechnical introduction to neural networks, and then we construct an electronics project to give you some hands-on experience training a network.


Introduction to Visual Computing (2018)

This book is the culmination of over a decade of teaching of a newly designed umbrella course on visual computing that would provide students with fundamentals in the different areas of computer graphics, computer vision and image processing.


Learn Data Analysis with Python (2018)

If you are already using Python for data analysis, just browse this book’s table of contents. You will probably find a bunch of things that you wish you knew how to do in Python. If so, feel free to turn directly to that chapter and get to work. Each lesson is, as much as possible, self-contained. Be warned! This book is more a workbook than a textbook.



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