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翻译 Leetcode 563. Binary Tree Tilt

Link to the problemIt is kinda intuitive that a recursive approach fits this problem perfectly. The main challenge lies in that we have to seek out a way to calculate the tilt of a node and sum all ...

2018-06-09 05:16:27 129

翻译 Leetcode 783. Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes

Link to the problemThe main idea was to apply in-order traversal to the BST. One key observation is that for a triad of nodes, one only has to compare the left and right child to its parent. There ...

2018-06-02 06:09:59 238

转载 Trie/ Leetcode 648. Replace Word

Relevant problem: Leetcode 648. Replace Word Using Trie, we can search the key in O(M)O(M)O(M) time, with a penalty on Trie storage requirement.An implementation:class TrieNode { // Initia...

2018-06-02 03:39:01 169

转载 Leetcode 733. Flood Fill

The description of the problem can be found here. It is a relatively simple problem. To solve this, we can simply use DFS to find all the neighboring tiles with the same color and color them with ne...

2018-05-31 12:40:22 160

翻译 347. Top K Frequent Elements

There are several ways to solve this problem. The approach that we are going to focus on here is called Bucket Sort. For details of Bucket Sort, you can visit this website: 点击打开链接. Here is a visualiza...

2018-05-20 02:51:27 100

翻译 Find the kth smallest element in two sorted array

The basic thought is as followsthe pseudo code will be as follows i <- k/2, j <- k/2 step <- k/4 while step > 0 if a[k/2] > b[k/2] i -= step j += step else i += step

2018-01-25 13:04:20 584

翻译 238. Product of Array Except Self

The main idea for this problem is to separate the multiplication into 2 parts— one before the number and one after the number. Therefore, we can solve this problem in two iterations. class Solution {

2018-01-03 13:46:15 115

翻译 637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree

It is really easy to implement this in a BFS manner. The only challenge lies in how to make sure that we are only counting the node that we need. A quick solution is to get the size of the queue every

2017-11-29 13:45:23 139

翻译 Split Linked List in Parts

This is a fairly easy problem The main idea is to first find the length of the linked list, and then it is easy to find the length of sub linked list. Figuring out all the cases can be somewhat chal

2017-11-28 13:54:01 178

翻译 Implementation of linked list in C

There is a caveat here, which requires us to use a double pointer for the head, otherwise, we will only update the local copy of head. bool insertInFront(IntElement **head, int data){ IntElement *n

2017-11-28 12:51:30 179

翻译 Insert at the front of a linked list

Suppose that every node contains an integer datatypedef struct IntElement{ struct IntElement *next; int data;}IntElement;First, we consider inserting a node at the head of the linked list.

2017-11-28 12:49:48 141

翻译 283. Move Zeroes

Given an array nums, write a function to move all 0’s to the end of it while maintaining the relative order of the non-zero elements.For example, given nums = [0, 1, 0, 3, 12], after calling your funct

2017-11-22 12:27:18 132

翻译 226. Invert Binary Tree

Invert a binary tree.First of all, consider recursive solution./** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right;

2017-11-21 14:18:23 127

翻译 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array

Find all Duplicates in an Array with time complexity O(n)

2017-11-20 12:55:20 124



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