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原创 【fedora 35命令行挂载android设备内部USB存储空间】

fedora 35 使用gio mount挂载安卓存储, 步骤如下:1. 检查usb端口情况lsusb$ lsusb...Bus 001 Device 012: ID 05c6:f003 Qualcomm, Inc. Nokia 8110 4G...PS: 需要将手机的usb偏好设置为“文件传输”2. 使用gio mount -li命令找出mtp路径$ gio mount -li | grep mtp activation_root=mtp://Android_Android_c441

2022-05-21 23:48:07 423

原创 fedora IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.2(Community Edition)回到上一处【back】快捷键ctrl+alt+left,按住ctrl+window键+alt+left

@[TOC](fedora IntelliJ 2021.2.2(Community Edition)回到上一处【back】快捷键ctrl+alt+left,按住ctrl+window键+alt+left)如题

2021-10-06 15:24:40 197

原创 Win7 sp1下免费安装 Visual C++ 2015编译器及解决运行期缺少ucrtbased.dll

win7 sp1 免费安装VC++2015编译器

2016-10-11 19:43:49 7035

原创 CL visual C++

cl /c // compile only, no link /IC:\include // add to include search path /ZI // enable Edit and Continue debug info /nologo- // not suppress copyright message /W3 // set warning level 3(default

2016-10-10 20:21:21 478

原创 fedora 22 安装postgresql

root用户操作 1) dnf -y install postgresql-server.x86_64 2)systemctl enable postgresql.service 3)[root@localhost ~]# postgresql-setup –initdb * Initializing database in ‘/var/lib/pgsql/data’ * Initi

2016-07-24 22:44:21 1204

原创 用C++ 语言如何实现表达式拆分“1*2*3*(4+(5+6)*(7+8))+9”

问题:用C++ 语言如何实现表达式拆分 把一个字符串形式的数学表达式以拆加号为原则,一级一级拆分,最终汇总为一个字符串数组。数学表达式是由”+”、”(“、”)”和数字组成。示例如下:1、字符串表达式为:1*2*3*(4+(5+6)*(7+8))+9拆分最终的字符串数组结果为(数组元素排序没有要求): 1*2*3*4 1*2*3*5*7 1*2*3*5*8 1*2*3*6*7 1*

2016-01-22 12:47:07 1769

原创 判断单链表是否有环(C++)

问题:判断单链表是否有环(C++) 有一个链表,我们需要判断链表中是否存在环。有环则输出true,否则输出false。 输入有多行,每行为由空格分隔的两个整数m和n,m是当前结点的数据,n代表当前结点的指针域指向第n个结点。 n存在四种情形: ①为-1,代表该结点的指针域指向NULL,输入结束; ②指向该结点之前的结点,如第3个结点的指针域指向n = 2的结点; ③指向自己,如第3个结点

2016-01-21 15:35:46 1204

转载 C++11: Dynamic Memory

C++11; shared_ptr

2016-01-13 17:08:14 851

原创 fedora 22 : Vim & cscope & ctags 简易使用

Vim & cscope & ctags

2016-01-11 15:21:57 467

原创 gdb/lldb C++类的虚析构函数在虚函数表的数目为2?

gdb/lldb C++类的虚析构函数在虚函数表的数目为2?

2016-01-03 12:22:26 1044

原创 fedora 22 kde desktop & input method(Chinese) & 英文环境Konsole输入中文

fedora 22 kde1, kde桌面安装 # dnf install @kde-desktop2, 中文输入法和必要的相关模块# dnf install fcitx-libpinyin# dnf install kcm-fcitx3, 添加中文输入法(此时已切换至kde桌面环境)    Input Method Selector 设置:选择“Use

2015-12-26 17:10:50 2937

原创 C++: typename in a template template parameter

typename template

2015-12-22 18:18:16 595

转载 C++11: random #2

normal_distribution; uniform_real_distribution; lround

2015-12-19 11:13:14 553

转载 C++11: random #1

std::uniform_int_distribution; std::default_random_engine

2015-12-19 10:31:29 381

转载 C++11: regex #3


2015-12-18 22:30:18 380

转载 C++11: regex #2

regex; matched; str()

2015-12-18 19:14:01 361

转载 C++11: regex #1


2015-12-18 18:46:44 405

转载 C++11: bitset


2015-12-18 16:38:37 912

转载 C++11: tuple


2015-12-18 15:01:05 401

原创 C++11: forwarding parameter packs and define my own version of make_shared

forwarding paramerter packs

2015-12-18 10:54:14 469

转载 C++11: variadic template

#include <iostream>#include <string>template <typename T, typename... Args>void foo(const T &t, const Args& ... rest){ std::cout << sizeof...(Args) << std::endl; std::cout << sizeof.

2015-12-18 10:05:48 515

转载 C++11: std::forward

using std::forward to preserve type information in a call

2015-12-17 22:44:33 414

转载 C++11: default template arguments for both function and class templates

#include <functional>#include <iostream>template <typename T, typename F = std::less<T>>int compare(const T &v1, const T &v2, F f = F()){ if (f(v1, v2)) return -1; if (f(v2, v1)) re

2015-12-17 17:40:17 460

转载 C++11: inherited constructors

#include <string>#include <iostream>class Quote {public: Quote() = default; Quote(const std::string &book, double sales_price) : bookNo(book), price(sales_price) {}

2015-12-17 11:41:21 897

转载 C++11: deleted copy control

// Because the copy constructor is defined, the compiler will not syn-// thesize a move constructor for class B. As a result, we can neithe-// r move nor copy objects of type B. If a class derived fr

2015-12-17 10:53:18 334

转载 C++11: function type

std::function<int (int, int)>

2015-12-16 19:58:11 1122

转载 c++: allocator, uninitialized_copy, uninitialized_fill_n

#include <memory>#include <iostream>#include <vector>int main(){ std::vector<int> vi{1, 3, 5, 7}; std::allocator<int> alloc; auto p = alloc.allocate(vi.size() * 2);

2015-12-16 11:13:18 1046

转载 c++11: allocator construct

#include <memory>#include <string>#include <iostream>int main(){ const int n = 10; std::allocator<std::string> alloc; auto const p = alloc.allocate(n); auto q = p;

2015-12-16 10:45:20 1340

原创 C++11: smart pointer

std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string> > data; void check(size_type i, const std::string &msg) const;

2015-12-15 16:16:25 434

原创 C++11: unordered_map


2015-12-15 11:40:25 458

原创 c++ associative container: map and set

#include <map>#include <set>#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <locale>void rightTrimPunct(std::string &str){ std::locale locl("C");

2015-12-06 11:27:55 418

转载 C++ lambda algorithm

std::stable_sort(words.begin(), words.end(), [](const std::string &left, const std::string &right) { return left.size() < right.size(); });

2015-11-26 22:30:16 565

原创 C++ algorithm partition

#include <vector>#include <string>#include <algorithm>#include <iterator>#include <iostream>// function that take a string and return true// indicating the string has five characters // or moreb

2015-11-19 23:15:29 1193

转载 C++ back_inserter

#include <iostream>#include <iterator>#include <vector>// g++ 4.9.2 x86_64int main(){ std::vector<int> vec; auto it = back_inserter(vec); // assigning through it adds elements to vec

2015-11-16 23:05:06 1395

原创 soap_new什么模样


2015-11-05 09:51:18 1644 1

转载 vmware-tools install

ubuntu vmware-tools install header is not a valid pathtry: sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-(uname−r)/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h/usr/src/linux−headers−(uname -r)/include/generated/uapi/li

2015-08-31 11:44:38 477

原创 在线输入法与文字创意的保密


2015-08-28 15:23:25 630

转载 中文处理

中文编码 主要以GBK和UTF-8为主

2015-08-28 12:35:45 452


Per siginfo.h:SEGV_MAPERR means you tried to access an address that doesn’t map to anything.SEGV_ACCERR means you tried to access an address that you don’t have permission to access.So in both cases yo

2015-07-23 13:28:14 9858

原创 PC被62-210-209-235.rev.poneytelecom.eu 攻击

Last login: Thu Mar 19 22:03:45 HKT 2015 on pts/1Last failed login: Sat Mar 21 09:23:22 HKT 2015 from 62-210-209-235.rev.poneytelecom.eu on ssh:nottyThere were 4996 failed login attempts sin

2015-03-21 10:43:16 2995




cppreference html doc

C C++ 标准库离线文档,解压缩后打开文件html_book_20150808\reference\en\index.html查看文档 在线www.cppreference.com


build jrtplib3.7.1 for .a file

build jrtplib3.7.1 for .a file,可以生成*.a文件,文件归属原作者



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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