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原创 CentOS 8 服务器安装K8s
[root@master01 ~]# kubeadm init --kubernetes-version=1.18.3 --apiserver-advertise-address= --image-repository registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers --service-cidr= --pod-network-cidr= 03:59:15.488856 22361.
2020-06-16 16:39:14 648
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 安装阿里巴巴 钉钉应用 Dingtalk for Linux原生应用
版本一:DEB安装程序提取网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LuDlmZBJvYYWhBBJVsYqhQ 提取码: 2dgg版本二: [deb安装包] 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1z0Wv-saqfb4kr-rL6Gh8Zg提取码: 3c61 [appImage] 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DnDBXOJ0z7GVBc11NuPefg提取码: 646j ...
2020-06-15 17:47:02 3289
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 安装ADF开发环境
1.ADF文档官网:https://www.alfresco.com/abn/adf/docs/2.安装Node.js, npm, AngularJS23.安装Yeomannpm install -g yonpm install -g generator-alfresco-adf-app@latest4.创建ADF应用yo alfresco-adf-app5.创建网页 component组件/veiw视图ng generate component my-first-c.
2020-06-09 15:53:54 344
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 系统常用命令
1.查看Linux系统信息uname -a2.查看端口占用情况lsof -i:42003.查询指令安装位置whereis wps4.查看IP地址ifconfig5.清理垃圾篓垃圾文件sudo rm -fr $HOME/.local/share/Trash/files/
2020-06-09 15:25:14 7871
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 安装AngularJS 开发环境方案
1.查看官网指引:https://angular.io/guide/setup-localTo use the Angular framework, you should be familiar with the following:JavaScript HTML CSS2.安装Node.jsAngular requires acurrent, active LTS, or maintenance LTSversion ofNode.js. See theengineskey f...
2020-06-04 09:31:18 458
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 Linux安装 openOffice
1.下载资源:wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/4.1.7/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz2.解压tar zxvf Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz3.在解压的目录中,进入DEBS目录,输入命
2020-06-03 15:45:33 965 6
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 安装kibana教程
Install Kibana with Debian PackageeditThe Debian package for Kibana can be downloaded from our website or from our APT repository. It can be used to install Kibana on any Debian-based system such as Debian and Ubuntu.This package is free to use under the
2020-05-27 14:36:36 428
原创 Deepin 20 UOS 20 发行信息查询命令
dylan@uos:/$ lsb_release -csn/adylan@uos:/$ lsb_release -csn/adylan@uos:/$ lsb_release -cCodename: n/adylan@uos:/$ lsb_release -vNo LSB modules are available.dylan@uos:/$ lsb_release -iDistributor ID: Uosdylan@uos:/$ lsb_release -aNo LSB module.
2020-05-27 10:21:53 812
原创 Deepin V20 Linux 安装 postgresql完美方案
sudo apt-get install curl ca-certificates gnupgcurl https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -Create/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list. The distributions are calledcodename-pgdg. In the example, replacebusterwith the act...
2020-05-26 20:05:24 1763 1
原创 Deepin V20 beta 软件开发环境装机必备
Java 开发者:sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk前端开发者:sudo apt install nodejs npmPython开发者:sudo apt install python python3Docker后端运维工具:sudo apt install docker.io
2020-05-23 00:40:54 800
原创 Deepin V20 beta 注销遇到 DRM: Pointer to TMDS table invalid 解决办法
问题描述: 使用Deepin V20 beta版本,笔记本是NVIDA显卡,注销时遇到Pointer to TMDS table invalid 问题: 解决办法: 打开Deepin Linux 终端输入:sudo vim /etc/default/grub2.删除红色区域部分:nouveau.modeset=0 之后如下图3.ESC 保存文件/etc/default/grub:wq4.保存好后刷新文件使生效:sudo update-grub...
2020-05-23 00:26:00 2857 1
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