introduce the RT_Portal

Simple introduce how to develope RT-Portal base on we had Portal project.
we plan two parts.
First part : simple introduce our ideas how to develope the portal.
Second part : ask question and answer.
Now let’s begin
First part
Our important items:
First : how to build development environment base on one portal project.
Second : jsp interface explain.
Third : the list tree part,how to load on the the tree list and show.
Fourth : the list template node part, how to load on template node list and show.
Fifth : when we develop a new node , what should we do?
Sixth : How to we use svg show the tree full information.
Seventh: some problem i meet and how to solve when do the portal project.
Eighth : let wanglu to introduce the template Node area, exorpt jpg ,pdf and some other things.
Nineth : let liuxiangfeng to introude the import and export a tree for xml formation.
All above these introduce,just explain our ideas and how to we realized. I think you must be have a better ideas and do better than us.
First: build develope environment base on we had portal project.
We should have:
3:eclispse (Integrated Development Environment)
4:portal project

Second : jsp interface explain.(jsp 界面讲解)
Our main interface is divided into four parts.
The main jsp interface file is frameset.jsp.

Four parts:
1:tree list part
2:tree full information show part.
3:template node list part.
4:the above three part’s show for detail.

Third : the list tree part,how to load on the the tree list and show.
After the mian jsp interface file lond on(the frameset.jsp load on),
The some javaScript method was called,the listTree method is one of the them.the listTree menthod can find the list tree area html label,and call the listTree action for get the list tree data(the return data was Assembled json format by the action method).
Then show the tree lsit.
There is some thing you should know,the tree is a Easy_UI tree. So if you want complete understand this tree,you should understand a Easy_UI tree.
You also should know how to build a Easy_UI tree,and the Easy_UI tree’s method and property.
Of course, just as you see ,we also use Easy_UI tab for load on know more Easy_UI knowledge will hlpe you .

Fourth : the list template node part, how to load on template node list and show.
A lot of this part have the same idea as tree list part. Some different is template node list can have second directory and child. If you can know the tree list part , I think this part is not diffcult for you . If you real have difficult you can ask wanglu. He did this part,and know more than us. He can give you useful advice.

Fifth : when we develop a new node , what should we do?
1:what should we do for template node list can show the new node.
2:what should we do for when svg show the full tree information,we can see the new type node.

1:what should we do for template node list can show the new node.
a : configuration the new node’s properties file(such as wdr.node.xml)
b : modify some constants. Let this constants the new node’s information.
Some advice: of course, later we can put these constants in some configuration properties file. That may be better.
c : add new node’s domain file.(the file should like make the file name like this ,just for one reason: we use java reflection idea. If don’t like this ,we cann’t find the file,and cann’t do other thing.)
d :add new node’s jsp file. This jsp file name also have some rule. The name should like WDRRouteNode.jsp.(if you had saw our code,you may be know why. Because in struts2 aciton method,we return result name is like “WDR” + “RouteNode.jsp”. the “WDR” create by the node’s type. )

2:what should we do for when svg show the full tree information,we can see the new type node.
a : modify the enum typeNode file,add a new enum such as WDR(nodetype,nodeName). Here the nodetype is instand of the new node’s type , the nodeName is new node’s name.

b : put the new node’s image file in the image directory.

Attention: keep all above this is useful, you should first keep the bmp can provide right soap realized.
After you do all above,you can start the service and test the new node.

Sixth : How to we use svg show the tree full information.
Before explain this part,
We should know how to use svg create a rect,circle,line and link imge.
And how to change rect or other obj’s properties by javaScript method.
We also need know a little xml knowledge and use java API create a xml file.
Some advice: here is some advice may be help you.
a : we should keep the xml is format good. The file can like a DOM tree.
b:every object in the svg.xml file should have a id properties,and the id is only. This can help us find the obj by getElementId() method. And then ,we can do what we want do.
c : you can use extended attributes save useful information instand of the disply:none line save information.
d : you can try to use java API create a base svg.xml file. And use javaScript do the other most part. Because of use java API create a file is slow, use javaScipt is more fast.

rect , circle , line and so on. There are all svg object is Element in java API.
We use java API create a format good svg.xml file. In this file, we link some javaScript file. and after load on the svg.xml,the some object like rect,circle,line and so,had been add some Event . So when we click a tree, the first time,show the tree full information is draw by java API, and then if we do some operation will trigger some Event, this Event will call some javaScript mentod to finish something(such as add a new node,or delete a node.)

Seventh: some problem i meet and how to solve when do the portal project.
a : how to create a formation good svg.xml file.(According to the treeNode create a svg.xml file,and make the file like a DOM tree.)
b : how to save the useful information.(the better way is use expanded attrbutes.)
c : how to layout a node.
d : how to draw the text node,trim blank spaces and use what attributes to save the node’s name or line name.
e : how to draw a new node to right positon and move the other node to right position.
f : when delete a node or exits(node’s exits),how to move the all the left node to the right position.
g: how to larger or smaller the tree node’s. of course after larger or smller the tree node’s should keep can add a new node to right position and delete node or exits right.
h : how to realized the drag node.
l : how to realized redo or undo operation.(note: redo operatin only can do after undo operation.)
j : how to solve the drag tab line move problem.

Eighth : let wanglu to introduce the template Node area, exorpt jpg ,pdf and some other things.
Nineth : let liuxiangfeng to introude the import and export a tree for xml formation.
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