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原创 SL4A eclipse 开发环境搭建

1.安装Pydev"help" -> "Install New Software"配置python路径2.新建一个Pydev Project3.将SL4A的android.py(在手机的/mnt/sdcard/com.googlecode.pythonforandroid/extras/python目录中)放到新建的工程中4.创建一个加载脚本Launch_app

2012-08-28 15:22:34 2828

原创 SL4A安装

Scripting Layer for Android (SL4A) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have a

2012-08-27 16:34:22 6536 1

转载 单元测试准则

译文出处:http://yangyubo.com/unit-testing-guidelines/原文出处:http://geosoft.no/development/unittesting.html译者 (yospaly) 前言:实施单元测试的时候, 如果没有一份经过实践证明的详细规范, 很难掌握测试的 “度”, 范围太小施展不开, 太大又侵犯 “别人的” 地盘. 上帝的归上帝, 凯

2012-08-15 10:07:46 2579

原创 在vs中使用gtest

* 在vs中使用gtest:PROPERTIES::Date: :By: yafeilee:END:** 准备gtest框架 1.下载gtest-1.6.0.zip2.解压后,进入gtest-1.6.0/msvc目录3.打开gtest工程编译4.将编译生成的gtest.lib和gtestd.lib放入gtest-1.6.0/lib中** 创建测试工程

2012-08-15 09:57:29 3326

原创 V8 and Javascript gotchas

Gotcha #1: this keywordGotcha #2: variable scope and variable evaluation strategy Object properties are not iterated in order (V8) Comparing NaN with anything (even NaN) is always fa

2012-08-09 21:23:44 2287

原创 ElasticSearch安装记录


2012-08-09 21:07:30 2986

原创 JavaScript Performance Rocks

2012-08-09 17:26:41 2276

原创 pagespeed 摘要 - Optimize browser rendering

Use efficient CSS selectors1.Avoid a universal key selector.2.Make your rules as specific as possible.3.Remove redundant qualifiers.4.Avoid using descendant selectors, especially those t

2012-08-09 17:15:25 1935

原创 pagespeed 摘要 - Minimize payload size

Enable compressionNote that gzipping is only beneficial for larger resources. Due to the overhead and latency of compression and decompression, you should only gzip files above acertain size thresho

2012-08-09 17:07:29 2128

原创 pagespeed 摘要 - Minimize request overhead

Minimize request size1500 bytes 1.Use server-side storage for most of the cookie payload.2.Remove unused or duplicated cookie fields. cookie应小于400bytes Serve static content from a cookie

2012-08-09 16:54:42 2280

原创 pagespeed 摘要 - Minimize round-trip times

Minimize DNS lookupsThe optimal number is somewhere between 1 and 5hosts (1 main host plus 4 hosts on which to parallelize cacheable resources). As a rule of thumb, you shouldn't use more than 1 h

2012-08-09 16:49:39 724

原创 pagespeed 摘要 - Optimize caching

Leverage browser caching1.Set caching headers aggressively for all static resources.Set Expires to a minimum of one month, and preferably up to one year, in the future. (We prefer Expires over C

2012-08-09 16:26:45 463

原创 Clojure介绍

What is Clojure?Clojure is a dynamic,LISP-like programming language that runs on the JVm. HomoiconicCode is DataData is CodeEverything is listFairly functionalRuntime p

2012-08-09 15:59:45 442

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-10.Tools

JavaScript Profilingvar Timer = {_data: {},start: function(key) {Timer._data[key] = new Date();},stop: function(key) {var time = Timer._data[key];if (time) {Timer._data[key] = new Da

2012-08-09 14:54:16 692

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-8.Programming Practices

• Avoid the double evaluation penalty by avoiding the use of eval() and theFunction() constructor. Also, pass functions into setTimeout() and setInterval() instead of strings.• Use object and arra

2012-08-09 14:46:25 393

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-7.Ajax

Data TransmissionRequesting DataThere are five general techniques for requesting data from a server:• XMLHttpRequest (XHR)var url = '/data.php';var params = ['id=934875','limit=20'];

2012-08-09 14:37:10 474

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-6.Responsive Interfaces

Browser LimitsCallstack size limitLong-running script limit 100ms Yielding with Timersvar button =document.getElementById("my-button");button.onclick =function(){ oneMethod(); set

2012-08-09 14:16:37 494

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-5.Strings and Regular Expressions

//跨浏览器,性能稳定if (!String.prototype.trim) {String.prototype.trim = function() {return this.replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/, "");}} // 长字符串操作时变慢String.prototype.trim = function() {retu

2012-08-09 14:05:20 567

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-3.DOM Scripting

HTML collections are array-like objects containing DOM node references. • document.getElementsByName()• document.getElementsByClassName()• document.getElementsByTagName()• document.images• d

2012-08-09 11:38:08 531

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-2.Data Access

Scope Chains and Identifier Resolutionfunction add(num1, num2){ var sum = num1 + num2; return sum;}Scope Chain Augmentationwith表达式会临时改变execution context中的Scope chain,一个新的包含

2012-08-09 11:05:56 505

原创 <<High Performance JavaScript>>读书笔记-1.Loading and Execution

标签会阻塞页面的解析过程,新的浏览器已经充许标签之间可以并行下载,但仍然会阻塞其它资源的下载 Nonblocking Scripts 1.Deferred Scriptsdefer>ie支持。一个带有defer属性的标签可以放置在文档的任何位置。对应的JavaScript 文件将在被解析时启动下载,但代码不会被执行,直到DOM加载完成(在onload 事件句柄被调用

2012-08-09 10:00:20 673

原创 common test 记录

erlang 字符串连接要用string:concat/2或string:join/2,不能用++以GUI方式启动common testct_run -vts -browser firefox -config cfg/test.cfg -logdir logs/ -dir ./ -erl_args -pa /home/louieli/work/test/itf -s inets sta

2012-08-08 20:03:47 987

原创 工具箱

1. gow 轻量级cygwin替代软件2. Fiddler3. REDbot:Awesome HTTP Testing4. HTTPie is a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans5. Minerva sol文件修改http://blog.coursevector.com/minerva6.ip查询http://counter.sina

2012-08-08 17:32:35 719

原创 Hudson安装

最简单配置1.去http://hudson-ci.org/ 下载最新hudson版本,hudson.war2.运行java -jar hudson.war 启动hudson服务 hudson与tomcat集成1.配置JAVA环境#安装tomcatVM159:/opt# tar zxvf /software/apache-tomcat-6.0.18.tar.gz#安装

2012-08-08 17:19:10 656

原创 正则表达式非


2012-08-08 16:59:35 1431

原创 SVN查找文件

svn list -R --verbose file:///usr/svn/repos | grep 'xxx'

2012-08-08 16:58:21 7022

原创 如何打patch

diff -urN  old/ new/  > mysoft.patch patch -po

2012-08-08 16:54:46 726

原创 Ftp命令行传文件

C:\hudson>type ftp.txtopen C:\hudson\workspace\DBANK_TEST\log\piccd stylecheck/picmput *byeC:\hudson>ftp -s:ftp.txt -i//每天0点执行命令C:\hudson>at 0

2012-08-08 16:44:03 546

原创 快速创建大文件

fsutil file createnew  a.txt 2086207400

2012-08-08 15:59:32 458

原创 js 版 tail -f

#!/usr/local/bin/nodevar fs = require('fs');if(process.argv.length < 3){ console.log('usage: ./watch.js filename'); process.exit(0);}fs.watchFile(process.argv[2],function(curr,prev){

2012-08-06 10:13:34 962

原创 Js 单元测试框架介绍


2012-08-03 17:05:23 393

原创 前端自动化测试环境搭建

YUI TEST + SELENIUM + HUDSON = 前端自动化测试一、安装包准备1.yuitest_1.0.0b2.zip (http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yuitest/yuitest_1.0.0b2.zip)或者yui_3.4.0.zip (http://yui.zenfs.com/releases/yui3/yui_3.4.0.

2012-08-03 17:02:07 1139

原创 ghost命令行

1.备份把第一块硬盘第一分区信息备份到当前文件夹下ghost -sure -clone,mode=pdump,src=1:1,dst=system.gho2.恢复ghost -sure -rb -clone,mode=pload,src=system.gho:1,dst=1:1 -fx

2012-08-03 16:59:57 1745

原创 开启phpmyadmin多服务器管理

VM155:/opt/lampp/htdocs # tar zxvf /home/userSoft/phpMyAdmin- # mv phpMyAdmin- dmVM155:/opt/lampp/htdocs # vim dm/libra

2012-08-03 16:57:16 489



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